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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Daiko.
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 02:15 (2 Years ago)


And with that, through the power of Plot™, Kairien had left the scene and gotten everything else he had come here for, ignoring everything else that was going on. He caught a few nasty glances from other shoppers, but he paid no mind to that while he went to check out.

It's been a long day already, he just wanted to go back home... Maybe he'll take this weird journey some other time...

He put his groceries in the trunk, having a little bit of trouble closing the trunk due to the messed up latch, but he managed. Kai then slumped into the driver's seat and sat there for what seemed like ages, unsure of what to do.

He thought about all those people, how they tied into everything... Was he supposed to go with them? Was he supposed to just... Do this alone? He wasn't even sure...

(small post bc i'm lazy)

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Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 01:58 (2 Years ago)


Cryokinesis, "Spiritual Energy Manipulation", something to do with chess pieces and the "Seven Deadly Sins" or whatever, blah blah blah...

Mei was in a bad mood by now due to being forced up there (not to mention she had to use her powers, which was annoying), so even the cool stuff didn't amuse her. The girl simply sat hunched over, her arm resting on her leg as it propped up her head. Now she was getting funny looks from the people beside her, just like everyone else who had an "overdramatic" presentation... Yeah maybe she shouldn't have done that, now she had more attention than she wanted.

Thank god it was almost over, she couldn't stand being here anymore, it was all very annoying.

Wait... Did she hear that right? "House layouts"? Were they... Getting dorms?

Of course we were you idiot...

If that's the case, were they getting dormmates? Oh god she hoped not, roommates, dormmates, and even housemates were the worst. She couldn't do whatever she wanted! Every time she did, the police were called, guess no one liked a little fun...


Aoi watched everyone go on stage and demonstrate, slightly freezing upon being told that he would be going soon. While he was watching though, his mind began to wander, hardly paying attention to the honestly pretty tame demonstrations that were shown, at least compared to the previous ones... Aoi wasn't really sure on what he was thinking about, his mind just... Zoned out.

This Emika girl, the one with the chess piece servants, was finally done with her introduction, which meant he was up next. Aoi really didn't want to go, all eyes would be on him, and... How was he supposed to hide it now? Was there even a point to try and keep it under wraps for this long?

Of course there was, he wouldn't be this insistent on something so small if it was for "no good reason".

He slowly got up from his seat and kept his head low, stuffing his hands in his pockets once again. As quietly as he could, he walked down the aisles and finally made it to the front of the room. He only barely listed his head up when he went to speak, making it extremely difficult to see his face. "I'm... Aoi and I-"

He stopped. What was he supposed to say? How could he tip-toe around the truth without actually saying it? And... How was he going to say it without sounding mind-bogglingly stupid? Oh well, here it goes. Maybe if he was quiet enough, no one would hear... (I'm not sure that's how microphones worked, buddy)

And maybe, just maybe, if he drew no attention to himself throughout the year, no one would remember the fool he made out of himself.

"I have... Inhuman strength, and other stuff..." Hopefully that was enough, but he had a feeling Miss Venti wouldn't be too happy.

Wow Aoi, great going there, you totally did great, not foolish in the slightest

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 18:07 (2 Years ago)


Hey wait a minute, why couldn't that "Lin" girl demonstrate, huh? Geez, bias much? Well, couldn't she at least go up there and say her name or something? Tell everyone her powers like that Idris guy? Yeah, sure Lin's power might revolve around specific circumstances, but why couldn't she tell anyone? Why was Lin exempt?

Ok yeah, sure, Mei was getting pissed for nothing, but it didn't help that her name was the next one said. She let out a somewhat loud groan as she let her arms fall to her sides, obviously not in the mood. Her name was already said loud and clear to everyone, so what's the point... Moments after her outburst, the lights began to dim and the room quickly got darker and darker. Even the windows letting in natural light started to fade away, all until the room was darker than Mei's pitch-black heart. Within a few moments, Mei had suddenly appeared on stage, not a single footstep or noise was made that entire time.

As much as she wanted to keep the room like this, since the bright lights that lined this room were a little hard on her eyes, she reluctantly let a little light in slowly until the room was pretty much back to normal. Once everyone could actually see, all eyes landed on her, crossing her arms and an obviously unamused and slightly angry expression plastered all over her face.

There was also something strange going on with her shadow at her feet, the black mass beneath her was slowly rising out of the ground, becoming a three-dimensional, dark blob that just swirled with darkness all over the surface. The mass seemed to resemble an arm, and it was coming right out of the floor that once held her shadow. The hand rose up, then proceeded to throw a middle finger to everyone in the crowd, all while Mei simply stared at them. "Don't see why I gotta say it again-" She turned her head to glare at her Headmistress, "But I'm Mei, I guess..."

