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Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:55 (10 Years ago)
Tanja sighed in exasperation. "Well then, why are you wearing them?" She folded her arms across her chest, frowning down at the sunglasses-wearing stranger. She couldn't understand why anyone would keep sunglasses on inside and she generally didn't do very well with not understanding things - hence the whole causing-a-commotion-in-a-coffee-shop thing. "It can't possibly be doing anything to help your vision right now... it isn't even a very bright day, so I doubt wearing them outside would be beneficial either. Honestly, they must be hindering your vision. Why would you purposely do something that'd dull one of your senses?" Not many people were modern versions of sell-swords like her, of course, so most peoples' lives didn't depend on their senses like her's did, but... still. Wouldn't anyone choose good vision over darkened vision?

Zero followed Shikku without further trying to question her, despite the nagging thoughts telling him it was stupid to follow someone he so recently met like this. Old habits and ways of thinking really did die hard, apparently. When they got inside an apartment building he was unfamiliar with and stopped running, Zero leaned against the wall, waiting for Shikku to catch her breath. "So..." he began after she seemingly calmed down a bit, "Who's after you?" While he wasn't fully positive that they were being chased, as he never sensed anyone actually following them, it did seem like the most reasonable explanation for what just happened. It was probably considered kind of nosy for him to ask, but he figured he had the right to know now that he had been dragged along with her running. Besides that, he was decently curious about the whole situation.

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Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 03:50 (10 Years ago)
Username: autumnwolf99
Number: 45
Other: Thank-you for the opportunity~

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 01:04 (10 Years ago)
Username: autumnwolf99
Number: 82 (I believe that's the last one remaining ^^'')
Password: 966078746

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Posted: Sun, 20/07/2014 00:53 (10 Years ago)
Unfinished characters: Zero - History, Kyru - History, Shiro - History

Might make: Arcane, Kizashi, Kurasu, Mizune/Misuto/findname

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Name: Zero
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: He’s of average height with light skin and icy blue eyes. His hair is platinum blonde and he always wears a black rope necklace with a silver talisman on it that was given to him by his older brother a long time ago. He’ll wear anything convenient but favors a navy blue t-shirt, grey jacket, dark jeans, and dark grey sneakers. There’s a large scar going diagonally across his back from his shoulder to hip that he tries to keep covered more out of not wanting to be questioned on it then of embarrassment or anything like that. There’s also a tattoo of an x over his heart that he doesn't ever remember getting, and two more on his neck and back, over his spine.
Personality: He’s rather introverted and pessimistic. If he doesn't know someone, he doesn't want to know them and he’ll likely try to avoid them. He really took the whole ‘don’t talk to strangers’ thing by heart when he was little, apparently. Though he isn't always the most pleasant person to be around, once someone gets to know him and he really cares about them, he’s loyal and wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for them. He has a lot of problems with authority and people who act like they're better then he is and he's accidentally gotten into fights on more than one occasion because of this. Ironically enough, he somehow always seems to end up in situations where he either has to deal with authority or is part of said 'authority'.
Ability: Zero is an anomaly. You see, when most people die they either a) stay dead, b) become a spirit, or c) come back as a demon. Zero is not a demon, Zero is not a spirit, and Zero is not dead. Zero has died. You see the problem. Originally, there wasn't much special about Zero. Currently, he's able to sense the life force of every living thing. This tells him how much longer something will live and gives him a general idea of when they'll die and how content they've been with their life. He's also a helluva lot more durable then most people. Personally, he believes he can't die - or at least, will never stay dead - but this in an untested theory. Some of the reasoning he has behind this is the fact that he himself seemingly has no life force.
Class: 4-A
Any Clubs: Student Council President, for some ungodly reason
Other: Zero's older brother graduated around 5 years before him and was considered one of the most promising students to have ever been taught at Pleasant Creek. Zero is stuck between admiring him and resenting him because of this. His name is currently Zeke, but it changes from time to time.

