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Searching for: Posts from Kattata.
Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 02:19 (8 Years ago)
A Magby trails towards the mission boards. Her expression is firm, but a little tentative, the set of her beak and brows betraying her uncertainty.

"Err," she says, to no one in particular.

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago)
At the Natu's response, Amalthea laughs a soft, whinnying laugh, flicking her ears ruefully. "You, too!" she exclaims, her voice remaining gentle even in her wry mirth. "I woke up here in this field, perhaps a quarter of an hour ago. It smells nothing like the fields outside my forest home," she concludes.

After a moment spent studying the small, brightly colored bird, Amalthea lowers her velvety nose to snuffle gently at Apricot's breast feathers. "Perhaps you would like to come with me?" she invites. "My name is Amalthea. I can scent other pokemon not far from here—maybe they will know what has happened to us, or at least have some better idea of whom to ask."

The Ponyta's ears flick again, forward this time, and her voice is tinged with playfulness as she adds, "You may ride on my back. I've never met any pokemon like you before, so I apologize if my offer is rude or offensive, but it doesn't look as though it would be very comfortable for you to fly very far."

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2016 00:17 (8 Years ago)
((FINALLY this is done. Sorry it took so long ;;; ))

QuoteName: Pele
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Magby
Personality: Patient, but with a fiery temper once roused; can be unpredictable
Good or bad?: Bad
Nature: Mild
Sexuality: Untried, but open
Shiny?: No
Other: Although she is mild by nature, Pele can be set off by certain triggers. She doesn't advertise this aspect of her personality, obviously, so it's hard to predict just what will cause an eruption. In spite of this, she genuinely cares for those she's close to—but because of a mysterious tragedy that happened in her past, it's difficult to get through Pele's hardened outer shell to bond with her.

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2016 06:13 (8 Years ago)
((ermahgerd yay hi skar!! ))

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 03:57 (8 Years ago)
((eeeee @skarmoury, your writing is so pretty! Looking forward to playing with you! ))

As she glimpses a green shape fluttering through the grass, too bright to be a scrap of vegetation, Amalthea puts her head thoughtfully to one side. Even leaves in springtime aren't that bright, the Ponyta thinks to herself; although the thought is not without amusement, she feels her heartbeat accelerating with more than exertion as she breaks into a gentle trot.

"Hello," the slender pony whickers gently to Apricot. As she approaches the Natu, Amalthea slows, and the flames at her ankles billow around her legs as gracefully as silken scarves. "You seem agitated. Are you lost?"

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 08:17 (8 Years ago)
((Eeeee, since I'm apparently out to get involved in ALL PMD RPS EVER, is this one still accepting new players? ))

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 07:36 (8 Years ago)
((Shore thang, baws! ;D))

[b]Username[/b]: Kattata
[b]Name[/b]: Lir
[b]Species[/b]: Zoroark
[b]Gender[/b]: Male
[b]Age[/b]: Young, and acts even younger
[b]Human/Native[/b]: Native
[b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/42de/i/2013/217/b/a/zoroark_by_susiron-d6gt3eh.png[/img]
[b]Personality[/b]: Being a Zoroark, it's pretty likely that Lir is older than he acts ... but it's still hard to take him seriously! He enjoys all kinds of jokes, practical and otherwise, although he never plans anything that will get someone hurt. In fact, such things are all that's currently known to be possible to upset him. Sometimes his optimism and cheery personality can be grating, but he's a loyal friend if you're able to stick it out!
[b]Other[/b]: Lir is originally from Kalos. He was saved as a Zorua kit by a human trainer. His mother had been captured by Team Rocket agents, but though the trainer and his team made short work of the nefarious men, he was unable to save Lir's mother. Not long ago, Lir became separated from his trainer in an accident, and made it to the continent of pokemon on his own.