She didn't feel the need to say anything about her powers, Mei felt like the demonstration was enough, so she simply walked off stage and back to her seat, scowling the entire way. The hand at her feet waved goodbye (somehow in a rude way?) and sank back into a regular shadow on the ground below her.


"...Yeah, sure..." He said quietly, knowing Kitty wouldn't hear anyways. He sat there for a moment after she left, slowly turning his head to take one last look at the scenery.

He couldn't make a promise this time, even if he knew he'd be back later.

Because that's what he thought when he was younger, and then the sun never saw his face again. Aoi had learned not to make promises, the life he lived didn't allow him to keep them anyways.

Yeah, I'll... See you later...

His eyelashes had grown heavier and slightly damp, which made him rub his eye a little bit. Pulling away his hand, he noticed that his glove now had a dark spot. Was he... crying?

Get it together, this isn't the time.

Unless you're as weak as they say you are.

Aoi sighed and slowly got up from the bench, heading back inside behind Kitty. He admittedly felt a little bad, the girl had that "don't talk to me anymore" vibe, which made the man kind of regret saying anything, or even coming out here. Did he do something wrong again? Was his mind just playing tricks on him?

". . .can Mei Akamatsu please step up?"

Following those words were a loud groan and a complete black-out, and they came on as quickly as they went off. Weird... Even the windows were blocked out... Aoi made sure not to pay too much attention to the purple-haired girl on stage, immediately marking her as a "jerk" before sitting back down in his seat. Looks like he didn't miss much...

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 07:48 (2 Years ago)


As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. They'd probably get in trouble if they stayed out here for too long anyways. "Yeah, I guess you're right..." he responded quietly, slightly moving his gaze so he wouldn't be making eye contact. Whatever Kitty said next caught him more off guard than he'd like to admit, but the girl was right once again. Aoi knew hers, but she didn't know his.

"Oh, I'm... uh-" He started off slowly and quietly, his voice barely loud enough to hear. He should probably get better at talking like a normal human being... "I'm Aoi..."

"Pleasure to meet you I guess..."

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 06:53 (2 Years ago)


Aoi closed his eyes for a minute as he slowly breathed in the air around him, trying his best not to let his mind wander. Sure, you could call this a type of meditation of sorts, but he only saw it as a way of calming himself.

Ok maybe it was just straight up meditation. Whatever, it all went away anyways as soon as another person's presence drew near, sitting down right beside him. The sudden appearance made him jump slightly, jerking his head up to look at her as she sat and stared at the land beyond in silence. He didn't say anything, he was too startled and confused to do that, instead he just adjusted himself and moved slightly away from her, listening to what she had to say.

"Some of those people.... Are pretty sick, aren't they?"

Yeah... Yeah they are... And Aoi didn't doubt that those were the only ones who were... Who knows, maybe he was one of "them" as well...

No, no he couldn't think like that. He wasn't like these people. He was sane enough to have boundaries, to know right and wrong, to know how to talk to people.


"...Yeah. Yeah they are..." Aoi muttered in reply, turning his head to the scenery in front of him along with Kitty. He missed the sun, the small breeze, the vibrant green of the frass and foliage staring back at him with gentle eyes. Outside... Sure was beautiful, wasn't it?

He almost didn't want to go back, trap himself in a cluttered mess with a bunch of dangerous people while the air got tighter every second. Outside was just... Peaceful.

Almost made him sad that he would be forced to back inside eventually, his name would be called and he would have no choice. Aoi just had to hope that this feeling would be waiting for him when he got back outside, he missed it.

It's been too long since he got to feel this way.

He made a promise to the sun after all, when he was just a little boy. He made a promise to the little ladybugs hiding in the grass, to the little squirrel that came and went. He even made a promise to the whispers of the wind, the calming voice of the water that awaited him each day.

He broke that promise long ago, but the sun still smiled upon him and the breeze was gentle as ever, almost like he never went. He had been so wrapped up in his own problems that he didn't even get a moment to breathe and say hello to his old friends, but they remembered him.

Aoi wondered what happened to that squirrel he saw, what it did for the rest of its life. Whatever happened to the bright orange ladybug he called Amber? They were all probably dead by now, just like the little boy he had been.

Ok edgy flashback moment over, Aoi realized he was getting lost in his own thoughts and immediately snapped back to reality. He shouldn't be worrying about any of that anymore, it was all a thing of the past. Besides, it did nothing for him anyways.

