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Posted: Fri, 09/02/2024 19:50 (9 Months ago)
Thank you for your Support! :3

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2024 12:15 (10 Months ago)
This should be seen again.

Like others(and me) already said, the toggle box is a fair way for both, what ~raspberry said leads me to another thought, but I'm not sure if that should get an own suggestion.

We can't trade shinies to Leah and if we see the mega-ability before obtaining, we won't be able to trade them, too. Maybe this could be fixed that way:

As we can trade with Leah without any "are you sure" pop up. How about implementing something like that, if only shinies/MAs are left of that species.
e.g. you have 6 normal Magikarp, 1 Shiny, 2 MAs. Now you wanna trade with Leah for baits. 6 times you just click "exchange", but then only the special ones are left. If you click exchange again, you get a pop up, like the cooking pot in garden. Where you can choose the shiny/MA, so no one can complain about accidently trading those.
Or all trades with Leah causes such a pop up, so we could choose wich and how many we want to trade.
Maybe those special ones even give more in exchange, so we can redures the overhunted shinys, too, cause we avoid adopting them.

I hope this can help find a way to get implemented. I would really like that option to see the mega ability before obtaining at the Honey Tree, Beach and Safari.

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Posted: Mon, 01/01/2024 07:44 (10 Months ago)
Shadow Mewtwo same as Shadow Lugia as eventmon can't be shown by stonks, cause the word 'shadow' in the code is for radar shadows.
Means, you have to watch out in AH and GTS for how much they got sold. I've barely seen a Shadow Lugia in a while, Mewtwo I mostly sell for 50-75k, cause the quest to get it was hard and breeding is only possible with Ditto.

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2023 13:52 (10 Months ago)
Du musst den Sinnoh Dex(alle Einträge außer Arceus) vervollständigen, dann bekommst du dein eigenes Arceus-Ei als Reward. =)

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Posted: Sat, 16/12/2023 22:44 (11 Months ago)
Sure, but as I don't have one in my UFT-Box, I need to hunt it for you.
Shadow Metapod 5k
Hunting fee 10k
so 15k in total.
I put you on the reservation list and set up the trade, when I got it. =)

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Posted: Fri, 15/12/2023 08:14 (11 Months ago)
Schönes Wochenende~

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Posted: Tue, 28/11/2023 14:06 (11 Months ago)
Yes, that's right!
I set it up asap. :)

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Posted: Wed, 22/11/2023 21:47 (1 Year ago)
As much as you're willing to pay.
We can't relay to stonks here, cause the stated price was created by very cheap selling while they were available. As they aren't anymore and we don't know if or when they will be again, we don't have a trusty/true worth.

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 23:44 (1 Year ago)
Wuhu, nice. Thanks a lot for making a new guide!

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Posted: Mon, 13/11/2023 17:09 (1 Year ago)
If one of you is making a new one please delete the ehp at Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff, cause there stands 5k egg but due to Igglybuff it's a 2,8k egg.

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Posted: Sat, 04/11/2023 11:27 (1 Year ago)
As an active Shadow hunter (even if on hiatus atm cause of RL) I really apprecciate this idea. Also the other ideas mentioned in the comments. 👍

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Posted: Sun, 29/10/2023 21:08 (1 Year ago)
All users who had access to the document are inactive or permabanned sadly, idk how to edit it.
I was still able to do the advanced path with it, but it was pretty hard.

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Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 11:22 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 28/09/2023 17:17 (1 Year ago)
Mostly you can use stonks, but not always as stonks neither consider sidewide frequency nor when a pokemon isn't available at all.
Good example is Baby Ducklett it should be the most worthy Event of PH, cause it was only available once and also every User could only get 1, so the sidewide frequency is low as heck and many of them are on inactive or locked accounts.
But as some users sold it cheap in the past stonks give a pretty low price for it.

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Posted: Tue, 12/09/2023 22:03 (1 Year ago)
As Shadow Unown cost 40k wich would be 21 nuggets(if already catched, otherwise +10k PD catching fee, than it would be 26 nuggets), but the trading-mininum of nuggets is 50, this order would be too small to pay in nuggets.
But if you still wanna pay in nuggets there would be the option to trade 71/76 nuggets and I(or one of the other two hunters) gift back the 50.
Otherwise you need to pay in PD or Gems/Items or order more, so we have a price above 50 nuggets.

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Posted: Mon, 11/09/2023 17:48 (1 Year ago)
Ratio is 1:1.900

I edited the thread, thanks for asking.

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 17:56 (1 Year ago)
I use the sprites of shadows on my profile and in my shop.
This is the code I use on my profile:
Removing the * in the beginning makes:

This url I've taken from an already catched shadow in my boxes, if you take the picture from the Dex-Entry or directly from the Shadow Radar Page you get this one:
Both are working the same in BBCode, cause I always use last one in my Forum thread.

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 08:59 (1 Year ago)
Schadow sprites has a 2 in front of the number.
So Mewtwo has the sprite 2150 not only 150.
You can see that if you just do a right-click on a shadow sprite and then choose 'copy image adress'. If you put in the text anywhere else then, you see the sprite-No is different.

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Posted: Sat, 26/08/2023 02:09 (1 Year ago)
There is no updated thread, since stonks exist.
But you can still use this thread to ask about prices and we'll help as best we can.

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Posted: Sun, 30/07/2023 11:55 (1 Year ago)
There is no avarage price for such a new Pokemon. Theoreticly it would be worth nothing, cause the Event just started and you can get it for free(only a few clicks, doable even for less active people), but mostly such new pokemon become pretty fast pretty expensive, then the price drops and when the Event is over stonks only shows the dropped price, while not considering sidewide frequency and the fact that is won't be obtainable after, cause it's not breedable.
So stonks isn't useful for non breedable Events like this.

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