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Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 22:57 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei gave a simple shrug, but no reply at first. It was really awkward right now, and Mei didn't know what to do. Idris was barely even talking, and neither was she, but still... Should she be talking? She... She didn't want to say anything wrong. What if it only made things worse? Goddammit she wasn't used to being nice and considerate to people, she liked to make them feel like s**t! "Don't get attached," huh... Well this was funny, wasn't it? As Idris turned to walk away, Mei spoke up. She had a feeling something was off, but didn't want to bring it up. But... what would happen if she did? Would it make it worse... Or make it better? Cuts on his back, huh... "Are you sure you don't need he-" She started, but Idris already left. How the hell was he gonna do that alone? It was a pain in the ass to cover up wounds on someone's back with their own hands, she knew. Her arms always hurt afterward. Well, she wasn't going to push. Mei could see a vague outline of the type of person he was. Besides, if someone were to somehow walk into the bathroom while she was treating the supposed cuts... Oh god she didn't want to go through that headache. ...Odd that she jumped to that first, but alright. Understandable, really, she always thought of the worst possible outcomes. But Mei couldn't help but wonder. There was something off. And all she could do was wait in silence, hoping he wasn't lying. She already suspected it, but she tried to be optimistic. . . . Boredom, once again. A deafening silence filled the room and it was painful to sit in. She sighed and started tapping her feet again, a faint feeling coming back every time her foot rose and fell. Mei stopped for a moment and tugged down her shorts again, her legs now feeling really cold and vulnerable. God... Where was some good pants when you needed them? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Akari continued looking at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck still. His body was so tense, he could almost be a statue at this point. His breathing was also slightly shaky, and if you could see his eyes, they'd be darting around wildly at the floor. "But, anyway! It's great to meet you, Akari! Ultimate Engineer? Cool! I'd love to see your work! You do look like the kind of person who fixes things!" "U-uh huh... yeah..." He responded simply, his voice seemed to be crawling back into his throat. Sure was a pleasure to meet him, huh... The awkward, barely-able-to-speak mess of a person who couldn't even talk right, guess it sure was... "Yeah, it is really great to meet you. What are you making?" Akari took a deep breath as he tried to calm his nerves, trying to find a way to speak properly. "I- uh... Food..." Wow. Great going Akari. Sure wasn't obvious enough, was it. God he felt so stupid, and somehow, the tension in his body only got higher and higher. He only found it harder and harder to speak. Before he could even correct himself, Darcy spoke up again. He... He said something that Akari didn't even see coming, it was completely out of nowhere. He flinched slightly at those words, but it was barely enough to be noticeable. And soon there will be more. "Y-yeah..." Was all he could say, before looking up slightly so he could see Sawyer. They were really that naïve, huh? Still oblivious to everything? Akari wished he could have that optimism, but then again... It seemed to be deadly, especially right now. Well... He wasn't going to say anything about it, he'd just look in silence. "Crazy dream, huh..." He said at last, his raspy and unpleasant voice barely above a whisper. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 21:43 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei waited patiently for Idris as he was in the other room, unsure what to do in terms of occupying herself as she waited. She leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms, tapping her foot rhythmically. Mei... Wasn't exactly a patient person. Waiting was just pure agony. Especially when... Her eyes turned to Idris when he walked back into the room, asking for bandages or something. She looked at the wrap she didn't set down with the first-aid kit. A few moments longer than she wanted to. A used wrap of bandages... Whatever could've happened to the rest? The cut was messy... The cut used to separate the used bandage and the roll was messy. It wasn't straight, it was crooked and wavy. Just like... She looked up at Idris and handed threw him the wrap, not really caring if he caught it or not, then opened the translucent white box and grabbed the box of the oddly colorful band-aids... Green, purple, blue, orange, so many colors... Mei preferred the peach-colored ones, honestly. She threw that box at him too, her expression seemed distant and blank. She would've had a grin or something, try and lighten up the mood, but not even she could do that right now. Her chest was still heavy, her stomach still churned, and her throat was still dry. Mei pulled her hand back to her side and adjusted her shorts a bit, slightly tugging it down. Don't think about it, Mei. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- For only a few seconds, Akari was able to go unnoticed, but then... He heard a voice. At first, he kept his head low as he carried the ingredients to a free countertop, but the voice kept talking. "Hiiii!! Have we met? If we have, I might forgot! Hahahahahaha!" That voice sounded... Familiar. Except... When he looked up, he saw a face that didn't match the voice. It was that energetic kid, one who was oblivious to everything. The voice he heard came a face he never thought he'd hear from. Smooth skin, big, beautiful blue eyes, soft golden hair... She came up to Akari one day, sounding exactly like the voice that spoke just now. "I'm Sawyer Laurens, the Ultimate Loremaster! What's your name, new friend?" No, her name was... It was Aerith, and she was... She was just a normal girl, she wasn't the Ultimate Loremaster. That was the kid right in front of him. He used his free hand to reach to the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously as he looked slightly away from Sawyer's indigo eyes, but still looking at him. "I'm, uh..." He started, finding it hard to speak. "I'm Akari, and everyone calls me the Ultimate Engineer, I guess..." He said quietly, his eyes wandering to the floor as his body tensed up even more. He didn't think of himself as a "fellow ultimate", he was just... A nobody, really. Anyone could do what he did, and they would've been more well-known for it too. He never made his work public, people just found him and they became just regular clients. Oh god, another voice. He was so distracted by just these two people that he didn't even remember to answer Sawyer's other question, about what he was cooking Darcy... He saw he- no, him a few times, right? But... They looked a little different. Haircut, maybe? They changed their clothes too... Oh well, he wasn't going to question it. "N-no... I don't think we have..." come on man, speak up, no one can hear you like that 🙄 [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 09:09 (2 Years ago) |
my playlist is very questionable [
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 03:51 (2 Years ago) |
