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Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2016 21:40 (9 Years ago) |
Sheera The hackles along Sheera's back rose at the snow leopard's, Ariana's, calm and no-no nonsense demeanor. It wasn't as much as it being unnerving, more that is reminded of herself, when she was younger and not plagued by the worry of her rank. It was refreshing, and made her relaxed in the presence of Ariana. "I'm Sheera." The lioness flicked her tail behind her, irked by the indirect way Ariana had threatened her. "I'm confused at why you brought me here." She glanced away from the snow leopard, studying the cave wall instead. The temptation to look at her eyes and see if they really were red was too great to continue to only glance at her fur. She quickly skimmed the snow leopard's eyes and was surprised to see that they were brown, not the ruddy scarlet from earlier. "And why you didn't approach me in day." She stated it as an accusation. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 19/01/2016 20:24 (9 Years ago) |
Sheera Sheera's eyes flashed open and drunk in their surroundings instantly. She couldn't remember falling asleep, which made her wonder... "Hey!" She leaped up, claws out and glaring at the nose of a large cat, careful to avoid eye contact. She kept her thoughts simple and meaningless. She had run into other dark Elementals before and knew their cunning and tricking personality well. But as she took in everything but the snow leopard's eyes, Sheera realized that she was laying on the ground, almost calmly. Sheera felt a tug at her brain to sit, and knew that it did not come from the snow leopard, but her own conscious. She ignored it and snapped, "Who are you?" Ghembo Ghembo's eyes roved over the human's empty hands and smiled to himself. The human would not be able to do anything to harm him for the time being. Ghembo stood up slowly, and flicked his tail. Instantly, vines formed a canopy above the duo's heads. They were hidden from the star-strewn sky and the ears of any curious lion, or human. "Speak." He commanded the human, even though he knew it was futile. "I am Ghembo, a leader. Speak." [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 23:22 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 22:24 (9 Years ago) |
Sheera felt like she was floating on clouds. Her mind was cradled by a caring and loving mother and she watched herself pad out of the cave. Vaguely, in the back of her mind, she knew that she should be worried. But she just... couldn't. Not with the peace that had evaded her for so many years. She had glimpsed red eyes before the peace enveloped her, and semi-remembered a flash of panic before she had strode out of her den, though she couldn't remember why. She hoped that it woukd never end. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 14:45 (9 Years ago) |
Sheera Sheera crept to her den, one of the higher caves that pockmarked the mountain in which the lions lived. A thin layer of grass was spread in the tunnel, and already she could see that her two comrades were asleep. She curled up next to one of them and closed her eyes drowsily. Ghembo Ghembo leaped back as the human brandished the knife. A warm cut of pride cut through him, the feeling familiar and sweet. He realized that the human would be mad after what happened, so he would tread carefully. He murmured, "I'm not here to harm you," He knew it was pointless and the human would never understand a creature like him, yet he couldn't help trying. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 01:06 (9 Years ago) |
Sheera (Huntress {Look below!}) Sheera's tail lashed as she retreated into the forest. She was still annoyed at the crocodiles, no matter how much distance she put between herself and those... monsters. Her common sense pleaded with her to calm down, but she brushed it aside. For the first time in ages, she felt a call to her element, water. She let it come forth and sapped the air of its moisture. A tiny slice of water swirled around her and she slashed a tree. A thin line was left in the wake of the water. Sheera dismissed the water, and it soaked back into the ground. Her shoulders shaking and her mind screaming bloody murder, she entered her territory. Ghembo Ghembo strained his ears at the sound of the lioness stalking through the bramble. The other lions melted into existence around her, like demons or shadows. Ghembo frowned; none of them looked injured or hurt in any way. He bounded forward, and the lioness glanced up, then averted her eyes in respect. "What happened?" Ghembo asked. "Nothing. In the end, a truce was in order. Ghembo felt a twinge of anger at the lioness; she was a water Elemental and could take down some of the crocodiles or at least move their water. He shoved it down. "I'm glad it came to a peaceful resolution." The lioness jerked her head towards the ball of roots and branches. "What's that?" Ghembo shrugged. "A project of mine." He realized that the human would be waking up soon and dipped his head in respect before sprinting away from the other lions, the ball in tow. After he could barely catch a faint whiff of his pride, he opened up the ball and hoped to see the human awake. (With Ariana's interest in the Lioness, I figured I'd make an actual character for her! ^^) ![]() Username: Dragonsoul (Ah
