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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2019 16:49 (5 Years ago)
Immortal quietly comes up behind Janine and practically tackles her. "A long time ago!" he answers cheerfully while still clinging to her managing to keep himself and her upright. He barely stops himself from bursting into laughter. "What are you all doing here?" he asks sounding bubbly but also confident in a way that can easily rub others wrong.

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2019 15:50 (5 Years ago)
Name: Real name is unknown, he simply calls himself Immortal.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Normal form. Awakened form.
Power: Immortal has the ability to bring out the power of his heritage for periods of time, he calls it Awakening. During Awakening his injuries heal twice as fast. In this form he primarily attacks with dark fire, he usually coats his claws in it. He can only Awaken for 30 mins at most but only if his life is in danger otherwise his maximum capacity is usually 20 minutes or less.
Backlash: Pushing Awakening beyond the allowed time or using it too often will weaken him. The longer he stays in it the weaker he is going to come out of it. The more often he uses it without a proper break the less time he has in the form until it forces him back to normal.
Weakness: Power - Awakening can be forcefully undone by breaking all of his horns which leaves him disorientated and vulnerable for some time. Personal - It's easy to ruffle his feather's with a couple of well chosen words which usually makes him tunnel vision on the person who did so.
Personality: Immortal can be quite cocky but won't hesitate to back down when he knows he'd be digging his own grave if he continued. He's quite laid back and not afraid to cling to people in an annoying manner. More often than not he gets in trouble and if not him he does it to someone else.
Other: "Oh, just watch me."

Name: Ciel 'Sei' Diabla
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here.
Power: Ciel uses a sniper coupled with his power. His power allows him to see a specific target through walls and also allows him to shoot his target without making contact with whatever is in the way, almost as if there was nothing in the first place to stop the bullet.
Backlash: His power mainly comes from his eyes, using his power carelessly or too often will blind him for certain periods of time forcing him to rely on his other senses.
Weakness: Personal - Ciel's younger sister is a sore spot for him and can make him blindly lash out which can easily be taken advantage of. He doesn't always notice that he's injured or bothers to patch himself up. Power - His power can be blocked by something he didn't account for such as somebody trying to deflect his bullet or placing something he hadn't already seen through in front of his bullets path. He also cannot see through or make his bullet ignore a living organism that is in the way.
Personality: When Ciel isn't in the mood to hunt he's a contemplative and slightly chatty guy, however he is also the type of person to hit first and talk second if he doesn't like something. In the fairly rare occasion that he is in the mood to hunt he becomes almost like a rabid animal, not giving up no matter what until he has crushed his prey under his feet. Despite whatever he is feeling he almost always has a resting blank face.
Other: "That's too sad, it's over."

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 23:48 (5 Years ago)
Kayn stares holes into Ichi. "You..." he starts but then stops and continues, practically, dissecting Ichi with his gaze. "You're like one of my brothers." he finally says, his tone makes it seem like a bad thing. "If you're so proud of your suggestion then why aren't you going ahead with it?" Kayn doesn't miss a beat in flatly saying what he thinks to Ichi while ignoring his own previous slip of the tongue.

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 23:24 (5 Years ago)
Kayn tiredly watches people bicker like children, not always hearing what is being said because of the white noise assaulting his ears. He grimaces at the newcomer but doesn't catch himself in time to stop the "What a weirdo." from tumbling out of his mouth. He grimaces and internally berates himself for potentially bringing the noisy one's attention to himself.

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2019 15:50 (5 Years ago)
Kayn was close enough to the silhouette to be able to make out a person but he couldn't, a voice in his head echoed but he couldn't make out the words. "Syn...?" he grunted out as his head began pounding and he covered his face to try and block the brightness of everything around him. He felt like he was floating, like it had been hours but he had simply collapsed for a couple of minutes. He slowly stood up and brushed the snow off himself, the silhouette was gone.

After some wandering he managed to find the group he had separated himself from earlier. To his surprise there were new additions but he didn't say anything to anyone. He listened and tried to piece together what they had found out, if anything.

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Posted: Tue, 16/04/2019 20:40 (5 Years ago)
Kayn wanders around the area almost feeling like he is lost but seeing his own tracks encourages him to move forward to where he hasn't been. He narrows his eyes when he sees what, to him, looks like a silhouette of a person. After a couple of seconds of debate he decides to get a closer look. For all he knows it isn't who they are looking for. He carefully crept closer to the silhouette keeping close to any form of cover in case he needs to make a dive for it.

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Posted: Sun, 14/04/2019 16:34 (5 Years ago)
Kayn felt conflicted but decided to make his stance clear on the vote. "I-I'm staying neutral unless needed." he murmured as he debated on whether it would be a good idea to slip on ahead on his own. He didn't know if anyone would notice with how little presence he had half the time. He huffed as he decided to try splitting from the group, he'd come back if he found the swordsman.

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Posted: Tue, 09/04/2019 23:35 (5 Years ago)
Kayn fidgeted and sent a shy but apologetic look at Nocturne. "F-For starters maybe someone could scout out the area and... And maybe locate the target? Th-Then come back and inform the rest of us so, we can make a move or a proper plan?" he suggests more than states while nervously messing with his scarf.