Aoi slowly turned his head back to Kitty, staring at her for a moment without saying a word.

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 01:42 (2 Years ago)


Well, since no one seemed to care, Kairien stopped caring about the literal "man that fell from the sky" in his cart right now and stepped away, listening to all these people blabber on. He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a loud sigh, obviously not in the mood for this. Right now, he was dealing with a gardener, a forensic investigator, a roboticist, a vent crawler, a girl named Phoenix, and another guy that he had not yet even heard speak.

Geez, how'd he wind up in a whacky NPC quest with these people? He could already tell this was going to be so fun, totally not a mind-bogglingly stupid and painful "quest"!

"Well, if anyone cares..." He spoke up, his expression showed that he was obviously unamused. He was about to state his full name like pretty much everyone else before his roaming eyes landed on Li Fengyu. That man pointed out odd things about others, and it was obvious that he had relations with the police. He was probably on record anyways, but he didn't want this man to suddenly have his entire file in his head as soon as Kai said his own name, it just seemed a little weird for some reason. "I'm uh... Kai, I just work at the gas station down the ro-" He paused, remembering the text from earlier. His face turned slightly sour as he corrected himself, his voice turning a little bitter. "Used to work at that gas station..."

How the hell did I end up in this situation with a bunch of well-known names, people who actually do things...

Well, that roboticist was gone by now, and he hoped that he would be soon as well. This was just too tiring...

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Posted: Mon, 09/01/2023 01:16 (2 Years ago)


Mei's earlier statement was immediately made invalid by the next few people, each having a unique power- and personality too! Someone named Keiki walked up to the stage, demonstrating their power by making a poor student act like a little puppy. She found it hilarious, but Mei still didn't approve of this goody-two-shoes. Keiki seemed like a snob, and that did not go well with their abilities in Mei's mind. Well, at least things were getting a little more... interesting...

Next came the boy from earlier, the little black-haired jerk from earlier was called up, and Mei swore that she could hear his multitude of curses from across the room. Was he really that pissed?

Apparently his name was Idris, she'd probably forget it in the span of 2 minutes, but whatever. His comment about the "dead aunt" made her stifle a laugh once more, making her lean forward slightly with her fist to her mouth. Man, the people here really were a little cuckoo, she loved it! The weirdos were always the best ones to mess with.

That was nothing compared to the next one up, a boy named Kaden Sorrows.

She watched his act silently, a little wide-eyed with her mouth agape slightly, curved into a sick, tiny little smile. Wow... She was jealous! Imagine all the messed up things she could do if she had that!

...Weird how her mind instantly went to that, but her jealousy was real. All she had was a generic, "edgy" power that couldn't even do much, especially not in a bright environment... To be honest, it was more of a hindrance, really, her mind has never really felt the bliss of being silent. Oh well, she delt with it, and she would continue to for however long she lived.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program of staring at Kaden in awe. She didn't pity his little lab rat, she found it amusing actually. His disregard for what he had just done only made Mei respect him a little bit more. Still, she had a feeling that her excitement was going to quickly be put to a stop when she would be forced to sit through everyone else's introductions, so she did herself a favor and took a deep breath and sat back, her smile completely gone and her eyes resting in the most "I'm bored as hell" look possible.


He... he didn't even know what to think about these people, what they have just done. Were these people insane? Did they really think involuntarily forcing other students to be their play toy was a good idea? Aoi couldn't believe it, this whole thing just made him not only terrified, but pissed.

He doubted he could survive an entire school year here, much less a week, but it wasn't like he had a choice. He was stuck here for a while, and he just had to accept it.

Out of the corner of his eye though, he noticed a familiar figure head out of the door, the action making him feel inclined to do the same. Besides, he needed fresh air too, Kitty walking out only gave him an idea on how to deal with it..

Aoi quietly got up, stuffing his hands into his pockets and keeping his head low as he walked to the door, saying nothing when he saw Kitty once again. He walked slightly in the opposite direction, trying to move as quietly as possible so he wouldn't get the girl's attention. It was inevitable anyways, because of the massive doors he had just walked out of, but at least he tried. He decided to sit down on one of the benches more a ways away from Kitty, leaning over and letting his hair fall in front of his face once again as he clasped his hands together and rested his arms on his knees.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 06:23 (2 Years ago)


Ah great... Another one who could heal and instantly commit arson... What a waste, why couldn't more interesting people have those powers...

She leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees, cradling her head in her palms as she poked her cheeks back and forth. Jackie Ness, heal, fire, light, blah blah blah. Just get on with it already...

