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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 19:27 (9 Years ago)
"... There are no words expressing the depth of my contempt."

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Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 19:24 (9 Years ago)
"... You didn't order the special?"

Waiter, there's a jinchuuriki in my soup, and he wants ramen!

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Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 16:41 (9 Years ago)
Section One: A Rampage Curtailed

A slender azure figure clad in steel-spiked black leather grinned maniacally as he contemplated his latest plot, his huge shiny scalp gleaming in the sunshine as he rushed around setting up equipment This was Megamind, Metro City's resident supervillain, engaged in one of the few plans of his that didn't involve kidnapping a rather sarcastic reporter named Roxanne Ritchi. He and Minion, his loyal robogorilla-suited fish companion, were planning to take control of the city's airport. True, he'd have loved for his recently-appointed favourite kidnapee to bear witness, but it turned out that she'd gone on vacation. Not that it had any bearing on his choice of venue... Besides, it wasn't as though he'd want to stop her from getting back - then it would be so much harder to kidnap her! Anyway, he was just placing some sensors (for Metro Man, his eternal rival), when he happened to notice something on one of his covert surveillance screens. The camouflaged spybot he'd sent to case the joint (a subtler version of the boistrous brainbots he usually used) had spotted something that caught him off guard. It was deceptively simple, and something that the milling crowds seemed oblivious to. Not Megamind. One family, composed of one horsy woman and three males. The husband and his obvious son were grossly overfed, well-dressed, and had a cruel piggy cast to their eyes that the blue supervillain had seen all too often before. The woman had a sour, lemony air about her, which reminded him of his old shool teacher - but the fourth member of the party haunted him. A boy much smaller than the other, and skinnier. Woefully dressed and hanging back with the air of one who knew to keep out of the way.

That had been him, once, but he'd had Minion. They looked, on the surface, like a family unit, but Megamind's head wasn't big for no good reason, and it didn't really take a genius. As he watched, the city terror paled to an eggshell blue - he could read the fear-laden glances and anxious posture of the messy-haired scruff as easy as remembering, and the adults did nothing to stop their blob of a child from striking th e resigned-looking skinny one presumably under their care. Some might attribute it to fatigue and the stress of their journey, but the serial jailbird saw an entirely different picture. He'd been to shool with an over-indulged brat, but he hadn't had to live with a pair of them. "Sir, is everything alright over there?" Minion stage-whispered, jolting the criminal genius out of his daze. "Shh! No - change of plan!" He hissed back, his extraordinarily vivid green eyes luminous with an emotion his brown and green scaled accomplice recalled all too well. Normally, Minion would argue, his lot far less menial than his name implied, but not when he saw this look. It always meant that his charge needed his full support, for whatever reason, so he didn't quibble when Megamind ditched the intricate plan they'd worked so hard on in favour of simply sending in a bunch of brainbots to cause chaos - something usually reserved for decoys and to make Metro Man look silly. To his surprise, he actually got an explanation, and he didn't like one bit of it. "I saw him trying to sneak away - now he'll have a chance." The self-professed evil genius concluded, watching the omnishambles with grim satisfaction.

Their equipment hastily packed away, the odd-looking pair scrambled into the new invisible car they'd arrived in - so as to avoid detection by the panicked people streaming out of every exit they came to. Cameras could be hacked, but witnesses were tricky. The spybot was able to confirm that the black-haired ragamuffin had broken away from the obnoxious family, but it had lost track of the actual boy. It was now retreating backwards, while its creator fretted. Suddenly, they saw a familiar scruffy figure darting out of a nearby emergency exit towards the vehicles they were concealed amongst. The kid ducked behind the van they were hiding behind, and crouched next to a wheel, chest going like bellows as he glanced around like a spooked prey animal - revealing wide eyes that were about as vivid a green as the watching villain's. "Uh, Sir? Incoming..." Minion muttered urgently, pointing at a stream of civilians who had also chosen that particular exit. Their position was becoming more untenable - the car was invisible, not intangible, and who knew when Metro Man might show up? "We can't just leave! He'll be discovered..." Megamind retorted, already empathising with this obvious fellow outcast. He looked slightly sheepish, realising that they would be discovered almost as soon as the boy if they didn't move, but his features were mulishly set. Sure, the first to find the kid might be decent sorts, but both outlaws were certain that the kid would end up taken back to those awful people eventually. Minion was about to say something more, but Megamind had made a snap decision.