Name: Kange
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Kange doesn't consider herself anything special when it comes to appearance. She’s thin, flat-chested, and an average height. Thanks to the fact she spend so much time inside and favors the shade even when she’s outside, her skin is pale and has next to no blemishes or markings. Her eyes are light blue verging on grey and her hair is a darker blue, practically navy in color. Her hair is straight and rather long, so she generally keeps it in pigtails or a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. She wears a lightly colored fitted t-shirt and a grey jacket with the sleeves rolled up, as well as a black skirt and white knee-high socks. Her shoes range from converse to flats to boots depending on how she feels upon waking up in the morning.
Personality: How she acts depends widely on the people around her. In general, she's quieter then most and considered shy. She doesn't like being in big crowds and would much rather sit in a quiet room drawing than go out and actually do anything. Kange hates seeing people in pain though if she's in pain herself, she ignores it and doesn't do anything about it. She doesn't have any tolerance for fighting or rudeness. The only time she'll really cause or be part of a commotion is if she sees someone hurting/bothering someone smaller/weaker than they are - this is not limited to humans.
Ability: She can make drawings and other forms of art come to life as long as she was the original creator of said art. The things she brings to life generally don't last too long, and if the paper or main object used to create them is damaged too badly, they'll disappear. In order to give one of her creations real life and a personality of their own, she needs to put some of her own life/soul into their creation. This method is how she created Ringo. She has a huge fear of fire thanks to both her past and the fact fire can destroy her creations, and she tends to avoid places with too much water or weather out of fear her papers will be damaged as well. Inanimate objects are much easier for her to make and keep.
History: When Kange was little, she was in a fire. The fire started off small, just something in the woods at the edge of town that no one noticed... but it grew, and it grew quickly. She lost everything that day, including her parents, house, and everyone else she knew. Instead of waiting for help, she fled the burning wreckage that used to be the town she lived in. For a few years things were hard and there were a lot of times she was close to giving up altogether, but in the end somehow she pulled through. Her talents for writing and drawing helped a lot along the way, and somehow she ended up a first-year at Pleasant Creek. She never so much as thought of leaving after her first day at Pleasant Creek.
Class: 3-A
Any Clubs: "Art Club" (It isn't actually an existing club, but it's much easier to explain why she stays after school every day by simply saying she's in an art club or working on an art project then it would be to tell the truth)
Other: She created Ringo

Name: Ringo
Age: It's complicated
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ringo can be found in his human form most of the time. When human, he's considered average height at best (he stubbornly denies being short) and his skin is fair border-lining on tan. He's thin, doesn't look to have much muscle, and the cartilage of his right ear is pierced twice. His eyes are a deep green in color and his hair is a dark reddish orange. In the sunlight, lighter orange streaks can be seen mixed in with the dark. His hair is eternally messy and a bit longer then most male hair styles are. Ringo sometimes clips his hair back when he's working on something in order to keep it out of his eyes. He really likes to wear summery yukatas and despises any and all forms of shoes. He can occasionally be convinced to wear something more normal and 'school uniform like', but shoes are another story... he'll put them on in order to be let into places and so he won't get yelled at, but will take them off as soon as no one is paying attention to him.
The other main form Ringo can be found in is his fox form. When in fox form, Ringo has dark reddish orange fur the same color as his hair in human form and he's about average fox size. The tips of his ears as well as three of his paws are black, while his right hind paw is white. There's a white mark on his chest, and the tip of his tail is white also. A black band is around his tail where the reddish orange meets the white. His eyes are the same shade of green he has in his human form, and his right ear is pierced two times near the tip. Ringo can switch freely between human and fox form, and he's able to make certain aspects of his fox form appear when he's in his human form (ex: ears and tail, teeth, claws... etc.)
Personality: Ringo is about as carefree as they come. He doesn't care if someone is bothering him or insulting him, and he doesn't get annoyed easily. He has the bad habit of sleeping in class... and just about everywhere else, too. He likes to fool around and have fun, which generally gets him into trouble, and he gets bored with things easily. Ringo can be rather hyperactive if he eats too much candy or gets to be outside for an extended period of time. The only time he's ever serious about anything is when Kange needs him or is in danger, other than that, he's the definition of immature.
Ability: The simplest way of explaining it would be to say that Ringo is a fox shapeshifter. That, of course, isn't true, as Ringo isn't limited to two forms. He was created by Kange, originally existing as a simple fox. Starting 'life' with a piece of Kange's soul, eventually he became his own entity with his own life force. He can alter his form from fox to human and anything in-between without Kange's assistance and with her assistance, there are even more ways he can form-change. He's strongly protective of Kange and a lot of things that would kill a human won't kill him, being that he technically isn't human. He can still be injured, of course, he's just a bit more durable.
History: Ringo was created by Kange after the town Kange was living in burnt down. He was her first creation, brought to life from a simple piece of loose-leaf paper and two colored pencils. Originally being nothing more than a fox, he existed to give a lonely little girl attention. As time went on and Kange added to the picture, he got stronger and was able to start protecting her as well as giving her company.
Class: 3-C
Any Clubs: "Art Club" (View Kange's form for explanation)
Other: He was created by Kange and depends largely on her emotions and life force

