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Posted: Fri, 18/05/2018 05:15 (6 Years ago)

Kendra, a Fusion please!
Username: Sylva
Base Pokemon: Lucario
Pokemon Parts: Zeraora
Pokemon Colors: Not too picky TBH.
Extra: I had meant to put this one I just couldm't be bothered to look up/thought I had the right spelling

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Posted: Thu, 17/05/2018 20:17 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Fusion please!
Username: Sylva
Base Pokemon: Lucario
Pokemon Parts: Zezora
Pokemon Colors: Not too picky TBH. I'm happy for you to go with whatever looks the best The eevee disguised as a fennekin still haunts me o.o
Extra: I see a plooshie badge

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Posted: Thu, 17/05/2018 19:32 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Rave please!
Username: Sylva
Pokemon: Lucario
Extra: I'm sorry I forgot my username please forgive me DX

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Posted: Wed, 16/05/2018 07:24 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Fusion please!
Base Pokemon: Umbreon
Pokemon Parts: Espeon
Pokemon Colors: Black fur with pink rings. Or whatever you think looks good ^^. I was thinking the rings would stay the same colours and the espeon gem might be inside the ring on Umbreon's forehead.
Extra: That eevee lost its soul o.o. It looks so done with life. So can I send less plooshies?

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Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 18:05 (6 Years ago)
Nicknames?: Syl, Sylvia (but please don't, no-one can actually seem to say my username right DX)
Favorite AU/s: Underfell
Password: puns
Other: Uhh, A RIVIVAL! IDK I'm lonely XD

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Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 18:00 (6 Years ago)
let me join!!!
username: Sylva
favorite fnaf game: The origional
favorite fnaf animatronic: Foxy
why i should be a admin:

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Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 17:25 (6 Years ago)
Sylva's set of Schemes


Complete the Kanto 'dex (149 out of 151):

Show hidden content

- Get ditto
- Get mewtwo

Get more of my Jhoto 'Dex (73 out of 127):

Get more of my Hoenn 'Dex (99 out of 155):

Get more of my Sinnoh 'Dex (63 out of 138):

Get more of my Unova 'Dex (97 out of 175):

Get more of my Kalos 'Dex (55 out of 117):

Here's a quick check in case you do want to help. I'll pay in pd mostly.


[]Get shiny umbreon
[]Get the rest of the pokedex in shinies
[x]Hatch my first shiny (ponyta)


Ponyta (Found on chain 49 (~12% chance of happening))
Combee (Found on chain 102 (~55% chance of occuring))
Combee (Found on chain 46 (~10% chance of occuring))


[Fail]Get straight A*'s in my A levels. (A* A A)
[x]Finish my path of exile build (It was cyclone with Ngahamu's flame if you're interested)
[]Sleep more
[]To find out how to order posts in a forum thread in pokeheroes.
[x]Finish my eevee drawing

Find a synonym of 'Goals' that begins with S (Thanks snORly, I looked some up and one of the ones I found was 'Holy Grails' XD)
[]Get Premium for a considerable length of time

About Me

nicknames: Sylva
Syl said as 'sill' like in windowsill and 'va' said 'vah' and not 'viah'
Call me Sylvia and I will smack you XD
real name: Ben

DOB: October 29th
age: 18

location: United (debatable) Kingdom
occupation: College Kid

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): ISFJ (read more)
Alignment: Neutral Good (read more)

Favorite Things!

animals: cats (especially ocelots), foxes, wolves
colors: red, purple, turquoise
seasons: Summer, Autumn

Pokémon: Umbreon and Espeon
Pokémon types: Dark, Psychic, Fire
Pokémon region: Don't really have one
Pokémon games (main series): HeartGold probably, or Diamond
Pokémon games (spin-offs): Pokemon Rangers Shadows of Almia or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of Sky

Non-Pokemon Games: Mass Effect, Undertale, Path of Exile, The Division, CS:GO.
Anime: Boku No Hero Academia, Ao no Exorcist, Naruto (except filler), C: The Money of Soul and Possibility control
Fandoms (I don't really participate in fandoms much): Furries, Pokemon, Undertale, FNAF

Roleplay stuff

Show hidden content
Literacy// Basic to Semi-lit but it varies! I've done Basic rp's to Literate rp's

Length and Style// Anywhere between a few lines to two thousand characters (although my paragraphs tend not to uhh... be too great at that length). I'm not really fussed about spelling/grammar errors. However, if I'm really confused by something I may query it just to make sure my character doesn't respond... stupidly.

Interests/Genre// I'm happy to do Quad, anthro or human rp's. I prefer OC's even if we're in a particular fandom (as I'm not really too good at pulling off how canon characters act)(but there are some exceptions).

As for fandom's I'm interested in: Pokemon, Spyro the Dragon (can kind of cannon), Mass Effect, Dead Space, Danganropa, My Hero Academia, undertale (can kind of cannon), five nights at freddies (can cannon) and a good few others.

As for specific genre's: I'm happy to do them all pretty much. I have the most experience in fantasy and the least in horror.

Maturity and Romance// A little gore is fine but I'm not a fan of excessive gore. As for other mature themes, that's a yes from me. I'm happy to do, and not to do them.

I prefer MxM by a good majority. For other pairings... you'd have to ask me. I don't play females if that helps (but may sometimes play 'other' characters).

And for romance, anywhere from innocent to not so innocent. Or it can start out as one and gradually transition into the other.

Contact// I have discord (which would need to be used for more mature themes), for lighter stuff we could use the E-mailing system (for both discussion and for writing as I find palpad rather... restrictive due to the narrow window.

Please talk to me, posting here is fine but I'd prefer to be palpadded(?) or PM'ed. Also, any art I post I'm looking for critique on.