The boy, most commonly known as Freak or Boy, had just had one of the most bewildering experiences his mind could recall. It had begun with Uncle Vernon's new contract, one that would require him to live in a foreign city for the duration of said contract - there was no way Aunt Petunia or Dudley would be left behind, and nobody would agree to take him for such a long time (he hadn't heard precisely how long), so he got to come as well. Going on a plane for the first time had been exiting - he'd stared at the metal behemoth for as long as he could, and craned his neck to look out at the boundless skies beyond through someone's window while they flew. His sense of wonder hadn't stopped him thinking, however. Aunt Petunia had shown the security guards three passports - one for her, one for Dudley, and one that could only be his (as his Uncle carried his own). What would his own passport have to say about him? Even if it contained all the nasty things his relatives claimed, there was something in it he was intensely curious about - his name. He was most typically addressed as either Boy or Freak, which he had come to realise could not be names. Listening to programs on the telly while he was in his cupboard had taught him that. So, on the way through security when they landed in Metro City, Michigan, he'd tried to ask the security guard to hand his passport to him rather than his aunt. Petunia had vetoed that idea, claiming he'd lose it, and Dudley had given him a smug look. Irritating or defying his relatives always got him in trouble, and he'd done both - in public. Nervous, he'd decided to keep out of the way as long as he could. It hadn't stopped Dudley from shoving him from time to time, but the scrawny five-year-old was used to that. Idly, he'd contemplated the masses of people filling the place as they churned. It would be very easy for someone small to get lost in a crowd like that... Would that really be so bad, compared with the Dursleys?

Gradually, he had begun to edge away, wary of alerting his relations. That was when things had become deeply strange. Robots with glowing blue domes, steel jaws and dangling metal limbs had flown into the drab airport, eyestalks peering all around as they charged - seemingly at random. The boy could hardly think what all that was about, but he wasn't one to pass up a diversion like that. Amidst the odd bowging noise of the robots and the general panic, he'd made a break for it, actually managing to be the first person out of the door he'd gone for. Now, he was huddled on the rough tarmac behind a parked van, and had no idea what to do next. It was at this point that he heard the sound of a car window winding down. Whirling around, he was faced with a very unconventional sight. "Ollo..." Said the oversized blue head looking at him from a lowered window that didn't have a car. "Need a getaway vee-hickle? It looks like the mindless drones will be here soon - I think I see those louts you were with, too. That's not good..." Swallowing his incredulity, the boy peered back past the van's tyre. The obvious alien was right. Gulping nervously, he turned back to the impossible window. There was a door open now, he could see the inside of the back of the car. "Are you going to do tests on me?" He asked carefully, weighing his options. An invisible car was awesome, and he was afraid of ending up with the Dursleys again, but he wasn't sure if he could trust this extraterrestrial. "What? No! If I went around doing that sort of thing, I might be next - I've seen movies too, you know. Besides, I usually work with robotics, not live things, and I'm a genius, not a barbarian." The blue man replied with a shudder, making a face. Robots - like the ones that had given him such an effective distraction? That was a point in the alien's favour, and he had been dreaming that someone would come for him for absolutely ages.

"Okay," He agreed, planting himself on the springy-cushioned seat, buckling himself in and sutting the door. He'd had to learn how to buckle himself, as nobody'd ever helped him. "I'll bite you if you're mean, though." He warned, as they drove away. He wouldn't have dared tell his uncle that, but he wasn't afraid of the bald spaceman. Somehow, he just didn't seem threatening. Besides, he didn't want to let himself get pushed around again - best to seem tough from the start. "Oh, he reminds me of you when you were young, Sir!" Another voice cried - to the boy's utter shock, it was coming from a green-brown fish on top of a robotic ape, where the head should have been. "Oh, doesn't he? I knew I was right about him!" The exuberant driver declared happily, throwing the kid for another loop. "What do you mean?" He asked, feeling defensive - he wasn't used to a positive reaction to his being cheeky. "Why, you're a tough little outcast, like me." Megamind responded, in softer, less jovial tones. "Disliked by most, and out of place. Treated unfairly - probably blamed unfairly too. I've seen enough reflections to know what that feeling looks like... But you've still got spirit, like me." That had the boy stumped for a moment - and feeling a little unnerved about the big-headed motorist's accuracy. However, he got the impression that someone so very different would know about that sort of thing, wouldn't they? He stayed silent for a while, watching the scenery as strains of rock music filtered back towards him from the car's music player, before piping up again. "Where are we going?" This question seemed to fluster the blue guy - which, while not inspiring confidence, was a source of amusement.

Megamind was indeed in a bit of a pickle - despite his not-inconsiderable brain power, the criminal goofball had been too caught up in his emotions to actually plan this far ahead. Nervously, he gave Minion a brief sidelong glance. He received a piscine shrug in return. Oh, well. "I have no idea." He admitted reluctantly, "Away was all I really had in mind. Any ideas?" The look he could see in the rear-view mirror spoke volumes. Incredulous, nervous, and quite likely sarcastic volumes. "I don't know anywhere." The child responded, becoming more subdued as the adrenaline began to wear off. "Some- Could it be somewhere with food, please? I didn't eat on the plane." It was dawning on the mischief-bent offworlder that he had impulsively taken charge of a hungry foreign kid, one he wouldn't consider handing back to the louts he'd been with before. Up close, it had been easy to tell that he was clad in ill-mended cast-offs from the smaller rotund lump, and ill-fed within them. What could he do with such a child that would not send him back into misery? Not the street, and it wasn't as though an orphanage wouldn't try to trace his origins. It would also be pretty cold to leave the kid in a place like that - he'd never heard much good about social services like orphanages. Being a fairly all-or-nothing kind of villain, there were only two choices open to him. He picked the one he trusted most. "How would you feel about an E-vil Lair?" He asked, trying for a casual tone. "It has heating, power, food, water, and lots of inventing materials. There would be places you wouldn't be allowed - every lair needs to have some booby-traps - but it would be safer than wandering around on your own." He added, as the squirt's eyebrows reached for the sky.

