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Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 24/04/2016 15:13 (8 Years ago) |
[center]Sheera Sheera noted the translator's ear flick. He was bored, and Sheera could understand why. Ghembo's scent was covering any potential prey scent, so they were relying completely upon their ears. Her tail flicked angrily. Ghembo had to make this as hard as possible, didn't he? Finally, after what felt like forever, a gentle twig snap alerted Sheera to an animal. She motioned to the translator, nodding her head the opposite direction of the snap. The translator gave an affirmative nod and began to circle in the other direction. Sheera crouched down opposite of where the human should be hiding, and flicked her tail high in the air, praying that the human could see her. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 19:41 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo nodded to Sheera. "You may begin translating again." Ghembo casually said to the lion. The subordinate dipped his head submissively. It made Ghembo want to smile, and lord his power over others, but he knew that to get higher ranks, or maintain one, in his case, he had to get lions to think he was humble, a true rarity within creatures such as they. "Sheera will begin your lessons today," Ghembo said, addressing the human. "Since she has decided to show up," Sheera ducked her head in embarrassment, "I will go off on a hunting mission of my own." Ghembo was so used to lying, his speech did not waver. Not that it matter. The translation would take away any inflection from his speech. "You will be learning how to hunt and read silent signals between hunting parties. I will leave our translator with the two of you." He gave a pointed look to the translator, willing him to continue to translate the human's speech to his head. The lion gave an imperceptible nod. As Ghembo finished off his speech, he bounded into the brush, disappearing from view. Though the human may not be able to smell him, Sheera could focus on the point where he had decided to hide. In all honesty, he had done a great job of quieting his footsteps as soon as he wanted to hide, though it may have sounded abrupt. It was a fantastic way to hide from a human, with their poor noses, but the worst place to hide from a lion. It seemed as if Ghembo's scent was everywhere. Sheera took one glance at the human and instantly felt relieved. Her build suggested that she was used to hard times, and was ready to be silent at any moment. "Human," she said, hating the name already, "we're going to plunge right into hunting since you already know the basics. I'll be leading the hunt. Your job is to scare the prey into my claws on my command. It is a simple tail flick." Concern flashed in her conscience. "When you lead a hunt, you'll have to come up with something different." And, unlike Ghembo, she actually knew the name of the translator. "Blight will assist you in herding the prey in my direction." She turned on her (uh) heel and began to stride away. "First, we should start out on something simple. What about an ox herd? We'll get one of the elderly, or perhaps a young one. We may get a healthy one, if we are lucky." (LE GASP! You're right! {Also, sorry I haven't posted in forever! I didn't notice that you had replied!}) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 13/04/2016 01:40 (8 Years ago) |
Dhxhbdi [
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo was tempted to snort, but held back the urge. He was in the presence of another lion, and upon that, he was trying to get Brunhilde to accept the idea of integration, so being rude probably would not help his cause. He headed the party, once again cursing Sheera's inattentiveness. Just as he had the thought, speak of the devil, she came crashing through the brush. "Sorry," she dipped her head in respect, not tired at all from the sprint she just took. He narrowed his eyes, flicking his tail in obvious agitation. "We'll discuss this later, in private." Sheera hung her head in shame. "Stop translating now, replace anything with anything, I don't care." Ghembo said to the lion. "Sheera, this is also going to be a test for you as well as the human." Her eyes widened, the lions' way of raising eyebrows. "It's a test for it?" "Yes, as well as you. We are going to see how well equipped she is to survive in the wild." Sheera began to turn her head to the human, but Ghembo growled quickly, "Don't look at her." Sheera's head snapped back to Ghembo. "If you can pass this test, you will be given the responsibility of teacher hunter. You will teach our cubs how to hunt, especially helping the ones that with parents with busy jobs." Her eyes widened again. "But, only males have had it thus far!" His face remained impassive. "I guess you'll have to be the first one." As Ariana darted away gracefully, Sheera felt a pang of regret. She registered the feeling with surprise: it had been a long time since she had felt that way about anything. At this point, she was so used to disappointment and fear that she shut off her emotions. Now someone had flicked the switch and they were fully operative. I'll visit her tonight, Sheera vowed, I'll say I'm on a hunting mission, and go hunting with her. She smiled; the thought of hunting with Ariana dazzled her and she practically skipped to the meeting. However, just as she touched the edge of the clearing, Ghembo broke it up. She sighed in frustration, kneading the soft dirt beneath her claws. Now, she had the option to stay hidden and say she was out hunting, or some other excuse, and couldn't hear the call. While that would most likely lessen the punishment, she would still be punished for hunting without regulation of a male, and all of the alphas would have to be brain-dead to believe that Ghembo's mighty roar had not reached her ears. With a sigh, she padded after Ghembo. (@SpaceAbsol That's quite alright! I myself have been busy lately, but I hope you are still interested in this RP! @Scotland :0 Your avatar is adorable!!) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 19:21 (8 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 20:54 (8 Years ago) |