Name: Kyru
Age: 17, soon to be 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Kyru is extraordinarily short and young-looking for his age. He holds on to the hope that he'll grow soon, but everyone that knows him knows how unlikely it is that he will. He's rather thin and doesn't look very strong, and his freckles don't do anything to help him look his age. His blonde hair always looks ruffled and it gradually darkens to brown at the tips. He has amber eyes and is always wearing a golden chain necklace with a little charm on it. He wears different variations of t-shirts and shorts almost every day, along with brown leather boots and fingerless gloves. He almost always looks dirty and is covered in a thin layer of dirt for multiple reasons.
Personality: Kyru is like a little ball of sunshine. He's rarely anything other than happy and he always has a decent amount of energy. He doesn't let things upset him easily and cares a lot for the well-being of others. He's a push-over though and will do next to nothing to help himself if he's being picked on. Clumsy might as well be his middle name with how often he trips and falls, falls without even tripping, and runs into things. He doesn't take well to being yelled at and if asked to do something, even jokingly, he'll probably do it.
Ability: Kyru can manipulate plants and the earth. He can help them grow faster and automatically knows the properties and needs of each plant simply by looking at it. He spends a lot of time in the forest, just walking around and caring for plants (one of the reasons he always seems to be dirty) and he even has a little secret garden deep in the forest. He's good with traditional medicines and herbs. Like a lot of plants, he generally prefers warmth to cold. He has a weak immune system, so winter is never very fun for him, and he bruises easily. He doesn't like seeing his own blood and fire is a big no-no.
Class: 4-C
Any Clubs: No

Name: Shiro
Age: 15? 16? He doesn't actually know, but it's something close to that.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shiro is decently tall and definitely skinny, but that isn't what makes him stand out appearance-wise. To say that he's pale would be an understatement; his skin is light enough for him to be considered albino, yet he's never gotten sunburn. His hair constantly looks windblown and is pure white in color, and his eyes are a very light purple/blue. He generally wears a white dress shirt, black jeans with a black belt, and white shoes. He's always wearing an odd bracelet with beads that look like ice. Other than an odd circle with a pattern inside that resembles a snowflake on his chest, there are no marks on his body. (This includes everything from blemishes to freckles to scars)
Personality: Shiro is immature, but not in the sense that most teenage boys are. He seems more like a little kid, to be specific. There are a lot of things he doesn't know about but are considered common knowledge, and he gets fascinated in things as easily as he gets distracted. He can be clingy and needs more sleep then your average person. He doesn't take kindly to being woken up or touched without his permission, but if it's someone he knows, he'll be more forgiving. He's about as loyal as they come and will do everything in his power if someone he cares about asks him for help with something, even if it's as simple as needing a pencil.
Ability: Shiro's 'ability' has a lot to do with ice. For starters, he can manipulate and control snow and ice. It's a lot easier if he has some sort of liquid to start with, but he can take water vapor out of the air and use it if he needs to. Sometimes his ability is used subconsciously if he's in danger, and a wall of ice will randomly appear to protect him. Continuing with this, Shiro is cold in the same way normal people are warm; his natural body temperature is a lot colder than other people's, causing him to always feel cold to other people if they touch him. Thanks to this, he can't tolerate much heat or warmth at all. Summertime is not a happy time for Shiro, while wintertime is quite literally a wonderland. He can get overheated very easily and logically has a huge fear of fire. The last thing that needs mentioning is the odd circular tattoo on his chest that has a design resembling a snowflake inside of it. When Shiro puts his hand over this mark and coats it with a thin layer of ice, he can pull a unique katana from it. It's almost as if the katana rests inside of him, but that would of course be ridiculous. The katana's blade seems to emanate cold and Shiro is the only one that can touch it without getting frostbite. The handle is black and the blade has odd symbols etched into it.
Class: 3-C
Any Clubs: Technically no, but he hangs around Student Council a lot

Ability:(Please include weakness, too)
Class: (Ranges from 1-A to 4-C, so there's twelve, and they depend upon age. 4 is senior, 1 is freshman. Some classes don't need teachers and are simply self studies.)
Any Clubs:(Student council for example, Teachers can be club advisors.)

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Posted: Sat, 19/07/2014 01:39 (10 Years ago)
I wholeheartedly support this ^.^
It can get kind of confusing having people post both forms and actual rp posts on the same thread.... I just feel like things would be a lot easier to find and a lot easier to keep organized if there were different sections for rp start-ups and actual rps. It'd be easier for everyone to see others' character forms, and easier for the owner of the rp to accept and keep track of everyone
Also, I know that once an rp gets past 5 or so pages, I don't feel comfortable posting any more forms; I feel like I'm disrupting the people rping there, as they'll get a notification from it and and probably be disappointed when it's someone posting a form instead of a reply. Having separate threads for set-ups and actual rps could help people feel more comfortable joining the rp - it wouldn't be disrupting anything to post a new form or two in a set-up like it would be to post it in the middle of an rp. People would be able to ask questions more easily about the rp if there was a specific thread for setting up the rp as well.

