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Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 23:33 (10 Years ago) |
"You may be considered responsible enough to have a job after you turn 15, but I still consider you a kid until you're 18," she said, and took a first bite out of her apple. "The name's Jano, by the way. Pleased to meet'chya," she said after swallowing. "I'm just headed to that farm over there." She pointed to a farm that had come within their eyesight. "I keep my horse there. His name's Snip, and I try to visit him every day to take care of him and such. The undead don't seem to bother animals, or at least not as much as humans, so I keep him out where he's got space to roam." She took another bite of the apple. "You said you're a bounty hunter, yeah? Seems like it keeps you quite busy. I'm a hunter, mainly." She fingered the the string of her bow at the word hunter. "Although that doesn't mean I don't take care of any zombies I happen to run into while travelling," she said, with a slightly mischievous grin. Usually when she got back to town, she would see if any of the zombies she'd killed matched up with a bounty, and collect the reward, if any. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 02:11 (10 Years ago) |
"Well, you see, uh," as it turns out, she needn't explain any further. A younger brunette girl approached the group. "She's with me, sir. Right here's my permission," the girl said as she flashed a card. That seemed to be enough for both of them, as the guard quickly opened the way for the two girls. "Oh, sorry. I'm fine now, thanks. I was just trying to get through." Jano gave the friendly guard a wave, and ran to catch up with the mysterious girl. When they were safely outside, she asked the girl a question, "Thanks for helping me out. What's your name, anyways? And if I may ask, what's a kid like you doing around here? It looks like you're a regular to the outside world, to me." [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 19:14 (10 Years ago) |
"What time is it...?" she mumbled to herself as she crawled across the room to get her watch from the dresser. The hour hand was somewhere around the seven from what Jano saw with her foggy vision, and she didn't even bother with the minute hand. After a good eye rubbing, she got dressed and ready for the day. On her way out, she put on her favorite gloves before grabbing an apple and her weapons and walking out the door. Her mind wandered to her horse as she walked, and before she knew it, she was already at the gate. To her surprise, a guard stopped her as she tried to leave the town. "No one goes out without permission," he said. Jano blinked. "I've got permission," she said. "Mind if I see it?" "I, uh, don't have it with me right now." Jano remembered that rainy day, about two weeks ago, when she had tripped into a large puddle in the road. In truth it had been more of a pond. Everything in her bag had fallen out and gotten soaked, including the note that gave her permission to leave. But you'd think they'd remember me, I leave almost every day to feed Snip. She never had a problem with it until today, but now that she thought about it, he didn't look that familiar. He was probably a new recruit, along with the other man she'd seen walking toward the northeast tower. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 00:29 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 25/10/2014 23:16 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 25/10/2014 22:47 (10 Years ago) |
Username: Death Character Name: Jano Hammers Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Jano has dark brown hair that falls in tight ringlets around her face. It's usually about shoulder-length because of the curls, but when straightened it adds an extra 2-3 inches. She has olive skin and brown eyes, and just below average height. As for clothing, she usually wears army green skinny jeans tied with a black (or occasionally white) sports tank top and brown combat boots. She's also a fan of gloves, and her favorite ones are a pair of black, fingerless, motorcycle gloves, although she also has a pair of black leather gloves that go up past her elbow (and are also fingerless). Personality: Jano is the kind of person that accidentally sneaks up on people. (She doesn't intend to scare people by "appearing" behind them, but her footsteps are just rather quiet.) She has trust issues, because when she was younger she was very trusting, but when people started to violate her trust, she started becoming more and more distrusting of everyone but herself. Rather lazy, she won't do anything unless she has to, and if she does, she finds the quickest and easiest way to do it. She isn't bothered by death, even that of a loved one. This may be why she often accepts jobs that involve killing things. When it comes to interacting with other people, she's a say the least. Her mind is quite "creative" and is often thinking about many things at once, which is why during a conversation, she has a tenancy to either space out or suddenly change the subject to something quite unrelated to the current one. However, she does love to help people, no matter what they need help with, and will go out of her way to do so. History: Her parents were farmers, and they raised animals as well as growing crops. She never found a liking for garden work (she was afraid of the bugs and spiders in the fields), but she did like to take care of the animals. When she was 11, she started learning how to bow hunt, because her family had a rather nice bow. (It was actually her uncle's but he died, and their family got it.) At age 14, her father broke his right arm and she took over hunting,and became rather good with the bow. Two years later on her 16th birthday, she decided to move to the closest town to look for work, since she hated farming in general. For several years, she lived in Greenville, and honed her hunting skills (animals and otherwise), as well as learning how to use a pistol (which she also uses as well as her bow), until finally she moved to New Beginning two months ago (from the start of the RP). Family: Her mom, dad, older brother, and younger brother still live on their farm near Greenville. (She had a younger sister, but she died of a sickness when she was 4.) She hasn't heard of them since she left, but believes they are still alive. Job: She's a hunter, for the most part. Occasionally she will switch jobs for a few days if there is better pay. Other Details: She has a chestnut horse named Snip that she raised while she lived on the farm. For the time being, a farm just outside of Greenville is letting her keep him there in return for hunting for them every so often. I know it's long but I like to work on my characters a lot. XD [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 22:19 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 00:42 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 04:00 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 03:57 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 03:51 (10 Years ago) |
My friend code is 5429-7528-5829 [
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Wed, 18/06/2014 03:09 (10 Years ago) |
(I can give a Trace Ralts if anyone needs it.) [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 18:38 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Mon, 16/06/2014 03:43 (10 Years ago) |
The blazing aura is referring to White Kyurem "Spread joy"... I'm still not 100% sure on this, but after checking and rechecking the Pokedex, I believe that the correct markings are the first ones, belonging to the Togepi evolution line. (Although I still have no clue on the other two.) The last one, I'm not totally sure on either, because all have multiple forms. But I'm pretty sure that it's Giratina, because although it has an alternate form, it doesn't mega evolve like Diancie or the Latis. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 22:44 (10 Years ago) |
Shine with seven colors Radiate a blazing aura Spread joy Cannot increase Since you said that we had to guess which picture they correspond to, I'm assuming some of them are out of order. The first line, "Shine with seven colors" obviously refers to the Ho-oh picture in the first set. However, "Spread joy" probably refers to Shaymin in the first set, but I suppose it could also apply to the 2nd. The only thing I can think of for the 3rd set is "Radiate a blazing aura" since the only patterns/marking I think those pictures apply to is Lucario's spike (the first one) and Riolu's little ovalish thing (the second one) on their arms, and it fits seeing as they're "Aura" Pokemon. /shot The last picture set is probably "Cannot increase" since Diancie has some sort of increasing thing above it, and Diancie is a fairy-type, which would mean that it has an advantage over Latias/Latios and what I'm assuming is Giratina, seeing as the later bunch are dragon-types. [Read more] |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 22:08 (10 Years ago) |
Death OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 520 |
Posted: Sat, 14/06/2014 19:41 (10 Years ago) |
@Bya-chan: Accepted, and adding to the list. ;) And FINALLY season 4 of MLP is on Netflix! :D Wooooo! ![]() [Read more] |