"'Cause I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead 'Cause I see you lying next to me With words I thought I'd never speak Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead I am not afraid to keep on living I am not afraid to walk this world alone Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven Nothing you can say can stop me going home" [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Mon, 16/01/2023 02:42 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- She looked at him for a moment, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Oh shut up." Her eyes landed on his neck, then his fingers, and she raised an eyebrow. "There's not really much to help" my ass... Mei had already said something about it, and she wasn't going to back down. Besides, it would help her get her mind off... Things. Mei had mended the many wounds she had gotten in the past by herself, it calmed her for some reason. She learned from a young age to do it, after she started getting scratches and bruises when she woke up. Mei didn't want her parents to see that her nightmares were real, and they came out from under the bed at night to hurt her. She knew they didn't like when she had nightmares. Ice to her skin felt warm, welcoming even. The feeling of ointment was just like lotion to her and the stickiness of band-aids was familiar. She learned how to stitch her wounds when she fell onto rocks, when she tried to cook and cut herself a few times. When the nightmares would come out from under the bed to hurt her. She liked treating her wounds, it was just second nature to her. Mei never healed anyone else's wounds though. Nightmares couldn't help anyone. She only made more nightmares. Spread it like a disease, and no one could escape from it. Once they got too close to her, they were infected. And then they died. . . . Briefly, just one moment flashed before her eyes. It was the guillotine, and below it, was a head. A head of a man. She knew that man, he was a desperate man, he was a good man. He just lived a nightmare. And that's why he wanted to be infected. Infected with the disease Mei had, the one she wanted to spread so badly. And in that moment she wished she had a cure. A cure for the disease she gave. But his head was on the floor now. He had lost the gamble. The gamble for his life. Mei promised to give the man 2 million dollars if he won, and even tried to put her own life on the line. But the man didn't want that. He only wanted to be free. So he took the bet, and he lost. He almost won, too. Even for a moment, even just for a second, she felt bad for one of the people she infected. She put on a smile that day, laughed as his kind eyes stared back at her as the blade gleamed above him, waiting to be lowered onto his skin. But that night, she went home alone. She went home without a smile on her face, a laugh in her voice, and a gleam of excitement in her eyes. She later went to his family in secret, giving them the freedom that man begged for. He had a daughter, a daughter that looked at her with a kind smile and happiness in her eyes. His wife was kind too, she had the same eyes as that man. She continued to live her life long after that, going about her gambles with a haunting laughter that always echoed in the room, that excitement always with her. She didn't change her ways after that, she found too much enjoyment in doing what she did. But often she would think about that man, his wife, his daughter, the family that wanted freedom. They got their freedom, they got a nice house, they gave their daughter the life she deserved. The wife went back to school too, she worked to become someone important. They did it without their father though. They did it without their husband. But they still lived. They lived the plague that Mei brought. And maybe... Just maybe... They could too. . . . Oh right, Idris. Any small wound could lead to infection, if it wasn't taken care of properly. And sure, she didn't doubt that Idris knew how to take care of himself (and it probably wasn't that big of a deal anyways), she just wanted something to do. She wanted to help. And she wasn't backing down. Mei sighed as she continued to look at Idris with her eyebrow raised, at least, until he opened the door wider. He obviously didn't want Lucian to follow, which was... odd, but she understood. Lucian didn't even stick around long enough for it to be a problem anyways. Oh well, guess they'd be alone. In his room. Umm... Eh whatever, she didn't care. She'd only make sure Idris was ok and didn't have a knife in his hands, then... Well, she didn't know what she'd do after that. She could... Go back to her dorm or something, walk around the school... Make everyone and their little secrets suffer even more. Those options didn't seem very appealing right now, well, maybe the last one did but she wasn't exactly in the mood. Speaking of knives... She adjusted her shirt a little bit, noticing that it wasn't tucked into her shorts all the way, and she adjusted her jacket too. Her eyes looked back at Lucian for one last time, tilting her head slightly as she squinted a little bit, her expression hardening. Obviously there was something wrong with him, and she couldn't exactly place her finger on it. Normally she wouldn't care, or really be this concerned, but there was something about Lucian that- Oh. She saw it now. Those words he said, the way he acted... The pieces all fell into place. A therapist, one who was so deep into their pit of sorrows, desperately needed therapy. How ironic. . . . Mei sighed and walked into Idris's room, giving him yet another raised eyebrow as she entered. She wanted to make a joke about how strange the situation was, but... Not the time, Mei, not the time. This time, she actually refrained from saying anything. Maybe it's because she learned her lesson, or maybe it was because it was at her own expense as well. Who knows. Well, Mei was pretty much back to her regular mood by now, and she really didn't want to ruin it. She didn't want to put that wall down again, it was too risky. Just... Have a little chat, help a little bit, then do nothing else. No deep conversations, no anything. Besides, she hated feeling vulnerable. It was gross. "...So uh..." She started, setting down the first aid kit before turning around to look back at Idris. "First, just uh... Clean yourself off, I guess..." She pointed to the bathroom with her thumb, not once looking back to see if it was actually there. She just assumed it was, since that's where hers was in her room. She had her other hand shoved in her pocket, and her expression seemed dull by this point, nonchalant almost. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Akari walked out of the room and walked in silence, his eyes heavy and his face was null and void of any emotion. Ok except maybe tiredness. He sighed as he continued walking, at least, until he heard something behind him. He had already turned the corner, but he could still hear. He could hear that detective he met in the hallway, the one who insulted him, and Akari could hear the familiar sound of a certain black and white play toy. Kubo had something going on with him, and then that bear showed up. Akari heard all of it. His ears, his cursed, sensitive ears could hear it all. He normally hated eavesdropping and snooping around, but when that damn bear was involved... Akari figured that he could do it. Just this once. He heard the sound of a glass making a faint TINK as it fell into someone's hands, probably Kubo's. Whatever the hell Monokuma was rambling on about was interesting too... What did he mean by "best friend"? Sure, it could just be Monokuma toying with the detective, but Akari had the strange suspicion it was something else, something more personal. Or he was just overthinking, and none of that meant anything. Who knows. Akari didn't turn around to look at the two, knowing his presence would be made obvious if he did so. Not only that, he already felt bad for snooping around things he shouldn't. He didn't need to know anymore. Akari simply took a careful step forward and kept walking, barely hearing Lucian's voice as he kept walking. Just... Keep walking... Ignore the gunshots, 'Ri, you'll get used to 'em. Just keep walkin', we'll be there soon. Just keep marching, 'Ri, this will all be over soon. He sighed as he shook that memory out of his head, ever so briefly did his eyes deceive him once again as he was looking down at the floor. He saw the ruined grass and mud beneath him, speckles and puddles of red littered here and there. Bodies... So many severed limbs, lifeless eyes, absolute horror thrown around everywhere... He saw himself in those clothes, the clothes he hated so much. His ears didn't dare fabricate the memory, but his eyes did. Even just for a second. And before he knew it, he was in the cafeteria. Huh, guess he was a little hungry. Well... Guess he could make something to eat. He walked into the kitchen only to see... People. Ah great... People. Just what he needed right now. Akari stared at them for a second or two before looking away and heading to the opposite side of the massive room, grabbing the materials he needed for one of the only things he knew how to make. Guacamole. He loved that stuff, especially the way his dad made it. His mom... Well, she knew the recipe first, but his dad learned, and he taught Akari, since he loved it so much. He certainly wasn't the best at it, but he could make it. That was good enough for him. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 23:55 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Her eyes widened when the door opened, her pleas had stopped. Oh thank god. He was ok. "Idris...!" Her tired voice finally said, after moments upon moments of silence. It could barely be heard, but she said it. There wasn't a smile on her face, there was only her heavy, tired breathing and her wide eyes, her mouth slightly open. "I... I swear to god Idris, you can't..." Her voice faltered, unsure of what to say. She was just so relieved. "You can't just do that...! What the hell?!" She wanted to be so mad but she couldn't, she was just relieved. Meeeiii, you're doing it again~ You're getting soft. . . . Oh yeah, Lucian was here. "Lucian you dumbass..." She looked over at him, her face a mix between relief and anger, but also... calmness? "You're right, I don't, but..." She sighed and looked away, looking at the things in her hands. Her voice... It was still somewhat shaky, but... "Fine, I guess you can stay, if you want..." She grumbled, her face definitely not matching her words. "...Actually, I'm not gonna let you leave. I-" Mei wanted to make a witty insult, say something mean, tell him how she wanted payback. But she was looking at the things in her hands. Her eyes darted back up to the man in the door, his pale skin was covered in red. "Thought you were smart enough to know that scratching your skin makes it bleed, Idris." She tried to give a smug look, laugh a little about the stupid joke she made. It didn't look right though, fear was crawling all over her face. Not the time, Mei, not the time. "Don't do that, it hurts." She let silence hang in the air. She didn't know what to do, she didn't know what to say. She was terrified of making it worse. "...So, you gonna let me in? I can... uh..." She looked back down at her other hand, staring at it for a moment before lifting it up so Idris could see. "Just-" "Just let me help you, alright?" She finally blurted out, obviously reluctant to say it. And... Was she embarrassed? [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 22:44 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Too bad Mei heard none of it. Too bad Mei heard nothing of what Lucian said. Too bad she heard none of what Idris said. She would've stayed. She would've stayed if she heard Idris. How stupid was she to think she could just leave him. She didn't know that he was begging her to come back. Or else she would've never left... . . . She darted to the first aid kit, looking around the room before leaving to make sure she got everything. Her face was emotionless, expressionless, but her actions were hasty and panicked. She looked calm and collected, mad even, but really she had a very bad feeling. Her chest felt heavy and her eyes were darting around instead of gliding, like they usually did. Her hands shook slightly, ever so slightly as she grabbed everything. And a wad of bandages. A new, unopen wrap of bandages. . . . Mei left the room, trying to walk normally but her feet begged to move quicker. Like bare feet placed on hot coals, they begged to move, with minimal contact with the ground. But she didn't let them. She walked like she had all the time in the world, the hands still clutching the supplies were shaking ever so slightly. She walked back to the room of secrets, only to be met with a flash of white passing her. "Lucian, what the hell?! I told you to-!" Oh. He wasn't there, was he. "Goddammit..." Mei muttered under her breath, now looking pissed. "Where did he go," She asked Lucian, the daggers pointed at the white-haired boy once again. Too bad he darted off without even noticing her. . . . Mei ran behind Lucian as they went to the dorms, saying nothing and doing nothing as her feet slammed against the floor. And there it was. Idris's room. Her fist slammed on the door, knowing it was locked. She knew he was in there. She knew he was all alone again. She should've never left. She wanted so badly to scream his name, so badly spew out words to beg him to come out. She wanted to assure him that she would never leave like that again, she wanted to beg and plead that he was still safe, hoping he wasn't falling deeper and deeper into the nightmares. She wanted to do these things and so much more so so badly, but she couldn't. Not with Lucian there, at least. Lucian thought she was weak. Lucian thought she was hurting. But she wasn't. She wasn't any of those things. But anything she said would only make her seem weaker, more in pain. . . . Silence was the only thing that answered the door. Idris was still drowning in his agony. But... she knew he was in there, and she hoped to whatever God was out there that he was ok. That he wasn't going to let the nightmares win. That he was not screaming anymore. That he could come back out of his room. Perfectly fine. "IDRIS!" She yelled, her hand continued banging. She was getting bruises at this point, she was banging so hard. Idris was worth being seen as weak. He was worth being seen as human. Even by someone who would try to fix a problem she didn't have. "I- I'm sorry I left, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry!" She kept banging on the door, the first aid kid and a used roll of bandages shaking in her other hand. "I'm back now, ok?! Please, open the goddamn door, please don't do anything! Don't leave me wondering like this, alright? Please be ok, Idris, please, open the door...!" ...She was making it worse, wasn't she? She left him when he needed her the most, and now she was banging on his door and acting like a lunatic. Her voice faltered as her arm got slower and slower. The swings at the door got softer and softer. She wanted to say so much, but her throat hurt. Her hand hurt. Her head hurt. Why did I leave... Why did you leave...? [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 20:21 (2 Years ago) |