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Posted: Sat, 19/07/2014 00:30 (10 Years ago)
Zero was actually relieved that Shikku wasn't going to tell him to get lost, but he'd never admit to that. Besides, it wasn't really his fault that she was the only social interaction he had in almost a year... (Yes, it actually was completely his fault) He vaguely wondered why she refused to look at him directly, but put it down to the fact that she had mistakenly thought he was going to jump off a building only a few minutes ago. When Shikku asked him if he'd like to go to her apartment, then grabbed his hand and began leading him towards where he guessed her apartment would be without waiting for him to give an answer, he began to doubt that embarrassment was really the reason. Zero frowned, willingly walking in the directions he was pulled. "Is something wrong...?" he asked hesitantly, unsure of whether it was really his place to ask or not. He was really starting to regret keeping himself so isolated now that he was actually interacting with someone... how were you supposed to react to these things? Was there some kind of book or code or something to tell him? There had to be some way to know when the right time to say something would be, and there had to be some way to nonchalantly ask why someone would suddenly seem very much like they wanted to go somewhere else when there was no particular reason to be in a rush... (or at least, none as far as Zero could tell) Maybe it was just because he happened to be clearly not-human and a lot of the human-humans were staring?

((waiting for Blueyyy....))

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 22:42 (10 Years ago)
Zero rolled his eyes at the reaction Shikku gave, though he figured that if he had been in her place, he likely would have been embarrassed enough to flee too. While it was one of the funniest things he had seen in a long time, it was also kind of annoying because he still wanted to talk to her... she was the first person to a) not be completely terrified of him, b) not be annoyed by him, and c) not ignore him completely in... a rather long time. Since even before his eyes turned black. So he decided he'd make it downstairs before Shikku so he could try and catch her, and he took a much quicker (albeit more dangerous) root... climbing down the side of the building. He did it in a way that he'd reach the ground in the alleyway next to the building, so as to not draw too much attention to himself. Zero lost his footing at one point, but luckily he was close enough to the ground so that when he fell, there was no real injury and just a bit of pain from the impact of falling. He walked back to the front of the building, entering and standing at the bottom of the stairs. It was a last second decision, being that was originally just gonna wait outside of the building... When he saw her, he quickly put his hands up in an innocent manner. "It's not like I'm mad at you or anything, so... are you gonna keep running from me? I mean, you thinking I was going to jump off a building has probably been the best thing to happen to me this year, so..." he shrugged, "Besides, I'd like to keep talking to you if all possible. You're interesting, and if I ignore the 'for a mutant' part, you did call me hot." he paused before adding on, "You can also just tell me to go away, of course, and I will. No need to waste energy and draw attention to yourself by running. There are still plenty of building tops I haven't been on yet that I can go to instead of bothering you."

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 18:50 (10 Years ago)
((I didn't totally forget about this completely psshhh....)) ((sorry I suck ^^''))

Zero shook his head, "Whether you know already or not, I don't really want to know. Maybe if I met you randomly on the street somewhere I would, but... no. I'm gonna go ahead and consider you at least an acquaintance now, since this is about the most positive social interaction I've had with anyone since my eyes turned black, and that means no knowing anything about your life other than what you tell me." He followed when Shikku began walking for the door, glad that they'd seemingly be getting off the roof before someone else noticed them and could come bother them about being up there. He hung out on rooftops enough to know how damn annoying people could get if they noticed you hanging out on top of a building - especially a building he wasn't supposed to be able to get onto in the first place. (Long story short: he decided it'd be a good idea to relax on top of some federal building once. It ended badly.) When Shikku brought up the whole jumping thing again, Zero couldn't help but smile slightly. The whole idea of it was amusing to him, though he figured it might be embarrassing for Shikku. "There isn't much for me to tell you, considering I'm not actually suicidal. Weird and a bit stupid, yeah. Lonely, maybe... but no, not suicidal. Gave up on that idea a while ago, when I realized it'd never work. I already died once, didn't agree with me."

((Blueyyyy! Come back online and talk to me!))

As time passed and the day went on, Tanja had been slowly starting to fall asleep. Ironic really, considering she was still in the place people generally went when the needed to wake up - a coffee shop. When a new person walked into the shop though, someone she had never seen before, she sat up, watching the stranger with interest. She had a photographic memory and trained herself to remember appearances of the people she met, so she recognized an absurd amount of the people living in this city despite having never spoken with the majority. This was her second week hanging out in this particular coffee shop, so she already committed everyone that walked by and entered it to memory... this man, however, was someone she didn't recognize. Tanja had never seen him anywhere in the city, let alone the coffee shop... while it was fully possible he was new to the city or stayed in the various places she never bothered to visit, she couldn't help but be interested in him. It wasn't her fault; new things = interesting things. It didn't really help that this weirdo sat at the table next to the counter she was at, and that he oddly refused to take off his sunglasses... After a few minutes of glancing at him repeatedly and trying not to stare, she gave up. Standing and walking over to his table, she slammed her hands down on the table, accidentally drawing a lot more attention to herself then she originally planned to. "You do realize you're inside, right?" she asked curiously. It was probably rude of her, but... manors were never her strongest point.

