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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 19:07 (3 Years ago)
Milo shot not medical supliues now, but knicves from her nose that stabbed Pas5y right in the middle.

'Um- that's a bit- violent-" Clementine stammered, regaining her balaance. Milo shoved Clementine onto the floor. "THAT-THAT FIG-IGURE INSULTED ME-MEY -MY INTEELIGANT!!!!" "I think it's intelligensce." "I KNOW IT IS!"

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 19:01 (3 Years ago)
Milo didn't reply instandly to Peachpoppy, and in stead, cried out, "RHAR THAT BIG OL EOOROOM~!!!" Clementine screched in mild discomfort tnow that Mil o had tired her paw to the back of her back, and started running outoof the room but stumble dover her remaining 2 3 paws

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:57 (3 Years ago)
Now Miwlo is sd. "It's not jusy BOOOX!" Clemetnine blinked at her as she entered the rookmm aain glancing around. "Miloo???" Milo grabbed Clementine's wrist and twisted it backward. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I"M LIKE-????" Clementine let out a little yelp, trying to fre herself from Milo's grip. "WHEN IM MBAAADD??????"

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:43 (3 Years ago)
Milo did two backflips and gave the docter one of those waddles talking machines he used in that epidsode in season titled Three. "Boy is my eyes playing tricks on me!" (Sorry if this seems a little rude. Milo is kinda like this- sorry()

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:39 (3 Years ago)
Milo sliced the giga Eevee's head clean off. (Oui mon - okay I'm pertyty sure that's yes in french. Yes my friend to be exact. That's unfortuanate)

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:37 (3 Years ago)
(Wait wut, like actually you cannot speak? Like- irl?)

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:35 (3 Years ago)
(I'm not sure what the means agoin) Milo started dapdancing like Mywani style and started swinging left and right whilst still tap dancing quickly. The dsounds of her paws slamming the floor shook the whole room, whisch made Clemetnine, who was offering the figure docte3r (whats her name, I'm tiered of rwring things) something to eat, jump up, drop the tray she was holding, and bolt out of the apartment in disptress

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:27 (3 Years ago)
Milo rolled her eyess. "I surive everything!" she nudged the docter as if the docter was scared ofr her health and not her own health/sanity.

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 18:24 (3 Years ago)
(No idea what you mean by that but okay) Milo crawled back up the window with two scratches on her ear and a hatred for cosmogs

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 16:10 (3 Years ago)
"U I DONT DIIEEEE~!!!! I DIDNT !!!" cried Milo's voice which was very concerning to Bohia but shehw shrugged it off lie=keko a nont- Bhohia

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 16:04 (3 Years ago)
Clememtine ran after her, apolizeding, tio, to the figure docter. then she disappeaeed after the dogm, Milo still trying to pbreak the glas winder, which was weird because she was usually rip off heads easily, but not bread GLLASSS????

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 16:03 (3 Years ago)
The gray wolf of Milo came back to life as the fourth wall dissappeared. She grabbed the window sill, ripped it off, and broke the glass to sso she could jump out and perhaps rip out Cosmog's portal in the profcess. "MUSt. DISTRACT. WILLTH. OCTO.NAUGHTSSS!!!!"

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 16:02 (3 Years ago)
(i ALSO judst gsave up on the spoilers thing because I mean... wayell whats to be worng?)

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 16:01 (3 Years ago)
"Ladyt fair, dpon't be scared, come and sit with meee." said a the tevevision cosmog whipped out wfrom his portal.. He was kneeling before a very attractive bee who had 20 boys behind meehr"We'll be quiet, you will see. Please don't riun, I wont hide, come dsit by my selfide. Under this OLD MAFNOLIA TREEEEEEE!" Te be e slapped him acrooss the face and ran inthe other direction to hthe boys and slalmed bahead firs into a freckled horse. "Sorry." she spaollogized. Then Cosmog closed the television and slammed it to the groun where the horse's face was. "IC A:LL APON THE FORTH WALLL!!!!" MilTHE SPOTTED DOG CRIED. CLEMENTINE CRROSEZE AS A FGIANT SHADOWLYT FIGURE APPEAREFD, SIGZED COSMOG BY THE PUFFS AND YEETED HIM OUT THE OPEN CIELING./ROOF

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:58 (3 Years ago)
(peachPOPPY! I'VE BEEN RIPPING OFF HEADS SINCE I BEGAN!) Clementine blinekd aroudn and then straighted. "Hey, Milo. Myabe we should-" "NONsense!"

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:57 (3 Years ago)
The spotted dog grabbed the rotting tree and stabed Cosmog with it, broke off his yellow bits and then slammed Glaceon's head ointo hinm, swinging her by her tail. "I HAVE OVERPPOEWWER ED HUTEIRHE OFPOWJWWORORJOUFOURTH WALALALALLSALALALALALALALALALALAALALA

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:53 (3 Years ago)
Immeadiately the dog ripped off their dheads whilst Clementine and fmilo sat on the side, Milo not moving at all, whist ch was unsuauital. Usuddenly a inyt minituritxed cat, about half the size of Milo, wearing a scard cried out, "WHO WANTS TO RIP 'MAXIMUSEX IN WALK???F I mean in half????"

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:46 (3 Years ago)
"MAXISMUS BUTTERBALL WILL PAAAAYAYyY!!!" MILO screamed angreily. She had turned awfully insane. Suddenly, she just stood there jas her friend, the dog, started going cracy and ripped off perhaps eveyrsodnbs heads in a 20 inch radius from her

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:40 (3 Years ago)
Milo flew forward and said, "I don't know what those two are dgoing," she pointed at the figures with her paw, "but I'm just going to slive thise guys up wlike i juowould maximus SHOTCEHRR!!!"""" SHE slammed her aw intpo the clopped up bo and senthy him FLYING toward a christmas tree that was rotting in the figure's apparentlmebt.

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Posted: Sat, 21/08/2021 15:35 (3 Years ago)
Milo shot medicine from her nose aain at th docter that badmasde her side feel a lot better, in a soothing way, and then she went back to ripping the bo around aprt with her claws and then licked her lips at the end.

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