Minion openly gawped at him - a distracting sight, with all those teeth. The mech-pilot had reached similar conclusions about practicality, but he'd never thought he'd hear Sir make an offer like that so readily - he looked like a ball of nerves, too. They'd never offered sanctuary before. "Evil Lair?" Came the faint query, the sound of a small someone who didn't know what to believe. He ought to have guessed - they looked enough like bad guys from the comics of Dudley's he'd glimpsed. "That's right! I suppose I should have introduced myself sooner, seeing as you're not from around here. I am Megamind, incredibly handsome master of all villainy!" The wiry fellow behind the wheel confirmed, his tone theatrical - which had the effect of making the boy giggle a little, a bit less tense. "And I'm Minion." The bulkiest - yet also smallest - of the car's riders added helpfully, his voice earnest. There was an awkward gap in the conversation, a little too long for comfort, as the boy processed the new information. "I - I don't know my name..." The child confessed quietly, his tone flat and sombre, hid expression a picture of anxious frustration muted by resignation and weariness. That stopped the other two short. Megamind's mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out - Minion's warm brown eyes had bulged. It was a good thing they had reached rather infrequently used stretches of road.

It was Minion who recovered first. Seeing as his boss was still tongue-tied, the startled fish spoke up gently. "We wouldn't judge you for that, young sir - and we might be able to help. If you don't know what to call yourself, we can help you get a name." He offered, causing the boy's head to come up quite rapidly from his slump, a mask of disbelieving hopefulness painted across his features. It was this view in the mirror that spurred Megamind into responding. "That's absolutely right!" He affirmed, less vim and vigour in his words than before, but with more steel lurking. Apparently unable to form a coherent reaction to this, and wanting to give himself chance to digest this revelation, the urchin switched topics abruptly. "What'll I have to do?" He murmured, wary of a catch - and wondering what a pair of villains would find him useful for. "I don't know - workshop assistant? E-vil plan double checker? I've read that children are good at that..." Megamind offered up, flying by the seat of his metaphorical pants. "Minion is as well, but your perspective would still be useful." He added, not wanting his oldest friend to take offence. "There might be other things too, but I haven't thought of them yet. Oh, and we're here." They had, indeed, arrived. They were in the outskirts of the city, next to a tall and graffiti-covered warehouse.

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Posted: Sun, 25/01/2015 09:48 (9 Years ago)
Arashi was a little disappointed with the progress he'd made thus far, but he told himself that it was still early days - there was plenty of time. He couldn't expect spectacular results right away, nor the most interesting Transfiguration targets yet - until he was more used to casting such spells. With this in mind, he approached the metal Raven that guarded his House's common room. At least he remembered how to get there. "Only one colour but not one size, stuck to the ground yet easily flies - present in sun but not in rain, doing no harm and feeling no pain." The bird recited, when he drew close. It didn't have the sound of a question, but it was still definitely a riddle. Thankfully, he didn't have to spend too long on it, as he already knew the answer to this one - his father had gotten him a book of riddles for his birthday once. "A shadow." He replied simply, and was allowed entry. The Ravenclaw common room was decorated in bronze and blue, as could be expected, but the blues used varied - there were no huge blocks of one shade or another. It was actually quite tasteful. Strolling over to the spot he'd left some of his things earlier, Arashi began to pull out the books he'd need for the next lot of classes.

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Posted: Tue, 13/01/2015 07:44 (9 Years ago)
"All right, I can collect berries." Arashi nodded, accepting that this was indeed a necessity. It seemed as though Scarlett had a number of ideas as to how best to proceed. "I will mark my path as I go by scuffing lines into the ground - the weather looks clear enough to not expect rain just yet." He said, as though to let them know where to find him. Actually, he was doing this because he didn't trust his sense of direction. "Are you sure about the Houndoom part, though? There's something unnatural about this set up - there might be Houndoom." He asked warily, pausing before he went. He wasn't sure he liked the idea of irritating the little doom doggies, as they tended to be pack animals.

