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Searching for: Posts from peachflytrap.
Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 21:40 (6 Years ago)

Thank you everyone for joining! The winners are:

1st Place, for 1 mil. , 2 Dragon Gems, and 1 Uxie Egg Voucher...

Mochi! With this lovely art:

2nd Place, for 500,000 , 66 Normal Gems, Sky Plate...

EeveePower! With this lovely art:

3rd Place, for 1 Star Piece, Jaw Fossil, Plume Fossil...

Guzma! With this lovely gif:

Thank you all for joining! Please PM me to claim your prizes!

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Posted: Tue, 01/05/2018 20:59 (6 Years ago)

Thank you all for entering and I wish you all the best!

submit your final art now!

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 21:54 (6 Years ago)
New due date! I've added an extra 24 hours, so that means the contest ends completely tomorrow at 5 pm EST!

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Posted: Tue, 24/04/2018 11:03 (6 Years ago)
Make it stick, Cynda!
Username: Innkyuu
Pokemon: Jolteon
Color: White
Other: none!
Password: Fury

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Posted: Mon, 23/04/2018 20:36 (6 Years ago)
Ah! That was the problem! Thank you so much! I removed all unneeded add ons and it started working!

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Posted: Mon, 23/04/2018 10:54 (6 Years ago)
Hello. I'm having trouble with the website. I am unable to remove/add pokemon to my party in the storage boxes, the front page interactions won't work, and I'm unable to close out of commenting on a feed in my notifications.

I use Chrome, but the website seems to work fine when I open incognito tabs.

What is the issue and how can I fix it?

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Posted: Fri, 20/04/2018 12:48 (6 Years ago)
It needs interactions, Cynda!
Username: Innkyuu
Pokemon: Jolteon
Other: none
Password: Aftermath

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 20:21 (6 Years ago)
It needs interactions, Cynda!
Username: Innkyuu
Pokemon: Jolteon
Other: none
Password: Aftermath

Make it stick, Cynda!
Username: Innkyuu
Pokemon: Jolteon
Color: White
Other: none!
Password: Aftermath

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 18:55 (6 Years ago)
Usernames of the contest holder(s): Innkyuu
Time period/overall goal of contest: 2 weeks / Art of my characters!
Link to contest thread/post: XX

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 18:53 (6 Years ago)
☆☆ Innkyuu's Art Contest ☆☆

Deadline: ENDED

Hey! I'm Innkyuu and I wanna spoil my characters with art!

R u l e s
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♡ All PH rules apply
♡ Do not copy/heavily reference/trace anybody's art. I will find out.
♡ Bases are fine, but they will drastically lower your chances of winning.
♡ You may submit as many entries as you like! However, QUALITY > QUANTITY.
♡ Please contain all your entries to one post!
♡ After this contest is over, i am free to use the submitted entries (with proper credit of course).

A r t - R e q u i r e m e n t s
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♡ Digital preferred, traditional okay as well
♡ At least flat colored [shading optional]
♡ Pixelart is good

C h a r a c t e r s
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[ Animal / Feral]
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[ Humans ]

P r i z e s
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Show hidden content
♡ First Place: 1 mil. , 2 Dragon Gems, 1 Uxie Egg Voucher
♡ Second Place: 500,000 , 66 Normal Gems, Sky Plate
♡ Third Place: 1 Star Piece, Jaw Fossil, Plume Fossil

F o r m
- - - -
[b]Username[/b] [///]
[b]Art:[/b] [spoiler][img]image link here[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Other:[/b] [///]

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 03:18 (6 Years ago)

Months of planning, that’s what it took. She had so much work done on it, planning where, how long, and how it should be done all down to the smallest detail. The plan was perfect. She had given her instructions to her father’s men a few hours ago. Now she hovered on the rooftop of a neighboring building. The wind whipped around in the dark, stinging her checks. Cecina fiddled with her collar, pulling it up to her nose. She huffed, white puffs spewing from her lips. Glancing down at her watch, she clicked her flashlight on and off quickly, giving the signal. Her men moved in. She watched from above, like a dark cat waiting to pounce. Her eyes watched intently, looking for the slightest mistake.
All of a sudden, gunshots blasted from the building. Cecina’s heart dropped. There was no call for gunfire. She stood, holding a radio to her frozen lips. “What is happening?” she hissed, glancing behind her, even though she knew she was alone.

The voices responded but came in fuzzy. All of a sudden there was more silence. Cecina felt a bubble of panic in her throat. Her first instinct was to go down and figure out was was going on. She shook her head, dismissing the thought. She called into the radio again.


Cecina growled out of irritation, and spun around. Her lips parted in surprise. A silhouette was standing right before her. It was a man, his dark hair was sideswept by the wind. she realized a freshly bloodied katana sword at her throat, and narrowed her eyes at the man.

“Who are you?” she questioned, choosing her words carefully. He didn’t respond after a few moments of silence, and Cecina sighed.

He began to move around her, keeping a steady hand with his blade. He took long steps around her in a circle. Cecina kept her head held high and her eyes forward. This man thought he could come into her city, and threaten her? He has a deathwish. Cecina whipped her leg up, kicking the katana and sending it flying off the roof. She was surprised of how little effort it took to disarm him. He turned his head, watching the sword fall with an amused look on his face.