EDIT:: ((Yooo I just realized there are now 3 charas in a coffee shop which I just accidentally made the same coffee shop and that is awesome. though I feel the need to apologize too. Sorry >.<))
I've edited this like 3 times now, and the 3rd time was because i forgot to put 'edit' on the comment I edited in ._.

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Posted: Fri, 04/07/2014 16:53 (10 Years ago)
Oi! Yao! I want your Pancham!
Username: autumnwolf99
Gender: either or, doesn't matter~
Other: Thank-you~ ^^''
Password: Aru~

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Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 20:01 (10 Years ago)
((really long post is really long >.<))

"Yeah, sure. Thanks" Zero replied, though he wasn't really sure if it would be a good idea. He knew perfectly well that you couldn't judge someone by appearance and that for all he knew, Shikku could be some kind of crazy psycho murderer, but... he really couldn't convince himself to be worried about it. It had been a long time since he actually interacted with someone else, especially someone like him - a mutant. While he couldn't be positive that Shikku was one, he figured it was pretty damn likely. If she was a human, why would she have contacts that'd work for hiding a mutant's eyes? Besides that, if she was human she would've probably been a bit more standoffish around him, if she even approached him in the first place... and depending on what her mutation happened to be, it could also explain how she had noticed him up on the roof. "My mutation.... well, it's a bit hard to explain. It makes sense to me, obviously, but the few times I've tried explaining it never went over well." he paused, trying to think of how he could possibly make it make sense to her. "It has a lot to do with death, so it's kind of depressing. Basically, I can sense the life force of living things. It's like how different foods have expiration dates. So do plants and animals and people; we just don't have it stamped on our backs or anything." Zero walked over to the edge of the roof again, leaning on the railing he had previously been standing on and looking at the people below them. "I can also get a sense of how a person's life has been, but it works best if they're close to dying. I don't get any details or anything, just how satisfied they were with their life... I pretty much try to avoid doing both, though, especially if I know the person or have come into contact with them before. Takes all the surprise out of life, y'know? It also kinda isolates me... I'd rather not know if the dude walking next to me on the street is about to get cancer, or if the mutant that's always trying to blend in with the humans at the park is about to get into some horrible accident." he sighed, "You never want to get to know someone if you know exactly how much longer they're gonna last." Glancing over at Shikku, Zero forced a smile. "Probably not the answer you were expecting, huh? Just a forewarning, I'm not telling you how much longer you've got, 'cause I really don't want to know. I've talked to you already and you seem pretty nice, therefore I absolutely refuse to know anything about your life other then whatever you feel like telling me, so... don't even bother asking." he paused, "anyway, we should probably get off the roof. The office workers inside will probably notice us soon... they're ignorant, but they can't be that ignorant. I probably should've chosen an apartment building, would've made more sense."

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Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 17:30 (10 Years ago)
"Considering I had blue eyes for most of my life and now I look like a freakin' demon, I kind of disagree, but thanks. I think." Zero stated, sounding kind of amused. Though it was nice to be called attractive (even if she did panic and somewhat turn it into an insult) he was more focused on the fact she brought up contacts. He had tried contacts already, and none of them worked. They either didn't change his eye color enough or made his vision too blurry for him to deal with. The one pair that had worked ended up getting scratched and the color warped for some reason completely unknown to him - did contacts just not work for him anymore, or was he just really freakin' bad at taking care of them? Both were valid possibilities. "and would contacts actually do anything for me...? I've tried them before, but... well considering I don't have any right now, I'm sure you can imagine how well they worked out for me. I've found that avoiding mirrors is easier." he sighed, "Honestly, this isn't even fair. If I'm gonna be stuck walking around and looking like some horror movie demon, I at least want some kind of awesome demon-y power to even it out..." His so-called 'powers' were probably what annoyed him the most about his situation. If he could do something useful like control fire or suddenly be stronger, hell he'd even take flying, then he probably could've learned to enjoy the whole demonic thing. But no. Of course not. All he got was the ability to know whether someone enjoyed life or not, and if they were going to die any time soon. Most of the time using the 'powers' just ended up being depressing and made him feel sick anyway, so he tended to avoid doing it. It was amazing how many people were literally walking in their graves and didn't know it.

