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Posted: Thu, 16/03/2017 23:11 (7 Years ago)
I'd like to buy all your normal gems, please and thank you.

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Posted: Thu, 16/03/2017 18:12 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 16/03/2017 14:06 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 03:38 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 09/03/2017 18:28 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 07/03/2017 02:42 (7 Years ago)
Normal gems on average run 1500 pd per.
Nuggets on average run 1500 pd per.
Therefore, 250 normal gems =250 nuggets.

EDIT: I thought this was a question posed to Price Guide, sry. Feel free to delete Thread OP.

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Posted: Fri, 03/03/2017 00:39 (7 Years ago)
Username- cln4evr
Which Hunt- Vulpix
Payment- Special* (Shiny Eevee slot)

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Posted: Thu, 02/03/2017 23:08 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 01/03/2017 02:26 (7 Years ago)
Agent Famine's Report Log
Assignment Date: 030117

Onto the numbers.

Game Time- 307:44 hrs
Current Agent Lvl- 30
Total Interactions- 164,977
National Pokedex- 785/1127
Egg Pokedex- 289/520
Current Garden lvl- 39
Badges- 26.

Unlocked and completed the quest at lvl 30- MissingNo. Currently on last task of the Raylong quest, which has been easy enough up unto this point. Still running Shiny Eevee hunt, only gotten 3x and already cleared well over 350x. With the loot drop of event points, I'm considering forgoing Eevees after the next and maybe chain an event pokemon. Gonna do Castform soon as well and see how that goes.

End of Month Mystery Box Results:

>9x oran berry
>4x razz berry
>1,656 pd
>152x game chips

Dark Blue
>138x event points
>1x razz berry
>3x kasib berry
>8x electric gems

>7x ghost gems
>1x nugget
>1x fire stone
>4x water gems
>3x soda pop
>8x ghost gems
>1x kings rock
>199x event points

Light Blue
>4x dragon gems
>1,400x game chips
>2x water gems
>8x spelon berry
>1,008x game chips
>1,475x game chips
>10x lemonade
>8x lemonade
>4x payapa berry
>933x game chips
>3x dark gems

>1x dubious disk
>544x game chips
>9x water gems
>322 game chips
>592x game chips
>1x electrizer
>5x dragon gems
>7x lemonade
>5x ground gems
>7x ghost gems
>4x chesto berries

No reports on Purple, Red & Gold.

That concludes today's report,
~Agent Famine signing off.

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Posted: Sat, 25/02/2017 04:09 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 19/02/2017 15:04 (8 Years ago)
I have posted a Venomoth & Electabuzz in GTS for you. Looking for missing dex or normal gem.

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Posted: Thu, 16/02/2017 15:09 (8 Years ago)

Title: Rough Draft for Gem Exchange.

Gem Exchange Rate for Eggs

Show hidden content

. 50x , 50x
. 100x
. 100x
. 10x
. 5x , 5x
. 5x , 5x
. 10x
. 10x , 10x
. 40x
. 40x
. 20x
. 20x
. 60x
. 5x , 5x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x
. 60x
. 20x
. 40x
. 60x
. 20x
. 60x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 5x , 5x
. 5x , 5x
. 10x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 30x , 30x
. 10x , 10x
. 60x
. 20x
. 60x
. 5x , 5x
. 20x rock, 20x
. 40x
. 20x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 60x
. 40x
. 10x
. 10x , 10
. 40x
. 60x
. 10x
. 10x
. 20x
. 10x , 10
. 40x
. 40x
. 10x
. 30x , 30
. 60x
. 60x

Show hidden content
. 100x
. 100x
. 100x
. 10x
. 5x , 5x
. 10x , 10x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x , 20x
. 10x
. 10x
. 5x , 5x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x , 20x
. 40x
. 150x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x
. 10 , 10x
. 30x , 30x
. 20x , 20x
. 10x , 10x
. 20x
. 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x
. 30x , 30x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x , 20x
. 20x
. 40x
. 60x
. 60x
. 20x , 20x
. 60x
. 60x
. 40x
. 30x , 30x

Show hidden content

. 100x grass
. 100x
. 100x water
. 10x
. 10x normal
. 10x
. 10x water, 10x grass
. 20x grass
. 5x normal, 5x flying
. 10x water, 10x flying
. 30x psychic, 30x
. 10x , 10x water
. 20x grass
. 20x normal
. 20x , 20x ground
. 30x , 30x ghost
. 20x normal
. 20x
. 5x normal, 5x
. 40x rock
. 20x normal
. 20x , 20x ghost
. 20x steel, 20x
. 10x steel, 10x rock
. 10x , 10x psychic
. 20x
. 60x
. 60x
. 20x
. 20x
. 20 poison
. 10x water, 10x dark
. 40x water
. 10x , 10x ground
. 40x
. 20x psychic
. 40x normal
. 20x ground
. 20x grass
. 10x normal, 10x
. 40x normal
. 40x poison
. 30x rock, 30x psychic
. 30x rock, 30x psychic
. 10x water, 10x ground
. 40x water
. 30x ground, 30x psychic
. 60x water





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Posted: Tue, 14/02/2017 23:24 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/02/2017 21:57 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/02/2017 21:05 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 14/02/2017 18:38 (8 Years ago)
Suicine please, TIA.

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Posted: Tue, 14/02/2017 00:32 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2017 22:18 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2017 01:43 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/02/2017 01:41 (8 Years ago)

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