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Searching for: Posts from DragonisPrime.
Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 01:54 (10 Years ago)
Tale of Three Primes. Get writing

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 01:50 (10 Years ago)
Ladies first

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 01:50 (10 Years ago)
Let's get to work

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 01:47 (10 Years ago)
Hey Phoenix. Forum to write our story

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Posted: Fri, 24/10/2014 22:52 (10 Years ago)
Thanks Ultimate. I'll put you down as Dialga

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Posted: Thu, 16/10/2014 00:11 (10 Years ago)
For everyone giving me crap over this.


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Posted: Tue, 14/10/2014 00:32 (10 Years ago)
You can show extreme devotion to this cause (Not mandatory, but appreciated) by taking Pokemon from your current/latest shiny hunt, stop your hunt, nickname them SayNo2Shinies, and put them on the Auction House

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Posted: Tue, 14/10/2014 00:26 (10 Years ago)
This is the forum for my cause, SayNo2Shinies

Why do people care about shinies? So what they're a different colour than other pokemon. When there's a human who has different coloured hair or skin than us, we make fun of them. For this reason, I am not going to hunt shinies. Instead, I will breed many of the same Pokemon and put them on the Auction House to spread the word of my cause, #SayNo2Shinies. Put this hashtag in your feed if you are with me in this matter because, by saying no to shinies, you are saying no to inequality.

Please, join, and help me end inequality

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Posted: Sun, 05/10/2014 15:36 (10 Years ago)
Thanks hanna! I'll mark you down as Xerneas

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 19:38 (10 Years ago)

Title: O_O

I'm out of dream points!

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 17:58 (10 Years ago)
Hey all! Dragonis here, with my roll play, The Powers That Be.

Possible Characters:
Giratina: Dragonis Prime
Dialga: The_Kawaii_Mew
Palkia: Yandere-chan
Yveltal: -Ima-
Xerneas: hanna
Zekrom: Open
Reshiram: Marionette
Froakie: glotilde2
Chespin: Open
Fennekin: xXDodadoeXx

Storyline: Arceus, Zygarde, and Kyurem have been taken prisoner by unknown forces, and it's up to our heroes to save them.

Giratina: Shadow Force, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Steel Wing
Dialga: Roar of Time, Iron Tail, Earth Power, Ice Beam
Palkia: Spacial Rend, Aqua Tail, Earth Power, Ice Beam
Yveltal: Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse, U-Turn, Rock Slide
Xerneas: Geomancy (NOTE: In this RP, Geomancy does damage), Night Slash, Megahorn, Psychic
Zekrom: Bolt Strike, Fusion Bolt, Outrage, Crunch
Reshiram: Blue Flare, Fusion Flare, Outrage, Extrasensory
Froakie: Water Pledge, Water Pulse, Pound, Protect
Chespin: Grass Pledge, Vine Whip, Tackle, Protect
Fennekin: Fire Pledge, Flame Charge, Scratch, Protect

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 15:50 (10 Years ago)

Title: I'll help with staffing

I can work as a member/leader of the research and rate division.
ex: Price adjustment for different rarity pokemon, obtaining pokemon to use as the basis for the hunt, hatching help

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Posted: Wed, 30/07/2014 14:47 (10 Years ago)
This is forum for a Pokemon/Pacific Rim crossover. Any ideas?

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Posted: Sat, 19/04/2014 16:13 (10 Years ago)
Kalos form
Username: Aeiou99
RP Name: Dragonis

Pokemon: Yveltal (Shiny), Empoleon (Shiny), Hydreigon, Blaziken, Charizard (Shiny), and Staraptor.
Starter: Empoleon
Dragonis is a trainer with special connections to Pokemon, like his father, N. He came to Kalos after his mother, Dawn, fell into a coma. He came to Kalos because of Yveltal. It was said that Yveltal could change fate, and prevent death. Upon arriving, he realized he wasn't the only one who needed the power of the legendary. He has now teamed up with Yveltal to save Kalos from Johto. His Hydreigon and Empoleon were gifts from his parents, and he has vowed to save Kalos from the forces of darkness.

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