Now, what she didn't expect was for a frickin knife to just randomly be pulled out, this was AWESOME! Mei sat up slightly, watching the girl in awe as she set herself ablaze, instantly putting it out at the snap of her fingers. The flickering lights were cool as hell too!

Finally, someone interesting! A large grin formed on her face as she stared in awe at Jackie as she went to sit down, almost succumbing to the urge to get up and "fangirl" over her. Instead, she simply sat silently and waited patiently, getting up would only draw attention and that was the last thing she wanted.

Someone who had the guts to pull out a knife in a school and then proceed to stab themselves with it, THEN lighting themselves on fire, all with a face with no sign of pain simply smiling to the crowd was an instant approval in Mei's book. As much as she despised the idea of talking to any of the boring idiots in this school, maybe Jackie would be an exception.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 04:39 (2 Years ago)


An odd, harsh voice suddenly crept around the corner, and Kai's head jerked to take a look. Another face...

Another face...

What the hell was going on? Who were these people? This had to be some sick joke... Was this all a setup? Was someone playing a sick joke? Were his memories playing tricks on him? God, he hated this...

"Will y'all shut up? You're backing up the aisles. I really need some chocolate, so do everyone a favor and move, why don't you?"

Unexpected, but understandable. He managed to crack a smile, even if panic was written all over his face. Before the tall man could say anything, a cloud of regret fell over the other one's face, like the realization of what he said just now hit him. To be honest, Kairien didn't really think much of it, there wasn't really a reason to feel bad, at least to him there wasn't. Momentarily, his green eyes gazed past Kendo and noticed another familiar man, one who also seemed to be annoyed with everyone huddling up in one aisle. Before he could say anything, they just... left.

Oh well, he was busy with other people anyways. Kai looked back over to the purple-haired girl and opened his mouth to speak, "Sorry about that, I-"


What the hell?! Kairien jumped back in shock, staring bug-eyed at the sudden lunatic in his cart. Where did he even come from?!

"Dude, what the hell?!" He raised his voice, getting closer to the man in his cart and tilting his head to the side, his arms stretched out to his left and right and his face looking like he just witnessed someone say something profane. "Ok ok, can someone please tell me what the F**K is goin' on here?!" He looked between everyone, ignoring the looks of the other shoppers who were around.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 04:14 (2 Years ago)


Just as she suspected, literally no one wanted to go. Mei didn't blame them (not like she could, she didn't want to go up there either) but being the little jerk she was, the girl was annoyed by that fact. Still, there was no way she was going up there, and even if she was forced, lies would be the only thing spewing about herself. Why should Mei give a brief summary about herself to people she didn't even know? She didn't even want to know them, her attendance was pretty much forced upon her and Mei wasn't exactly the "friendly" type.

Before any sort of complaint left her mouth once again, a quiet-speaking girl with ears protruding from her hair went up to the stage, the first victim of this pointless act... Apparently her name was Kitty, which certainly got a reaction out of Mei. A small chortle could be heard, very short and barely audible, but the people within 10 feet of her could definitely hear it. She held her hand up to her mouth to stop herself from making any more noise while she watched Kitty's demonstration.

I mean... Cool, I guess... Fire and healing? Odd combination but alright.

Thank god she looked away right as the pyrokinetic made a crown atop their head, otherwise Mei would've snapped. She would've burst out laughing for how absurd it was and probably even had a few insults to say how weird and stupid it was.

. . .

Next up was Theo, which she had nothing to say about (surprisingly). All they were was nervous, but at least he didn't necessarily get Mei's attention. Pretty unique, sure, but Mei couldn't care less. The only thing she could say about them was how short they were, but her boredom just killed off her mood.


Aoi watched closely as the girl he met walked forward, introducing herself as Kitty. Well... At least he knew their name, and what they could do. Healing and fire, huh... She seemed so nervous and frightened, but her soft-spoken nature only made the man think that she wasn't that bad after all.

Maybe she wasn't mad at him.

A boy named Theo was next, and Aoi turned his attention to him after he watched Kitty sit back down.

". . .I can...uhhh... Basically manipulate anything with a...a technology aspect."

Manipulate anything... Technology...

He froze, his mind going blank. His already pale skin was flushed of all color and his eyes grew slightly wider.

Remind him... To never let that guy know he exists.

Not like it mattered, he'd have to go up there eventually, not even praying would help him this time.

The last tick of the multitude of clocks snapped him out of it, and moments later he slowly bowed his head and let his hair cover the rest of his face.

Ah great, this was going lovely.