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Posted: Sun, 11/01/2015 10:19 (9 Years ago)
Section Eight: Anomalous Ability

To Pardus' immense amusement, the exercises to help him and the other cubs get used to their new bodies included yoga. It was hard not to find it funny, after learning that sticking one's rump in the air could be called a sun salutation. That provoked a lot of giggles, from many of the young ones. N, it was felt, was good at making exercises into games - or picking fun games that also counted as exercise. Most of these involved a ball of some sort, sometimes more than one - which was great, as far as the cubs were concerned. He also proved to be quite engaging as a history teacher, spinning them tales of both legends and more confirmed historical events. He always took the time to make it clear at the beginning which world's history and legends he was referring to, which helped, as he seemed to find their new world's myths and history just as engaging as they did. He hadn't gotten as far with that set as the other, though.

Albus, a rather relaxed fully-Meowth superclone, was responsible for their understanding of reading, writing, and arithmetic. He, like the cubs, had paws, which meant that he already had a non-standard approach to writing. Before moving on to holding pen or pencil, he made sure everyone could trace letters and numbers legibly with their fingers through sand. "<You never know when you'll need to leave someone a note when you've got no paper.>" He'd mewed by way of some explanation, when asked. While he wasn't quite as engaging a teacher as N, Albus was viewed by the cubs as an understanding sort, someone they could come to with their troubles. He was certainly patient enough to provide a willing ear, and work things through with them.

The irritable Pikatwo, who preferred to be called G.J. - apparently short for General Jolt - was their battle instructor. He was bent on teaching them to defend themselves using whatever techniques and/or equipment were available. He a devious little rodent, and with a streak of gleeful vindictiveness that was readily apparent when somemon destroyed a training dummy creatively. He was never cruel to them, in fact, he was often gruffly encouraging - eagerly encouraging when there was destruction going on - but he wasn't the sort to let them slack. He was delighted to discover the strange happenings around Pardus, such as the sudden gust of wind he'd managed to produce during one drill that could not be attributed to any technique used, and was unlikely to be part of a spontaneously-learned move. He'd been a little frustrated by the unpredictability of these events, particularly upon being turned blue for a day, but he'd set about trying to teach Pardus to harness this gift immediately. So far, it was slow going.

Grimalkin himself was teaching them science - particularly Pokemon biology, as he felt it important for the cubs to understand their own bodies. On one particular day, he was covering Pokemon Abilities, explaining their uses and heritage. He had brought along an invention of his designed to cause the Pokemon it was used on to display their Ability - intending to assign them a quiz afterwards (and update his paperwork). Things, for the most part, went roughly to plan, but there was a bit of a hiccup... Some of the cubs had been exposed to a lot of Pardus' mystery interference while developing - including Pardus himself - which had interacted with the Ditto-derived transformative features of the virus used to change them. This had the rather bizarre effect of creating a new Ability in those most affected: The Ability to access a form based on, but not identical to, their previous species and appearance.

This Ability, which the startled Grimalkin had decided to name Masquerade, had rendered Pardus a rather distressed human-seeming boy with pale hands and feet. The rest of his skin was a shade or two darker than it was before he became a changeling, the tips of his fingers a little more bulbous than normal, his nose a little smaller and flatter, his hair streaked with blond rather than purple, and his green eyes held a subtly feline cast. His ears, though rounded, were also a little more tilted back than they had been. For his part, Pardus wasn't happy until he'd figured out how to turn back - and only partly due to the fact that clothing wasn't part of the change. He'd gotten used to the creature he'd become, and grown to like it far better than his old human self. He was afraid that he'd have to lose everything he'd gained if he turned human, so he needed a lot of reassurance before he'd calm down.

It took multiple promises that he was still a Mewtwo, still wanted, and still different to how he'd arrived before he stopped panicking, and the gentle brushing of his daddy's concerned/caring/apologetic emotions against the surface of his mind before he calmed down. The fact that Usco had been affected as well, and received the same reception as always was also helpful. "W-what just happened?" Pardus asked, torn between incredulity and relief that he'd managed to regain his feline form. "It appears that a few of you have developed the Ability to conceal yourselves among your former kindred." Grimalkin responded carefully, making sure to keep up his reassuring broadcast. "This could be incredibly useful - the Ability to blend in could, if harnessed, help us to avoid being singled out." The big cat's tail was swaying slightly, and his mental voice was laced with a tension that could have been excitement.

Pardus' eyes widened a bit - by now, he knew that rare and powerful Pokemon were the most sought after, and that Mewtwo in particular had experienced some trouble of the sort. He felt a little guilty for making a fuss when it was put like that. "I did not expect you to experience such a shock, Pardus. I apologise." The Legend continued, seeming ever-so-slightly sheepish, but still clearly pleased with the discovery. If people cannot see what's different, perhaps they will look at what's the same? The experiment mused delightedly, if with a touch of guilt, already plotting ways of making this new Ability at least better understood - with a view to making it more... available. Perhaps if he modified some Ability Capsules? "Perhaps you would find your distress compensated for if I told you that tonight is movie night, and that your quizzes are not due until this time next week?" He smirked, eyes glittering. From the youthful cheering that followed, it was clear that the news was popular - that Pardus joined in, and seemed as enthused as the others, was encouraging.

