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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 23:22 (6 Years ago)
Tiger looked thoughtful as he tried to figure something out to start a conversation. "Ummm
.. What's the stupidest thing I've ever done?" He asked with a small smile, as he thought starting off the conversation with something Mira could tease him for would help get rid of any awkwardness at that moment.

"You and I both." Cyndaquil said with a grin.

Charm looked thoughtful and took Tiger's bag from Kibo. The Charizard was already planning on washing the laundry since Kibo would've likely dissappeared for a bit. "Hmmm. I've got no clues. Anything on either Tiger or Mira's laptops that sound interesting?" He asked kindly.

"Of course I do." Kibo said with a smile and nodded a thanks to Charm.

"You owe me for washing Tiger's clothes lover dragon!" Charm teaser kindly causing Kibo to roll his eyes fondly.

"I'll get you more pecha pokepuffs." Kibo laughed in amusement. Charm nodded in a satisfied manner.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 17:21 (6 Years ago)
"Good point. But we'll pull through." Lion said kindly and looked over to Tiger who nodded in silent agreement.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 17:19 (6 Years ago)
Tiged slung his bag on his back and followed Mira. Cyndaquil jumped onto his head and looked around.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 17:13 (6 Years ago)
Tiger smiled and chuckled in amusement. "Fair enough." He said with a smile and nodded to Aite to show he heard. "Anyway. Um...what do you want to talk about?" He asked kindly.

Cyndaquil snickered gently and smiled. He followed Aite into the trees.

Charm went back to the pokemon center while Pidgeit flew off as he wasnt fond of cities and civilizations.

Kibo nodded and smiled. He flew to the center go drop Tiger's bag off. "I know a good place." He said kindly.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 16:28 (6 Years ago)
Tiger smiled and chuckled in amusement. He jumped out of the boat and stretched. "Deal." He said softly.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 16:27 (6 Years ago)
"Of course we are." Lion said suddenly from where he was walking behind the group. "I mean, we've all been through worse even before we joined this group of insane people." He added jokingly.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 16:24 (6 Years ago)
Tiger looked at the food for a moment before blinking. "Is Aite always like this?" He asked with a small smile. "When he's using a human illusion I mean."

Cyndaquil smiled and jumped onto Aite's shoulder. "Just enjoy the night." He said to Tiger kindly and chuckled.

Charm and Pidgeot laughed in amusement. Both of them then went back to Ecruteak.

Kibo smiled and gently grabbed Toka's paw. "Hmm. Not sure. Any ideas? We can fish or fly around if you want." He said softly.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:32 (6 Years ago)
"I won't, and if I do then you can yell at me for doing so." Tiger said with a grin and laughed.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:31 (6 Years ago)
Tiger and Snow both nod in response. "A cafe sounds good for when we're done with the game corner." Snow said quietly.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:29 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded and sighed. "Might as well get this over with." He said quietly and looked embarrassed. He went over to the table and politely slid a chair out for Mira before going to sit down on the other side of the table.

"I'm staying with Aite to help out. You guys can leave if you want." Cyndaquil whispered kindly. Charm nodded and glanced at Tira for a moment.

"Come on Tira, let's go. We can watch movies at the Pokémon center until these two lovebirds are done." Charm said kindly. Tiger cast Charm a glare, and Charm shrugged.

Kibo looked at Toka and smiled. "This'll work. I'm sure you're right about that." He whispered softly and nudged Toka affectionately. "Let's go."

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:19 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded in response to Mira. "Yeah you're welcome. I mean I'll have some spare time after I visit you in Kanto. So why don't I get something done." He said kindly and smiled.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:17 (6 Years ago)
"Maybe. I'm not sure, I mean he used to work nearer Saffron. Only coming to Celadon to investigate Rocket." Snow said quietly and shrugged. "Anyway, let's get to the game corner."

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:15 (6 Years ago)
"Good point." Tiger said in response to Mira and jumped to the ground. He looked at Aite and sighed. "Uh hello. Guessing it's Aite." He said quietly.

Kibo laughed in amusement at Tira and looked at Charm who face palmed. Kibo took Tiger's backpack for Tiger considering he promised to wash Tiger's soaked clothes.

"Well this is sort of interesting." Cyndaquil mumbled quietly and waved to Mira and Tiger.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:12 (6 Years ago)
"Sounds awful and a lot more work... yeah I'll get Smokey to send me his Machamp, and I'm sure Lee and Mac will want to help out too. We'll have a harbor built just for you before you come to Johto for our journey." Tiger promised kindly and smiled.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:10 (6 Years ago)
Snow looked over to Colin. "He was an officer who used to try and keep me out of jail. He told me multiple times to leave, but I never listened." He sighed. "I haven't seen him since...." He trailed off thoughtfully. "Since I was forced to leave Kimberly for Rocket." He grumbled.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:08 (6 Years ago)
Tiger didn't move his head as he glanced back at Mira. "Agreed. The clouds really make it look complete." He said softly. "Though, it looks like it might rain tomorrow morning just by the look of the clouds to the east." He said partially to himself and shrugged. Kibo landed in the clearing.

Cyndaquil nodded and smiled in amusement. "Sure I'll stick around." He said kindly and smiled at Aite.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 15:02 (6 Years ago)
Cyndaquil returned the greeting in a friendly manner. Tiger nodded and looked thoughtful. "I'll be sure to make the lake in New Bark to be boat-friendly considering the lake has a deep River channel that goes all the way to the ocean."

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 14:59 (6 Years ago)
Tiger blinked and walked through the route. "Celadon City's game corner. Never thought I'd be going back there." He said quietly in a joking tone. "I mean gambling isn't my favorite thing to do on my free time."

Snow glanced at Tiger and noticed the joking tone. He made himself smile, but he sounded quiet when he responded. "I think the game corner will be the one place I don't want to go back to...that's were I met officer Schaefer." He said thoughtfully.

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 14:54 (6 Years ago)
Tiger blinked and glanced over to Mira for a split second as Kibo flew to the clearing. "Um..." Tiger sighed and looked at the sky once more. "The sunset is pretty today." He said gently in an attempt to try and help get rid of any and all awkwardness that might be present.

"You look good, Aite." Cyndaquil said with a smile and nodded politely. "The rest of us will leave soon."

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Posted: Fri, 27/07/2018 04:48 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded in response to Mira and got up. "Yeah, it was." He said softly. Cyndaquil yawned and poked his head out from Tiger's bag.

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