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 01:55 (2 Years ago)


9 and 3 now, and her strategy?


Actually, it's her being completely random and acting like she knows what she's doing, but don't tell anyone.

Her deck had some pretty interesting cards, which would play perfectly into her strategy. Stalling was pretty much the only way she could win this game in a "fun" and "unique" way, not playing Uno like how casuals do it. Why play it normally when you could do this?

All she did was place down a blue 2, that's it.

8 and 3

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Posted: Sun, 08/01/2023 01:40 (2 Years ago)


The only thing Mei was met with was a cold dead stare, right back at her. What, were they gonna have a staring contest now? The only thing she did was scoff and roll her eyes, walking away before "Miss Venti" just waltzed into the room, announcing to the students of what hell she was going to put them through. Mei sat down a row across from Idris, taking one last glance and giving a sly grin (for some odd reason) before she committed to listening to the ice queen.

". . .I would just like all of you students to- ah, introduce yourselves."

...Seriously? What kind of elementary school BS was this? Why did they have to "introduce" themselves? God, this all felt so unnecessary and extra, it bored the hell out of Mei. She silently groaned, crossed her arms, and let her head full of lavender hair fall back to the head of the chair, draping over it as she sat like that for a few moments.

Oh lovely, she had a feeling she wouldn't be able to weasel her way out of this one. That snowflake probably had her cold icy grip gently hovering everyone, ready to "keep them in line" at any moment... Sure, she didn't seem to be anything less than a "loving" Headmistress, but Mei didn't look like anything more than a brat. "Don't judge a book by its cover" or whatever, she couldn't be too trusting of first impressions.

"Like hell I'd do that..." she muttered, tilting her head back up while she glared at the Headmistress.


Introductions... Seriously? Was this so all the students could know each other, or so that she could know them, or even both? Well, Aoi didn't doubt that she had all of their info on record, so was this really just some cruel way to solo out people and bring them to a stage for introductions? Didn't she know that most of the people here, including him, were edgy loners who really couldn't be bothered?

This was certainly an experience, definitely one he didn't want to be a part of. Aoi crossed his arm and sunk down further into his seat, keeping his emotionless gaze set on Miss Venti. He took a moment to slightly glance around for a few seconds, spotting the girl from earlier staring straight at him. He froze, slightly turning his head back to face the Headmistress while still keeping his eyes on Kitty. Why was she staring at him...? Did he... Did he do something wrong...? Had he already made an enemy in the first few minutes of being here?

He had absolutely no plans on introducing himself, he worse these baggy clothes and had the classic 2005 emo haircut for a reason. Nobody needed to know, and he didn't want anyone to know. He didn't trust anyone here to even know his name, especially after this whole thing with Kitty.

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 10:10 (2 Years ago)
take me home tonight? no clue who the artist is

"I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua sea foam shame
Sunburn freezer burn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy

. . .

All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are
All in all is all we are"

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 07:05 (2 Years ago)


Their sudden silence, along with them seemingly being frozen was highly unsettling for Aoi. Did he... do something wrong?

They're probably judging me right now... Ah great...

Aoi's blank face now had a slightly concerned look to it as he watched them, words refused to come to his mind as he listened to yet another apology.

What was he supposed to say...?

A gloved metal arm slowly rose up to set his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it slightly as a show of his uncertainty.

"No, it's fi-" He tried to say, but the green-eyed woman had left without saying another word. He didn't even get to apologize correctly, and the awkward atmosphere made him feel so much worse...

Oh well, he just had to hope that no one else would bump into him like that. He started off with a sigh and a pinch to the bridge to his nose, the lack of warmth coming from the fabric touching his skin was almost chilling. Even after all these years, he still wasn't used to it...

Aoi decided it was best to just keep going, head to the Main Hall and just... take a seat? He wasn't sure exactly what he was supposed to do, or even where this "Main Hall" was. Guess he was going to have to find out...

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 06:50 (2 Years ago)


His jade eyes blinked slowly as he turned to face the man head-on, since he was at a slight angle before. They moved up and down, scanning the person in front of him while his mind desperately tried to remember more details. Kairien didn't know this person's name, when they last saw them, that he actually did when he last saw him, or hardly anything else. Kai only knew the person's face, and the fact that they had met somehow in some way during the past month. The uncertainty of it all wracked his brain, to the point where he was getting a massive headache. He had already taken tylenol today, and he didn't feel like it was a good idea to take another one so soon...

"...I'm sorry but do I know you from somewhere..?"

They knew it too. They had that feeling too. It couldn't be a coincidence. The sense of familiarity was so close yet so far, just out of each other's grasp. Not one of them could reach it.