(Neutral run's ending so sad, though D; ) I wish that I could meet Sans and have him judge me on who I am. (Without death, please!) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 20:49 (8 Years ago) |
Could you add more more to the personality? Refer to the rules if you need to see how to do so. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 21:22 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo's translator flicked his head from Ghembo and the human walking away with cool confidence. Instead of getting frustrated, his mouth curled into a smile. She was learning fast, or used to such behavior. He padded after her calmly, knowing full well that her resistance to being integrated could not last long. No matter what the animal, a sense of safety in numbers and family. No creature can resist the call of instincts. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 28/03/2016 19:20 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo sighed in aggravation at the human's extremely hostile demeanor. "Since Sheera is absent currently, Brunhilde, my translator, and I will go hunting. We will be back before midday." Ghembo glanced up at the sun poking its head up between the two mountains opposite of the plains of his territory. "Hopefully, we will bring back enough to feed the cubs." He began to hop down the edge of the rock when he paused. "Also, she needs fire to cook her food, so do not be alarmed if you smell smoke. Her stomach is not as hardy as ours." A few lions snorted at the human. "She has no natural claws or anything to use to attack so she will be using the cutters." The lions nod; most of them have felt the bite of the knives. "Thank you." He leaped nimbly off the rock and nods at Brunhilde. (Sorry for my late post!) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 14:47 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo trotted away, listening for the gentle clap of footsteps. He smiled as he led Brunhilde and the translator away from the cave. He basked in the morning glow, while continuing to move forward, enjoying the warm light heating his back. On a day like this, no clouds blocked the sun. It would make it majorly hot when midday came, but for the moment, it was just right. Dry, savannah grass crackled beneath his paws as he stalked towards his pride. He gave a roar from his position, pausing to hear an answer. One of the other alphas returned his call. From his vantage point, Ghembo could see the lions assembling near the base of the mountain, one of the lowest, yet flattest, areas in their living. After another five minutes of steady walking, they reached the foot of the mountain. Brunhilde would certainly have no trouble climbing up this gently sloping path. He quickly made his way up, and was glad to see that much of the pride had arrived. A stray lion or two was missing, but no one important was gone. Except... except Sheera. She was not present, and she should have been, especially one in a position as important as hers. He trotted up to a fallen log that had been dragged into the clearing a few moons ago. Even so, mold and lichen had already begun to sprout on the logs. "Ahem," he began and all idle chitchat ceased. "We have a new... temporary addition in our pride. She will be taught how to hunt by Sheera," his ear twitched in annoyance. "She will learn how to understand our ways by me and my translator." He nodded towards the Light lion, who dipped his head in recognition. "She will begin today." At this point, murmurs of confusion had sprung up, but the two alphas to his right and left remained silent, stoic. "It is time for you all to meet her. Brunhilde," he roared, looking straight at the human. "Come on out." Sheera froze as she heard the assembly roar. Her hesitation costed her dearly, and she crashed down the remainder of the mountain, which was thankfully a few yards, nothing that could permanently damage her. "Spades," she cursed, flicking her tail and glancing at Ariana. Hoping that she hadn't heard the call was pointless, it was so loud that it continued to ring in her ears. As she sat on her haunches, nursing a scrape earned by her tumble down the mountain, she realized their horrible position. The clearing was just on the other side. If Ariana was found here, she would surely be caught and killed... "Ariana," she called, careful to keep her voice loud enough to carry, but not loud so that another lion in the too close meeting area could hear her. "You need to get out of here, now." [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 14:23 (8 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 12:59 (8 Years ago) |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 14/03/2016 20:16 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo rolled his eyes. "I think you may have misunderstood me. You will not be using that monster." He nodded to the rifle. "That will make too much noise, and scare off our prey." His fur spiked. "Don't think about arguing with me. Don't bother." He flicked his tail and shook his head in dismissal. "End of discussion." (Should I keep going with how we got to the tribe... or, do you want to do it? If you want me to do it, post something that says so and I'll edit this >.<) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 22:28 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo raised his eyebrow. "You will learn how to hunt." He took a scathing glance at the gun. "Naturally. You will not be permitted to use your current tools during hunting, the only ones you may use are ones that you make, here in my lands. You will also go on border patrols and make sure that the other prides stay off our land." He stood up. "But before you do any of the important duties, you will be introduced to the pack. At first, they will disrespect you and your flesh, but if you prove yourself to them, they will learn to honor you. Lions can be prideful, but they are not foolish." He raised his head. "Despite what you think, neither am I." (Ah gash, let's just head to the pride now... {gonna be a HUGE post, btw}) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 14:55 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo flicked his mane. "Because," he said, "if you are of low rank, you are not protected. My rank can only get you so far. Imagine a wolf pack, since you humans seem to care much more about them. Imagine the Omega, treated badly and always gets a single gulp of food. Now think about that, but with lions. Abuse to the Omegas can eventually turn into a killing." He sat on his haunches, licked a paw, and began grooming. "If you want to survive, learn your duties, and learn them well, otherwise you won't last a day as part of my pride." (That's alright! Sorry for my super late post~) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Tue, 08/03/2016 20:47 (8 Years ago) |
Sheera The lioness nodded sleepily. "Sure," she said, stretching. "Let's go." Sheera started to leap down the side of the mountain, vaguely remembering the night before. Her paw slipped as her thoughts wandered and she snapped back to focusing on her task: getting down the mountain without snapping her neck. (Don't worry about short posts-this is purely for fun, and I don't want people to feel pressured to write a whole story or something! ^^) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 20:20 (8 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo's ear swiveled back, catching on the human's slight movement. A small grin split his face and he said, "Glad you're awake. Today is going to be a busy day for you and me." He flicked his tail. "You are going to be introduced to the pride. Remember your manners, and you will be officially accepted into the tribe." He turned and rolled his neck, wincing as he heard a crack. Sleeping in a dank, rough cave wasn't the best idea. "You will eventually pick up on what means what in the lion pride. Maybe even you'll pick up on bits of our language. Lions will most likely call you what you wish to be called, for you will be with me, and I am of high rank. Most won't dare to disrespect you if you are around me. If you want to work up your own honor and rank around here, you'll need to impress them. We'll discuss your duties later." He stood up and padded out into the tentative, pink rays of dawn. "Come." (Yeah! That's completely fine, and I'm glad that Zaire has something to do now! X3 Also, I'm not going to write down that the lion is translating, he just... does.) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago) |
Sheera Sheera's eyes cracked open and she stretched, yawning and greeting the day. She blinked to clear the haze of sleep, groaning as she tried to stand. She felt the fur of her companion, Ariana, and stuck her muzzle in it, breathing deeply and wrapping herself in the leopard's scent. Sheera had been surprised at how much she connected with the leopard. The suspicions of her life seemed small and insignificant in comparison to how she felt with the leopard. It was like the stars, the moon, and the sun were celebrating inside her, and butterflies soared in her stomach. It was the best feeling in the world. [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 21:01 (9 Years ago) |
Ghembo Ghembo's eyes slid open slowly. His mind was still fogged with sleep and his mouth felt dry. He hadn't even realized he had fallen asleep until he woke up. He turned his head to the human, seeing her half-awake and half-asleep, ready for anything. He shook his head. She probably wouldn't come to trust him for awhile, and he could respect that. He slowly got to his paws, shaking feeling back into them. The thorns were still lining the floor. He withered them with a thought from his mind, and dragged the knives to the back of the cave, hissing as he accidentally pricked himself. At that, he strode to the front of the cave, looking out. He roared loudly, knowing full well that it would most likely wake the human. Soon, a young male lion appeared, all white except for burnished gold eyes. Quickly, he summed up what had happened with the human and explained his roll as translator. (Sorry for the half-baked post! Pretty busy with other things!) [Read more] |
Dragonsoul OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 297 |
Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 20:58 (9 Years ago) |