Usco had managed to activate his Ability again, and was examining himself with interest. He looked the part, but the change was... imperfect, as compared to Ditto's signature. He had no claws at all, and his belly-to-tail colouration still shifted slowly into fudge-brown rather than the usual Meowth patterning. The brown of his eyes was also more obvious than in a standard Meowth, and he'd gained a slightly visible pale nose, but he couldn't see that without a reflective surface. Curiosity satisfied, he changed back. Like Pardus, he felt better knowing that his change had not come undone - he had simply become a more changeable changeling than before.

Movie night sounded good to Pardus, based on the glimpses and sounds of films he'd caught over his few years, but he had to wonder how Grimal- Oh, but there was N, wasn't there? He wouldn't look too strange picking up movies, even if he did have green hair. He had to laugh at the thought of N walking into a normal shop with that hair of his, particularly when he imagined people with that gobsmacked-but-too-polite-to-comment look he'd seen a few times before. He wondered idly what they'd be watching. In fact, some of the films they watched together that evening came from the Pokemon world, the general opinion of those making showing choices being that it would be a shame to ignore one world's movies in favour of the other.

Once the younglings had been coaxed out of the projector room and tucked in, Grimalkin went to tinker in his lab for a bit, and check on the little unborn ones. It was while he was doing this that he heard a tapping sound coming from somewhere. He looked around, but nothing was amiss. It grew more insistent, as though impatient, allowing him to track the odd clacking to a lab window. There was, amidst night's encroaching shroud, the figure of a corvid - either a raven or some sort of crow. Seeing it on Stormhaven was very surprising, as it was hardly a sea bird, as was its determination to get in. Not nearly so surprising, however, as the fact that this particular corvid appeared to be carrying an envelope. Curiosity piqued, Grimalkin opened the window and allowed it entrance.

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Posted: Tue, 06/01/2015 18:37 (9 Years ago)
Arashi was relieved to see the approaching form of Scarlett - although he didn't know her, and tended to be a little awkward around those he didn't know, he'd been worried. His expression brightened further when he noticed that she'd made a basket - that sort of thing could come in really handy out in the wilderness. "It is good to see that neither of you came to any harm - and encouraging to note that we already have a makeshift receptacle." He commented, "Look, I think this egg is going to hatch soon..." He added, indicating the wobbling ovoid with a small gesture. He was looking forward to seeing what the young creature was going to be, and his quiet enthusiasm was evident in his tone.

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Posted: Sat, 03/01/2015 12:05 (9 Years ago)
After the class had been set their task, that was what Arashi concentrated on. Sure, he thought that the Callisto-teacher parent-child interaction was kind of sweet, and he was still suspicious of Mia, but he had magic to do. A lot was riding on him attaining magical proficiency, given his family's current status. As such, he thought hard about what he was trying to do before applying any spell - he wanted to be sure he knew what he needed to say, how to say it, and how to wiggle his wand. He couldn't take too long about it, in case the Professor thought he was slacking, but he felt that he'd be able to produce better results this way than by rushing into it. Sure enough, he didn't fail miserably, which was the important thing. He'd managed a needle - the problem was that it was the same size and density as the match it had been. Ah, well... This is still early days. He mused, a little tickled by the sight of his odd needle. Seeing as there was still plenty of time, he pressed on.

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 11:23 (9 Years ago)
"Alright, and we'll look after the campsite - if we can really call it that yet." Arashi responded, nodding. He might not know these people properly yet, but that didn't stop him from being concerned about them. "Good luck. If you aren't back by mid-day, I think we'll have to come after you." He added, not wanting to be without some kind of time-frame where exploration was concerned. He was glad that Brooke had thought of a trail - that had the potential to be very useful.

Once Brooke was out of sight, he turned his attention back to the gently rocking egg in his rucksack. "You really aren't in any hurry, are you?" He murmured, stroking its surface. "I think I'll call you either Tabatha or Yuuto, depending on your gender. Both mean gentle, which you already seem." He added, amused at both himself and the egg.

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Posted: Fri, 02/01/2015 11:03 (9 Years ago)
She vanished? She vanished?! How does a first year know how to vanish?! Arashi thought, torn between incredulity and frustration. Biting his lip, he searched the area until he found someone else to follow, seething internally as he did so. He supposed he ought to have anticipated evasion, but he hadn't thought it would be of this level. When he managed to sit down in their next classroom, he narrowed his eyes as he noticed someone appear slightly too abruptly to have simply been amid the throng. It could have been paranoia, but he doubted it.