"...I could ask you the same," Kai responded, his expression slightly perplexed but also... wary. His tone was low and he talked somewhat slowly, like each word was just turning the lid to the cookie jar mom told you not to open. He was skeptical, paranoid even, but he was also very curious.

Just as he was about to speak once more, a whisp of purple flew into the corner of his eye, catching his attention. The owner of the "whisp" seemed to just turn around as soon as Kai looked, but she then suddenly walked back over to them. Odd, why were they-

Their face finally became visible, and it finally hit him. He also knew her.

That made Kairien wonder... Who else was there that was only a burning memory? People he knew, fragments of blurry faces, all probably waking up on the same day as him, living their lives with almost no recollection of the past month? The fact that there were two others here made him come to the conclusion that everyone else had the same objective. Guess they were curious (and stupid) enough to take on that stupid "mission" that blared in their heads as well...

"You..." He muttered, directed at the smaller girl not to far from him. "Are you...?" He was too confused, and too deep in disbelief, to even finish his sentence.

Wow, great job making a conversation Kairien, you're doing great.

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Posted: Sat, 07/01/2023 01:00 (2 Years ago)


Mei honestly had no clue as to what she was doing, she didn't care enough about this prestigious, stuck-up, snobby excuse for a school enough to look up any info about it. Where was the "Main Hall" again...? Ugh, guess she had to "figure things out for herself", which she found incredibly annoying. She tried to stay in the back of the crowd and follow everyone, but she only succumbed to the sea of people pushing her along instead.

The girl whose frustration and annoyance that was only building up higher and higher by the second could hardly pay attention to everyone that was walking by, unable to catch their faces or prominent features like she normally would've liked. It annoyed her to no end, but she guessed she'd just have to deal with it.

Not like she would ever interact with even half of them anyways.

At least she was able to catch a few seemingly important characters as she walked by, since it was the only thing she could do to fill her mind during the long trek.

There was that boy again, blue hair with blond roots, and little ears poking out on top. Hmm... There was also a girl with red pigtails, and another with hair similar to Mei's, only they had grey tips. Everyone else was just a blur.

She had to admit, she was shocked to see how many people looked... Normal. Aww man, this wasn't fun! She couldn't make fun of anyone if they all looked normal, that was pretty much the only reason she hadn't walked out by now!

Mei continued walking, internally pouting, still trying to look around and observe her surroundings but to no avail. That is, until she got distracted and ran into someone. Somehow.

How do you run into someone who was sitting? She swore she wasn't this clumsy... Oh how embarrassing... Well, time to make up a million different excuses and probably throw in a few insults here and there!

This "someone" was a man with somewhat long black hair, wearing a black hoodie and some jeans, his fingers adorned with many rings that all looked so edgy, yet were pretty enough to actually work. His black eyes, one of which having a tattoo underneath, were filled with anger.

Oh hey, they were matching, how funny. Black hoodie/sweater, jeans, angry eyes, and... Ok maybe they weren't matching all that much, but still.

Mei simply stood back and stared at him for a few seconds, raising an eyebrow slightly as she turned her head to look over her shoulder. She should've kept walking and sit down in a seat far away and not even interact with him, but she wanted something to do.

She hated apologizing, but nothing that came to mind was something she wanted to say. Instead, she gave the perfect response of "Uhh..." as she continued to stare.


Aoi tried to stall his entrance as much as possible by walking much slower than he should've, which was obviously a mistake as shown by someone bumping into him. If he didn't see them just moments before they ran into him, he would've definitely jumped, an embarrassing amount. This situation was already so awkward, and he honestly felt a little bad. They were going a bit fast after all, so the impact probably hurt. Especially since...

"Sorry..." Aoi muttered quietly, his low and deep voice was slightly raspy due to almost never being used. He took a step back and looked down at them, his tired, expressionless face almost completely hidden by the hair in his face. They were looking down as well, but they were pinching their nose and squeezing their eyes shut, probably because of the pain. He didn't move, he didn't lift his hand to help, he didn't even try and say anything. He wasn't really sure on what he was supposed to do...

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Posted: Fri, 06/01/2023 19:15 (2 Years ago)


School, one of the things that Mei Akamatsu absolutely despised. So what if it was more about the unnatural abilities the students possessed and not so much the academics, it still sucked. The lilac-haired girl stood silently at the gates, her arms crossed as she pouted at the sight of the academy. Geez... What kind of a budget did these people have?

