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Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 03:07 (1 Year ago)
I've been super into Star Rail lately so I kind of went overboard with the skills whoops. I hope this fits with the universe, I just assumed there would be a level of technology similar to Star Rail.
also where's the path of Preservation? did you omit it intentionally?

Username: FelineOverlord
Name: Katrina King (goes by Kat, or the username of Alleykat42)
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Cis female

Personality: The first thing you’ll notice about Kat is that she’s somewhat catlike in her mannerisms (hence the nickname), as she follows her own whims and she tends to laze around a lot. She is very casual in everything she does, but is also a bit temperamental and can turn very grumpy and sarcastic when she is forced to get her hands dirty.

However, despite her laziness, Kat is actually quite intelligent and skilled when it comes to mechanics and coding, though she tends to overcomplicate things. She often brags about her coding skills and dismisses most challenges as ‘too easy’ or ‘not worth her time,’ even though most of her time is just spent playing video games. However, she's also a little lonely, and isolates herself and projects a languid and aloof attitude due to social anxiety, and secretly longs to work with a team, but she’s not mature enough to admit it.

Path: The Nihility
Element: Lightning
Abilities: TLDR- can channel lightning blasts through her spear (or her robot quadcopter) that slow enemies' movements, and can steal enemies' buffs or hijack their buffing abilities
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Basic - Execute Subroutine: attacks an enemy with her spear

Skill - Intercept Signal: she shoots a lightning blast that damages an enemy and has a chance to steal one of their buffs if they have any

Ultimate - Stack Overflow: after it has charged for enough time, she calls her drone to the battlefield, and it emits a signal at a frequency that disorients and distresses enemies and slows their movements

Talent - Memory Optimization: while her drone is fully charged, it passively creates an energy field that shocks anyone that damages her (in-game, this would occur while your team has the maximum skill points)

Technique - Machine Learning: when she puts her drone into a certain mode, it collects information during battle and can analyze the fight to improve combat ability (in-game, this would grant your team additional experience points in the next battle)

Weapon: a spear, as well as a small robot quadcopter drone that can shoot electric blasts
Palpad: Yes please
Other: Trashcan is life (no love for the mailboxes smh)

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Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 06:22 (1 Year ago)

Ariel watched the banter between Kira and Rosa with amusement, but when Rosa mentioned the gardener again, he flinched slightly and glanced over at Kira, though didn't want to bring attention to it.

"I'm sure he hasn't briefed you on the specifics of the job. I'm sure Kira has though, right mr sunflower girl?"

He nodded at Rosa. "Well, yes, I certainly appreciate him showing me the ropes. I know more about what we're up against now."

He was reluctant to leave Kira to clean up the mess alone, but at Rosa's beckoning, he followed her into the living room to meet the other newbie they had mentioned: a girl with red hair and a bleeding heart pin who had stood up to greet them. "You two must be pretty popular, with all these trespassers," he remarked, before turning to Emika and giving a small wave. "You must also have, ah, stumbled into the newbie flower girl trap these two have laid out," he joked. "My name's Ariel, the dandelion."

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Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 03:12 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 21:04 (1 Year ago)

"Friends..." Reyna echoed, and all of a sudden, she heard not Icicle's voice, but the voice of another flower girl, one that she had known a year ago, but she forcefully shook her head, as if trying to clear the unwanted memory. "I made a promise to put the safety of Bouqet before everything. But... I would like that," she murmured, against her better judgement. "I don't think I ever got your name, Mountain Girl."

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Posted: Fri, 12/05/2023 08:00 (1 Year ago)

Ariel shrugged off the praise and closed his satchel. "It's not just flowers I'm familiar with, there are all sorts of plants that can have medical uses. But a broken mug wasn't the plague I was expecting to fight!" He forced a laugh, still a little bit worried about Kira but thinking it would be best not to poke the bear any more.