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Posted: Tue, 09/04/2019 11:43 (5 Years ago)
Kayn had wandered off when no one was really paying attention and was back with some proper clothing for himself before anyone really noticed his absence. And if the clothes were, in a way, stolen no one really had to know. Not like anyone could accuse him of anything without evidence anyway. "We should probably move out." Kayn practically mumbles as he tries to hide his face in his new but, very likely, temporary scarf. "S-Should I get the drunks?" he asks with a slight embarrassed stutter as he fidgets with his gear.

Rain rested in the shade of a tree as he listened to the sounds of water and small critters rushing around his still form. It felt calm, peaceful even. Too peaceful. He imagines this is what people mean by the saying calm before the storm. He could only wonder how long it would take for the storm to reach him or if he could simply out run it. He let out a small sigh and decided he would move in the night.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 19:04 (5 Years ago)
Kayn's eyes dart from one assassin to another and he takes a step back when his shy nature gets the best of him. He vaguely thinks trying to hide is stupid but doesn't make a move forward or backwards. "I-I'm... My name is Kayn. H-Hope we can all get along." he says with an unsure smile, feeling a little naive in thinking that they could all get along just like that.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 01:24 (5 Years ago)
Kayn looked contemplative, he was slowly slipping into work mode without noticing it. "What of the rest?" he asks, "What information do we have on the rest of these swordsmen? Sending assassins carelessly could certainly spell our doom but if we try to match up potential counters to each sword holder then we might just be able retrieve all the swords while staying alive to boot." Kayn's, now, sharp eyes flit from the documents to the King's face.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 00:25 (5 Years ago)
Are you even listening to yourself? Are you throwing a tantrum like a little kid? Really? The owner of the RP didn't accept you for a multitude of reasons. It seems you're too self absorbed to see that though. And being banned from the owner's future RPs is a thing, it has happened before and you are really walking on thin ice. At this point you're just wasting the sign ups space with spam. Just stop posting here if you have nothing constructive to add. Take it to PMs or better yet keep it to yourself.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 00:11 (5 Years ago)
I don't mean to be rude but if we look at the rules:
Please try not to God Mod
No bunnying
Swordsmans abilities or just something small, Not a power. A little bit of fire or water control would be okay etc
Try to make Your sword a little unique.
Abilities for Assasin's or a bit bigger, Otherwise they wouldn't stand a chance against the swordsmen XD
PP me if you want to be a swordsman. Run the sword and it's power by me
I have the right to decline your form Pretty sure this means for any reason at all even if they don't tell you what it is.
Despite saying swordsmans, There can be female swordsmans :3
Try not to do one liners.
Please be active.
Have fun, and the password is donut. Put it in other. I noticed it took you a while to read the rules and realise that there was a password.
What Scientist is trying to say is that you've not followed the rules and you're being awfully persistent when you were already declined which makes the owner even less inclined to accept you. If I were you, I'd take my losses and stop. There is no point in continuing this when I'm sure we all know the owners answer won't change.
Sorry for long post.

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 00:06 (5 Years ago)
Kayn's eyes grew wide and he quietly muttered the amount to himself. He shakily took a step out of the shadows he was hiding in and immediately wanted to dive back into their safety, he felt exposed and he didn't like it. "I-Is there, uh... Do you have..." Kayn blushed as he kept on stuttering and trailing off but he took a deep breath and managed to speak with his voice cracking only once, "Are there any leads for us on where to search for these swordsmen?"

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Posted: Sun, 07/04/2019 23:22 (5 Years ago)
Kayn gave a soft sigh as he listened from his spot in a shadowed corner where he couldn't be seen clearly. He knew if he tried to interact with anyone he'd just trip over himself so he hoped staying out of sight, as much as he could, would help.

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Posted: Fri, 05/04/2019 14:43 (5 Years ago)
Swordsman Form:
Name: Rain ???
Age (30+): 37
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here.
Personality: He comes off as uncaring and cold to protect himself and the swords. He is a level headed person that is able to think and react quickly but with some choice words can be angered quite quickly into senseless bloodshed.
Your sword and its ability (Picture or description is okay): These swords were originally one sword, due to an accident its was split it into two. The first sword, Silence, greatly increases speed when wielded while the second sword, Savagery, greatly increases strength. Wielding both is a possibility but only if you're willing to risk your life.
Your ability: Conceal. This makes people ignore his existence and act as if he isn't there.
History (Optional): As a young orphan Rain was taken under the wing of a traveling man with a special sword. Over time Rain learned the man's techniques and had made his own. Rain vaguely remembers the sword being one but can't always be sure. He has no memory of the sword being split or what made it so nor the ability it had before being split. Not long after Rain was introduced to the swords he was taught how to make use of them and to never use them together unless he wishes to forfeit his life. On a summer day, Rain's temper flared and he used one of the blades to take a life. When the traveling man found out, he challenged Rain to a duel. In the end Rain killed the traveling man who had taught him and raised him. Feeling lost Rain continued the traveling man's endless journey on his own. People who seeked the swords were either defeated or killed. Rain believed that if someone were worthy of the swords they would be able to defeat him or gain his approval.
Other: Donut or doughnut? To be or not to be? He usually uses his ability in crowded areas. There is a way to fuse the swords back into one. (This form has been accepted.)

