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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Hagaru.
Posted: Mon, 11/07/2022 13:35 (2 Years ago)
Hello! I would like to buy -

•Elekid (with Everstone)
•Baltoy (with Everstone)
•Beldum (with Everstone)

Thank you!

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Posted: Mon, 11/07/2022 08:01 (2 Years ago)
Hey Clover! Let me buy your Pokemon!
Pokemon: Porygon
How many everstones?: None, but if possible I would like you to equip it with an upgrade for the trade. I will pay for it/send it over to you.
What will you pay with?: PD
Password: Psyduck, I relate with Misty's psyduck a lot lol. Also its cute ^^
Will you promise that you will not resell it for higher prices?: Promise! National Dex Box Purpose only.

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Posted: Thu, 07/07/2022 18:22 (2 Years ago)
I would like to buy 1 Cresellia and 1 Palkia! I shall set up a Private Trade.

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2022 15:12 (2 Years ago)
Box#: 31
Pokemon - Whismur (Everstone), Skitty

Box#: 37
Pokemon - Aron (Everstone)

Box#: 22
Pokemon - Lairon (Everstone)

Box#: 23
Pokemon - Lileep (Everstone), Lileep

Box#: 34
Pokemon - Clamperl (With Deep Sea Tooth if Possible), Clamperl (With Deep Sea Scale if Possible)

Box#: 12
Pokemon - Metagross

Anything else: Will gift you a Deep Sea Tooth and Scale if required, else I can pay for them directly to you. Thank you!

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Posted: Wed, 06/07/2022 13:23 (2 Years ago)
Offer Withdrawn, thank you.

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Posted: Wed, 22/09/2021 05:52 (3 Years ago)
Ahhh It has been a long time I posted on here
Welcome to all the newcomers! I hope you enjoy your stay ^^

My Genshin Journey currently is at a standstill. I'm doing events regularly, spending all resin etc but I just can't decide on what to do. Do I 100% exploration? Do I build the weapons and talents first and then move on to artifacts? Do I do the world bosses and bring up character levels? Do I cut short on Genshin and focus on other media and Uni? I don't know.

When I was around AR 45-50, I hadn't even farmed artifacts and had 80+ Fragile Resin left, I was just having fun in the game trying to hit Endgame ASAP and now it's been a month I'm at 56 and I really don't know what to do. All the Fragile is spent now and I really would like to take a break from grinding and have some more fun like the old days. One thing that's keeping me in the game is the beautiful list of characters and the story. God, I love the story so much.

Anyway, this aside, so much has happened and I would like to share my experience with them.

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Ever since I saw her for the first time on a Mihoyo Instagram post, I wanted her. I really wanted her. I lost hope when Ayaka came at Pity 20, stealing my 50-50 since I've never won a 50-50 except for one before. So I was extremely delighted to see her come to Pity 75. To me, the icing on the cake was the near god-tier (as claimed by my friends) artifacts I got for her. For reference, here is the Plume I've given to her.

I have good ER and Crit substat - artifacts on the other pieces as well, with a 4 Piece Emblem. As for weapon, I'm still debating on whether to give The Catch or The Skyward Spine, but I think I will mostly give the Skyward to Baal and Catch to Xiangling.
Her Talents are at level 6 for elemental skill and 8 for Burst. This is mainly because I have her at 80/80, I do plan to bring it up to 90 but maybe later. I also plan to Crown one of the above-mentioned two.

I have to say, I love playing her as much as I love looking at her. Her Ult is so fun! And it gives me such amazing amounts of damage. It's so fun that I'm starting to reconsider all the support artifact sets I've given to the characters just to make them suit Baal if I play her as a DPS.


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Wow. Just wow. Mihoyo not only know how to market their characters, they also know how to make the story hit you. That Sequance, after the Signora fight gave me literal goosebumps. I played the story as soon as it came out, and was the first among our friend group to play the story, which made me immune to incoming spoilers. The Battle Music themes really struck a chord with me. I often listen to those on YouTube now. I do feel Kokomi's involvement was minor, and could've been better, but maybe the story quest will give me some insights.

So much more to say, but I don't want to leave y'all a brick of text XD. While I figure out my Genshin Midlife crisis, I wish all the best to all Kokomi Wanters!!!

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Posted: Sat, 14/08/2021 04:13 (3 Years ago)
I feel Ganyu is the best character for Oceanid. Freeze plus bow, it's very easy to take the Oceanid enemies down with em'

Anyway! I got Razor on the normal and Sayu on the character, and with that, I have every 4-star character!
Gotta save up for Baal, I'm praying I win the 50-50 and Kujou Sara.

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Posted: Tue, 03/08/2021 14:51 (3 Years ago)
I think a 4p Crimson makes more sense on the Hu Tao.
You get about 50% extra Pyro DMG bonus in total, which can even stack, plus extra damage for elemental reactions. 15% for vaporize iirc.

How much damage does your E + ult usually do?

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Posted: Tue, 03/08/2021 08:12 (3 Years ago)
Where you are, getting one character (DPS) to 80 is enough. Ascension is very important until you hit WL 7 as the reward increase is really good. After 7, 8 is auto but you have plenty of time.