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 17:36 (9 Years ago)
After a while, Arashi had become aware that some of his classmates were in the library with him, but he'd mostly tuned out their presence. While he might have been a curious sort, he wasn't about to risk getting called out on snooping when he could be researching. He did take notice when they left, though, as he didn't want to miss their next lesson. Being as Mia was in the same House, and therefore most likely to be going to the same lesson as him, he chose to follow her rather than pulling his schedule out and risk losing sight of her. After all, he was still figuring out where everything was. He was aware that following her might make him seem suspicious, but he liked a bit of intrigue now and again - even if it was unfounded.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 23:13 (9 Years ago)
Section Seven: The Miracle of Rebirth

It was some time later, although Pardus had no way of guessing how much later, that sounds began to drift into the dreaming - which seemed to be getting a little fuzzy. Then, after he slept undreaming next, he felt his eyes drifting open. The lab appeared, swimming in purple. He could see his daddy, who had visited often in the dreaming, approaching his tank. After a moment's bleary confusion, he realised that it must be time, and grew quite excited.

The techno tendrils that had been fixed to him were detaching, pushing him towards the base of the tank as they did so. He closed his eyes as he felt himself pushed slowly, but firmly, into a rubbery membrane. He squirmed when he felt air chill his wet pelt, and when he felt towelled arms lifting him out of the clingy membrane. He settled, though, when he opened his eyes again to see his daddy gently removing the tank breather-mask with his telekinetic power as he gently dried the young one in his arms.

"Happy Birthday, Pardus." Grimalkin rumbled pleasantly, smoothing the newtwo's unruly locks of hair out of his eyes with a delicate application of telekinesis as he finished drying the tank serum from his son's pelt. The towel had been treated so as to remove any lingering trace of incubation fluid, so the tomkit was quite clean. Birthday? Pardus marvelled happily, never having had a proper birthday before. It did make sense, though, seeing as he had a daddy now, and had effectively just been born.

"There's a party waiting, with cake and gifts. It won't be very energetic, as none of you cubs are quite used to using your real-world bodies yet, but I assure you that you will be able to eat your fill. Both your general state of nourishment and your digestive system have been improved." At these words, Pardus beamed toothily, an action that showed off his new fangs - modest, but sharp and not to be trifled with. "That sounds great, Daddy~" He responded excitedly, feeling a warm little thrill inside his chest at being able to say that - and not knowing that his words provoked a similar, unexpectedly mushy feeling within his remaker.

He knew he was the last of the older cubs, which meant that everybody but Paka could be there. His previous self, being both friendless and oppressedly timorous, would have shied away from the idea of being around so many - and almost unable to contemplate the notion that they could possibly want to celebrate his birthday. Not so his changeling self. While it would take a while longer for his new self-worth to take root, Pardus'd spent enough time in the dreaming to develop bonds with his fellows and begin to learn how it was to be happy.

Grimalkin carried him into a baby-blue dining hall full of cubs sat upon seats designed with the Mewtwo frame in mind, and placed him tenderly into one of these chairs. A Pikachu and a Meowth walked in, pushing a trolley with a sponge cake on it, and everyone began to sing the Happy Birthday song. It was by no means a harmonious affair, but for a child overused to hearing it sung for others alone? It was beautiful.

The cake was placed onto the table by a helpful once-Abra, who made space for it among the other foods - both familiar and not. "Happy Birthday, buddy~" Usco grinned from beside him, while nearby Amadia chewed on something he hadn't seen her pick up. "Thank you..." Pardus murmured, looking bashful even as his heart seemed to swell within him. "Er, isn't there usually a candle?" He whispered, at once curious and not wishing to seem ungrateful.

A post-Ponyta snorted in amusement at this. "I'll tell you why, lil' colt - it's 'cause not a one of our new herd thought t'get any!" She snickered, sending a slight ripple of laughter down the table. Grimalkin gave them an amused look of slightly rueful admission. "As I told you yesterday, Aditi, I am not very well acquainted with birthday ritual just yet, and it simply didn't occur to N. If you wish, there will be candles next year." Most of what had just been said made sense to Pardus, as he slowly began to place food on his plate, but one part of it just didn't.

"What's a letter of the alphabet got to do with anything?" He asked in an undertone, perplexion writ plainly in the set of his features. "A friend of the big guy - one of the few he's got outside of us. He's gonna be one of our teachers." The former street feline replied casually. As if in answer, a tall and apron-clad human with wild pony-tailed green hair strolled in with a smile on his slightly syrup-daubed face, and more desserts on a tray in his hands. Pardus giggled, imagining the colours his aunt and uncle would turn if they beheld this fellow's hair - even without the flour in it. The human, N, cut and distributed slices of cake, before sitting and eating with the Pokemon.

After becoming replete with marvellous food, they played with board games and jigsaws, before moving on to presents. The cubs mostly gave pictures or clay shapes they'd made, not yet having much to give, but it was enough to cause the grateful (and somewhat overwhelmed) Pardus to well up and tearfully thank each of them. He had much the same reaction When Grimalkin and N gave him a Dragonite plush toy and a storybook with pictures respectively, but no-one was judging. They understood.