ılı.lıllılıı.ıllı ↳ currently playing ;; [ Clair De Lune ] [ Claude Debussy ] 1:25 ———•——————— 4:33 ↺ << ll >> ⋮≡ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ——•—— -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A voice. A different voice. One that wasn't from her. One that wasn't from Idris. It was that damn therapist. Trying to smother her in their BS. The wall. The wall was put up again. Her eyes closed and hardened, and the wall around her nonexistent heart was put back up. You got soft for a moment there. And you got caught. Don't let it happen again, Mei. Her soft lavender eyes that were hopelessly staring at Idris, begging him to stop, were now gone. With one slow blink, they were gone. Her breathing slowed, and her face full of sorrow became filled with annoyance instead. It was expressionless for the most part, but her eyes said it all. In the flip of a dime, she didn't care anymore. She got up from her knee and slowly turned her head towards Lucian, glaring down at them. "How kind of you to interrupt this little chat I was having, Lucian" She spat, the daggers could almost be seen hovering over his skin. She was fine, she didn't need any help. Lucian was just pulling BS out of his ass. It ticked her off that Lucian would think that way of her, that he saw her as weak. He thought she needed help? He thought she was hurting? That was just plain bulls**t. Lucian didn't know a thing. He was so naive, so stupid, honestly. It'll all be ok in the end? Read the room, dumbass. Everyone's gonna die, and it'll be in the most messed up way possible. Nothing would be ok, really, and that's how Mei wanted it. She wanted this misery, she wanted this game. It was fun to see people suffer, including herself. That's why she did what she did, after all. But... Not him. Not... him. "Speak for yourself, and shut the hell up while you're at it..." She crossed her arms, still glaring at him. "I don't need your sentimental bulls**t." A moment passed, and she took a deep breath, finally lifting those daggers off of Lucian and looked at Idris's neck. Idris would be ok? Jesus christ dude look at him. He was clawing his throat out and his eyes... His eyes were filled with agony. Some therapist... Tried to sugarcoat everything, make things seem better than they are... Maybe if he used his head for once he could say something useful. Mei sighed, still looking at Idris. "I'll be back, watch him. Don't let him do anything stupid." She opened her mouth again slightly, like she was going to say something else, but her throat tightened. She couldn't say it. "Heh, good luck with that. He's kind of a dumbass, y'know." That's what she would've said, but she couldn't. She instead walked away, out of the door, and into the nurse's office. She couldn't leave those wounds untreated, no matter how small they were "...Idris… will be okay. We can't let these secrets break us. We've all done things we aren't proud of. What's important is that we learn from them." Speak for yourself... Jesus... Mei never regretted what she had done, she was fine with her past, honestly. She was happy, and she had the life she wanted. She turned her nightmares into dreams. Good dreams. And she was perfectly fine with that. Even with him, standing right there. She was fine with that. She didn't care. . . . The hall was silent. The school was silent. Her head was silent. Mei walked down the hall in utter silence, only accompanied by her breathing and her footsteps, and the shuffling of her clothes. She didn't want to think about anything, it would only make it boring. She'd probably get distracted if she thought about anything anyways. Just... Get some bandages from the nurse's office. Nothing else. She sighed as she stared at the door, pushing it open slowly. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 00:11 (2 Years ago) |
Username: Daiko Character: her Shading: yes please! Payment Method: pokedollars Delivery Method: eat-in Other: Feel free to make the "fins" on her head and tail any color you want, the eyes can also be any color. I apologize for the messy sketch, i haven't been able to finish her ^^' [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2023 19:22 (2 Years ago) |
ılı.lıllılıı.ıllı ↳ currently playing ;; [ Dearly Beloved ] [ Yoko Shimomura ] 1:15 ———•——————— 4:20 ↺ << ll >> ⋮≡ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: —•——— -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Screams. Screams from behind her, screams coming from a place where her eyes refused to look. Or... Was it all in her head...? Screams. Nightmares. I'll throw your nightmares away, I promise. But... could she? People who had nightmares couldn't help others with nightmares. That's why her parents were dead. Mei stood still, her hand just inches from the door. She could just leave, let the nightmares quiet down until it became night again, or... She could do the one thing her parents could not. . . . Her feet turned slowly as the screams continued, her ears ringing at this point. Those screams... Were they even real...? Her eyes didn't want to look, but she had to. She had to see the nightmares for herself. Step. Step. Step. Her mind raced, her heart raced. Her hands shook in her pockets, her eyes desperately trying to find something else to look at. But she needed to look at Idris. Idris and his nightmares. The blood that tainted his fingers made her stomach churn, her eyes desperately trying to look away even more. They were almost crawling out of her eye sockets, begging her to set them free. But she refused. I'll throw your nightmares away, I promise. "I-Idris..." She got closer and closer, her shaky words doing nothing as she stared at him so sadly. She couldn't do it... Why the hell was she doing this?! She'd make it worse, she'd make it so much worse. Because people with nightmares could only make things worse. That's what she thrived in, after all. That's why her parents died. Please... Don't let him have nightmares too. . . . "Hey... Mom? Remember that movie we watched?" "..." "Mom, wh-" "..." "...Why? Why did you leave?" "Why did you leave like the mother did, didn't you see how sad the little boy was...?" "Did you, dad...?" "..." "Or did you have those nightmares too...?" . . . Idris's screams only hurt her more. The blood... the blood running down his fingers... His cold, pale, boney fingers... It was just like her nightmares. But... Nightmares could be turned into dreams, right...? That's... That's what she did with her nightmares... Or... Was it all an illusion? His face full of agony was closer now, if she wanted, her hand could reach out to his. But she didn't. Mei didn't dare touch him. She'd make it worse. She took a deep breath, trying not to look like she was living a nightmare too. "Idris." Nothing, he still suffered. "Idris, listen to me." Nothing. His nails still clawed at his throat. She so badly wanted to stop him, stop the bleeding, stop the screaming, stop whatever nightmare he was having. But nightmares couldn't touch nightmares, it only hurt worse. "Idris, please..." "I-I'm right here..." "Don't let me see you hurting, please..." "I'm begging you..." "Don't let those nightmares take Idris away..." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (r)ed(d)it moment Stop it... Just... Stop it... His eye had a tear in it at this point, his wide-opened eye was now glossy with tears. His hand was hurting his skin, it was clasped so hard, pulling on it so tightly. His breathing was so loud, so shaky, so heavy. He... he couldn't do this here of all places. He had to pull himself together. That was the past, anyways, and he... He suffered the consequences for it. He suffered greatly because of what he did. And he accepted it. He moved on. He... He moved on. That image meant nothing to him anymore. The arms that itched so badly meant nothing to him anymore. The eye that couldn't cry meant nothing to him anymore. The cries, the screams, the pain, the flesh, the blood, the guns, none of it meant anything to him anymore. It was all in the past. A past that he couldn't change. A past that he had learned to move on from. A past that wouldn't be brought up because of a picture. He had done things that no human should've ever done, he had done things he wasn't proud of. But he moved on. He suffered, he was punished, and he accepted it. He had changed since then. He couldn't hurt anyone anymore. Those arms of his could would never itch again. His eye would never cry again. He would never feel anything again. . . . Akari finally managed to calm himself down after a little bit, his breathing returning to normal and his grip loosened on his hair. His heart stopped racing in fear, and his