All of you talking about your memories of 5 star artifact farming, I didn't even do artifact domains until AR 50 lol.
AR 54-55 was my biggest farm, I did 67 fragile resin in one go, gaining the AR in 2 days.

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Posted: Tue, 03/08/2021 03:46 (3 Years ago)

I didn't know this was a thing wow.
That 2-month break I took really coming back to bite me in the back

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Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 09:02 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 01/08/2021 17:23 (3 Years ago)
50-50s are cursed.
Except my first 50-50, I haven't won a single 50-50, and I have 8 5 star characters, two of them being C1. (traveller excluded)

Ganyu isn't coming for a while. She definitely won't be in the next update as the next update banners were already announced.

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Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 16:27 (3 Years ago)
That Eula Goblet is really really good. Wow. You seem to have good luck with artifacts. And yes, I think that Goblet is better on the DPS Rosaria.

And yes, for a DPS Childe, 4p Heart of Depth is best. You could give 2p Noblesse and 2p Heart of Depth too if you use his Ult very often.

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Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 13:49 (3 Years ago)

Oh, so that's what it was? I was on VC with friends at that fight. They were telling on how much HP is required and even when I brought the HP to lower than 50% it kept going on, eventually, I alt-tabbed to reduce a bot's volume and when I alt-tabbed back, the fight was over.

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Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 13:23 (3 Years ago)

That makes sense yes. But I think it doesn't matter. A C6 Bennett Can be used even without that sword on the DPS for such DPS, even better in Pyro DPS'. It just doesn't work well on a melt comp that Benny's are very popular one.

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Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 10:51 (3 Years ago)
I believe it depends on what artifacts and sub-stats you are running, and also your playstyle.
For example, Sacrificial sword is very useful if you use her burst often, but if you don't need the burst, a high attack sword would make more sense (This works better in the DPS playstyle)\
There are many resources (here, and online) you can follow for builds. I think there are a few on some thread here, if It isn't there, I shall edit and put the spreadsheet I use.

EDIT: Here is the post on the thread. And check the next post too.
This is what I use.

I think a DPS Bennett will make good use of it even without the C6. If you meant about the passive bonus, I highly doubt it.
The C6 infuses a normal attack with Pyro. And this effect takes place in his ult field. So, for example, If I use a Ganyu Charged shot in the field, It will be pyro infused and has (not sure) extra damage, but I can't take advantage of the Mistspliter as the weapon is on Bennett and not Ganyu. IE, You have to use Bennett only to benefit from the passive.

Baal comes with the next update, that's confirmed. So earliest you can expect her is in 30ish days.
And yes, if you start using the fragile after you hit 45 for resin, you will hit 50 well before.

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Posted: Sat, 31/07/2021 07:53 (3 Years ago)
Ah yes. Farming for Violetgrass is honestly a pain for Qiqi lol. The main issue I have with Benny is he doesn't heal 100%, and the anxiety of activating his C6 by mistake. He does give good attack buff, so that's a plus lol.

Ah a Flute.
The flute is a decent weapon for Qiqi imo, even though the passive has nothing to give you, you get a good heal buff. It's becoming more and more clear how you get high heals lol.

Hahaha To the weapon banner it is!
Sac sword is honestly a very helpful support weapon, and you should get it in the character banner.. I think?

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Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 15:13 (3 Years ago)
Ideally, I shouldn't be lacking EM since I have the sacrificial sword on her, but at the end of the day it all depends on the sub-stats right? lol

7.5k is reasonable depending on who you play with.
Zhongli for example needs a high healer. Well with his shield you won't need a healer at all but still
But Kazuha, or Eula, have high base HP so it will help them. Regardless, overheal doesn't do any harm lol

Ahh yes, the Cryo res is good. On mobile it does make sense, the touch makes it really hard lol

What weapon do you run on her btw?

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Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 10:31 (3 Years ago)
Ahhh for a sub DPS those sets and stats work well. You have a good attack too, no wonder the healing is amazing. Thanks a lot for the stats! Also noticed you have relevant sub-stats for Qiqi, that's nice. The 2p works best IMO. I guess I'll do this, and if I'm facing issues with ER, I'll swap out Glad and go for 2p Sojourner.

And nah your stats really are good for healing lol, that's a good build. How often do you use her in Abyss?

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Posted: Fri, 30/07/2021 08:49 (3 Years ago)
Gotta be honest, never before, outside YouTube, have I seen a fully built Qiqi. I'm very curious as to what artifact set you run on her. Is It Only heal? Or is It DPS oriented too? I am currently considering building her too since I have her C1.

As for Crowning, I think you should Crown a talent only if you are 100% sure you will use them for a very long time, or you could say Characters that you love to death, and will never give up on, considering how rare Crowns are.
Usually, DPS Crowns are given priority.

I only have Ganyu Normal Attack Crowned. I do have Hu Tao 8,9,9 and was considering Crowning something but I decided against it lol.

Sidetrack but I decided on Building Electro Keqing!
Works well because I have the BP Sword, which is considered to be one of the best 4 stars on her, just lying around.
The artifacts I've given are 2P Gladiators and 2P Thundering Fury. I don't have amazing artifacts, but almost all of them have Crit DMG sub-stat. Here's to hoping I don't roll other sub-stats a lot lol.

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