Present time was followed by a sing-along, which was meant to help the cubs learn to be skilful with their newly-instinctive telepathic voices. Then, as it had been an evening party, it was time for bed. With Usco and his daddy each holding his paws, and his long sturdy tail behind and ready to steady him if he wobbled, Pardus walked carefully with the others to a large hall-like room with green fluffy carpet and a blue-painted sky on the ceiling and walls. It was complete with wispy clouds, the sun, trees and bushes depicted.

Along the walls were cubbies - round spaces containing green and brown boxes for possessions, glowing stone-like nightlights with cover-cups, and green or brown soft bedding. It was into one of these that Pardus was led, stopping first at the bushes-shaped and painted fence while Usco dealt with the handle - which resembled a Pecha Berry. The fence only came up to chin-height on the cubs, so each cubby had some measure of privacy without being isolated. Grimalkin took the time to tuck each of the cubs into their squishy, pillowy bedding and blankets - currently two to a cubby - before reading them all a story from Pardus' new book.

Once the tale of Lugia's Song was over, the large feline turned out the light in the painted sun, murmuring a soft "Goodnight." that echoed back to him from the many young minds as he padded out. In the dark, pinprick constellations appeared, save for where plants were painted. The wisps of clouds now glowed dimly, and a full moon, which had been concealed within one such cloud, shone softly.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Usco whispered from his bed. "It is..." Pardus marvelled, just as quietly, his newly-sharp eyes wide with wonder. "I never thought I'd get to live anywhere as nice as this." He commented, gazing up at the 'sky' in delight. "Yeah, me neither." Came the yawned reply, as Usco began to lose the battle to stay awake. "I wonder when we'll learn to fly, like in the dreaming? It's got to be similar, right?" The green-eyed cub wondered, clutching his plush toy.

"Dunno when, an' probably. Not t'morrow - we got buncha games for gettin' used t'being like this then." The former stray murmured, closing his eyes. "Let's get some rest, yeah? I'm halfway asleep already." Deciding that his buddy was right, Pardus wished him goodnight and relaxed. He lay there, in the best cat bed he'd ever seen, and wondered what Mrs Figg the cat lady would think if she could see him now. Unable to decide, he simply stared at the 'stars', trying to invent new constellations. He got as far as his second dragon before his eyelids began to slide leadenly shut, and he was lulled into a deepening doze by the hushed sounds of sleepers breathing all around him. He was drawn into a dream of playing among star dragons who sung just for him, and knew no more 'til morning.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 15:10 (9 Years ago)
Shock pouted - he really was going to have to work on his skills with electricity if he wanted to avoid simply being amusing. He'd been shocked too, and it hadn't done much more than puff out his fur. He did indeed gulp the berries quickly, as it was his first meal, and he was rather disconcerted when he was picked up, put down, and picked up again. Dizzy, but more full, the Pichu sighed. At least it was soft now, and he wasn't so cold.

"Hm, now she's wandered off... I hope she knows the way back." Arashi mused, noting Scarlett's departure. Perhaps he ought go after her if she didn't return soon? They might not have much in their clearing, but it wasn't wise to go haring off without telling anyone how long to wait - getting split up in unknown territory could be disastrous. Maybe after his egg had hatched.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 15:03 (9 Years ago)
Arashi had found the library as well, though he was not facing the direction of the part-phoenix student. As such, he was not witness to the revelation, being rather engrossed in the spread of books he'd located. He did not like to be shown up, and Mia's comment about boning up about the old families had stung. So, naturally, he had surrounded himself with tomes about them in the hopes of acquiring the knowledge that the average pure-blood would likely arrive at school with. He wasn't far from where the young witches were, but they were not within his view, nor could he hear them unless they got closer. Of course, if they did something striking, he might notice, but it was a library, and it was likely that the custodian of the books would intervene first.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 12:09 (9 Years ago)
The newly named Shock stared up at Scarlett with wide brown-black eyes, tilting his head a little as he regarded her. Of course I'm hungry... He thought irritably, sparking a little. He sneezed, his tiny body cushioned by the pocket, but it made him nervous. "Chu - Pipipi!" He protested, flailing a little.

Arashi, who had been thinking about what Brooke had said, was amused by the antics of the small rodent, and intrigued by the emergence of the Snorunt. "It doesn't appear as though the Pokemon in the eggs have a habitat in common... This is looking more and more suspicious." He commented, before being distracted by a shaking in his rucksack. He took off the bag, opening it, and looked inside. The egg within was wobbling slightly, but it didn't seem to be in any hurry.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:58 (9 Years ago)
(I like the idea of villains with different backgrounds - perhaps some of them could be disaffected Squibs of a like mind to Filch? Perhaps they might be using some muggle-related ideas as well?)

Arashi smiled to himself as he contemplated his completed test - he was fairly confident about this one. While not all of them were as engaging as animals, he quite liked plants, so it was relatively familiar ground for him. He wondered whether they were likely to be assigned plants to look after at some point - which he thought might be fun. He was slightly concerned about the Professor's well-being, though. Perhaps some of the more delicate plants had been infested with something and he'd had to care for them through the night? Dismissing these thoughts, he wandered back to the castle with the others, intending to figure out where to go next. Perhaps the library, if it wouldn't make him late for something?