“That’s unfortunate.” He turned back, a grin on his face, his eyes glowing red. Cecina’s heart pounded. Weren’t his eyes just green?

As he stepped closer, she noticed that he had a dangerous look on his face.. But Cecina held her ground, putting up her fists. Damn it, she thought. I should have brought my bat! She swung her fist, connecting it to his jaw. Her fist exploded with pain. His jaw was solid like concrete. She jumped back, shaking her hand, tears threatening to spill. What the ---- is this guy?

The man proceeded forward with a threatening glint in his eyes, his presence emmeting terror and power. Suddenly he rushed forward. Cecina was barely able to leap out of the way and roll closer to the edge of the roof. The wind whistled loudly, a gust of wind nearly toppling the girl off the ledge. The man, however, seemed unfazed. He turned, but Cecina was already on top of him. She whipped out her knife, trying to claw his face with it. She got a few good scrapes in before he flung her off, holding her by the neck, squeezing her until she dropped the knife. His grip loosened, and Cecina got a good look at his face. There were cuts, of course, from her knife, but they were deeper than she was expecting. One eye was nearly torn out, but the other glowed a fierce red.

Grunting, she flailed out of his grip, bringing her foot up and burying it into his side. He skidded across the rooftop, unbalanced. Taking her chance, Cecina ran at him, picking her knife up along the way. She threw it as hard as she could, and it struck dead center into his chest. She heard a growl of pain, but it was an inhuman sound, like an animal’s. The figure stood up, his one remaining eye glowing in the dark. He reached up and pulled the knife from his chest. Blood spilled from the wound, but he was unfazed. He licked some of the blood off his lips and looked up at Cecina.

“Now then,” his husky voice began, “would you like this back?” He held the knife out to her, the hilt facing her.

She stared at the knife, then at his face. Cecina felt a pulse of electric shock run through her. His face had nearly healed, and his eyes were no longer red, but green again. Only blood stains remained on his face, reminding her of what she did. She didn’t reach for the knife, but asked a rather simple question.

“Who are you?”

“Me? I’m Fallac Saften, first class Nightmare Demon, at your service.” He gave a slight bow, still holding the knife out. “Would you take this now?”

Cecina came forward hesitantly, slowly reaching for the hilt. She took it, and stepped back quickly. She held the knife at her side, ready to cut him again if needed.

“My name is Cecina Allure.” She mumbled, remembering her manners. She shivered. Her coat had been torn in places, and the cold wind was seeping into her bones. Her muscles ached from being thrown, and she guessed from the massive amounts of pain that her neck was bruised.
She asked another question. “Were you the one who was inside that building before?” She pointed to the building where her men had entered.

He nodded. Cecina furrowed her brows, glaring at him. Rage suddenly warmed her up, and she felt like she could fight again for hours. “Did you kill my men?” she demanded.

Fallac nodded again. “Is that a problem?”

Cecina was fuming now. She threw her hands in the air as she shouted, “Those were my men! I’ve been planning this heist for months and then you suddenly show up, the one part of the equation that not me or anyone would guess actually counted! That was going to be my debut, the one chance I would have to prove to all of them that I was worthy of my father’s name!”

Tears had been streaming down her face. Cecina didn’t care. Fallac’s blank stare made her more frustrated. She turned away, wiping her tears.

“Well then, let’s go face them.” Fallac sighed. “Can’t let you lose your job, now can we? I bet you’re really important.”

Cecina turned around and looked at him. He was expression was serious. She tilted her head, silently questioning him. “My father owned the mafia. When he died, I inherited it. His best men are questioning my ability to lead, seeing as I’m only eighteen.”

Fallac closed his eyes, and put a thoughtful finger on his chin. “Well, I can help you earn more respect than you were going to..” He opened his eyes, flashing them red for a second.

Cecina mumbled a fine, and in an instant, she was alone on the roof. She looked around wildly, spinning in a small circle. He’s gone? She put her hands on her hips and closed her eyes, sighing. After a few moments, she heard a shuffling, and opened her eyes. Fallac was standing there, grinning from ear to ear with a big, black duffle bag in his hands. She noticed his barely noticeable fangs; just smaller than a vampire’s.

Shuffling over, she peered inside the bag. It was full of hundred dollar bills, gold bars, and to her surprise, diamonds. She gingerly picked a diamond up, examining it. “Where did you get all this?”
“This was everything you were going to steal. I just did it the easy way. You know, being a demon yourself, you could easily—”

“I’m not a demon!” Cecina interrupted him. “Why do big CEOs and well know candidates come to me and always ask me that?”

Fallac tilted his head, before the sudden realization hit him. “Well, most of the time, demons like to disguise themselves as big company heirs, politicians, and CEOs so we have the most control in the city, as His Majesty commands.” he explained.

She nodded, it made sense. Everyone in high power seemed fishy to her. But the question was, “What are we gonna do now?”