Assassin Form:
Name: Kayn Sertia
Age (15+): 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Here.
Personality: Kayn is a shy individual that is easily embarrassed and would rather avoid social interaction. When he is working his demeanor changes and he becomes focused and analytical.
Abilty/Power: Switch. Kayn has the ability to make items or people switch places which sometimes makes him an elusive hunter.
History (Optional): Kayn was raised in a peaceful, remote village by his three older siblings. His siblings raised him and taught him many things such as when to pick his battles, how to wield a weapon of his choice as well as some others, and things such as manipulating prey to take the path you want them to. Kayn's oldest sibling realized that Kayn wouldn't want to stick around in the village and made sure to drill in everything she could into his head before letting him go into the outside world. Kayn has become an assassin, and sometimes thief, for hire. He'll do, almost, anything for a price. Occasionally Kayn comes back to his home village to visit his older siblings.
Other: Donuts are nice. He is proficient in wielding chain sickles and never leaves home without at least two of them somewhere on his person.

(Who exactly own swordsmans atm? I'm just a little confused with numbers and am curious.)

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2019 14:34 (5 Years ago)
Ain evens his breathing and his eyes focus in on Palladium, his soft teal energy converges on her wound and seeps in. Her wound begins mending at a slow but steady rate. It takes him a couple of minutes of undivided focus to heal a wound of that caliber but eventually he finishes and slumps down feeling incredibly sleepy. He blinks a little and shuffles around some and tries to stay awake to hear what they were going to do now.

(I'm a villain character owner and I don't think I know. I never got a pm about anything even though I think I should have.)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2019 16:56 (5 Years ago)

Jack eyes the heroes and with a small sigh he focuses on Palladium, he feels the link form and a strange tattoo like ringlet appears on her arm and his own. He takes out a dagger and without hesitation stabs himself in the side, he makes sure to carefully avoid vital organs. He grunts at the sudden pain but is more focused on looking at Palladium.

Saya placed herself in front of Mina this time. She would use her wings as a sponge if she had to, she didn't particularly care about them as they could 'reset' if she took her mask off. Yes, she'll feel pain from them but it was nothing new to her. She began charging up her lightning again, she formed homing arrows and sent a couple of them at the heroes who are fighting other villains to try and make them slip up.

Ain rushes over to Ava and pulls the knife out. "Sorry." He breathes the word out and winces realizing that pulling a knife out that carelessly must've hurt. He doesn't hesitate to begin healing the wound. "I'll be done in just a moment. Do you need a boost?" He asks feeling slightly out of breath from everything that was going on.

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2019 00:03 (5 Years ago)
Jack felt more than heard the commotion at the front of the cave, he moved to a spot where he could see what was going on but didn't directly involve himself in the skirmish quite yet. Seemed like misfortune befell the heroes even without him getting involved. He eyed Palladium, she seemed to be the leader. Aiming for her to potentially disrupt chain of command even more than it was could be beneficial but where would the fun in that be? The so called 'team' of heroes were already in disarray.

Saya marched forward to the cave entrance and stopped just behind Mina, she began charging her electricity in her hands, it crackled violently before she launched it at Tempest. "You are mistaken if you think it'll be that easy to capture one of us." she says with venom, despite her mask her voice is clearly heard.

Ain watched helplessly as two lives were immediately extinguished right in front of his eyes. He felt numb but it was better than being frozen in shock. He took a breath and focused on all the remaining heroes, making sure that he had them all in sight he didn't hesitate to energize the ones that were running low on energy themselves. He trembled from the sudden exhaustion that hit him and tried his best to ignore it.

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Posted: Sun, 10/03/2019 18:27 (5 Years ago)
Ain thought of the parting words Azreal left him with as he stuck to the back of the group, close enough to touch others this time. Isolating himself this early would be incredibly stupid of him considering he couldn't defend himself. He looked around the cave and grimaced, "Just a recon mission, huh? When has one of these ever gone to plan?" he murmured. He suddenly felt more hyper aware of everything around him. He frowned and silently scolded himself for going ahead and making himself paranoid, being in this state would help no one.

Saya was sitting in a dark corner on her own in the cave. She stared down at the mask in her hands, she could feel it vibrating as if it was impatient. In a sense it was. It wanted to crush her but she was still too stubborn to let the mask have its way. She briefly thought back to what made her choose this path but then dismissed it and placed the mask on her face. The transformation was almost instant and the sickening sound of her wings righting themselves almost echoed.

Jack was observing the rest of the villains go about their preparations. He briefly wondered how quickly he could identify the biggest threat from the hero group. 'Guess I'll just have to observe until I'm certain.' he thought to himself as he absentmindedly fiddled with his gloves.

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