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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 17:42 (8 Years ago)
Luke looked around, hearing whispering, "Huh?" He then shook his head before going back to the Lillycove pokemon center to heal his pokemon

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 03:38 (8 Years ago)
Luke tilted his head, "Really? I'll have to tell Professor Rowan about it then.."

(Ok now g'night--)

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 03:33 (8 Years ago)
He nodded, "Mhm, and thank you Lugia." He pulled out his pokedex and scanned Lugia, "Lugia, the diving Pokemon. It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. "

(Gotta go, g'night :L)

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Posted: Sun, 15/05/2016 03:23 (8 Years ago)
Luke let out his pokemon before slightly bowing to Lugia, "Excuse me, may I scan you?" He fixed his hat before brushing off his shirt

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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 01:33 (8 Years ago)
(I have no idea--- possibly?)

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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 00:38 (8 Years ago)
"Lewis, I could let you borrow one of my pokemon, choose one!" He grabbed the three pokeballs from his belt after returning Icy to his ball

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Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
Luke ran after Lewis, "Slow down!" After he caught up, he looked around "What in the world--"

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Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 12:33 (8 Years ago)
Luke heard fighting and looked around, "What the--" He picked up Icy, who was now a Prinplup, "Icy, you're getting pretty big, I don't think I can carry you anymore-" He set Icy down, "Sorry Luke. " Luke shook his head, "No, that's fine." He then began walking to where he heard the fighting and saw Axel and Lewis. He whispered to Icy, "Use Aqua Jet!" Icy was surrounded in water as he ran at Axel, ramming into his side

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Posted: Thu, 12/05/2016 21:01 (8 Years ago)
(I missed alot--)

Luke found another Aipom and told Star to use wing attack. She hit the Aipom, but it retaliated with a Pound attack, making Star hit the ground. Luke shouted, "Star!" and ran over to her, pulling out a super potion from his bag. Luke used the super potion and helped Star back up, "You ok?" Star nodded and tackled the Aipom. The Aipom fell backwards as Star struck it with another wing attack. The Aipom fainted and Star began to glow (Could I skip slightly ahead where Luke's pokemon are evolved?)

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Posted: Wed, 11/05/2016 00:52 (8 Years ago)
Name: Luke
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Deep brown hair, Light blue eyes, rather pale, hair ends at upper neck. Heavy Navy blue parka, cap, grey shoes, jade green undershirt
Personality: Friendly, adamant, easily trusts people, sometimes envious, worried easily
Pokemon: Piplup (M, Icy, Level 14), Starly (F, Star, Level 13), Shinx (M, Flux, Level 14)
Other: Able to shapeshift into Staraptor
(Could I get Arcticuno as a legend?)

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Posted: Wed, 11/05/2016 00:13 (8 Years ago)
Star chirped and looked at Luke, "Who will I battle?" Luke replied, "We'll have to find out but don't worry." He then began walking in the grass before spotting an Elgyem, "There! Star use wing attack!" Star's wings began to glow as she flew at the Elgyem, striking it with her wings. It fell backwards before using Psybeam. The colorful attack hit Star, causing her to fall down from flying. Star quickly got up and screeched at the Elgyem.
"Star, use tackle!"
The Starly roughly tackled the Elgyem, sending it flying. Once it hit the ground, it fainted. "Good job Star!" Luke exclaimed.

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)

Flux finished glowing and appeared as a Luxio. Luke quickly pulled out his pokedex and scanned Flux, " Luxio, the Spark pokemon. Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage to cause fainting. They live in small groups. " Luke grinned, "That's cool! Now that you're trained, I'm gonna train the others, alright?" Flux nodded and sat down, waiting to be returned. Luke grabbed Flux's pokeball and returned him before grabbing Star's pokeball, "Star, come out!"

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 23:22 (8 Years ago)
Luke walked into the tall grass outside of Lillycove and spotted a wild Aipom. He quickly sent out Flux since he was the closest to leveling up, "Use Spark!" Flux growled before glowing and shooting sparks at the Aipom. The Aipom yelped in pain and became paralyzed. "Great job Flux!" Luke said, "Use Spark once more!" Fluz did the same as last time, shooting sparks at the Aipom. The Aipom fell over, fainted. Luke cheered and went over to Flux, "Great job!" Flux began glowing

(Afk dinner-)

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago)
He nodded, "Thank you!" Luke then motioned to Flux, "Come on, we're gonna go train!" Flux nodded and followed after Luke, who was running with Star on his shoulder and Icy in his arms

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 22:35 (8 Years ago)
"Do any of you know of any good places to train pokemon? Icy is a level 14, Star is a level 13, and Flux is a level 14." Luke asked.

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 17:59 (8 Years ago)
(Alright, thank you :L and that's fine) Luke tilted his head, "Well then that's pretty fast." He then laughed, "I once had a headace for a whole day."
(Lol oops. T1G and I are using the same phone. He forgot to log out of mine)

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 17:24 (8 Years ago)
"That's pretty cool. Also, do you need any pain killer? I think I have something similar to it." Luke said

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 15:27 (8 Years ago)
Luke looked up from his pokemon, "A guardian? That's cool! You said it was Suicune, right?" Luke picked up Icy and pat his head while Star flew up to Luke's shoulder and Flux sat at his feet. (Could I change my Guardian to Arcticuno instead of None?)

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 14:01 (8 Years ago)
Luke let out all three of his pokemon to stretch their limbs. He then sat down, petting Flux, Star, and Icy before looking to everyone else, "Do any of you want poffins? I have some."

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Posted: Mon, 09/05/2016 23:57 (8 Years ago)
Luke quickly scanned the cyndaquil, " Cyndaquil, the fire mouse pokemon- " The pokedex then started rambling on about all the info on the rest of the evolutions. He laughed, "Thanks again."

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