[b]Username[/b]: Kattata
[b]Name[/b]: Kirara
[b]Species[/b]: Jolteon
[b]Gender[/b]: Female
[b]Age[/b]: Unknown
[b]Human/Native[/b]: Semi-native
[b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/484e/f/2009/052/b/4/jolteon___oekaki___by_centradragon.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality[/b]: Shy and almost debilitatingly anxious, Kirara is everything Lir is [i]not[/i]. She has made no friends yet, and suffers from crippling panic attacks over the most mundane things. What you know of her story, you've mostly pieced together from what other pokemon have heard—she doesn't go out of her way to seek others out, although recently she's been forced to in order to acquire supplies and enough to eat.
[b]Other[/b]: Kirara came to this continent with her trainer. Said trainer was affected by the unknown forces that have been wreaking havoc on all visitors, and sadly perished. Kirara relied on the woman for far more than most pokemon do, and she's been having a [i]very[/i] hard time living on her own...[/quote]

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 05:31 (8 Years ago)
((Huzzah! I've directed a friend here—she actually got me into PMD in the first place! I'd had no idea it existed, lawls. Aaanyway I've certainly been bugging her to app so FINGERS CROSSED :B

Are you going to list the characters in the first post? Might be easier that way for players to reference! Or at least easier for new applicants to figure out what species are taken so we're not overwhelmed with Eevees or something ))

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Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
((hahah oh gosh, right as I went to post this I got the alert that one of my ~* mystery eggs *~ hatched into a Ponyta

@Sableye, thank you so much for permission to use the concept of rolling pokemon for players! And I'm so excited to join this rp, eeeee ♥

Thanks again to @pokeknight for the correction, and I'm sorry if I seemed upset in my apology! I was just super-nervous as well as super-excited (I always get like that in new rps!), so I appreciate the help ;u; not mad at all!!

Reposting, since it's been busy! Hopefully I get to interact a bit with @ThatOneGeek, since I'm a dork and I love Trapinch~ xD))

Off in the distance, beneath a beautiful sky, a tongue of fire blazes up suddenly and then settles into softer smoldering. The flames are almost gentle, catching none of the surrounding grass alight, and gradually they resolve into six separate trails whipping back in the wake of a powerful wind.

Swift and silent as a shooting star, a Ponyta clears the edge of the field she woke in, spraying up gravel from her hooves as she brakes sharply. Her ears prick forward and she lowers her head, her nostrils flaring as she studies the ground. How strange, she thinks; this is nothing like the field outside my forest... She isn't fully certain where she is, but she knows she isn't home...

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Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 23:09 (8 Years ago)
((I love your avatar, Shadina!

I'll edit this post in a minute with my app. So awesome to see you started a PMD RP, ThatOneGeek

I'm just going to go for a couple of pokemon characters for now. Might app a human later~

P.S. I love your intro, ThatOneGeek! I played the heck out of the DS games and just got Gates of Infinity, whoops no this is wrong Super Mystery Dungeon a few months ago, and it sounds just spot on for PMD intros!))

Username: Kattata
Name: Lir
Species: Zoroark
Gender: Male
Age: Young, and acts even younger
Human/Native: Native
Personality: Being a Zoroark, it's pretty likely that Lir is older than he acts ... but it's still hard to take him seriously! He enjoys all kinds of jokes, practical and otherwise, although he never plans anything that will get someone hurt. In fact, such things are all that's currently known to be possible to upset him. Sometimes his optimism and cheery personality can be grating, but he's a loyal friend if you're able to stick it out!
Other: Lir is originally from Kalos. He was saved as a Zorua kit by a human trainer. His mother had been captured by Team Rocket agents, but though the trainer and his team made short work of the nefarious men, he was unable to save Lir's mother. Not long ago, Lir became separated from his trainer in an accident, and made it to the continent of pokemon on his own.

Username: Kattata
Name: Kirara
Species: Jolteon
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Human/Native: Semi-native
Personality: Shy and almost debilitatingly anxious, Kirara is everything Lir is not. She has made no friends yet, and suffers from crippling panic attacks over the most mundane things. What you know of her story, you've mostly pieced together from what other pokemon have heard—she doesn't go out of her way to seek others out, although recently she's been forced to in order to acquire supplies and enough to eat.
Other: Kirara came to this continent with her trainer. Said trainer was affected by the unknown forces that have been wreaking havoc on all visitors, and sadly perished. Kirara relied on the woman for far more than most pokemon do, and she's been having a very hard time living on her own...