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Posted: Tue, 15/05/2018 15:04 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Disguise please!
Username: Sylva
Pokemon: Eevee
Disguised As: Fennekin
Extra: Floof

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Posted: Sun, 13/05/2018 12:07 (6 Years ago)
Thanks for letting me know. I'm happy to wait ^^

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Posted: Sun, 13/05/2018 09:13 (6 Years ago)

I would like to place an order!(:
Name of Pokemon(s): Kabutops
Specific gender?: nope
Shiny?: nope
Mega-able?: nope

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Posted: Fri, 11/05/2018 17:42 (6 Years ago)
This may be old, but since it's here I can't post it again. So I'm going to give it support instead

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)
(Yep. Well my ability counteracts the affects (freeze, burn, instant death, etc.) and stops it after three turns)

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 16:05 (9 Years ago)
(primal groudon doesn't have sturdy. Primal groudon used protect after I used perish song)

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 16:02 (9 Years ago)
(so far they're fighting for no reason as far as I can tell. And primal groudon won't die after perish song. I joined in as well)

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 16:00 (9 Years ago)
"OK fupe this." Umber said before beating his wings and flying off. He really couldn't be bothered with this. "I don't know or care why you're fighting but leave me out of it and let me RP with someone who can post something other than fighting."

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:51 (9 Years ago)
(physics from the pokemon world should count)
*Uses perish song The ability 'effect desolation' to counter it (effect desolation reverses the effects of any move after three turns (does not include damage))
"Why did you attack me? It's not like I did anything to you?" Umber asked annoyed.

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:41 (9 Years ago)
Username: Sylva
Legend: Noxuran (Nox being night)
Name: Umbra Shadow
Gender: Male ('cause legendaries sometimes have genders)
Egg group: Monster and flying
Type: Dark/flying
Image: Has the body shape of an Umbreon. There is a glowing red ring around his midsection, a line of the same red glow goes from between his ears to his tail where it fades out. It crosses the red band around his midsection. Two black feathered wings come out from his midsection. His eyes, having a feline like pupil (slitted), glow blue. He can control the glow to make it either really bright or non-existent. There are flecks of white on his fur, almost like stars in the sky, they also seem to move on his fur as time passes.
Background info: He is the Legendary of the night sky. Which explains the white flecks on his black fur and it's effect. The red line shows most people's opinions of night in general. Which is usually negative and very few people look at the night sky because they're either hunting or in their dens asleep/cowering and hoping not to be eaten. The glow of his eyes comes from the fact that they absorb light and reflect it back out to see. They can also produce their own variations of visibility, including seeing heat signatures and infra-red.

He is a lonely legendary, most people shunning him so he wanders about. Known to few. He gets a majority of his power during night time, his descendent species are Umbreon. Though he is known only a little he is still very strong. On par to all other legendries.

His home is in the sky, visible to others at night and can only be reached by flying.

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 19:04 (9 Years ago)
Nick walked down the street as he heard a loud roar. He was trying to cover himself up so that fewer people spotted he was a gijinka as most he'd met would try to use that to their advantage.

A hollow sounding laugh came from Najar as he walked down the street where the tyranitar was crashing through the street, enjoying the destruction around him and goading the large pokemon on from time to time. As well as killing off a few stragglers.

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 18:53 (9 Years ago)
Username: Sylva
Name: Nick
Age Or Level: aged: 16
Gender: Male
Apperance: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/222/7/d/aurora_the_espeon_by_catcat49-d465ttd.jpg
Species Or Human: Espeon Gijinka
Good Or Evil: Good
History: Always moved forwards and tried not to look back. Loved to make sound and play music, when he was experimented on it opened up a whole world of possibilities for him. As his glass balls allow him to produce sound at almost any frequency. Allowing him to make music almost wherever he goes.
Other: Carries with him two hollow glass balls with holes in them, seemingly placed randomly.
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3JM_YVxL_8

Username: Sylva
Name: Najar
Age Or Level: Age: 25 Level: 82
Gender: Male
Apperance: https://s-media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/23/28/f4/2328f4e48af47a8adb6b25f9673c765f.jpg
Species Or Human: Shadow Absol Gijinka
Good Or Evil: Evil
History: Used to be a relatively nice kid with a mischievous attitude until it all went south and he was left with nothing. He then fought his way up with nothing to lose and his mischievous attitude became an evil one. He took everything he could get his hands on, including being the first willing volunteer for the fusion. The fusion process and then the shadow process making him become an embodiment of evil as he hates everything and loves only himself.
Other: has slitted snake eyes.
Theme Song: Orochimaru Theme tune

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Posted: Sun, 26/10/2014 17:50 (9 Years ago)
Username: Sylva
Name: Human: Silas Inuzuki Full release: Umbra Kage
Age: 1003 years old
Gender: Male
Human: About 5 foot 9 tall with sandy blond hair and a lightish complex. His ears a slightly pointed and he has black tribal tattoo's across his back and the sides of his neck.
Anthro: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/090/1/7/zen_kitsune_by_cheshiresphynx-d3cwu0f.jpg
What Are You?: 9-tailed Kitsune (Very magical fox)
Powers: Speaking to others minds, elemental shifting (I.E. turning something into something else. A bit like in Fullmetal Alchemist except he slightly ignores the rule of equivalent exchange... and does it without the circles), shape-shifting
Crush: Has had many but none right now.
History: Has had a very long history, with many people hunting him in his past. Only now did they discover that the myths and legend were real has he had to watch out. He never wanted to be hunted he just wanted to have friends.
Other: Is very intelligent and has been able to use his powers very efficiently in the past. Is very physically weak and is totally unable to change someone's perception of something (be that an opinion or what they can see), so has no sort of mental attacks and weak mental/physical (strength) attacks.

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