After a moment of contemplation, she made the terrible decision to continue onwards and enter the school, where she was met with the unpleasant sound of the intercom blaring in her ears.

""Welcome to St Venti's Academy! My name is Khione Venti, your headmaster, and joining me is Miss Paelina.

This year is a chance for all of you to cultivate your magical abilities, and learn to thrive und-"

Mei couldn't listen to whatever her "headmaster" was blabbering on about anymore, she instead groaned and dragged her feet along the schoolyard ground as she slowly inched closer to the doors of the school. The girl who acted like she didn't have her coffee yet could honestly care less about either aspect of this school, magic or academics, she wasn't even sure why she was standing in front of those gates anyways.

Oh right, plot reasons, gotcha.

Y'know, compared to what she had seen in the past, her "abilities" were only an excuse to label her as an edge lord, which was honestly hilarious but still irked her at times. What, she didn't choose to have such an edgy and generic talent, but she sure as hell did live up to the name. Her attire, a black sweater and dark blue jean shorts, didn't really help, and she even somehow had permanent "emo" eyeliner. Don't ask her how she got it, she's not even sure either.

Speaking of abilities and attire... Mei had to admit, she was curious about all the people here. Some of them didn't even look human, and some had powers that she was pretty jealous of if she was being honest. Taking a look around, she noticed two people with ears on the top of their heads pass right by her. Interesting...

Well, this might be fun enough to be worth it, she had plenty of people to mess around with! Her boredom had been getting the best of her lately, everyone around her was too drained of any positive energy to even be worth toying with, so this would be refreshing!



Aoi and his expressionless gaze stood silently next to a few concealed bushes near an unseen area outside the building. No one was there, and the noise from the multitude of students rushing in on their first day was barely able to reach his ears. It wasn't that he was scared of becoming one with the crowd, forced to be around a bunch of rowdy people with honestly terrifying abilities, but he just really didn't feel like doing all that. He hated crowds, and crowds hated him. He didn't doubt that in a school full of outsiders, people who had something peculiar about them, he would still be looked down upon. Aoi didn't doubt that he'd catch others giving him strange looks, and he certainly didn't doubt the fact that he would be forced into isolation yet again.

Of course, he didn't mind it really, being alone was more enjoyable than any of this, but still...

The announcement came, and Aoi let out a small groan to show his distaste for what he was going to be forced into. Did he have to? Did he have to go to this school? Well, he's the one that walked through the gates in the first place, it was all on him.

Got any complaints? Well that's too bad, you're the one who did this to yourself.

And... yeah, that was true, he couldn't argue with that. With a sigh, Aoi ran his gloved hand through his long and thick two-toned hair, making sure it covered up as much of his left eye as possible. He fixed his beige and pale green, oversized hoodie and made sure the collar on his white turtleneck under it didn't look absolutely god-awful before sweeping off his gray pants and making his first effort to actually step into the school.

Aoi slowly came out of hiding near the bushes and stepped into the schoolyard, almost overwhelmed by the people flooding into the doors of the academy. He winced and stopped in his tracks, now extremely reluctant to continue going forward. After a moment or two, he finally managed to convince himself to take another step, and another, and another until he was finally through the doors.

Oh boy... He was definitely not excited for this.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2023 19:58 (2 Years ago)


"Sure does seem like you are~" She giggled, not looking back at her hand once since Idris put his card down.

She was willing to skip a turn, and hopefully it would end up in her favor.

She drew another card from the deck, looking at it for a second before looking back at Idris's hand.

9 and 4.

who else bettin $50 on Idris

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2023 19:36 (2 Years ago)


Mei had 10 cards and Idris had 5, it was a pretty steep advantage but Mei had an interesting hand. She had a green reverse card, so she put it down, then put down a green 0.

8 against 5.

Mei still had no clue as to what she was doing.

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Posted: Thu, 05/01/2023 19:21 (2 Years ago)


Kairien Bouuls, a world-class idiot, had no clue as to what he was going to do. All he thought about this morning was just making it to his car, that's it. And also... that fiasco, but he preferred not to dwell on it. He jumped in the car and leaned back in his seat, tilting his head back and closing his eyes with a sigh. The sun's warmth was amplified by the black, slightly messy interior of his... what, 16+-year-old car? He didn't keep track, but all he knew was that it probably wouldn't last the journey to "The Rotting Heart", wherever that was. Gas was low, and he wasn't going to pay the absurd gas prices, air conditioning and heating were on the brink of completely giving up on him, the battery was the cheapest one he could find and it wasn't willing to work on him, his oil was low, his breaks made the most annoying and loud noise known to man, and... Y'know, there was a lot wrong with it, but it got him to work and back and that's all that mattered.