chocolate-brown eye began to clear up. He was fine, that image couldn't hurt him anymore. His past couldn't hurt him anymore. He still had those godawful nightmares every night, but it was fine. He couldn't be hurt by them anymore. He looked up and stared at the Tin Man, who only stared back at him. Akari had a heart, the Tin Man did not. Akari was fine, the Tin Man was not. The Tin Man was stuck in a black-and-white picture, stuck in the past. Akari was not. He slowly got up from the position he had gotten himself into, pressed against the wall and tensed up as his frame tried to curl into itself. He... Was fine. His hand loosened itself from his hair, and he slowly adjusted the beanie that had almost fallen off of his head. He swept his cold hand across his eye, letting the black glove absorb the moisture from his tears. Nobody else was fine, though. Everyone else was suffering. He looked around the room, looking at everyone left. They all seemed like they were in so much pain... Those damn images, they all hurt them in some way... Akari may not have liked the detective, the purple-haired girl, the ghost lady, or anyone else really, but he couldn't help but to feel bad. They all... They all hurt, so badly. Even Mei, who didn't have a heart, just like the Tin Man. The look in her eyes right now said it all. She was hurting, and she didn't have a heart that could deal with it. Even Mei, who wanted everyone dead, still cared for someone. Someone who was in pain, someone who saw the image that brought back the past. Akari could hear her now, begging them to stop. Even Mei cared for someone. Akari had no one left to care for. But... That was fine. He accepted it. He left those people in the past, the people he cared about. They were gone anyways, just like him eventually. Akari was going to die soon, and he had no one to care about. But that was fine. It would only hurt more if he did. It would only hurt more if he did. . . . He took a deep breath and slowly but quietly walked to the exit. He tried his best to stuff his arms into his pockets, but... "Dammit..." He muttered under his breath, hoping no one heard. It happened again, and it annoyed the hell out of him. He let out a loud sigh without even realizing it before simply walking off. Akari looked surprisingly... Normal after the incident. Well, as normal as he could. His face showed no signs of the fear and pain that it did back in that room, it just looked expressionless like it always did. He was fine now. He would walk away from this damn room, these damn secrets, and never look back. He never wanted to see the eyes of that Tin Man again. Thanks Monokuma, you ruined another movie for me. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2023 18:19 (2 Years ago) |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Sat, 14/01/2023 00:42 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei had her arms crossed, standing in a dark corner as she waited for whatever BS Monokuma was about to pull. Listening to those 3 ramble on was an absolute headache... So, that detective guy didn't like liars, huh? Heh, no wonder he hated her. She was a walking lie. What came next only proved it. She groaned and was about to walk over to shut them up, only stopped by podiums bursting up from the floor. The girl stopped in her tracks, her face filled with boredom still remained as she waited for them to come to a full stop. Pictures, tons and tons of pictures... Oh, goodie, what could they all mean? Her lavender eyes scanned them all in silence, slightly curious as to what they could all mean. They were obviously secrets, but how- Her name. Her name, etched in gold, standing proudly under an odd picture. A picture of a brain in a jar. She looked around the room, hearing Miyako's scream gave her a headache, seeing Setsuna roll helplessly onto the floor was hilarious, albeit annoying, and everyone else... They all seemed so shocked, so afraid. Not Mei though, her picture meant nothing to her. A brain in a jar? Pfftt, what the hell was that supposed to mean? She looked around one last time, then her eyes landed on the picture again. Was... Monokuma... wrong? Did he not even know? Well, not like there was anything to know, Mei didn't have any secrets. Or... Oh. Mei's blood ran cold, her pale skin becoming snow-white under the realization. Brain in the jar. He-... He did know. That damn bear knew. Monokuma somehow knew, no matter how hard she tried to cover it up. Monokuma knew about the jars she held close to her, each of them containing a brain. The brain of her opponents, who were dumb enough to put their lives in her hands. Not only her opponents, no. She had the brains of innocent people in those little jars of hers. Their little brains were in her hands, hopelessly useless in her grasp. She enjoyed looking at those jars, they were valuable to her. She didn't want people to know about those little jars of hers, they would take them away. They'd take her little jars away. Little jars with little brains. They might even put her brain in a little jar too. . . . "Daddy, do you still love me?" "Of course I do, ___, you're my beautiful little lavender bud, what brings that up? "I... I had a nightmare again daddy, and I thought... I thought you didn't love me anymore!" "Sweetheart, it's ok, I'll love you no matter what you or I do, there is nothing that can change that." "Not even the nightmares?" "Not even those pesky little nightmares, ___. I love you, now get some rest" ... "Hey... Dad? I had another nightmare, last night, Do you..." "Do you still love me?" Drip... Drip... Drip... "..." "...Mom?" . . . Enough. That picture doesn't mean anything to you, you're not one of these pathetic losers still haunted by their past. See them? Simply standing in terror? Screaming their hearts out? They're weak, they have secrets they desperately want to hide. Not you, Mei, not you. ...Well that was certainly a wake-up call. Mei blinked a few times as she looked away from her image, almost like she came out of a trance. That little bit of her consciousness was a real life-saver, that's for sure. Even if it was annoying as hell. Her expression turned dark and even angry as she got her s**t together, making a sound that was a combination of a grumble and a sigh. Oh whatever, this was getting boring anyways... Mei wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this, especially not the other students. This whole "secrets" thing was an absolute bust, other than seeing everyone else wallow in their sorrows, she got nothing fun from it. Those images were important to note though, she'd keep them in her mind. That was probably the only thing worthwhile from this... Miyako and a phone, one that gave them a ghastly scream. Sawyer and a graveyard, one they were laughing their ass off at. Shi and a drain, one that seemed to bring back memories. Akari and the Tin Man, one whose heartless little soul seemed to glare at the engineer, who only stood in silence. Kubo and the cross, one that made the bastard dart out of the room. Mei and the brain, her own refusing to be sensible about it. Darcy and the lovers, the hands causing the chocolatier to run as well. Lucian and the concrete shoes, one that seemed to even drag them down into a pool of pity. Setsuna and the family, one that caused them to trip over their own shoes. Futatabi and the noose, a gaping hole that everyone knew. Saeko and the flames, flames that Mei assumed to be burning their life away. Mika and the alleyway, as dim and terrifying as Mika's s**tty heart. Sutaraitsu and the eye, one that seemed to be looking at them all. Horatia and the paintbrush, one that Mei liked to imagine would be coated with their blood. ...Rumia and the... Face-painted face? Who... Who was Rumia? And Idris. Idris and the nails. Nails that seemed to terrify him. Idris... Are you having nightmares too? Her eyes softened, as