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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Umbreon.
Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 17:28 (10 Years ago)
Kann ich auch mit? :D
Und Hong, ich poste hier seit Heute 8D
Njah, ich hätte jetzt auch nicht drang gedacht dass Ostern is, aber Mama hat, als sie mich aufgeweckt hat, gesagt, dass ich jetzt mein Osternest suchen soll, von daher wars schwer, das zu vergessen :D

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Posted: Sun, 20/04/2014 16:58 (10 Years ago)
Öhm, also ich sag dann auch mal Hallooo. :3
Sundance hat mich eben auch in die Skype Gruppe getan und da muss ich hier wohl auch was für schreiben... weiß nur nicht was .w.
Also dann noch frohe Ostern.. undso ^^

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Posted: Tue, 15/04/2014 19:23 (10 Years ago)
You have to offer something if you want to win something, I thought?

Next Post Wins 2000 PD

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Posted: Mon, 07/04/2014 15:56 (10 Years ago)
I would like to have that extra awesomeness xD

Next post wins 2000 PD c:

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Posted: Sun, 30/03/2014 11:04 (10 Years ago)
I don't have much time left in the last time but I'll try to make it as soon as possible..

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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2014 16:41 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2014 16:18 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2014 11:46 (11 Years ago)
Username: Umbreon014
Pokemon: Umbreon please, and if it's to hard, Gyarados Jigglypuff please. :3
Any requests?: Dark Background if Umbreon, light Pink if Jigglypuff. ^^
Other: bite
Thank you. :3

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Posted: Tue, 11/02/2014 16:31 (11 Years ago)
@Victory_Fire: Thanks, I'll have a look at it. :3
@TheTardis: There was no need to tip, but thanks. c:

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Posted: Mon, 10/02/2014 18:21 (11 Years ago)
Finished another Pixel Art now. :3 Sorry for needing so long for them but I'm just to lazy .-.
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I know it's not a real Badass-Pose, but It looked like that on Paper but I couldn't make it in Paint T_T
And yeeha, I just realized the Tail starts at the feet. I did that great P:

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Sorry, it got more like Purple ._. But I don't work with Kalos Pokémon yet because I don't have good sprites ^^' And you don't owe me any PD unless you want to tip me some. :3


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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2014 22:40 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2014 02:07 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 01/02/2014 00:32 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 30/01/2014 14:45 (11 Years ago)
I'm not very busy, I'm just to lazy >_<'
You can still request, but no Pixel Art. ^^

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2014 18:16 (11 Years ago)
Hellow :3 *doesn't know what to say*
So.. for Scourge.
I specially like the collar. But you could try to do the teeth more irregulary - he pulled them in there with his mouth so like on the pictures you know from Scourge you could try to make some of the teeth looking sidewards or upwards (or however you call this in english x.x).
The eyes and nose got really good, but the mouth looks a little ... skew (?).

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2014 19:31 (11 Years ago)
Sasuke! I want a Chatot!
Username: Apple
How many?: 1
What Gender?: I don't care. :3

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Posted: Thu, 23/01/2014 20:21 (11 Years ago)
*Having Requests waiting since three weeks to be done ._.* Atm I quitted doing Pixelarts, so I will do the outstanding PA Requests when I'm in the mood or start doing them on request again. ^^''

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Posted: Thu, 23/01/2014 18:36 (11 Years ago)
And finally @Abby:

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Posted: Wed, 22/01/2014 18:08 (11 Years ago)
I think we ended up with: "I'll try but don't expect anything". Thing is that my problem is mostly the Body, not the head, so I wanted to ask if it would be okay to do only head shot (with shoulders or so)?

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Posted: Wed, 22/01/2014 17:30 (11 Years ago)
Got myself to make some more requests from here. :3
Also, I decided to stop doing Pixel Arts from now on, instead you will be able to request Chocolate Pokémon (Thanks to Abbys Contest here. xD) (I will update the first post immediately). The Pixel Arts that are already requested I will do of course (someday. Maybe), but my Mood is in doing small things at the moment, particulary because you would only get out stuff like the one for lunalonewolf. ._.
@lunalonewolf: Feel warned. o:
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Me + Background = Apocalypse .-.

Then some small ones. :3

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