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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MadameSylveon.
Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 10:05 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 09:25 (9 Years ago)
So what now?
Start the roleplay, battle clemont which would be my 3rd gym today, sell my already finished pokemon omega ruby game ( HELL NO THAT WAS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!! ) , or just do something? ]

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 09:19 (9 Years ago)
( its true child, I have the best spelling ever.
Now to jump off a cliff while riding a horse backwards!
And the new ages shall be just 17 for my characters !
I totally stole 3 of my pokemon in XY
yes I play that don't judge me
Its true i have a charmeleon, lucario and Delphox
I had to switch Delphox to Braixen cus I didn't really want a Delphox.... ]

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Posted: Sat, 26/09/2015 09:15 (9 Years ago)
Name: Flare
Age: 17?
Pokémon: Charmeleon
Appearance : Ooh ooh! I have a question. Can he be a shiny?
Why have you joined us? : Flare's trainer always let him faint in battle so he ran away with his trainer's Braixen and Lucario
History: Is this optional?
Crush; None.
Lover: None.
Any family?: He doesn't have a family any more but he lives with his friends Foxy ( Braixen ) and Luke ( Lucario )

Name: Foxy
Age: 17?
Appearance : -.- The regular everyday Braixen from Pokemon X&Y
Why have you joined us? : Foxy just wants to keep his friends ( Flare and Luke ) safe.
History: Is this still optional?
Crush; NOPE
Lover: NOPE
Any family?: same as Flares??

Name: Luke
Age: 17 again..
Pokémon: Lucario
Appearance : er.... The everyday lucario that evolves from Riolu...
Why have you joined us? : He just went with Foxy and Flare.
Crush; Nope
Lover: Nope
Any family?: Same as Flares?????????

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2015 15:26 (9 Years ago)
31, nidoqueen apparently
Totally unexpected.

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Posted: Mon, 21/09/2015 05:38 (9 Years ago)

•Roleplay Name: ScarredLife
•Gender: Male
•Rank: Warrior
•Age: 17 moons.
•Description of Cat or a Photo/Link: I know I had a drawing somewhere.... Give me some time please.
•Crush or Mate: None.
•Kits: None.
•Family: No one in his family is now alive.
•Personality: ScarredLife is rude, mean and is never impressed, excited or happy about something.
•Other Info: No..
•Other Names: ( do you mean old names or something? )
•Password: Snark

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 18:15 (9 Years ago)
always be........
Wait so if im always sad, I might never be excited about getting legendaries on pokemon or getting new pokemon games
But if im always angry, I might make no friends at all in life and my family might start to dislike me...

Would you rather
Eat your friend alive
Die at school and feel the pain you felt for all eternity

Ok this makes me sound kinda twisted/brutal...

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 18:01 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

" Quilava finish it off with a flame wheel! " Lucas said and Quilava took away the last bits of Wartortle's HP. He decided to switch his pokemon to his level 19 Mightyena

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 17:54 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

" Quilava use quick attack again! after use a ember! " Lucas said and Quilava used quick attack on Wartortle and it managed to hit twice.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 17:45 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

" Quilava use quick attack! " Lucas said and Quilava used Quick attack against Luna's Wartortle

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 17:32 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

" Quilava use flame wheel! " Lucas said and then Quilava used Flame Wheel against Luna's Wartortle.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 17:27 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

" Quilava I choose you! " he said and threw his pokeball. A level 22 Quilava came out and waited for Luna to throw out her pokemon

Sophie/Route 113/None:

Sophie went back through Rustboro and went to route 113, following the path to meteor falls.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 17:20 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Rustboro City/Luna:

Lucas walked into Rustboro city and spotted Luna walking out of a golden roofed building. He ran up to her and asked, " Hey Luna, you wanna have a battle? " sounding quite excited.

