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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 11:07 (5 Years ago)
accepted!! welcome to the family, stella

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 10:47 (5 Years ago)
"I agree," Joshua said, standing up. "The fighting needs to stop. It just makes everyone angrier and gets us nowhere. I understand that most angels and demons don't get along, or even that being in a position like this causes everyone to be more stressed and on-edge, but can we try a little harder to keep the peace? Getting out isn't going to be easy, and we need to all be on the same page for it to work."

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 02:23 (5 Years ago)
Chao glanced at Garrick before looking back at Chae. "You were only supposed to do surface interactions. Explain."

"I didn't- he was- there was only supposed to be a shallow connection and- I dunno- he deepened it. I'd never- it was so quick and I saw so- everything," Chae whispered, "it was different, I was scared, but he told me. He asked me to lie for him. To kill him and spare him from being used so I just- I did. I didn't think. I-I'm sorry."

Chao stared down at him for a second, narrowing her bright pink eyes. "I'll tell Gray to redo the test," she said, "and if you lie again, she won't hesitate to have you terminated. No amount of Bubblegum and Cocoa's pleading will save you." And with that, she turned and walked away, heading over to stand with Cocoa in the corner once more.

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Posted: Fri, 01/02/2019 02:02 (5 Years ago)
"We can't just forget about the stupid boy," Chao said, crossing her arms. "I'm going to tell Gray. Chae's gotten along scott-free so many times, he deserves it."

"Don't you dare," Joshua replied, "he has his reasons."

"Oh really? Then what are these mysterious reasons, huh? What could drive him to fail a kid?"

"Stop it, Chao," Joshua growled, "He doesn't have to tell you anything. Come on, Chae, we'll as Cocoa to take us back to our room-"

"He asked me to," Chae murmured, cutting Joshua off. He didn't elaborate, just curled his knees closer to his chest and stared off into space blankly. He was so, so tired, the kind of tired he felt when he couldn't sleep for days because of medication or side effects. Nausea curled in his stomach, but he pushed it away.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 23:41 (5 Years ago)
Both Chao and Joshua glared at Garrick. "He's not a kid," Chao snapped, "he's an adult that needs to make responsible decisions that won't get him killed. And this isn't one of them. Why would you fail that kid? What could you possibly see in him that would make you want to eliminate him?"

"Leave him alone, Chao," Joshua said, his voice raising. Chae curled closer to himself, looking even more terrified than he had before now that there was a full-blown argument right in front of him. "God, you're the worst excuse of an older sister. He's trying his best, okay? He doesn't have to tell you anything."

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 23:05 (5 Years ago)
"Come on, Chae," Joshua said, taking his wrist. Chae started a little at Joshua's touch, and looked at him as if he was confused. "Sorry." Joshua smiled. "Why don't you sit down, okay?" Chae nodded, letting Joshua slide him down the wall until they were sitting. Chao, who had been standing with Cocoa, took this opportunity to walk over, her eyes narrowed.

"You lied, Chae," she said, her voice as sharp and cold as ice. "You let that little boy fail, didn't you? If Gray finds out she'll kill you. She'll file you for termination. I'm tempted to tell her myself."

"Shut up, Chao," Joshua snapped, glaring at her. "Do you really want to lose another sibling?"

(aaaa, yeah, everyone is. sorry if i didn't make it clear enough that it was everyone, i just didn't want to name each character)

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 22:32 (5 Years ago)
Chae finally got to his own roommates, reaching forwards toward Eura. He hesitated. "10-CE," Gray barked, and he jumped, pressing his palm against Eura. It lit up green. Keita, Krys, Kaz, Lizzy, Garrick, Marina, as he touched each of them with his cold, trembling fingers, they all got that bright green light. Lastly, he touched Lunara, who passed just as the rest of them did, and Gray nodded at him. "Everyone who got red, come with me to be sorted. Don't struggle or you'll definitely be put in to be terminated. Those who passed, stay here for now." With that, she led the demons and angels who failed outside the doors, closing them behind her. Chae just stood there, staring at the exit, looking like he was ready to have a nervous breakdown on the spot with his shaking and his wide eyes.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 21:34 (5 Years ago)
Gray glared towards Garrick. "No, suffer," she said, walking to the end of the line. "10-CE." She motioned for the demon, who gave Cwai's arm a squeeze before coming over. Gray grabbed him by the neckline of his turtleneck when he was close enough and yanked him to her side. "10-CE is going to touch each of you on the shoulder. Do not flinch, do not panic, do not run. She is not going to hurt you, but if you try to escape, I will not hesitate to," she said. "Clear? Good. 10-CE, you may begin."

