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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2019 11:54 (5 Years ago)
Charmander's sprite is cute, so I'm happy you chose that. xD


I had way too much fun with this, I spent awhile on it honestly. But it was great!


I had to think a lot about this one honestly.


I appreciate it!


Optional means I pick the sprite for you.


7 Hearts may be a record. It's alright. :o


Thank you. ;o;


If you have any other questions, palpad/PM me. :]

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2019 01:15 (5 Years ago)
I've decided to add 2 [4 all in all] more slots to each timezone. I feel like with one form per person, and many people wishing to order, it's appropriate honestly. I feel I could do a bit more each time I go to sprite and more people will get a chance if they can only order one sprite at a time.

Mega Milotic is a PH exclusive sprite, so may I ask that you edit your post with the info in the Rules for ordering PH sprites spoiler? I'll leave a slot open for 24 hours so you'll have time to do that. I really like the fancy post. *w*

That's really sweet, thanks! ;; If/whenever you decide to order, I'll be happy to oblige!

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2019 06:13 (5 Years ago)
Thank you! ;;


You good. x,D




I really enjoy how this one came out. =D


All the megas should be available. Takes a recolor to make it shiny, but I add them to my computer files so I don't have to do it again. So in a way, it's kind of a favor? xD


@Shinymew3217, Expelliarmus_Heyo, Cinnamondogeo,
All of you got the forms right, however the slots for that timezone were full. I understand it can be confusing, just try to be a bit more aware so I don't have to warn anyone. ^^b The PH time is on the bottom right of the page, in case none of you were aware. [I don't warn if someone posted before I could update them].

Addressing you separately since you edited your post. If there's a way to add a clock to the front post, I'll do that tbh. xD But like I told the others above, please just try to be a bit more aware. ^^

Only one form at a time is allowed, so I must deny. To answer your questions though, in case you decide to order again:

-I can make the flashing slower.
-You may use sprites on any site, as long as you link back to either the shop or my profile. Whichever you prefer, of course. (Exception: Unless you order a PH exclusive sprite / event, they must only be used here.) ^^b

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 03:02 (5 Years ago)
I meant to post these the other day, but since my memory is professional, here we are. :,D

I had fun with this one. @w@


It looks shiny in the gummy form, heh.


You're good, I appreciate it! This one was a bit confusing, but it turned out. xD


Hope ya like it~


It's alright~


I mean, I tried. x,D


I can never update the slots in time, rip. ;w;

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Posted: Mon, 15/04/2019 07:46 (5 Years ago)
Nice and bump.

Please, I really can't stand this. Auctions have a limit, so should the GTS. In fact, I think the GTS should have a limit more so.

-[Idea to add onto this?] I find it annoying to have people consistently putting up and deleting the same spam trades when it hasn't even been 12 hours, as well. Not sure if a time limit would be a good idea, as well. Like you can't delete the trade once you put it up until X amount of time has passed?

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Posted: Sun, 07/04/2019 03:09 (5 Years ago)
Man, I'm a dingus. I didn't notice the second form, which the rules say only one. But I made the first one for you and I'll send 5k from the tip back, since you mentioned that much in the second form. I don't know where my brain is sometimes; but yes, it's only one form friend. ^-^b


Hopefully this is what you had in mind~


Thanks! Wimpod's a great choice~


Glad to have you back! ♥


Thank you! I love shiny Larvitar's sprite. <3


Nice and fancy post, I like that. Hope this looks good to you!


Go to any of your posts and press that:

You forgot part of the form that's vital for being accepted [take a peek at the form and rules again]. You also posted 23 minutes before the next timezone slots opened, but I wasn't online to update, I apologize for that, however.

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Posted: Wed, 03/04/2019 05:02 (5 Years ago)
My motivation has kicked back a little and I'm feeling better, so I shall open. I wish I had thought of more sprite ideas, though. orz I appreciate anyone who has been patient with me. ♥@-@♥

It's alright, just try to be a bit more aware next time, friend. :]

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Posted: Fri, 08/03/2019 05:03 (6 Years ago)
I'm incredibly sorry for the wait. I caught a cold and it threw my motivation out the window. I'm mostly feeling the aftermath of the cold, however I'm still waiting for that motivation to come back; which will result in the shop staying closed a little longer. orz

This one was surprisingly more difficult than I thought it'd be. ouo


Probably best to keep saying it. xD


Make sure to edit your post rather than double post. I check back frequently and even before I post the next batch, so it's unlikely I'll miss it. If I do, you can always contact me via PM or palpad.

I can do shiny Buzzwole, thanks to Leparagon @dA. I appreciate the words a lot, thank you!


Ahh, thanks! ♥


I like how this turned out and I'm glad I do, since it was rather difficult.


Man I love making gijinkas. =D



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Posted: Wed, 13/02/2019 08:04 (6 Years ago)
No problem!


Sheep. ♥ Winter Mareep line where? Glad you liked the last one! Come back anytime, dear.


Krookodile is dope!


I don't quite remember if you did, but either way, I hope this one is to your liking~


I think I do most of them. The most I can do is say that I can't do it for whatever reason, and leave a slot unavailable for 24 hours to give you a chance to edit.