Sophie/Rusturf Tunnel/None:

Sophie walked along route 116 until she found a entrance to a tunnel. She saw it was the only path and went into the long tunnel. In the middle of the tunnel there were rocks blocking her path. Sophie heard Prof.Ash's voice echo in her mind, ' Maybe with the right move, a pokemon could break these rocks ' then she went back and asked someone how to break the rocks.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 16:59 (9 Years ago)
Sophie/Rustboro Gym/None:

Sophie traveled back to the Rustboro gym and fought the gym leader Roxanne. After a while she beat Roxanne and earned the badge and got the TM. Sophie walked out of the gym and headed towards route 116 where she encountered a wild eevee. She threw Mudkip's pokeball and said, " Mudkip use tackle! " which left the eevee at about 4 HP somehow. Sophie threw a pokeball at the eevee and caught it after one shake.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 16:05 (9 Years ago)
It's called the pokemart
If you don't know anything just ask me, cause I actually play pokemon
Well I've only played pokemon OR
but I will be playing pokemon X by about tomorrow.
Or maybe the day after ( Tuesday ( for me ) ) ]

Sophie/Rustboro Gym/None:

After beating a few trainers, Sophie's Mudkip became level 15 and her ralts became level 10. She went out of the gym to heal up in the pokemon center then she went away to train more. Sophie encountered a wild level 10 Skitty and threw her mudkip's pokeball, " Mudkip use Water Gun! " she said and Mudkip grew to level 16. Before Sophie could return Mudkip, a bright white glow starting coming from her Mudkip. When the glow faded away, her pokemon had been replaced by a Marshtomp.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Petalburg Woods/None:

Lucas wondered about in PetalBurg woods and encountered a wild shroomish. He threw his pokeball and Cyndaquil came out, " Cyndquil use tackle! " he said and then threw a empty pokeball at the shroomish. " Good job Cyndaquil, now return! " he said and made Cyndaquil return to his pokeball. Lucas carried on exploring and made it to route 104.

Sophie/Rustboro City/None:

Sophie entered Rustboro city then looked around a bit. She found a golden roofed building and read the sign next to it. ' Rustboro City Pokemon Gym
Leader: Roxanne
The rock-loving honor student!' It said. Sophie walked in and battled the first trainer.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 15:09 (9 Years ago)
Sophie/Route 103(or 102)/None:

Sophie realised she was going the wrong way then went back into Oldale Town. She spotted another path and went through there. She walked through the grass and encountered a ralts with a blue head. ( yup. Blue headed ralts is shiny. I just wanted to. ) Sophie threw her pokeball and said, " Mudkip use tackle! " then tried using a pokeball she found on the ground. It took her a few pokeballs but she picked up a few from the pokemart before she went. Finally Sophie captured the Ralts and ventured forth.

Lucas/Petalburg City/None:

Meanwhile, Lucas was in Petalburg City with his Cyndaquil, Poochyena and Zigzagoon. Lucas spotted a building that looked like the pokemon center, but with a golden roof. He walked past it thinking he could visit it another time.

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 14:53 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Route 101 /Luna&Sophie:

" Huh what? Oh yeah! " he said then quickly ran after Sophie then accidentally tripped when he got to Oldale town. Lucas only got a bit mud covered but he was fine. " Im going to go into the next town, I'll see you there! " He said and ran off

Sophie/Oldale Town/None:

" I think I might go on to the next town too, but if we meet again we can have a battle." Sophie said and walked off into route 103

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 14:43 (9 Years ago)
Lucas/Route 101/Sophie&Luna:

" Oh okay. " Lucas said and spotted a poochyena's tail popping out of the grass. He snuck up to the poochyena and threw a pokeball at it. " I caught something again. " he said.

Sophie/Route 101/Lucas&Luna:

" I think we should move to the next town. " Sophie said and noticed Prof.Ash was gone, " Wheres the professor gone? " she asked and looked around though she didn't realise he was hiding. " Eh, it actually doesn't matter, I think we should just go. " Sophie said again and walked through the grass to Oldale Town

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Posted: Sun, 20/09/2015 14:34 (9 Years ago)
Sophie/Route 101/Lucas&Luna:

" Oh okay, but I bet he doesn't have any pokeballs. " she whispered then heard Lucas shout, " I caught it! ", " You what? " she asked, obviously confused because she didn't think Lucas had any pokeballs.

Lucas/Route 101/Sophie&Luna:

" Oh before I came out my mum ( This is how english people spell it ) gave me a few pokeballs " he replied then threw the Zigzagoon's pokeball and asked, " what pokemon is this ? "

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