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Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 07:32 (10 Years ago)
Zero was slightly surprised to realize that his original thought had been true - this girl did think he was about to jump. Normally it'd be beyond him to care about what anyone else thought, or how they felt, but... for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to just brush her off and ignore her like he normally would. He'd feel guilty if he made this person feel bad, probably because her intentions towards him had been surprisingly nice. "Yeah, I'm fine." he replied simply, before deciding she probably deserved a bit of a better answer than that. She had rushed up onto the roof of a building to help a complete stranger, after all... and from the looks of it, she had taken the stairs too. "Don't worry. I doubt the jump would've killed me anyway... I mean, I don't have much knowledge of jumping off of buildings or anything, but... the last time I fell off a building... well you had to have noticed." he shrugged, motioning to his eyes and ears. "Thinking of it, the last thing I need is to end up with more weird appearance changes. People get freaked out around me enough as it is." He noticed how she had avoided his question, but decided against pushing it further. He didn't really care that much anyway, and while he doubted it, it was completely possible she just happened to look up for long enough to notice him. "Anyway... I'm Zero." It felt kind of weird, introducing himself and actually giving the name he used. Usually when he talked to someone, it was under less-then-preferable circumstances and he'd use a random fake name if he gave any name at all. Though he of course didn't trust this random girl, he also didn't feel like she was enough danger to him that he'd need to give a false name.

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Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 06:36 (10 Years ago)
Zero had heard someone approaching - of course he had, it wasn't like the person was being very sneaky about it.... - but he really didn't think much of it. He was minding his own business, right? He hadn't given anyone a reason to bother him lately, therefore no one should bother him. Or at least, that was the theory. The last thing he had expected was for someone to come bursting out onto the roof for the sole reason of bothering him. He hardly had time to react as the person ran over to him and grabbed his arm. "Holy sh-" he fell back off the ledge. Zero twisted around, trying to catch his balance because really, rooftops weren't very soft and he had no desire to fall on one as hard as he was about to. He, of course, fell anyway, but it really didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. The reasoning for that, he discovered, was because the person that had grabbed him happened to have fallen too and he happened to now be on top of her. "S***, are you ok?" he asked, quickly getting off of her and helping her up. He noticed how worn out and sweaty she happened to be, but he didn't really understand why she was such a mess right now. Unless... 'Please don't do it', pulling him away from the ledge... had she thought he was planning on jumping? He frowned. No, that would be stupid... even if that was what she thought, why would a complete stranger care about him? Why would anyone bother to go out of their way to try helping him, especially when there was no way for them to be sure of whether anything was wrong or not? "How did you even notice me up here...?"

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Posted: Mon, 23/06/2014 05:08 (10 Years ago)
((Thanks Finhawk~ and that's ironic O.o It's a name I found off one of those random generators ^^''))

Arcane walked around the city streets with his hood up, keeping his vision focused mainly on the ground as he went. In all actuality, he was paying a lot of attention to his surroundings and where he was going, but he needed to make it seem like he wasn't in order to keep attention away from himself... He always found travelling by land easier if he kept his head down and avoided letting people see his eyes. Humans could get so fussy over the smallest of things... besides, he had quickly discovered that the less contact he had with anything technological, the better -- and he considered looking at streetlights as interacting with them. It wasn't his fault that technology didn't mix with him. He didn't want those lights in the grocery store to explode when he walked under them... it just kind of happened. His goal now was to simply make it to the edge of the city without drawing any more attention to himself. It was hard enough to get away from the startled humans asking him if he was ok after lightbulbs exploded and little glass shards covered him... he did not need something else exploding and creating chaos around him. All he wanted to do was get far enough out of the city to properly stretch his wings and maybe fly a little bit.

Zero stood at the edge of a random building in the city, looking down at all the people below. They looked rather like little toys from where he was, it was something he always found amusing... Though one would think he'd stop hanging out on building roofs after that little incident where he was pushed off of one, he seemed to be on roofs more often then he was on the ground these days. Things were quieter on a rooftop, and ironically enough, people bothered him less. Humans were so ignorant, never looking up long enough to notice him standing there... He almost pitied them. Almost. He could never really pity a species he knew to be so self-destructive and chaotic... especially when a lot of them were now scared of him, thanks to the whole I-died-and-now-my-eyes-are-black-and-I-can-read-people's-life-force thing. If he could get some kind of contact that'd make his eyes look normal, he would, just to get people to stop gaping and staring at him whenever he walked by. Of course, even if he did that, there was still the ears.... Zero sighed, deciding to stop thinking about it. He came up here to clear his mind and get some peace and dammit if he was gonna put himself in a bad mood right now. Stepping up on the raised wall acting as a kind of fence at the very edge of the roof, Zero put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky.