Character Name: Sheera Gender: Female Personality: Sheera has learned to take things seriously, and is rarely carefree. Her stiff personality earns her few friends but many enemies. She gets irritated easily and expects everyone to be a follower; to her, of course. She was born a leader, but the fact that she was female kept her from becoming one of the alphas of the pack. She is ruthless and rarely opens up to others. She views lions below her in rank as pawns, not comrades. Appearance: A sleek, golden lioness. Her eyes are dark, dark brown, almost black. Her tail is unusually long and she always seems to have her head up. She keeps herself clean (almost her number one priority) and washes herself after each kill. Element: Water Animal Type: Lion Current Status: Lead Huntress Other: Though she is an Elemental, she rarely dabbles in her element, despite being quite skilled. She prefers claw-to-claw combat. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 00:31 (9 Years ago) |
"Who are you?" Dusk's eyes flashed with an emotion that seemed raw and burning. The Charizard snorted. "Just a traveler. Not a bandit, if that's what you're wondering." Dusk studied the Charizard and gave a decisive nod. The Charizard was smudged with dirt, but no telltale scars lined its body. Also, when fighting, it did not move with the grace or ease of a bandit. "What's your name?" "I don't have one." Dusk brought his head sharply up, but the Charizard had its head angled away. A. Press for information B. Let the subject be (Sorry for my long silence! I was kept away from a computer. ^^) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 23:41 (9 Years ago) |
"My name is Dusk." He said gruffly, turning his head away. He felt the mega form take a drain on his energy, and he reverted back to his regular form. His back tingled where his wings had been and his claws ached. "How do you do that?" The Charizard motioned at the now regular Absol. "That?" Dusk laughed mirthlessly. "I don't know. That's why I'm out here." No point in being secretive about his ability. The Charizard grunted, glancing at the growing night. "We should set up camp." Dusk paused mid-nod. "I have a question to ask you..." A. "Who are you?" B. "Why are you out here?" [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 23:37 (9 Years ago) |
Huntress The lioness huffed. The lion ranks were up to about ten, and growing steadily. The animal inside her battled the Elemental cunning. It roared at her to jump into the lake and kill as many as she could. That would be suicide, as she well knew. With a flick of her tail and a swift order barked, the lions withdrew from the clearing and hurried back into their territory. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 15:07 (9 Years ago) |
Dusk haulted and shouted to the Charizard, "Hey! Wait!" The Charizard paused and flicked his tail back and forth. "What?" The one word cane out in a rumble that shook the ground. "You are a good fighter." The Charizard barked out a laugh. "Hardly. I barely landed a blow on you." "Most Pokémon do not." The Charizard huffed and rolled its shoulders. "Let's just get back to our battle." "Wait. I'm not sure I want to fight you. Join me and I will teach you to be a better fighter." The Charizard looked tempted and eventually nodded. It leaned against a tree and motioned at Dusk with his claws. "So who are you?" A. Tell the Charizard who you are B. Carefully sidestep the question. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 14:57 (9 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 14:42 (9 Years ago) |
(Also, anyone can choose an option for this, just make sure you choose one! You can't choose one for each path) Fiona's ears perked as she heard the slam of a door. There her trainer went, leaving her alone in her house again. She shuddered, casting nervous glances at the walls. She knew that ghost pokemon were real, and generally unfriendly. Yet, the covers on the bed she was curled on made the perfect fortress against the real world. A. Wait for her trainer to return B. Follow stealthily Dusk howled as he flung the opposing pokemon away from him. He charged, his claws growing long and slashed the pathetic Charizard across its middle. The Charizard roared angrily, coughing up a flame. The blast singed Dusk's fur and he felt a twinge of admiration for the pokemon. Rarely did any wild ones land a blow on him. A. Finish the battle B. Talk to the Charizard and see if the two can become partners. Oliver glanced longingly at the serene blue sky and the uninterrupted puffy clouds. He sighed, knowing that only a month ago that he would have been up there, playing with the other Chicks. Shaking his head, he addressed the Altaria in front of him. "No, do not go out. We can't afford another loss. We can't anger the Braviary flock. They would slaughter us." The Altaria shook his magnificent head. "Alright. But if they cross the border one more time-" "We'll leave." The Altaria huffed and left Oliver stewing. Escape tempted him and in the clouds no one would find him. A. Remain with the flock B. Run away [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 13/01/2016 20:40 (9 Years ago) |
