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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2022 15:43 (2 Years ago)
Not a bug but an idea: A list of Retro Pokémon (+ whether they are available or not; and how) would be nice, like the list of Event Pokémon.

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2022 08:21 (2 Years ago)
I understand your frustration, @LALVOE. As others have already pointed out, the correct answer is "Ideals", as Zekrom is (in the original Pokémon lore) also called the "Hero of Ideals".

If you would like to suggest an alternative "punishment" for answering the question wrongly (or want to suggest completely removing any sort of punishment), then please do so in our suggestions forum :) Otherwise, this might indeed turn into a "vent" thread which should then rather belong in the discussions forum, or in a personal feed.

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2022 10:52 (2 Years ago)

Game balancing:
→ The chance of finding legendary items in coloured mystery boxes has been increased by 20%.
→ The chance of finding gems in coloured and gold mystery boxes has been increased by 20%.

In both cases, the chance of finding berries has in return been decreased.

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Posted: Wed, 15/06/2022 10:54 (2 Years ago)

Game balancing:
→ The chance of finding a shiny from rumbling has been increased by 25%.
→ The mega-ability boost of mega cuffs has been increased to 500% (before: 400%). Their price remains unchanged. All purchased/activated cuffs are affected by this update as well.


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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2022 06:54 (2 Years ago)
It's a more or less giggling sound like "hee-hee"

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Posted: Fri, 27/05/2022 07:28 (2 Years ago)
Cracked Pot, just like regular Sinistea.

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Posted: Thu, 26/05/2022 10:01 (2 Years ago)

Regular Gothita eggs can now hatch with a mega-ability!

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Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 16:27 (2 Years ago)
It takes 2 - 5 minutes until bans are synced with our palpad server.

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Posted: Sat, 07/05/2022 14:47 (2 Years ago)
You don't get a voucher. The egg is in your party.

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2022 19:38 (2 Years ago)
Nothing has changed about this quest over the past few years.

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Posted: Sat, 30/04/2022 07:39 (2 Years ago)

Due to a typo, Shiny Spring Flaaffy plushies were available for 9 Dream Points each this morning. This was unintentional - this type of plushie wasn't even planned to be purchaseable. Instead, a spring flaaffy plushie event starts tomorrow.
All Shiny Spring Flaaffy plushies bought this morning have now been converted into regular Flaaffy plushies. Additionally, everyone has received a refund of 6 Dream Points per plushie. It is not a full refund as your dream points spent on the shiny plushie still count for the current event distribution - plus, the plushies have not been deleted and just converted. I hope that's a good balance.

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2022 12:32 (2 Years ago)
Retros can't evolve, and they can't mega evolve. Thus a mega ability makes no sense for them to begin with. If they ARE mega able, that's a bug.
So there's nothing to fix really

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Posted: Mon, 25/04/2022 07:16 (2 Years ago)
Stats for the beach weren't collected until January 2019, and it seems most of your fish were caught before that.
I was able to "simulate" these stats retrospectively now (based on other data we collected) and your stat counter should be much more accurate now. Please try fishing one more Fish Pokémon and let me know if that still doesn't give you a Staid egg (remember to leave an empty spot in your party) :)

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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2022 21:27 (2 Years ago)
Just tested it and it doesn't happen for me

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Posted: Sun, 24/04/2022 10:19 (2 Years ago)
All fixed :)

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 20:01 (2 Years ago)
quiz_master: Rainbow hasn't changed. It has, however, never been random at all.

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 19:01 (2 Years ago)
Events have a time limit, quests don't.

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 18:45 (2 Years ago)
Ways to view your progress are already being worked on :)

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 18:15 (2 Years ago)
Find the Harvest Sprites - once more!