did her expression, when she looked over at Idris. She no longer cared about the posters, about anyone else in the room, of how bored she was, of how angry she was. She just saw Idris. Idris having nightmares too. She took a deep breath, a voice in the back of her mind begging her not to do it, not to walk over. You'd mess it all up anyways. You don't talk to people having nightmares, that's when you catch them at their lowest. You don't want to make things worse, not with him. Not with him Mei did it anyways, she slowly walked over, trying her best to have a calm expression. Idris... You're not supposed to be having nightmares too. Mei stopped, having another idea. She caved into the voice telling her not to talk to him, and instead went to the podiums. Idris Kallikrates RIIIPPP There, now Idris couldn't have nightmares anymore. Those nails that were causing him so much agony couldn't hurt him anymore. She didn't bother with her own, the little brain in a little jar could stay there, right there. It could stay there for the world to see. For the world to see her pretty little jars, but never touch them. Only she could touch her pretty little jars. Mei crumbled the image into a ball, not looking at Idris once. She'd throw it away once she found a trash can. She'd throw his nightmares away. Please... Don't let him have nightmares too. A few steps away from the podium, and she finally did it. Her eyes that never showed the truth, just for one second, looked at Idris. She'd make it worse. She was hopeless in this situation. She was hopeless seeing him have nightmares. She would only give him more, anyways. Even when she wanted to comfort him so bad, turn those nightmares into dreams, she knew she never could. She could only make nightmares. So she walked away. . . . Was this how you felt, seeing me have those nightmares? Did you feel this agony too? Agony I would never understand? "I'm sorry, mom." "I'm sorry, dad." I wish that I could say I loved you back. I'm sorry. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Akari stood silently at the edge of the room, drowning out all the sound he could while he waited. His sewage-green hair piled over his eyes, his beanie covering most of it. His two-toned eyes. Those eyes hid behind a curtain, and his body hid in the shadows as best as it could. His breath was shaky, he was not ready for what was about to happen. Secrets... Everyone had them, right? Nobody had to know his secret... Right? He looked around the room one last time before his eyes landed on the podiums coming up, watching the black and white images rise as they revealed engraved names under them. So, this was it. Their secrets would be black and white photos. That... Made it harder to tell, right? His brown and gold eyes gazed over every single one of them, not really caring about them. He didn't need to know, they were secrets after all. Why should he know their secrets? He didn't care, he didn't need to know. His hopes of survival were nonexistent anyways, he was just waiting for the day he would be a victim of this sick game. He wouldn't kill anyone, he wasn't like Kaoru. He wasn't like them. He... He didn't kill. Those gunshots didn't mean death followed. The Grim Reaper wasn't crawling on his back that day. There wasn't blood on his clothes. There wasn't his blood on his clothes. He didn't hear those screams that day. He didn't hear his muffled screams that day. He shouldn't even be here after that day. Not after what he did. . . . I don't want to die, please... Get me out of here, get me away here! Dad... Dad please... Don't leave me here, don't leave me alone... Don't leave me with her... Don't leave me in this place... Please, I don't want to die... I don't want anyone hurt... Their screams hurt so much, dad... The blood hurts my eyes... Your children are dead, and... And I'm next... Please... I don't want to... I don't want to do this... I don't want to die, dad... Please... Someone... Get me away from here... . . . There it was, Akari Xenauta. His name was written in gold, and above it... Was the Tin Man. The man who went on a journey to find a heart. The man made of metal who didn't have a heart. He remembered that movie, it was one of the few he liked as a kid. He didn't get to watch much movies, but the Wizard of Oz was one that he could watch. Little Dorothy and her dog Toto, swept away from their bleak world and put in a land full of color and wonder. She traveled with a cowardly lion, a heartless man of tin, and a scarecrow without a brain. He loved that movie, he... That was the last time they were together. Monokuma... That sick bastard... Those screams he heard told him that everyone else thought the same. The man he had walked here with had run off, along with Darcy, Setsuna was on the floor, Idris was panicking over something, the ghost girl was screaming her head off, and... The rest of them were terrified in their own ways. Even that purple-haired girl, the one who thrived in agony, she was scared too. Akari was certainly scared. Monokuma knew, he knew his secret. He knew what Akari had done. Monokuma knew he was just a man made of tin, no heart in that hollow body of his. Just a man made of tin. Just a man without a heart. He couldn't help but to care so much about that damn image, it froze him in place. He couldn't speak or move, the picture just froze him there. He wanted to look away so badly, but he couldn't. He wasn't a man made out of tin. He wasn't heartless. He did what he had to do. Had... to do... ...Did he really? Did he really have to do what he did? He had a choice... And he made the worst one. The one where he became a man of tin, and lost his heart. But... He was better now, right? He... He got what he deserved, they got what they deserved... It was all by his hand though. A man with a heart wouldn't have done those things. A man with a heart wouldn't have said they deserved it. But... He got his heart back, right? After living alone for so long... He was Akari again, right? He had a heart, didn't he? He was willing to end up dead in this sick game if it meant one less person got hurt, that mean he had a heart, right? He wasn't just being selfish? His hand slowly reached up to his left eye, crawling under his hair and clutched his skin and the roots of his hair tightly. His hands were cold, the gloves were thin. His arms itched, he wanted to scratch them over and over and over... But he couldn't. He made sure of that. He made sure his hands were always cold, he made sure he couldn't feel them again. He made sure he could never hurt again. He made sure the painful and agonizing sound of his flesh being ripped into by a devilish blade was worth it. His heart pounded in his chest, his eyes were wide, and his breathing was shaky. But how could his heart pound if he didn't have one? [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Fri, 13/01/2023 18:23 (2 Years ago) |
crossover moment ![]() [