"Okay," Chae whispered, both his voice and his hand shaking as he reached for the first person in line, a little angel that didn't look more than fourteen years old. As soon as his fingers touched her shoulder, they glowed a deep red color. Gray pulled her out of the line, and Chae moved onto the next person, still shaking like a leaf in the wind.

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Posted: Thu, 31/01/2019 12:56 (5 Years ago)
The double doors opened and a bunch of other angels and demons came in, all muttering to themselves quietly. Gray slammed the doors shut behind them and yelled, "Alright, freaks, form a line facing that wall." She pointed towards the opposite wall.

"Have some trouble, Gray?" Joshua asked, taking Cocoa's hand and letting her help him up. "I thought you'd be back sooner than that."

"One of the groups decided to act out. It seems we had to start termination early," Gray replied, hanging her keycard back around her neck. "It's a shame that they didn't listen. I'm sure the scientists would've found some of the incredibly interesting."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:49 (5 Years ago)
"I'm his older sister," she said, looking back at Garrick. Chae glanced down. "Can I not be protective of my little sibling? Especially around someone as obviously volatile as you?"

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:41 (5 Years ago)
"It's not a joke," Chae mumbled, like he was talking to himself without realizing. He immediately regretted his decision to speak when Cwai looked at him disapprovingly. "I mean, uh, sorry. Nevermind."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:22 (5 Years ago)
"The guards do a lot. Feed us, escort us, protect the scientists. They're the ones you'll see the most," Cwai replied. "But I do know we're here to determine which newbies will be deemed fit for experimentation and which will be eliminated."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 22:01 (5 Years ago)
"You'll have to wait, we can't leave the room right now," Cwai replied, placing her own hand over Chae's possessively, as if saying don't leave. He looked at her, then back at Garrick, eyes wide and fearful, but she continued on like he wasn't distressed in the slightest. "And the guards should be part of your concerns. You'll be dealing with them daily from now on."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 21:47 (5 Years ago)
Cwai raised her eyebrows. She had to remind herself this was a newbie, of course he didn't know her. She took a breath, smiled, and said, "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Cwailinn Quinque Yuu, and this is my brother, Chaelinn Decem Yuu. My other sister, Chao, is over there," she tilted her head towards the other girl that was still standing by Cocoa and Joshua. "If you want to survive here, I advise you to become a little nicer. The guards don't like mean subjects."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 21:30 (5 Years ago)
"Do I look like I'm your escort?" she asked, crossing her arms. "You're one of the rudest people I've has the displeasure of meeting. How could someone criticize a child so harshly yet not show themselves to be any more brave or strong?"

Chae came up to her and placed his hand on her arm. "Please, Cwai," he murmured, tightening his grip a little when she glanced towards him for a brief second. "Sorry," he practically whispered.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 21:10 (5 Years ago)
"I'd have to agree with Marina. What's your deal? Do you get amusement out of hurting kids?" she asked. "And besides, he reacted out of fear, not out of strength. Those two things are very different."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 20:53 (5 Years ago)
"Now, Garrick," she said. "Everyone's different. Some are more sensitive than others. That doesn't mean you get to prey on them like a lonely middle school bully." She brushed her hand off on her shirt, as if he disgusted her. "And if you ever threaten me again, I won't hesitate to slit your throat."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 20:41 (5 Years ago)
The girl with neon blue eyes strode across the gym, letting go of Chae. This had gone too far. She came up behind Garrick and calmly grabbed his wrist. The flame immediately went out as soon as she touched him. "Garrick," she said smoothly. "it's not nice to pick on others."

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 20:25 (5 Years ago)
"Afternoon," one of the girls replied to Lunara, bowing her head slightly. Though she had a similar face to Chae, everything about her was different. She had lightly tanned skin, curly white-blonde hair, and neon blue eyes. "Chae, sweetheart, are these your roommates?" She asked quietly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Chae nodded, and she tilted her head. "Very odd. Very odd indeed. Purebred angels and demons are so... normal. Don't you agree?" Chae just nodded again, glancing away from Joshua and Cocoa's argument.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 20:12 (5 Years ago)
everything looks all good!! feel free to jump in wherever you'd like!!

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