Speaking of work... Wasn't he supposed to come in today? Oh...


He left his phone on the charger, he also left his jacket, his wallet, and also his bag that he was taking for the trip... Ugh.

Kai groaned before throwing himself back out of his car and then took the trip back to his room, grabbing everything he forgot before taking a quick sweep of the area to make sure he didn't forget anything else. He powered on his phone and...

The first notification was definitely something he didn't want to see.

"Your base has been raided by 我有故事盔甲"

Well ain't that lovely. He'd have to remember to check back on that later... As mad as he was, and also as tempted as he was, he refrained from just sitting down and wasting the day away twiddling his thumbs playing a dumb mobile game. Instead, he took a look at his other notifications, shocked to see there were so many. Guess they just piled up after... A month? Really? That was... shocking to say the least, had he really been gone for that long? Since he was gone for so long without any sort of notice, Kai wasn't at all shocked to see that dreaded message from his boss. In short, they were fed up with Kairien's "Bulls***" and decided to lay him off. He was planning to take the day off anyways, maybe even the rest of the week, but guess that settled it... Yeah sure, he didn't have a job now, but he hated his boss and co-workers, and they hated him. He was glad to get away from that hellhole. He already got Friday's paycheck anyways, so he was fine for a bit.

While he was looking around at the cluttered excuse of a home around him after he grabbed his bag, he realized that he couldn't exactly take much for the trip, which was concerning... He only had 2 extra pairs of clothes, almost empty bottles of the essentials, a single bag of chips, and almost nothing else. Well... Guess he had some shopping to do, couldn't go on a seemingly very high-risk journey with little to no preparation right?

Speaking of "journey", he couldn't help but to think...Why the hell was all of this so sketchy, so ominous? Ever since he woke up, he had that feeling of dread drag him down like a weighted blanket, made it hard to breathe sometimes too. What had he gotten himself into, or rather, what was he forced into? The feeling that he was being watched overwhelmed him, to the point where it was extremely difficult to ignore the possibility that there was someone watching him.

Got it, be in constant fear and develop extreme paranoia, don't make any wrong moves, got it.

After his little moment of thought as he stood still in the center of the bleak and dreary room, Kai let out a massive sigh as he said goodbye to the little space and headed back to the car. As soon as he hopped in, he checked his belongings once again to make sure he got everything, then stuck the keys into the ignition. Of course, not to his surprise, the damn car refused to start. It stalled and stalled, making the same clicking sounds as he tried and tried again for what felt like forever. Frustration and anger began welling up in him, his movements continued to get more and more violent and reckless the longer this went on. After a few suggestable words and a smack on the wheel or two, he finally got the hunk of metal on life support to start. Finally... Good grief...

Taking a moment or two to calm down and take a breather, he attempted to turn on the radio, but he was only left with the deafening sound of radio static. Huh, weird... His radio was probably the only thing that actually worked in this thing, and it was highly unlikely that the signal was just bad. Oh well, guess he had to stick to the aux for now.

After fiddling with various things, probably in an attempt to postpone the rest of the day, Kai finally placed his hands on the wheel and made his way to his favorite Walmart. Oh fun, shopping. It wasn't a long drive, but it was long enough for Kairien to involuntarily start thinking about the circumstances he was suddenly thrown into. He couldn't stop thinking about it. The voice of that lunatic replaced his own that resided in his head, the single color he was forced to be surrounded by almost blinded him as he desperately tried to keep his eyes on the road.

But the color of the asphalt could only remind him of that one color, that one room.

Thank god he made it to the parking lot before he thought about it too much, that would've been an issue. The more he thought about it, the worse it would get, right? He gave yet another sigh as he sat in his idle, parked car for a moment before grabbing his wallet and keys, then hopping out.

We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of... Walmart.

Kairien quickly grabbed a cart and tried his best to mentally map out the store, trying to make the quickest route possible to get the things he needed then head out. He never really had any problems being out in public, but today was vastly different. A million eyes seemed to follow him as he walked around, and he swore he could hear their whispers. Did he seriously have a sudden case of paranoia? Did that warning the "doctor" gave him really scare him that much? Oh whatever, he shouldn't be worrying about it anyways...

As he was walking around, a sudden feeling came upon him, like the feeling you get when you feel the presence of someone you know. Well, that's pretty much what it was. There was a man in a white lab coat, long and flowing black hair trailing behind him that had a small red streak mixed in. He swore he knew him, but from whe-

Oh, right. Well wasn't that a funny coincidence.

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