Fallac moved in close, and held Cecina’s chin in between his index finger and thumb, tilting her face up. His eyes seemed ablaze with a newfound passion. Bloodlust and excitement radiated off of his figure. Cecina felt a chill down her spine. As he leaned in close to her ear, she felt her face redden. She had no experience like this - being this close to someone. She never even let her father hug her.

“We burn them.”

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 03:17 (6 Years ago)

The ropes around her wrists tightened as she pulled on them. Unable to see, she hissed in pain. She relaxed her arms, releasing the pressure. Not long ago had she tried to shake the blindfold off, but to no avail. She heard soft footsteps behind her, and slowly walked in front of her. A deep, quiet unembodied chuckle bubbled up to where the footsteps stopped. Suddenly, the blindfold was roughly torn off her face. Tears welled in her eyes, but she wouldn’t show weakness to this man. In front of her stood her captor: short, somewhat fat, with a stubble around his face. His dark eyes protruding from his face a little. He wore a classic dark grey suit, gold tinting his belt.

“Well, well, well,” he gave her a dark look, fixing a pair of brass knuckles to his fist. “she awakens after all.” his New York accent was unmistakable.

Cecina looked up at him, only offering a weak, defiant smile. This caused the man in front of her to frown. He pulled back his arm, and slung a punch across her left jaw. She immediately tasted blood in her mouth. Her jaw throbbed, having an intense stinging pain. She looked up at the man again, and spit her blood at his shoes. She slowly started to move the ropes up and down against the back of the metal chair.

“-------,” she choked out, words laced with venom.

Again, the man pulled a fist back, slamming it into her stomach. She coughed up more blood. He pulled a cigar out of his breast pocket, and lit it. He leaned in close to her, puffing out a cloud of smoke in her face. She let out a small cough, and glared at him. She moved her hands against the rope more frantically, quietly wearing them down. She would need more time to break free, however.

“To make this easier for all of us, why don’t you just tell me where your father left the cash, and I’ll let you go… with minimal injury.” he tried to bargain.

“I won’t need to tell you anything, Giovanni,” she rasped. “he’s almost here.”

“Who, your father? I doubt daddy will come to your rescue. I mean, you are the weakest of his kids.” he spat the words out.

Cecina let out a dark chuckle. “Oh, I know Daddy isn’t coming to save me.”

Geovanni tilted his head, puffing on his cigar once more, before pressing it against the wall of the tight room. His eyes seemed to gleam in the dim light as he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could throw an insult back, crashes and gunshots could be heard in the next room over. Giovanni picked his head up, and in that second of distraction, Cecina pulled apart the loose ropes, leaping to her feet. In an instant, her fists were colliding with his temple, knocking him unconscious. She huffed, rubbing her sore wrists, swaying a little bit.

Moments later, the door bust open, the broken locks flying across the room, coming to rest at her feet. In the doorway stood a tall young man, hair ruffled and face dirtied with blood stains and dirt.

“Fallac,” Cecina managed to whisper, her voice suddenly hoarse. The edges of her vision went black, and she felt herself topple over. Before she could register being caught in a pair of soft muscular arms, she had already drifted into a black, dreamless sleep.

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Posted: Sun, 15/04/2018 03:16 (6 Years ago)
Welcome to the DrySouls story diary!

So, I guess I'll be posting the chapters I finish~

Disclamer: Censored the swear words to fit the site rules.

Trigger Warnings: Contains mild fight scene gore, and mentions of torture.

Character Log
(Introduced characters up to present date)

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Cecina Allure - Protagonist
Fallac Argone - Protagonist
Giovanni - Antagonist

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Posted: Fri, 06/04/2018 12:55 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 20:33 (6 Years ago)
hi u
username : Innkyuu
type : palette headshot + fullbody
reference :
offer : 500k PD
other : for the headshot, you can pick the palette colors, though I'd like his eyes to be the forest green they normally are. He's like one of those cats that knocks over your stuff and comes around only for food. Pose and everything is up to you, but with the fullbody, can you make him wearing the hoodie in this picture?
thank u

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 14:15 (6 Years ago)
jolteon / raikou !

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Posted: Sun, 01/04/2018 03:41 (6 Years ago)
Posting these before bed.



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Posted: Fri, 30/03/2018 02:06 (6 Years ago)
this is open, right

Username: It's ya boi Innkyuu
Character Reference: New bab uwu
Payment: 250k
Password: yellow!
Type of art: Fullbody~
Anything specific?: Creepy doggo

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Posted: Thu, 29/03/2018 01:46 (6 Years ago)
ahah excited to work on her~~

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 22:33 (6 Years ago)

By [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Innkyuu]Innkyuu[/url]
[b]Join my hashtag contest![/b]

[b]Hashtag to use:[/b] #InnkyuuRaffle1

[b]Prize(s):[/b] 300,000 PD + 1 Dragon Gem + 1 breeding pair of Spring Ampharos

[b]Additional requirements:[/b] Interact with my [url=http://pokeheroes.com/pokemon.php?id=2651786]Jolteon[/url] by feeding him a berry! Post proof in the comments and repost this feed! The contest will end once he reaches lv. 200!

[url=https://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=21092&post=1940495]Click here to repost![/url]

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