He then turned to the much-anticipated Rosa. He was a little bit baffled by her gesture at first, but he then grinned and mirrored it with two fingers of his own for a... finger-shake? "It's great to finally meet you, Rosa... Kira mentioned quite a lot about you," he added wryly. "I'm Ariel the dandelion. And sorry for the whole, ah, trespassing on your territory thing, I'm pretty new to this."

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 05:42 (1 Year ago)
bruh I kid you not, I caught one on my first try after I saw this-

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 23:31 (1 Year ago)
I got the King Rod from the Fishleon event a while back before going on a long hiatus, and I'm wondering if it's still possible to catch Fishleon with it, or have I just been fishing a bunch of Magikarp, Tentacool, and Horsea for nothing lol

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 23:25 (1 Year ago)

Reyna cocked her head and listened attentively to Icicle's story. She seemed somewhat impressed by the illusions. "So you just... found your flower pin? You weren't visited by a shadowy wolf or some other magical critter?" She almost didn't believe the other girl, though her coming from the mountains seemed to match up with her attire, and she clearly had a functional flower girl pin. She seemed to ignore Icicle's comment about her age. She basically just called all the new flower girls kids. "But first lesson, try not to waste your energy. Use your powers only when you need them, cuz the only way to recharge is by taking down plagues."

"Do people here even have territories?"
"You can call me Foxglove, and yes, this is my turf. I don't know a whole lot about flower girls from beyond Bouqet, but here, we've divided the city up into sectors so we can best keep the place safe." She stopped for a moment and took a breath, not wanting to overwhelm Icicle with the information.

"sorry for being so... sorry for talking so much..."
"I'm not good at doing the whole... reassuring thing," she admitted, glancing away as she fiddled with one of her gloves. Then she gave a terse shrug. "But it's fine, I was a newbie once too. You're younger than I was when I first got my pin."

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 19:33 (1 Year ago)

Ariel shuffled a couple of steps back when Kira dropped the mug. He was pretty startled by his reaction, to the point where he barely even processed that Rosa and another girl had come in. He wasn't sure what had happened but it was clear he had mentioned something bad. "Hey, it happens to the best of us. Here, I must have some aloe in here somewhere..." He rummaged around in his satchel and eventually pulled out a small glass jar of a clear gel. "Let me look at your hand after, this can help soothe burns."

Reyna gave a small scoff. "Aggressive? Kid, that's the reason the plagues haven't gotten me yet." The last time she had helped out a newbie didn't end so well for her. When she had lost Jordan. Protecting her sector was her priority, and she was best at her job when she was free of distractions.

But at the same time, things were changing. The black death was on the move, and the gardener seemed to have bigger plans. When she saw Icicle's expression, her scowl softened ever so slightly. "You must be one of the new flower girls? Or at least one without a territory?"

Then she heard Icicle ask another question while she had been reflecting, and she quirked an eyebrow. "I never said I hated you, wasn't expecting another flower girl to come stumbling into my sector is all. And self-pity ain't going to do either of us any favors." Her words were still blunt, but her stance had relaxed slightly, to show she meant no harm.

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 07:36 (1 Year ago)

Ariel hesitated for a moment. He had always been more of a tea drinker, but right now it just reminded him of home. Now, he was free to do as he wished instead of whatever his parents put in front of him. "Coffee would be lovely, thank you. Bottoms up, I guess," he said with a grin, although it still seemed more forced than before. He found himself staring at the lit up arrow at the elevator as he pondered the last thing Kira had said. "Who is this gardener anyways?" he asked curiously. "Did you ever hear from them again after you met their cat... er, dog and got your pin?"

Reyna's immediately whirled around to come face to face with a teen in what appeared to be heavy snow gear, and prepared for a fight, until she caught sight of the ice flower pin Icicle was wearing. She had seen enough other flower girls come and go to recognize the pin, but she had never seen a flower that looked anything like that. Her curiosity was piqued, but a job was a job. "What do you want?" she grumbled. "You know this is my turf, right?"