@LeviOsaNotLeviosA / Rose~Kitty,
Glad you like them friends, come back anytime!

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Posted: Fri, 08/02/2019 06:29 (6 Years ago)
That would be Blue. ^w^b


Love this event!


Was waiting for that last slot to fill. x,D I hope you meant 5th gen ace trainer.


Glad you like it!


I love the colors. @w@


No problem! I love Hylan Cubone. <3


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Posted: Wed, 06/02/2019 06:25 (6 Years ago)

Nova, Cassie or Dai.

Feel free to resize if you'd like.

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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 09:54 (6 Years ago)
Sure is, dear! Shiny Alolan Ninetales' coloring is harder to do than I thought, but I think it turned out alright!


Why do I end up laughing at that, gosh. orz


This one... was challenging. I kept feeling like I was missing something, as well. Details. But I hope you like it.


I love Smeargle. <3


I'm not sure which sprite you wanted, but I assume Erika?


Sure thing!


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Posted: Wed, 30/01/2019 08:30 (6 Years ago)
The book looks more like a newspaper, but I honestly like it. x,D And the hat could use more shading, specifically on the outlines; however I like how you made the line art for it. Looks great! With the frame thing, I get mixed up with that as well and often mess up. Often end up redoing it. But I like the animations a lot, it isn't a big deal to add an extra frame, really. People don't tend to notice, to be honest. But still try to be precise. Pokeballs are great! Flaaffy is missing a bit of that hair fluff, but nice otherwise!

Smeargle with a feather on its "hat" & Houndoom with a bone in its mouth.

3 Frame Servine & 5 frame Dragonair.

Sunkern & Glameow.

Okay, as long as you don't mind. :] Love that you changed the lighting, that was pretty creative. Typically, the ears and leaves are just flipped [taking one ear/leaf and just flipping, whilst erasing the other]. But I love how you made it work as it was, instead! Gijinka looks awesome!


Female Golbat.


Show hidden content

If you understand, please make Munchlax with a black bowtie.

Basic Recolor:
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If you understand, please make Ekans [base] as Zubat.

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Posted: Mon, 21/01/2019 05:35 (6 Years ago)

Dai, Graham or Cassie?

Feel free to resize if you use.

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Posted: Fri, 18/01/2019 03:55 (6 Years ago)
That's really sweet, thank you! Glad to have you back!


No problem! This one was fun.


Cyndaquil for first batch? Yes please~


Yup, here you are! Hopefully what you were expecting.


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Posted: Thu, 17/01/2019 03:45 (6 Years ago)
I kinda adore you for the Under Pressure. xD The slots for the current timezone are full, so I'm going to have to deny. You're not in trouble, no worries! I don't warn for it when I can't update the slots in time. However, if you could come back either A. after I finish the current orders or, B. from 12:00 to 24:00 - PH time, I'd be happy to add you!

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 08:52 (6 Years ago)
I may end up shortening that to Lola or Lila, depending on if my memory goes to heck and/or I get mixed up. Much apologies if I do. x,D Shop is fine, as long as it has the required prerequisites- which it does. Accepted!

Show hidden content


If you understand, please make Hoppip.

Show hidden content

If you understand, please make a male Pikachu.

There isn't a deadline, take your time. I think they're all looking spiffy, nice job! I'm sorry the image isn't working for you. ;w; At least you can still link, I suppose. Always the worst when I can't see it at all.

Snorlax with a sleeping cap & Slakoth reading a book.

4 Frame Drifloon & a 3 frame Emolga.

Flaaffy & Combee.

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 08:27 (6 Years ago)
Been awhile, I know; and I apologize. However, I planned to open again in January! Albeit I also planned to come up with more sprite options and guess what didn't happen. Hopefully I'll get some ideas soon, but otherwise the shop is open once again! There has been a rule update, so be sure to check it out and read the first post once more! I know it can be tiresome reading a wall of text, but please understand how tiring it is for me to deal with rule breaking, even on accident. It's quite exhausting and bothersome for me. Thank you so much for understanding and have fun ordering. ^w^b

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Posted: Wed, 16/01/2019 06:15 (6 Years ago)
Kendra, a Surprise please!
Username: Muse
Pokemon: Spinda.
Extra: Thanks! I will never not be paranoid about breaking rules, send help.

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Posted: Mon, 14/01/2019 02:01 (6 Years ago)
For gifs, I save the image in the new tab, then re-upload it to Imgur. Then I paste the link in the img codes and add .png, for gifs, .gif. Seems to work for me, maybe it will you? The bow could stand to be a little bigger, just to stand out more. However the sprite itself is fine! Animation looks great, as well as the Pokeball. The ball is missing Rattata's ears, however. Make sure to get all necessary parts. For Rattata, it would be ears, whiskers, tail. It can be tricky with the Pokeball base being so small, but I suppose that's part of the challenge. ^w^b Avoid fusing arms/legs, unless it's a Pokemon like Roselia.

Braixen holding a pink gift bag.

3 Frame Kirlia.


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