Adaire walked around the city, her tail swaying lightly behind her and her ears perked up in interest, taking in all the loud sounds around her. This was her first time in the city - before now, she had always followed her brother's advice and avoided them. Everything here was so big and loud and interesting though, she couldn't help but want to explore a little bit. After all, one day couldn't hurt her, right? She noticed all of the attention she was attracting, of course, but she pretty much ignored it. It wasn't her fault people happened to be jealous of how beautiful her fur looked in the sunlight. She had already ran away from one insane dude who screamed some insults about her and came at her with a knife (he had been ranting about something... black eyes? demons? mutated murderers? fire? she didn't really pay attention to any of it) but she wasn't planning on hiding her ears or tail any time soon. Why should she? It wasn't her problem if people were scared of her simply because she happened to be a bit different than them. It was their problem, and they'd need to learn how to suck it up. Maybe if they got lucky, they'd get a gorgeous tail of their own one day.

Tanja sighed, crossing her arms and leaning back in the chair she was sitting in. She had taken a break from running around the city and helping out police officers with any mutant problems they had in order to relax a bit and try out a new coffee shop that had opened in the heart of the city. Honestly, it was nothing special. The coffee was decent at best, the muffins were too dry, and everything was overpriced... basically, your average coffee shop. If she left now, she'd probably be able to get a little bit more action in before the day ended, but... then she'd have to stop at her apartment and pick up her mobile phone and better weapons again. So for right now, she was content with lounging in a coffee shop and watching the city people rush by. Tanja never really understood why everyone was in such a rush - after all, what could normal people possibly do that'd be worth rushing to? It'd probably be a good thing to get fired from whatever office job they were running late for. How anyone could live such a boring life, she'd never understand.

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Posted: Sun, 22/06/2014 04:16 (10 Years ago)
Hi there ^.^ Most of you don't know me since I'm pretty new to this website, but I'm a friend of Sin's that was supposed to join this rp around 3-4 days ago. oops.
Anyway, I decided to put my forms in a spoiler/hide box to avoid taking up as much space ^^''

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Username: autumnwolf99
Name: Arcane
Gender: Physically male
Age: Looks no older than 19-20, but no one is really sure
Human? or...: Pretty far from human
Appearance: He's decently tall, thin, and doesn't look particularly muscular. His hair always has a messy windblown look to it and is dark brown in color, but there are a few lighter streaks through it when he's in the sun. He's tan and has pure blue eyes, instead of the usual black for those that aren’t human. He has no scars -at all- or even birthmarks. He favors wearing a white sweatshirt and black jeans above all other forms of clothing, and absolutely refuses to wear shoes, believing they're highly uncomfortable and unnecessary ... He also has wings. 6 to be exact. The feathers are black and take on a blue sheen when in sunlight, and stay hidden most of the time, as he feels it draws unnecessary attention to him, but he needs to have at least 2 of his wings visible to do anything useful (ex: healing). When all his wings are hidden, he's basically a stronger/harder-to-kill version of your average human. If he's using some of his actual powers, or something is bothering/angering him, his eyes glow (still blue).
Personality: He's pretty much a pacifist and will try avoiding conflict, but is extraordinarily bad at it... he can't allow himself to just walk by if he sees someone in trouble, especially if he knows he could help that someone. He also doesn't understand a lot of things, almost as if he’s been completely sheltered his entire life, and technology doesn't mix well with him. References will go directly over his head, and sometimes he accidentally blows up lights, tvs, laptops, phones... etc. A lot of people could easily mistake him as "innocent." He also isn't bothered by a lot of things normal people would be, because he doesn't feel emotions in the same way.
History: He's actually had a rather bloody past, though one would never guess it with his lack of scars and misunderstandings of… well, everything. He’s been underestimated pretty much since he was born. No one has ever really managed to understand why technology mixes so badly with him and if he knows the reasoning himself, he has yet to enlighten anyone else.
Other: One of my many OC's... though he's been altered a lot to try and make it fit this rp better ^^'' I put the information for his not-human-ness in appearance/personality.

Username: autumnwolf99
Name: Zero
Gender: Male
Age: Around 18
Human? or...: Technically human, but also technically dead, so… no
Appearance: Average height, light borderlining tan skin, platinum blonde hair. He has the black eyes and pointed ears most non-humans have. He wears a black rope necklace with a little silver talisman on it that his older brother gave him a long time ago. He’ll wear pretty much anything provided it’s convenient, but normally favors a navy blue t-shirt, dark jeans, and grey sneakers. He also has a large scar diagonally across his back and a small tattoo of a symbol he doesn’t recognize on his chest.
Personality: He’s rather introverted and pessimistic. If he doesn’t know someone, he doesn’t want to know them and he’ll likely try to avoid them. He really took the whole ‘don’t talk to strangers’ thing by heart when he was little, apparently. Though he isn’t always the most pleasant person to be around, once someone gets to know him and he really cares about them, he’s loyal and wouldn’t hesitate to die for them.
History: He clearly remembers falling off of that building-- or rather, being pushed… he does not, however, remember anything after that, that could have possibly led him to where he is now. He died, plain and simple. That was it. So how the hell did he wake up on a park bench, two months after his “death” with a scar on his back and nothing else? (Nothing else, of course, ignoring the whole black-eyes-pointed-ears thing, because it still freaks him out. Mirrors are a big “No” now.) Let’s backtrack a bit… Zero was an orphaned delinquent for the majority of his life. Everyone always felt bad for him, and then were surprised if they ever found out that he actually happened to be pretty smart. No one would really get mad at him, because they pitied him… so he obviously did what any rationally thinking human would and took complete advantage of that. He used to have an older brother that looked after him, but… one thing led to another, which led to a building and falling/pushing and darkness. That was the end of that.
Other: One of my many OC's, who has also been altered a bit. Having previously been dead and currently being not-human, he has a lot of connections to death. He can sense how strong a living thing’s life force is by touching them/it and he can get a sense of how someone’s life has been by looking into their eyes. Neither of these things are actually useful, of course. On the upside, he’s a rather skilled fighter, though that has more to do with the fact he doesn’t fear death and has nothing holding him back in a fight then with the whole not-human thing.