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Posted: Fri, 05/05/2023 20:33 (1 Year ago)

Reyna was perched on the roof of a building, watching a couple of kids that were playing in the street below. It seemed like keeping watch was all she did these days, but it made her feel more secure, and reminded her of what she was fighting for. In a single fluid motion, she vaulted off the roof and landed on all fours without making a sound. As she set off on patrol, she felt for the foxglove pin on her chest, expecting an attack any moment. The plagues had seemed more active as of late, and if the whisperings she'd heard about the gardener recruiting new sprouts were true, then she should watch for those as well. She had never had more than terse conversations with other flower girls, usually while teaming up against a strong plague, and the mere thought of it made her nervous, but she was determined to do whatever her job needed.

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Posted: Thu, 04/05/2023 07:51 (1 Year ago)
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Name: Reyna
Gender: Female
Appearance: Stands at 5’3”, compact but agile and muscular build, like a sprinter. Curly neck length brown hair, medium brown skin (ethnically, her mother is a Spaniard and her father is native Chickasaw), green eyes. Typically wears dark clothes but has a pink jacket with the hood worn over her head at all times, and matching pink gloves.
Personality: Reyna is very practical, sarcastic, and blunt. She’s stubborn and fiercely independent, and though she cares deeply about protecting Bouqet she struggles to express it at times. She’s really quite shy and seems uncomfortable with intimacy. She can seem overly paranoid and is always watching her back but grows eerily calm in the heat of battle.
Associated flower: Foxglove
-Undetectable movement: There’s a myth that foxes wear foxglove on their paws to sneak around, which is how the flower got its name. Reyna naturally makes no sound and leaves no tracks when she moves.
-Invisibility/camouflage: Reyna can temporarily disappear into patches of flowers, and she is able to grow her own foxglove plants. However, if the flowers she’s camouflaged in are harmed it hurts her as well.
Weapons: Poison tipped daggers
Backstory: More either to be RPed, or to be edited in if I feel inspired in the morning
Reyna has been a flower girl for about a year, and her territory is a residential area of Bouqet near the school. Recently she lost a rookie flower girl she was trying to protect, and it’s haunted her.
Age: 18
-Neutral good
Palpad: yep
Password: When the time comes that what is green turns red, a woman clad in blue shall mark the dawn of mankind and an age of hunger.

art of her I have from another thing, thus the outfit is not accurate

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 23:22 (1 Year ago)
"I... I'm sorry about your mentor," Ariel murmured. He listened attentively; though he sometimes tended to joke around even in dire situations, now he was dead serious. He couldn't imagine a world without flowers, much less one without flower girls. "So the black death will only keep getting stronger," he concluded, voice shaking slightly. "I won't lie and say I'm not afraid, and I don't know what a newbie like me can do, but the gardener chose me and I'm not about to abandon the cause now that I know what's happening." Besides, what would he even do? Go back home? If he was being honest to himself, his motive was partially selfish, as running away meant having to make it on his own and could lead to him making a lot of enemies. But either way, he was a flower girl now, and he had to do something. "I guess I got real lucky running into you when I did... if the gardener is recruiting more newbies, I'm sure some of them have gotten into trouble."

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Posted: Wed, 03/05/2023 06:31 (1 Year ago)
Ariel immediately caught on about what must have become of Kira's mentor and gave a somber nod, purposefully averting his eyes from the news on the television. Even though it was reassuring to hear that most flower girls looked out for each other, he was going to make a comment about being a flower girl seeming lonely. But now it seemed like there were more important things at hand. "The black death," he repeated. "I don't think the gardener's cat mentioned that."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 21:38 (1 Year ago)
Ariel marveled at the space around him, impressed by the amount of furnishings and the overall size of the place. "That's a shame," he said when he heard Rosa wasn't in. "I was looking forward to talking with her about perfumes," he teased. He came to stand behind Kira, leaning forward and resting his arms on the back of the couch. He still didn't feel like he could be completely comfortable in this new place as he turned his attention to the screen. He watched the news, shaking his head to himself. It felt different now that he knew the plagues were behind it, and he wondered if they would be able to tell if there were specific areas being targeted. "How long have you two been living here, and, well, been flower girls?" he asked suddenly.