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 22:33 (8 Years ago)

rofl I don't want to be the first to post but... so excite~~ SERIOUSLY EYEING THAT RP THREAD OMG

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Posted: Sun, 26/06/2016 22:19 (8 Years ago)
Hahah, it's no problem! I thought maybe I'd asked too many questions and you weren't crazy about having me in your RP anymore.

I hope I get accepted soon, I can't wait to start playing, aaaaaaaaaaa~ ;u;

QuoteName: Ferka
Nickname: N/A
Personality: Pseudo-mystical, hard-bitten, sometimes sarcastic, secretly insecure, con artist with a heart of gold
Job: Oracle, Fortuneteller
Other: Ferka is not a so-called 'shiny', but her black fur is genuine: she doesn't rub coal dust into it, say. Her talents are also genuine—she foresaw the death of the gijinka who drowned herself, as she foresaw the terrible and tragic end of the first war, although she was not able to convince anyone else with enough power to stop it, and thus (to save herself the guilt and heartache) she now half-encourages people with her bombastic behavior to believe her a rather clever fraud. Her life has been largely nomadic, spent traveling in a velvet-draped wagon drawn by a Ponyta that has recently galloped off and left her stuck here in the city.

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 10:30 (8 Years ago)
((@pokeknight: ah dang, thank you so much! I fail at reading comprehension sometimes and could've sworn people were rping settling down for the night. Derp derp derp fixed xD))

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Posted: Sat, 25/06/2016 07:09 (8 Years ago)
((@Tanabatama: Awww, that's too bad! I hope it lasts at least a little longer!

@Sableye: I was kicking around an idea for my own plot-intensive PMD RP ... if I do start one, would it be all right if I borrowed something like the concept of rolling pokemon species for players? It's such a neat, fun idea, and totally fitting. I love it.

@ThatOneGeek: Oh, do join! :D Then I can steal you away to mine when I either create it, or this one finishes.

Anyways! Form is edited, but I'll repost it here. ))

QuoteUsername: Kattata
RP Name: Amalthea
Pokemon: Ponyta

Off in the distance, beneath a beautiful sky, a tongue of fire blazes up suddenly and then settles into softer smoldering. The flames are almost gentle, catching none of the surrounding grass alight, and gradually they resolve into six separate trails whipping back in the wake of a powerful wind.

Swift and silent as a shooting star, a Ponyta clears the edge of the field she woke in, spraying up gravel from her hooves as she brakes sharply. Her ears prick forward and she lowers her head, her nostrils flaring as she studies the ground. How strange, she thinks; this is nothing like the field outside my forest... She isn't fully certain where she is, but she knows she isn't home...

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Posted: Thu, 23/06/2016 01:33 (8 Years ago)
((haha oh gosh I'm so nervous and I can't even remember if I've posted here or not xD; I've had an interest in this rp so I know I've been lurking around but I've poked at so many neat-looking roleplays I can't remember if I've actually signed up for this one!

gosh my memory is so bad I'm so sorry ;;;; ))

QuoteHey, can I join or naw?

Username: Kattata
RP Name: Amalthea
Pokemon: Ponyta

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Posted: Sat, 18/06/2016 01:06 (8 Years ago)
*taps mic* This thing on?

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Posted: Wed, 08/06/2016 04:37 (8 Years ago)
Fully support!! D8

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Posted: Mon, 06/06/2016 22:55 (8 Years ago)
Hrghhh okay. I'm finding it literally impossible to locate art that depicts the gijinka/anthro I want to play, and my tablet's borked and lost its pressure sensitivity somewhere along the line. Would it be acceptable if I used two images: one for the pokemon part, and one depicting her clothing?

Sorry to be such a bother. Dx

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Posted: Mon, 06/06/2016 11:29 (8 Years ago)
Question! Do Eevee and its evolutions count as pokecats? o:

If so, I'm totes calling dibs on Jolteon or Umbreon.

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Posted: Thu, 24/07/2014 10:36 (10 Years ago)
Hullo! c:

I am new and easily frightened, haha. I've played GPX+ and vdex, and PokeHeroes looks like fun, so I'm trying it awhile.

Hopefully I'll stick around! xD

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