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 22:18 (9 Years ago)
"I appreciate the information - I intend to do some research in the library at my earliest convenience." Arashi responded, carefully neutral. He wasn't yet certain what he thought of Mia Grey. "I suppose it would be polite to reciprocate, wouldn't it? I doubt many pure-blood families keep track of lines that have gone Squib..." He mused, wondering what talent she was referring to. As she mentioned it in passing, he decided that it was fair game for his curiosity, and filed it away in his mind for future reference. He carefully didn't comment on her being the only Grey, not wanting to push any buttons without reason. "My family has tended to stay out of politics for the most part, preferring to tinker in the background - even after Squibbing out. We come out of the woodwork if there's a threat to our way of life, but we tend to be quite willing to live and let live in the absence of a personal grudge. That tinkering is what produced my pet, Isaac - he's a ball-tailed kneazle." He explained, ambling along as they headed into Herbology. "Some Zadkiels even experimented on themselves - that's why some of us have odd eye colours."
When the Professor arrived, Arashi grinned - he looked like he might be fun.

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 11:08 (9 Years ago)
"Is that so? I must confess myself surprised. I'm afraid that descendants of Squib lines are not typically encouraged to be familiar with the who's who of the Wizarding world, as we are typically expected to be as magicless as our forebears." Arashi responded archly, "As such, I have no idea what the Grey family is known for, and I only know that to be your name because I have heard you referred to as such. In the case of the jinx, well, I was at close range, and the son of a Squib must often be wary of the warning signs of impending spells - after all, there are those who would gladly jinx or hex a Squibs' son on the sly. Being as you are clearly better informed about that individual's family history and temperament than I, I will defer to your judgement on this occasion - at least until I have sufficient information to draw my own conclusions. Now, is this the way to Herbology? Oh, or is it Charms?"

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 10:05 (9 Years ago)
(Howabout Professor Widdershins?)

Arashi watched the injured Slytherin with a degree of pity - he didn't know them, but they were in pain. He wouldn't have wished them to have been in an explosion, even one of temper, but nor did he really know any way to help. True, they had been rather rude to another student, so he supposed they'd earnt their pain - he merely wished that the offended party had retaliated more... subtly. It was almost a relief when Mia addressed him. "Indeed, miss Mia? It is not so much concealment as lack of intrusion that I was going for, but I must confess that you are quite correct. Is there a problem?" It was around about then that Mia cast a tripping jinx on the already-injured Slytherin - which Arashi might not have connected to her if he hadn't been as close as he was. His eyebrow raised, he contemplated this - it was quite impressive for an 'ickle firsty' to be capable of wandless jinxing. "Was that really necessary?" He asked delicately, "Or were you making a point? He was already experiencing the effects of retribution." He was internally rather alarmed by the flaming hair one of his classmates seemed to have, but he was forcing himself not to react to it. She didn't seem to need putting out, so he could simply swallow his shock and process it later, when people weren't spontaneously combusting.

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Posted: Mon, 29/12/2014 09:53 (9 Years ago)
Arashi smirked when they managed to surprise the Professor with their potion, pleased that they were able to get the right shade at that particular moment. It was also nice to know his partner's last name, as he'd quite forgotten it. He was just wondering what to do next when he heard the Professor blowing up at someone else - the perfect cue to take a sample of his own. If asked, he'd say it was in case of sabotage - he'd heard enough stories of rowdy pupils throwing ingredients into the cauldrons of others - but he actually just wanted a sample of the potion. Besides, he could see that somebody else was doing it, so there was precedent.

Once he'd gathered a sample for himself, Arashi wondered whether Ms. Grey would mind it if he followed her to their next class. He would rarely admit it without prompting, but he had a rather abominable sense of direction - not a good thing in a labyrinthine old castle like this one - and she was now someone he'd recognise.

(Arashi would probably do best in classes revolving around taking care of something - like Herbology or Care of Magical Creatures - and have a knack for Potions (though not to the same degree as others). His main problem with Potions is that he has this constant temptation to tinker, which could blow up in his face quite easily. He doesn't do well if he thinks something is boring - which could actually depend on the teacher (I don't know what we're doing with History in that respect). Astronomy, well, he's not great at it. He really likes the stars and the moon and all that lot, but he has trouble finding things in the starscape if they aren't pointed out. So, to summarise, he's a smart cookie with bad direction, and things tend to go wrong if he gets bored or tempted to tinker - his family have a history with that.)

Startled, Arashi allowed himself to be dragged mainly because it seemed the simplest solution. It would be bad for his pride to cause a fuss and turn out to be in the wrong - and Mia seemed to know what she was doing.

After the fuss was over, and he'd helped clear the station, he tried to follow Mia as discretely as someone with purple hair could.

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