Username: autumnwolf99
Name: Adaire
Gender: Female
Age: Around 18 - 19
Human? or...: Other
Appearance: Tall, tan, busty. She has long black hair that she keeps out of the way by braiding it. Her eyes are the telltale black of someone mutated, and her ears are pointed as well. Wears a white tank-top, light grey hooded jacket, and ripped black jeans. She either wears dark grey sneakers or no shoes at all. She has a necklace with a star charm on it, a matching anklet, and has 5 piercings on one ear and 2 on the other. All the jewelry she wears is silver. There’s a scar that goes straight down her face, over her right eye, and sometimes she has trouble seeing out of that eye. Her teeth are pointed. Additionally, she has wolf ears and a tail, which are only ever-so-slightly lighter than her hair color.
Personality: She can be a bit cocky and sometimes takes things too far, but she's also insanely loyal and protective of anyone she cares about. She likes to tease people. Can get a bit antsy when people stand too far off to her right side, as she can't see them very well thanks to her scarred eye. She's proud of her strength and inhuman side, so if someone comments on those aspects of her, she'll almost always take it as a compliment (even if it was meant as an insult.)
History: She used to live with her older brother in a forest, but… things happened. Things that involved her brother being killed viciously in front of her and her getting a scar over one of her eyes. She prefers to not talk about her past much, but occasionally makes references to her brother. She doesn’t like knives, guns, or most other forms of weapon similar, and doesn’t take kindly to people taking them out around her.
Other: Another one of my OC's. She has a lot of canine tendencies. Her senses of smell and hearing are heightened, and she's more agile than a normal human would be.

Username: autumnwolf99
Name: Tanja
Gender: Female
Age: 17 - 18
Human? or...: Human
Appearance: Medium height, caramel skin, dark frizzy hair, and chocolate brown eyes. She generally wears a white shirt, black jacket, blue jeans, and white sneakers. She has a gold chain necklace with a heart locket on it. Instead of a picture, a date is inscribed in the locket. There’s always a flower in her hair, the color varies from blue to orange to purple. There’s a tattoo of a dragon on her leg. Its tail curves around her ankle.
Personality: If you’re not human, she doesn’t trust you. If you’re visibly mutated, she openly dislikes you. If she ever sees something not-human doing something she sees as wrong, she completely hates you. Towards humans (and the few non-humans that might’ve miraculously earned her trust) she’s protective, friendly, and likes to fool around.
History: She watched both her parents get killed by pointy eared/black eyed creatures when she was still little and has grown up to despise said creatures, along with everything else that isn’t human. She’s been taught how to fight and take care of herself and is now confident enough to directly fight things that aren’t human. She considers herself a hunter of sorts and views what she does as protecting other humans from being hurt in the same way she was.
Other: The only one that isn’t one of my OC’s… though if I like her, I might keep her and add her to my list. Who knows.

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Posted: Sat, 21/06/2014 01:55 (10 Years ago)
I'd like to enter this Houndour Raffle!
Username: autumnwolf99
Nickname/No Nickname?: Nickname; Hallow
Other: Thank-you for doing this raffle <3

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Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 22:38 (10 Years ago)
Username: autumnwolf99
Nickname(s): Autumn and Aki, mainly
Favorite Doctor: 10th
Favorite Companion: Probably Donna or Jack Harkness (Martha was awesome too)
Favorite Enemy: the Master
Favorite Episode: That's hard... Probably Blink or Silence of the Library / Forest of the Dead
Favorite Series: I don't really have one, never thought about it
Are bowties cool?: ehh... I like fezzes, if that counts...?
Anything else to add?: Sorry if I messed anything up, I'm new to this site and though I've been on plenty sites like this before, this is my first time posting anything on this site in specific ^^'' besides that thing in the tutorial where it makes you say hello

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