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Searching for: Posts from TheBandedFlame.
Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 22:23 (6 Years ago)
I'm 3 years old.

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 22:18 (6 Years ago)
(I suppose we'll start now... people can join later)

The guild was in the process of waking up when Dini's gongs sounded. Most members rushed out of their rooms immediately to the guild meeting. As usual at a guild meeting, Bandit was already perched on the Delivery Branch, waiting impatiently. When all had filed in, Bandit started to talk. "We have received a special request from a nearby guild, the Ridge Guild. Apparently there has been some trouble up in the mountains. Anyone able to help, should come and do so. Come see either myself or Himmelen if you'd like to come. This delivery has concluded." Bandit dropped off the branch.

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 21:49 (6 Years ago)

eheheheheh. Thanks AH

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 16:30 (6 Years ago)
Yes you were accepted sorry.

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 02:10 (6 Years ago)
AND if you made it shiny it would be pink!

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 02:03 (6 Years ago)
How about a flying tumbleweed like Jumpluff
Story will begin soon! You can still join after the plot has begun

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 02:00 (6 Years ago)
Accepted Why no flying

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 00:24 (6 Years ago)
Jumpluff Army Commanders:


Level 292


Level 225


Level 518


Level 145

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 00:21 (6 Years ago)
Got a shiny shop up

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Posted: Tue, 20/03/2018 00:15 (6 Years ago)

1. All PH rules apply

2. Please treat everyone with respect.

3. Please be patient

4. Short posts should be made via PP

4. Password is my next hunt

Meet the staff!

Owner: TheBandedFlame



First Customer:



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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 23:55 (6 Years ago)
I don't live in Australia :3

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 23:20 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 22:40 (6 Years ago)
I just made a RP for this guild specifically, please check it out on the Home Post or here

New discussion question!
What is your favorite flying-type move?

Personally, I like Brave Bird.

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 22:27 (6 Years ago)
The town center was bustling with life. At the very center, stood Zephyr, the founder of the nearby guild which was created to help the lives of citizens. “Attention, everyone!” Zephyr called out. “There’s good news! Winter has finally finished, and-” He was cut off when the bright, festive day turned suddenly to night. Everyone looked up in fear. From the sky, shined two red lights… almost like eyes. A fearsome scream erupted and just as suddenly vanished, and the day came back. Relieved, yet apprehensive, the townsfolk looked back towards Zephyr… but he had vanished. In fact, all of the guild members were gone. As time progressed, this tale was forgotten by the town. Until…

Mist Valley, your home town

NPC List
Dini (Alakazam) - Zephyr Guild's Gong Master
*Fireworks (Cyndaquil) - Zephyr Guild's Cook
Kopf (Infernape) - Ridge Guild Leader

*Torren (Archeops) - Ridge Guild Messenger
*??? (Shadow Ursaring) - Enemy
*??? (Shadow Beartic) - Enemy
*??? (Shadow Pangoro) - Enemy

*Genetic Abnormality

Ro (Aerodactyl) - Ridge
Wilma (Mawile) - Ridge
Alpha (Houndoom) - Ridge
Amo (Kangaskhan) - Zephyr
Toe (Pidgeot) - Zephyr
Dini (Alakazam) - Zephyr
Resin (Pinsir) - Zephyr

Bandit (Talonflame) - Guild Leader
Himmelen (Braviary) - Purple
Chloe (Charizard) - M(Y)
Soul (Absol) - SM

Rules for this RP

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1. All PH rules apply

2. No god mode or power playing.

3. No Mary/Gary Sue

4. This RP is for members of the fan club Zephyr’s Guild only! If you want to participate in this RP, join the guild, no problems!

5. Contact me (TheBandedFlame) if you have a subplot or something. I will lead the plot

6. This isn’t supposed to be Lit., but please try not to use one-liners that lead to dead ends.

7. Also, just because it’s not in the rules, doesn’t mean it’s OK

Well, I think that covers all of it…The password is Zephyr

If you want to join still, apply in the FC main thread.

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Species of Pokemon:
M/F (It’s not 2017 anymore):
Age (2-5):
Born in Town:
Crush (get permission):

Also, it would be helpful to read everyone’s forms, and don’t get worried if you’re not accepted instantly.

My Forms
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Name: Bandit
Species of Pokemon: Talonflame
Gender: M
Age: 3
Personality: Bandit is very serious, although in times of calm and peace can joke around, and even be humorous. He cares for his guild deeply and works very hard to make it a better place. He is also very stubborn, and can’t admit his wrong outright.
Born in Town:No
Background: Bandit grew up in Hearthome city, where he was put into many contests. He was content to perform, and he was one of the best, however the kids of his trainer were angry that he took so much of their mother’s time. They threw rocks at him, and called him terrible things whenever their mother wasn’t there to chastise them. At first, Bandit put up with it, but as the kids grew older, their ways got worse. The last straw was the rock that nicked Bandit’s wing that left a scar, and he summoned a tailwind and flew out, leaving his home in disarray. He then traveled to a town with only pokemon, where he found Zephyr’s Guild and joined. At the time, the leader was Himmelen, who was also from Hearthome and meant to compete, but had been discarded for being shiny. This resulted in many experiments leaving his wings purple, instead of blue or red.
Other: Inherited the position of leader when Himmelen retired

Name: Himmelen
Species of Pokemon: Braviary
Gender: M
Age: 6 (because he's retired)
Personality: On the outside he's easy going, however he carries a deep contempt for humans and stands by principles
Born in Town: No
Background: He was bred for a show that required many Braviary for a particular scene, but when he hatched, he was shiny. The director didn't like this, but he wasn't too worried. There had been a new development for the fashion industry which was supposed to make a pokemon any color that was wanted. Everyone knew it only worked once, however that was as far as testing went with this invention. Himmelen received a shot while a Rufflet, and he was brought on to the show. As soon as he evolved, however, some of his blue came back, creating purple wings. He was then ejected and left to die, but he was helped along by a Machamp to the small pokemon town, where he became guild leader.
Other: He has purple wings and used to be guild leader before retiring

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Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 16:58 (6 Years ago)
Think I'm going to be making an RP to (kind of) advertise this fan club. Say "support" if you agree.

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Posted: Sun, 18/03/2018 14:20 (6 Years ago)

Title: Jumpluff Army

Hey! -=Tumbleweed=- was on Index! +2 levels

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Posted: Sun, 18/03/2018 13:16 (6 Years ago)


Why do you want to join?
Quote from BanditDragon-Types are just Flying-Type wannabes! #Flying


What’s your favorite dragon? (Not Pokémon Dragon, I mean general type exp: FireBreather, LightHealer) Ones that can fly really well

Password? bananaguns, great channel, check it out

What is you leader? pizza

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Posted: Sun, 18/03/2018 11:46 (6 Years ago)
Yes, I think I do.

Wait, no... I just hatched one.

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Posted: Sat, 17/03/2018 20:04 (6 Years ago)
That's nice. Added you to shiny hunts, don't forget to turn your pokeradar on and good luck!

Does anyone have male Hoppip evo line?

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Posted: Sat, 17/03/2018 20:00 (6 Years ago)
Sorry I've only got a male one :P

Got two more eggs to hatch then I'm turning on my pokeradar

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