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Fri, 13/01/2023 09:16 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei had somehow gotten ahold of a random, almost monochrome rubik's cube that had been lying around for "decoration" for some reason, fiddling with it to pass the time. She was in the middle of scrambling it when she felt inclined to look up from the dull colors after hearing a door squeak, finding Idris coming closer. Her eyes followed him for a moment, sticking her tongue out and rocking her head side to side whenever he made that ugly look toward her. Geez... how rude... Mei looked back down and continued shuffling, then began every casual person's nightmare when looking at a scrambled cube. Solving it. Good thing she wasn't a casual, am I right? She only acted like one. Mei continued fiddling around with it, seemingly getting nowhere as a perplexed look creeped onto her face, all while looking up at Idris a time or two. "Pfft, what, I stole your chair or something? Are you mad that I don't have a dead aunt to torment me with?" She chuckled, starting to now lean back in her chair and throw the cube at the ceiling, catching it as it was about to hit her face, over and over again while she giggled and laughed. "So y'know how 'great minds think alike' or somethin' stupid like that? Don't you find it funny how we both just decided to totally hang out together, stay in this 'cozy' space instead of putting actual work in to explore the school? No way, me too!" She giggled some more, lifting her head up to look at the black-haired boy on the stool, shoving his face in a thick book. Mei knew that he didn't want to talk or anything, and she knew he already found her annoying, but why not make it even worse? It was more fun to torment someone who's made it obvious they don't want to put up with her BS anyways. "Well, at least I'm not a nerd, right? Hehe, you look soooo stupid with your face in that book~" She teased, returning to throwing the cube back in the air over and over again after giving Idris a smug smirk. Yeah, sure, Mei sounded really stupid right now, but at least it was funny to her. (too lazy to write more insults whoops, it's like 3 am i can't anymore) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Aoi walked into the main room of his house, slightly calmed by the fact that it was all so... Neat, simple, and the atmosphere was quite lovely. Before his nonexistent dormmate came in, he darted to his room and closed the door, honestly quite surprised by what he saw. It wasn't at all what he expected, but then again he wasn't expecting anything anyways. But... He wasn't expecting this. Pastel golden yellow walls (which were oddly padded for some reason... Sound-proofing, maybe?), long white flowing curtains over an open window, almost-white wood tiled floors, very light gray sheets on a bed with a simple but elegant wooden frame, a white wardrobe in the corner that, when opened, looked more like a storage system/supply chest than a wardrobe, and a desk across from the foot of the bed that housed two monitors and what he assumed to be a hidden computer. It was so... odd, really, Aoi wasn't sure how to react. All the bright colors blinded him, but honestly, he didn't mind it. Better than being in a dark, cold, lifeless room... The memory made him shiver, but it also brought something to mind. The room didn't feel tailored to him, but he knew that there wasn't anything he would change either. Odd, considering the fact that for the past 10 years he didn't really have a space, or a life, really, to call his own. Aoi didn't exactly have many interests, likes or dislikes. He didn't have a favorite color or color scheme, or even an atmosphere, truth be told. He wasn't really sure about anything that would make a place more "cozy" to him, Aoi kind of just... Didn't really care. He just found it funny how this was the final decision for his room, especially when none of it sparked any interest in him. Anyways, he traveled to his bed first thing and immediately sat down, running his hand through his hair as he let out a deep sigh. What a day it has been, and it wasn't even halfway over... Aoi yawned and took one last look around the room before adjusting his clothing while he got up once again, deciding it best to actually explore the school. Hopefully it would get his mind off the memories slowly creeping into his head now, leaving him cursing at himself for being stagnant for too long, letting his mind wander too far. He... He didn't want to see their faces again, hear their voices, hear his own voice, or anything really, but it was inevitable at this point, wasn't it? Everything here only reminded him of the past, a past that no matter how hard he tried, he could never get to go away. (Edgy Flashback Moment™ coming soon in a roleplay post near you????) [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Thu, 12/01/2023 18:30 (2 Years ago) |
Spooky Narrator -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, that day was... uneventful to say the least. Well, at least everyone understands the situation a little bit more, right? Wrong, they knew nothing at all. Fun. The sun had burned its way into everyone's eyes in the morning, reminding them that today was a new day and they had s**t that needed to be done. Like... Maybe nearly die a few times, forced to listen to their own minds tormenting them, deal with insufferable people for a long journey, and so many more fun things. Oh the joys of becoming a part of a strange experiment, their fate now at the hands of some random dude in a white trench coat. Or was it... Two random dudes in a white trench coat... Who knows, nobody could tell with the coat on. Speaking of a random dude or two that now had control over every aspect of these poor characters' lives, watching their every movement, listening to every word they said, and even monitoring their thoughts to an extent (creepy...), he was up doing his work once again. Time to be an alarm clock they can never turn off. Oh, that reminds me, hi. That random dude in a coat? Yeah, that's me, I'm Spooky Narrator. Nobody here knows it yet, but I actually go by Dr. Arevo, not "Frankenstein" or "That Guy", just Dr. Arevo. Thanks. . . . Each of them woke up to a throbbing headache once again, a high-pitched noise constantly playing in their ears, but it didn't seem to come from anywhere except their own heads. Oh fun... To those that had a phone, a strange message was blaring on the screen, one that caught everyone's attention right away. To those that didn't, or were known to never use their phone, a sticky note on their forehead shared Dr. Arevo's message instead. "Well, hope none of you had nightmares, there's no time to waste. Can't weasel your way to a convenience store because you "forgot" something, gotta take a road trip first. Besides, the rest of the necessary supplies (and some quality items) have been fully stocked while you were asleep, didn't have the budget for name-brand stuff so I do hope you enjoy 'Dortitos'. Don't ask how I managed to do these things, it's better if you didn't know. Anyways, to make it a little easier for you guys I have saved the location of The Rotting Heart in your devices (for those that didn't have one, a fun-sized colorful pamphlet detailing the location was given instead), I do hope you make it there safely, but I can't guarantee that certain... Obstacles won't be in your path. Good luck! Oh, and please do remember, tell no one. The consequences are... less than humane to say the least. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kai woke up from his very unfortunate and very short rest, if it could even be called that. It was more of a power nap, and the headache he still had didn't make it any better. He drove home almost immediately after the store encounter, and did almost nothing except worry and pack. Too bad he woke up to an even worse headache, almost like he'd been shot through the skull. Totally not speaking from experience. He groaned and sat up in his bed, immediately reaching for the bottle of pills that he had recently gotten for these damn headaches. After a few moments of utter silence, the man reached for his phone, his eyes barely even open enough to see the message. Kai noticed it last minute though and slowly rubbed his eyes to hopefully clear his vision before reading. . . . Geez, intrusive much, eh? He assumed this guy just broke into his house while he was asleep, and he didn't doubt it either. He obviously knew everyone's addresses or at least their current whereabouts, so it wouldn't be surprising if he just came in uninvited... Oh whatever, he had to get up anyways, couldn't worry about it too much. He did enough of that last night. Kai couldn't help but wonder though... Who were those people? The