Over 8 years ago, the Harvest sprite quest was released on PokéHeroes. Back then it was our very first quest (and thus the original introduction of the Ancient Cave), later followed by more more additions, like the Raylóng quest, Giratina, Reshiram & Zekrom, and so on.
There were, however, always three major problems with this quest:

1) Shiny Harvest Sprites were never obtainable as it's a non-repeatable one-time quest
2) Some of the tasks are extremely RNG-/luck-based (and we just love that, don't we)
3) Story-wise, some of the hiding spots are simply ridiculous, mainly because certain necessary features/places didn't exist back then (e.g. the harvest sprite claiming to have its own berrygarden can be found - you guessed it - in the.... item shop? yeah.)

All of these issues are now going to be addressed in this major overhaul of the Harvest sprite quest!

Uh... What's the Harvest Sprite Quest?

Quick reminder: The Harvest Sprites are dwarfs (a mix between Victini and the Harvest Sprites from the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons videogame series) which you can find in their own little quest. This quest is started in the Ancient Cave. The Ancient Cave is unlocked on Trainerlevel 10.

<img src="//staticpokeheroes.com/img/news/victini_rainbow.png" style="float: right; margin-left: 8px; width: 35%; max-width: 180px">
New hiding spots

The hiding spots of (almost) all harvest sprites have changed. They are now much more skill-based and much less RNG-based.
First of, one thing hasn't changed: This quest is still not very comparable to the Easter egg event (or the Hoopa quest). You don't just browse around the site and randomly find them. Instead, you have to perform certain actions (multiple times) in order to find them. For example, you might have to do a certain amount of interactions. Or you might have to harvest a certain amount of berries. Who knows?

Would you like to know? Here is a SPOILER of the entire list of tasks you have to do in order to find all sprites:
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Chef: Cook 250 dishes (in your toolshed/berrygarden)

Nappy: Catch 25 Pokémon at the Honey tree. The next one you find at the honey tree will be Nappy himself.

Hoggy: Make 500,000 interactions in total.

Timid: Harvest a berry of Level 50 or higher.

Aqua: Adopt 1,000 eggs from the lab.

Staid: Catch 250 Pokémon at the beach (you don't have to adopt them)

Bold: Adopt 250 eggs from the Tall Grass.

Have you already met any of the criteria before this update but haven't received the Harvest Sprite in the past?
Simply perform the action required again, e.g. if the goal is 500k interactions, then do one more interaction.

You don't have to find them again if you already found them before the update. You can, however, now aim for their shiny version - which brings me to the second part of this overhaul:

Shiny Harvest Sprites

After finishing the Harvest Sprites quest for the first time (i.e. after the tea party), you can now restart the quest and play hide and seek with them again. On your second attempt, all sprite eggs you receive are shiny!
The tasks you have to do in order to find them in the second round, however, are much much harder. They're shinies, after all.

Would you like to know the tasks? Here is a SPOILER of the entire list of tasks you have to do in order to find all shiny sprites:
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Chef: Cook 10,000 dishes (in your toolshed/berrygarden)

Nappy: Catch 500 Pokémon at the Honey tree. The next one you find at the honey tree will be Nappy himself.

Hoggy: Make 10,000,000 interactions in total.

Timid: Have at least 10 different berries at Level 100.

Aqua: Adopt 50,000 eggs from the lab.

Staid: Catch 10,000 Pokémon at the beach (you don't have to adopt them)

Bold: Adopt 7,500 eggs from the Tall Grass.

Have you already met any of the criteria before this update but haven't received the Harvest Sprite in the past?
Simply perform the action required again, e.g. if the goal is 500k interactions, then do one more interaction.


Q: Do my actions before (re-)starting the quest count? E.g. if I need to reach a certain amount of interactions, do my interactions made before count as well?
A: Yes! Technically you can reach the goals before even starting the quest, but you won't receive a Harvest Sprite for it until you start the quest. If the task is X interactions, and you already did X interactions before starting the quest, then just perform one more interactions so you trigger the code responsible for giving you the egg.

Q: Can I trade these Pokémon?
A: No, Harvest Sprites (Regular + Shiny) are trade-locked.

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2022 14:07 (2 Years ago)
The Berrygarden article does not yet mention that you can transfer back your berries to your item bag, see the relevant Minor update post

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