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 20:14 (1 Year ago)
Ariel hadn't noticed Rosa, being too distracted by his conversation with Kira. "Y-yeah, man, I get you," he replied, even though he didn't relate at all. He had always felt more on edge around men. "You... can read me?" he asked, seeming a little bit unsettled. "What if... I told you I wanted to talk about perfumes, huh?" He then waved a hand, and laughed slightly nervously. "Nah, I would never. Your friend seems like quite the character though." He was excited to meet the other flower girl but also keen to make a good impression, the last thing he needed was an enemy in this new world. Then he was dragged into the elevator behind a previously unnoticed locked door. Seemed like he would be getting his wish of seeing the top of the clock tower after all. The elevator was faster than he had expected, but nothing he wasn't used to from his time riding the wind. He grinned as the elevator door finally opened. "This place seems like it would be prime real estate just from the view alone."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 08:57 (1 Year ago)
"Rosa the rose, heh." Ariel chuckled to himself. "The gardener must have a sense of humor... or maybe it was destiny." He raised an eyebrow when he learned Kira was from the outskirts as well. However his mood quickly shifted again, and he visibly flinched and looked a little uncomfortable at the offer to stay with Kira and Rosa. "Well, it's a bit of a complicated situation, but I'm fine on my own, really," he started to protest, even though he was beginning to understand that trying to make it on his own in an unfamiliar city was basically a death wish. He gave in as Kira seemed to be insisting, letting the other flower girl finish speaking. "At least until I have my own territory, I would appreciate it." He nodded slowly. "I can clean or make you guys dinner or something."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 08:25 (1 Year ago)
"It was definitely a cat. Pure white, and I could hear its voice in my mind. But it makes sense that the gardener would have multiple minions." Ariel finally removed his hand from his crossbow. "That's very generous of you and... rose girl?" He didn't know the name of Kira's partner and definitely didn't think it was as on the nose as 'Rosa.' "I promise I'll be on my own way as soon as I am able, and I'll remember to stay out of morning glory's way." This was just as much for his own sanity as it was out of respect for the other flower girls, the idea of staying around Kira's territory made Ariel uneasy. "I imagine it's not an uncommon story for you, the naive bright-eyed recruit with grand dreams of being a hero, only to have their dreams crushed by the harsh reality of the world." He trailed off from his monologue, finally catching on to the more somber mood. He took a deep breath. "I understand what I'm getting into, let's not make their loss for nothing. The name's Ariel. The dandelion."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 07:50 (1 Year ago)
"We have territories? Is there some sort of map, the cat never told me that when I got this." Ariel gestured at his pin, likely confirming Kira's suspicions about him being the new flower girl. He frowned slightly, as the idea of someone else telling him where he could and couldn't go seemed like exactly what he had been trying to get away from. But he understood that he had a new responsibility, so he swallowed his pride. "Well, I appreciate the, ah, hospitality of you both then. I didn't think many of us girls had partnerships." He smirked as he said this, joking about them being referred to girls to hide his annoyance at the term. "But if you're one of the experts around here, I wouldn't mind some tips on how to avoid starting a turf war." He didn't want to appear weak or dependent on others, but at the same time, he knew not every other flower girl he encountered would be as friendly. His expression turned more resolute. "I haven't been here long, but I want to help fight."

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 06:40 (1 Year ago)
Ariel got into a fighting stance, reaching for the crossbow at his hip and briefly floating into the air to maintain his balance as he felt the ground shake. But when he saw Kira's pin, he relaxed slightly, but kept a hand on his crossbow. "You seem to know your entrances, I didn't realize road work was part of a flower girl's repertoire," he quipped, even though it was clear he was in no position to joke around around the clearly more experienced flower girl. "So what brings you here?"

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