man had the faintest memory of their existence, but... did he actually know them? They all had to be in on this, right? He sighed and hoisted himself off his bed and headed to the shower, then got everything else ready for the road trip. Grabbing the key and slowly opening the trunk, Kai stuffed all his belongings in and hopped in the front seat, turning his key and... Since when did he have a full tank of gas? A rarity nowadays, especially since money was tight, but he wasn't going to complain. A long pause was held as he just sat there, contemplating whatever the hell he was about to do. He didn't want to see those people again, but if the road to The Rotting Heart was that dangerous, and they were in on it... Wouldn't it be best to travel with them? Eh, who cares, he was starving and there was a local bakery in town he could stop at. The message didn't say anything about grabbing breakfast after all. . . . He parked his car in a strangely vacant parking lot, slightly confused about the emptiness but didn't really complain. Hey, the fewer people there were the easier he could get his food. He walked in and placed his order, then sat down at one of the two-person tables and pulled out his phone. Kai figured that he could do at least a little research before he sent himself to die. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 20:30 (2 Years ago) |
ah, the classic zombie gambit, just keep your rook in the back for more efficient sun-making and let the pawns sweep ![]() [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 07:28 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei had walked in a little bit after Idris did, only being able to hear his door open and saw the main room left vacant. It was... Nice, she had to admit, but the books weren't exactly cutting it for her. Seriously? This was supposed to be a dorm, not a library. Mei couldn't deny that she liked the dark atmosphere, the simple patterns, and especially how simple it all was. Huh, not bad. She walked over to the bookshelves to take a closer look at the assortment that they contained, not really finding anything interesting enough to catch her eye. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't much of a reader, but the faintest memory only said otherwise. She loved to read as a child, she read hundreds and hundreds of books until one day... She just stopped. Now she kind of despised it, it was just soooo boring to sit down and stare at ink on paper all day. The girl got up with a sigh and looked over at the open door to her side, noticing the name plate on it. So, if that was Idris's room, that meant... Mei turned her head to the other side of the room, spotting another door with a plate on it. This time, it was completely closed and had Mei Akamatsu engraved on it. Well... Here it goes... She turned the knob and entered inside, surprised to see... Almost nothing. Yup, that's right, the room was almost completely empty. So they really did tailor it to her, neat. The walls were dark gray with slightly varying tones in a small pattern with a black ombre rising from the floor, almost like someone spray-painted the bottom half of the walls... It looked nice though, plain and simple, just how she liked it. The bed was made neatly in the corner, no headboard, no footboard, no nothing, it was just a box spring and a mattress on a frame. The sheets were a very dark purple, with the pillowcases being a slightly lighter gray than the walls. Right beside the bed was an almost black nightstand, with a small drawer and an opening at the bottom to act as a shelf for books and such. On top of the nightstand was a simple vase of black dahlias for some reason, which even made Mei confused. Why the hell were there flowers here, Mei couldn't even keep a cactus alive. Odd, but it fit the room so it got a pass. Mei almost gasped when she looked over at the curtains, they were the black-out ones! Her favorite, and these seemed to actually work. They were a simple gray on the lighter side, not much lighter than the walls though, but she liked them. Other than that, there was pretty much nothing else to note about in her room, other than the simple black rug against the darkest wood floor she had ever seen, and the desk on the other side of the room. As much as she liked this room, she kinda wished it was more... interesting, give her something to complain about, but no biggie, right? She decided not to look much deeper into her room and headed back into the larger room, sitting on the chair closest to her room. Mei had no clue as to what she was actually doing, but she was comfy now and she really didn't want to get up. [Read more] |
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Wed, 11/01/2023 02:15 (2 Years ago) |
No Queen? No Towers? ![]() [
Daiko OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 280 |
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2023 23:24 (2 Years ago) |
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pfft, enjoyed? Like hell anyone did, who was she kidding? Was their headmistress really that desperate to be optimistic? It was already getting dull, and annoying too. Mushrooms... Odd, but she didn't question it. Mei always found it weird that schools liked to have themes, it seemed pointless. Why not just go by number or something? It was easier, not as stupid... "In Amanita Negra... Idris Kallikrates and Mei Akamatsu." Her eyes widened in shock and bewilderment, and after a few moments, she almost burst out laughing. Seriously? What were the odds? Was she really paired up with that guy? Oh great... This was gonna be... fun, wasn't it? Her lavender eyes scanned the room, landing on the guy that would be in the same house as her. Oh fun... "Never. And I repeat, never are you allowed to go into the deep parts of the forest. When you see birch trees, turn around and walk away. This is our sacred rule and disobedience will result in immediate expulsion. You have been warned." Oh how funny. Miss Venti said not to go in the forest, but she made it sound so tempting! Immediate expulsion? That it? If it was so bad, why was the punishment so... minimal? What if Mei wanted to be expelled? This place sucked anyways, why not have an easy way out, and also learn a pretty cool secret or two! Due to plot reasons, the girl thought it best to just hold that thought instead, not take any action about it for now. Who knows, this place might actually be more interesting than she thought. Mei got up from her seat and headed towards the exit, her curiosity about her "room" getting the best of her. Why, and how, would it be specifically tailored to her? A bit excessive, but she was curious. Mei never really had a "taste", so she wondered how they made her room... Hopefully it wasn't brightly colored, loud and cluttered as hell... Her feet began to walk her out, heading to wherever the heck "Amanita Negra" was. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Aoi sighed quietly and walked off the stage, heading straight for the door after Miss Venti stopped talking. God, that was really stupid, he sounded so dumb... Maybe isolating himself in his room could keep his mind off of it. "Webcaps will house Isla Greer and Aoi." He certainly didn't know who Isla Greer was, and he didn't want to stick around to find out. His hands were in his pockets still but Aoi made sure to lower his head so no one could see his face, all while walking into the hall and towards the Webcaps house, wherever that was. Familiar purple hair could be seen through the curtain Aoi had put over his face, and his breathing suddenly became deeper and slower. almost like he was trying to be as quiet as possible. His blood turned cold and his footsteps quickened, trying his best to walk right by her as quickly and as quietly as possible. He hated that girl, and just being around her made him sick... [Read more] |