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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dragonsoul.
Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 15:10 (9 Years ago)
Oooo! Can you do my pokesona as a sprite? Refrences in my siggie

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 14:51 (9 Years ago)
False kingship male. (Whaat??? >.>)


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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 14:13 (9 Years ago)
Get your great toad!


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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 13:29 (9 Years ago)
To you, George! Hate furry half buttons!


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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 13:11 (9 Years ago)
(Apparently, I can't read or hear anything today! I thought your post said your wife had been a complete jerk. I was thinking 0-0 Wasn't she ten? (Probably eleven now CX)

Hajila gave an approving grin. She was yards away, but she put on a burst of speed, almost closing the gap. She has nice control over her animal, she thought, I wish I could do that
Jaglar hissed softly in her mind, but oddly, it wasn't with anger or annoyance. Jaglar approved what she was doing. That's a first, Hajila thought (thoughtfully. Hooray for repeated words!)
Truth be told, Jaglar had a complete mind of his own, preferring to wait things out rather than get involved. But when he wanted to engage, things could get ugly.
Hajila shook her head, as if to toss the thoughts aside and raced to catch up with her new partner, panting.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 03:36 (9 Years ago)

I now know what true beauty is! Thank you so much!

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 01:16 (9 Years ago)
(Whyyy??? 3:)

Why you get emotional for just ululation? God!


(I took out all of the d(eath) and k(illed) in my thingie. 0_0

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 01:14 (9 Years ago)
Okay... gonna try to keep track of all of my arts here...

very secret HINNNTTT: Click on the art to go to the shop/username to go to their profile!

Art for Soul, my Pokesona!
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Tis the prettiest picture! Thanks, br0kenkitten!

Made by the wonderful -Flamey-!

Look at mah baby! Thank you azalea!

Made by meeeeeeeeeeee! Beaautiful, right? .-. Soul x Spirit

Made by me! running low on money, alright?! Actually kinda proud of it... ._.

Made by moi! Tis beautiful.

I... love. IT!

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Oh mah gerd, I had completely forgotten about these! While I had been hunting around, looking for a sprite, and I found it! Made by the incredible Sumireko!

Made by Brittanyrs0419! Thanks!

Made by me!
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My Goonite, Goomy/Dragonite fusion. :3

Made by meeeeeeeeeeee! Beaautiful, right? .-. Soul x Spirit

Made by me! running low on money, alright?! Actually kinda proud of it... ._.

Made by moi! Tis beautiful.

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 01:04 (9 Years ago)
REALLY?! Eggs train robots only during super annoying days? I hate absolute smashers!


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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 01:00 (9 Years ago)
I am le back! Can you make her as a licky? Paying 20k! :3333

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Posted: Wed, 25/11/2015 00:56 (9 Years ago)
John nabbed many houses.


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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 23:57 (9 Years ago)
Le prompt of le bread...
(I think I mixed up the order of how you actually make bread... X3)
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Urgh... I think I am going to be sick. All the baker has been doing for about five minutes is roll, squish back up, and roll me out again. My perfect slim bread body is getting... bigger.
Well, I guess not bigger, but you get the horrible, horrible picture.
Finally, after about another century of spinning, he was satisfied. He sprinkled flour all over me, and the kneaded me. Kneading is different from rolling, it feels like a very aggressive (or ecstatic!) masseuse.
Too bad it didn't last forever. He plopped me on to a freezing cold pan, then put me in a freaking over. Cold or hot? MAKE UP YOUR MIND! I didn't really mind though, I was getting an awesome tan.
So, he pulled me out and I was all beautiful, golden and toasty warm. He put me into a glass case so I could show off the other, lamer bread. But this old lady waltzed in and bought me. BOUGHT ME!
So, she stuffed me into this really smelly bag and jumped on to something that felt like a horse. It bumped. A lot.
She threw the bag somewhere and then ran away somewhere. I dunno where, I couldn't see through the bag.
After a day or two, she came back and began to eat me. I'm just going to stop there.

Wanted to bring this back! It was a lot of fun :3

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 23:26 (9 Years ago)
Granted. What does ninja mean? X3

I wish that people would poke Jell-O more often!

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 23:26 (9 Years ago)
Oops... forgot to bump for readiness. Welp. I'm ready!

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 23:24 (9 Years ago)
Very big goof.


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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 22:39 (9 Years ago)
"Try red gravy," forced Yoda.


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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 22:31 (9 Years ago)
Request please? I'll pay 20K!
Mind doing this sweetheart?

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
Breeding Center
Pretty sure that the title is self explanatory! But… I guess I should explain it. So, two owners bring their pets together in an awesome breeding experience. To breed your pets, one owner has to supply a box of chocolates, which costs two thousand PD. (Basically, pay me 2,000 Pokedollar before you breed!) The owner who supplies the box will get the first choice and if only one pet is born, they get the choice between one thousand PD and the other owner gets the pet. If neither want the pet, it will go to the Adoption Center. THIS IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! There is only a nest per species, so if there is No cross-breeding. That feature may come later, but I am not prepared for that type of thing just yet.
Fluffi - Usually produce from two to three pets in a litter. Three in a litter is extremely rare. Breeding takes one to three days.
Sqeerib - Usually produce three to six pets in a litter. Six is very rare, and they usually give birth to about four pets. Breeding takes five to twelve days.
Wrenip - Usually produce two to four pets in a litter. Four is relatively common and the amount is random. Breeding takes two to five days.





1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
Welcome to my Order Box! Just write a small post, saying who you are, what creature you want, and what designs/colors you want! Each one costs a minimum of one thousand pokedollar, but you can tip me if you feel inclined (*wink, wink*).
I’ll make sure to send you a notice when your order has been carried out! (Meaning I’ll palpad you once I’m done with it.)
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Description of Pet:
Tip? :3 -

1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center

Adoption Mall
Welcome! Here, you get to adopt animals that have been found on the streets, poor babies! They are longing for any owner, which makes them half as expensive, prices running between 250-500 PD! But(t), remember to only adopt one per day, because everyone wants a chance! Here they are:

Magrove ~ Male ~ 300 PD*

ADOPTED! Rose ~ Female ~ 300 PD*

Flowing ~ Female ~ 300 PD*

*Small condition on these guys, they'll stay in the original post, but you can put them wherever else you want, but they will also be here to show off the fabulousness of their species.

1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center

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Posted: Tue, 24/11/2015 21:21 (9 Years ago)
Have you come to pick up an animal? No? You've come to order? What do you want to do?

Feh. Not for me. Baiii!

Yus! I've come to the right place!

Okay, the adoptables need you! They need a loving owner who will share memories with them, since they can't leave the internet. They want lots of love, so be sure to click them every once in a while. I'm sure they feel love somewhere in their pixels!
Finally! You ready to order some pets? Great! Just remember to be polite, then we'll get along just fine.


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Fluffi (Pronounced FLOO-fee. Plural: Fluffies) - Fluffies tend to be attention seeking and love to be on the spotlight. Owners of Fluffies need to be active because Fluffies need the memories of fresh breezes and brisk winter days. Or summer days, it doesn't matter!

Sqeerib (Pronounced SQUEE-rib. Plural: Sqeeribs) - Sqeeribs just want love! They are especially great for an owner in a relationship with someone, whether it is friendly or romantic. Make sure to give them extra love and attention!

Wrenip (Pronounced Whren-EEP. Plural - Wrenips) - Wrenips want knowledge. They love avid readers and devotional friends. They value loyalty and determination above all else, so make sure to give them plenty of clicks!

1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center

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