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Posted: Tue, 14/08/2018 04:58 (6 Years ago)
I don't really think we need this thread since we've got a whole section here that answers your question! ^^

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Posted: Mon, 13/08/2018 06:19 (6 Years ago)
Yes, that does mean that there's a new palpad message! This occurs on my computer as well whenever I'm not on the tab when the message is sent over.

I've seen this used in several different games/message websites so I highly doubt that this is unintentional ^^

Does it not go away once you go back to that tab?

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Posted: Fri, 10/08/2018 08:16 (6 Years ago)
This isn't a general discussion but it isn't exactly a trade either. Locking.

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Posted: Fri, 10/08/2018 08:15 (6 Years ago)
I'm currently tutoring during the summer to get a bit of money for myself before university! Obviously, my tuition is being paid by my parents, but I thought it'd be a good idea to earn a bit of change so that I don't have to depend on them as much for recreation and any further utilities - I feel guilty enough as it is for choosing a US university when I could've gone to a Canadian one for pretty much free xD

I think tutoring is great if you're younger and don't have a undergrad degree yet! It won't earn you enough to stay afloat alone, but it's a great experience and definitely helps you with social skills ^^

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Posted: Thu, 09/08/2018 03:51 (6 Years ago)
Please get this contest approved!

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Posted: Thu, 09/08/2018 03:48 (6 Years ago)
Moving to 'answered'

Just to clarify in case, as Kinishaka has said, ditto cannot breed with itself. You can use it to breed with female, male or gender neutral but it cannot breed with itself or any legendaries (other than those given to you by the professor - if you can get the legend again via the same method, chances are, it can't be bred).

In the future, if you have a question about the game that has only one answer and is more about technicality than opinion, please post in the 'help' section!

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Posted: Mon, 06/08/2018 14:11 (6 Years ago)
Well, to be honest, I was quite surprised that they'd show YOI stuff in China xD China isn't exactly known for being LGBTQ-friendly... Any posts referring to LGBT anything was recently blocked under the premise of being 'inappropriate' on the Chinese equivalent of Facebook/Twitter recently sooo :/

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Posted: Mon, 06/08/2018 13:46 (6 Years ago)
Look what I found while shopping today ^^

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 14:31 (6 Years ago)
Moving to discussion since this is about Pokeheroes!

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Posted: Sat, 04/08/2018 06:05 (6 Years ago)
Does it stay that way even if you wait? That sounds like simply a problem with slow internet. I have no ptoblemd with it on my phone or ipad.

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Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 09:32 (6 Years ago)
Moving to 'RP signups!'

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Posted: Tue, 31/07/2018 09:33 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 31/07/2018 09:19 (6 Years ago)
但是很多学校还是不让课堂里使用电脑,考试也是写的。我毕业后,听说IB要改中文考试了,以后都是打字感觉自己好可怜。。。为什么我毕业后才变 :|

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Posted: Fri, 20/07/2018 12:07 (6 Years ago)
We already have a thread for this here!

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Posted: Fri, 20/07/2018 12:07 (6 Years ago)
It seems that this thread has more codes!

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Posted: Wed, 18/07/2018 11:43 (6 Years ago)

I'm a moderator, not a toy you can test out to see how much it takes before it breaks... I applied to become a moderator because I wanted to give back to the site that had sucked me in, a game that I'd fallen in love with. I do make mistakes sometimes... but is it seriously too much to ask that you don't make my life more difficult for no reason whatsoever than to "have fun"?

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Posted: Tue, 17/07/2018 07:02 (6 Years ago)
No support.

Mew is only obtainable like this once a year. There are already so many different ways to obtain a ditto - all extremely hard for a reason. What you're suggesting would essentially mean everyone has a guaranteed chance of getting a ditto, which would render ditto's value to almost nil in comparison to what it is now. Mew also has no properties - it doesn't allow you to do something new like ditto can with breeding.

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Posted: Thu, 12/07/2018 06:41 (6 Years ago)
You need to 'use' a leaf stone on it!

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Posted: Thu, 12/07/2018 05:55 (6 Years ago)
Seeing as there is no need for users to make a post here, please use your feeds for this!

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Posted: Wed, 11/07/2018 05:18 (6 Years ago)
That's a very nice thing to say about the PH community! However, as it isn't a discussion, I do have to lock this as well ^^ If you want to share something with everyone, a feed would be the best way to go~

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