Huntress The lioness sniffed as a new, unfamiliar scent caught her nose. It was different from the mud-like smell rolling off the crocodiles. It smelled... delicate. Almost. She shook her head, clearing the idea. She had to focus. Her hackles rose as the crocodile of which she presumed to be the leader. She yelled out to them anyways. "Why do you think I have not waltzed right into your waters? I know what you do to Elementals and any other creature." She flicked her tail in disdain. "I may be just a pride hunter, but I know a trap when I smell one." The gathering ranks growled in agreement. "But it appears as if we are at a stalemate. You will not get out of the waters, because we will slaughter you on land and we will not get in the waters because then it will be us who will be slaughtered. I propose a truce for the day." The huntress glanced at the sun overhead and groaned. The sun was on its last cycle before it disappeared for the moon's path. She shook her fur and called out, "So?" (Thanks! If it gets to be a problem some how... well... I don't know. I kinda feel like I'm breaking my own guide, but I didn't really know how lion prides work... so I guess I'll add two more dominant males in the pride. :3 ) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 12/01/2016 20:42 (9 Years ago) |
Huntress The huntress roared as she heard the crocodile's alpha sneer at her and the growing ranks of the lions. Her hackles raised and she crept to the edge of the water, where small yellow dots were almost invisible. "Us, the pathetic idiots?" She called back, tail lashing. "Why, you did not respond to our alpha!" (Actually, I am not sure what the leader of a pride of lions is called, but I'm just gonna go with alpha and totally not be a wolf pack ._.) She glared out at the other crocs, basically invisible among the mud and reeds. She flicked her tail again, a minute sign of aggression and dominance. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 22:17 (9 Years ago) |
Ghembo The huntress's tail whipped. "We should get out of here. I've heard rumors about a vicious crocodile pride running amok." "At the pack meetings? I have as well. The convention is so large that they might have been there. I wouldn't imagine why they wouldn't..." Ghembo shook his head. "You're right. Let's get out of here. But..." Ghembo summoned roots hidden by many layers of soil and bent and twist it into a sort of sphere around the human. It took less than a minute for the ball to fully form. Ghembo summoned spores from around him and scattered them all over the sphere. The human would not be of much trouble now. The lioness glanced at him questioningly but he shook his head. "Stay behind and summon other members of the pride. What the crocodile pride is asking for is trouble and they are going to get it." The lioness dipped her head before releasing a powerful, commanding roar. No words were hidden behind it, just a call of help. The wolves yipped and scattered. Without an alpha, they were timid and easily frightened and they fled. Ghembo knew that the spores would knock out the human (supposedly), but he was sure to roll it carefully. He knew that humans were fragile and broke easily. Behind him, he could hear the answering roar of the lions. Okay, well Ghembo is carting off Brunhilde, I think I'll RP as the lioness for awhile, for the supposed battle. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 09/01/2016 15:05 (9 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo roared in anger when no reply came back. The sound easily covered up the plop of dirt hitting the water. By this time, the head warrior, a young lioness whose element was water, bounded up to him. "What is it?" She hissed under her breath, barely above a whisper. "Crocodiles... I think. I have heard wolves howling but the scent around her does not match theirs." The lioness cracked open her jaws, drinking in the air. "You are right. I am not sure though... elemental or not?" Ghembo grimaced. Elemental creatures, no matter what type, where always a problem. He shook his mane out and replied, "Let's hope they are not elementals." The lioness dipped her head in agreement. "If they are this will be more trouble than we bargained for." She turned and eyed the human suspiciously. "What's it doing here?" "Don't worry about the human. It just stands there. I am surprised that rumors about their noses being dull is true." "Why? How do you know?" He cocked his head, an odd position for a creature such as a lion. "It is not sniffing." The lioness inspected the human, her eyes going wide with surprise. "You're right. It isn't sniffing.Yet it seems aware." "It does seem that way, doesn't it?" [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:48 (9 Years ago) |
Soooo random. That was random! tyty5r4e4t5y67u [
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 21:34 (9 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo's ears twitched uncontrollably until he could contain it no longer. With a wary glance at the human with her rifle, he made a low growl, getting her prepared for the roar that she would undoubtedly hear. To the silence of the woods, he roared, "Who goes there? I ask in the name of Ghembo, leader of Pride!" He waited. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 23:15 (9 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo's ears pricked as two of his six senses picked up on a disturbance. His ears detected a shuffle and the crunch of plants beneath something massive. The other sense knew that the plants were being destroyed. He growled to warn the human, before circling around her. Even if she was a human, he needed to defend his prey. He told himself that he was protecting his lunch, not the person itself. He summoned up a tree's will, ready to defend himself with more than just his claws and teeth. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 22/12/2015 01:13 (9 Years ago) |