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Searching for: Posts from Ralsei.
Posted: Fri, 18/12/2020 21:45 (4 Years ago)

This first post will explain what's going on!

Hello everyone! My name is Ralsei, and I've never watched the Pokemon Sun and Moon anime. This is going to be a documentation of my journey watching each episode for the first (and, very occasionally, second) time. A review video, if you will, but in the form of writing, haha! I'm very excited to share these reactions with all of you, and here's some general info!

1. I'll be keeping a progress bar to let you know how far into the series I am. I'll also have links to each episode in a separate post, as well as to any other things I decide to add! I don't think there were any Alola movies, so no movie reactions here.

2. I will be watching these as Japanese subbed! Unless there's a request or something to watch special episodes in the dub, I'll be sticking with subbed for a couple of reasons: I love the "Alola!" opening, I like being able to read what they are saying, and it keeps me more engaged.

3. I will not be watching episode previews or trailers! I don't want to spoil myself, just in case!

4. I have been spoiled about some things, of course, but not much. Here's what I know about the characters/plot of the S/M anime:

- Lana fishes up Ash.
- Lillie is scared of Pokemon. Her first mon is Alolan Vulpix.
- Gladion is Ash's rival, and so is Kiawe.
- Sophocles wants to be an astronaut or study space or something?
- Mallow is the resident cook.
- Nebby plays a big part in the story and evolves at some point (Into Solgaleo I think).
- Ash's team eventually consists of Incineroar, Melmetal, Rowlet, Dusk Lycanroc, Naganadel, and Pikachu.
- Litten was taking care of an old Stoutland before joining Ash.
- Ash sort of took care of Poipole for a while? There's a whole plot there but idk much of it.
- Ash, of course, becomes the Alola Champion. (Still a bit salty about this one, but nevertheless I'm very proud.)
- Gladion and Lillie leave to find their father.
- Kukui and Burnet get married!
- Team Rocket have a Bewear that follows them all over the place. They also have a Mareanie. I forget whether Jessie has a Pokemon or not (or what it is.)
- Brock and Misty return

That's about all I know, unless I'm forgetting something (highly likely). This might get changed to be a bit fancier later! One last note: While I would LOVE to chat with you about my reactions/theories/opinions on the anime, please do not post on this thread! Instead, just palpad/PM me and we can chat! Depending on how many people read this, maybe I'll make a discussion type thread.

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Posted: Thu, 17/12/2020 01:17 (4 Years ago)
Hey Ren, can I have some Pokemon?
Pokemon: Vivillon (Garden), Vivillon (Modern), Vivillon (River), Vivillon (Savanna), Vivillon (Sun), Oricorio (Sensu)
Gender/Nature/Link (if I have multiple): N/A
Other: thank you so much!! <3

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2020 22:29 (4 Years ago)
[See earlier post for Firebug.]


Wintergreen smiled at Venus, then gave a disapproving frown to Tsunami. While prophecies could be complicated, yes, it wasn't the Night-RainWing's fault! "Venus," she said, getting her friend's attention. "The exact words you said were, 'Purest queen, silken cold, hopeless seer, turned to stone'. Nothing more, nothing less, as far as I heard." The IceWing kept her wing tented around Venus, even though she could see the navy dragon starting to recover. Wintergreen couldn't help feeling just a bit protective of the dragonet, especially with Tsunami glaring as though she was about to challenge the entire ocean to a fight.


Sandpiper returned Spiri's smile, glad to see that she was doing alright. His relief at seeing the Dragonets of Destiny approach was squashed by Tsunami's harsh words. He returned the Seawing's ferocious look. "Hey, it's not her fault," he countered sharply before addressing the other three dragons. "Wintergreen got the words right." He paused, looking around at the other dragons. "Does anyone...have any idea what any of it means?"


Wintergreen was grateful to the hybrid for speaking up to Tsunami. In the brief silence that followed, she hoped that even if these dragons didn't know what to do, that maybe they could contact someone who did...She shivered, half with excitement and half with fear. Though she'd heard stories about Moonwatcher, she certainly hoped that the Nightwing would be as kind and helpful as the legends said. Wintergreen swiveled her head to look at Sandpiper as he posed his question. "I..." she hesitated, looking at Spiri, then at Venus. "Well- I was just wondering if...um, "silken cold" sounds like it could refer to Spiri's freezesilk."

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2020 21:12 (4 Years ago)
[See previous post for Firebug.]


Wintergreen wrapped her wing more tightly around Venus's side, pressing her cool scales against her friend in an effort to comfort her. Though she'd only known the dragonet for a day, she didn't want her new friend to suffer. "Don't worry about that now," the IceWing said, watching the hybrid's scales flash every color of the rainbow. "There's time to think about that later. Right now, what's important is making sure you're okay." Wintergreen watched as Venus's scales rippled into a deep navy, speckled and lined with gold. It wasn't the same nebula as before, but it was calm, more composed. She smiled softly and hoped that her cold scales were comforting rather than irritating to the dragonet.


Continuing to support the slightly smaller dragonet, Sandpiper watched as Venus attempted to stabilize the colors flowing through her scales. While the kind Icewing comforted her friend, he glanced up to notice Clay, a couple of Rainwings, Sunny, Tsunami, who had arrived as some point along with Starflight, and especially Nightfall looking over at the scene with concern. Raising his voice just loud enough for the other dragons to hear, he addressed them. "Don't worry, everyone, she's alright. Just a bit disoriented from the crash earlier. We'll take care of her," the Sand-Seawing announced calmly. However, once he was sure the other dragons weren't so focused on the little group, he sent a look to the Dragonets of Destiny that said, "We need to talk about this later." Turning his attention back to the dragonets around him, he, too, placed a warm wing around the troubled Night-Rainwing. Sandpiper noticed Spiri looking shocked and confused, though Wintergreen seemed alright, and entirely focused on helping Venus. The Sand-Seawing quietly stretched out his free wing to brush it against Spiri's. "Let's just take it slow," he murmured, glancing over Venus's head to where the Silk-Icewing was standing and giving her a small smile. "We'll work this out together, one step at a time."

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Posted: Sun, 13/12/2020 03:55 (4 Years ago)
"Oh wow, there are a lot of you," Firebug replied, imagining six more Mudwings about the same size and color as Crocodile. "I haven't got any siblings at all, so I have no idea what that would be like." He chuckled. Six little black-and-red hybrids running amok? His parents would go nuts trying to keep track of them all! "How exactly does the bigwings thing work, by the way?" While Firebug understood that the bigwings of a sibling group was usually the first hatched, biggest, and leader of the pack, he wasn't sure if there were other things that went along with it.


Wintergreen smiled. "Hard to control, maybe, but I don't know about useless. If you found such a great way to use your silk, then I bet you could figure something out for the crystals, too!" She relaxed her posture a little as Spiri pulled away. "Thank you so much," the IceWing said, feeling the silk soothe the many cuts she'd sustained. "It's really, really nice." She was about to continue when she heard Venus collapse and she gasped. "Venus?! Are you okay?" She placed a cool talon gently on her friend's shoulder. The hybrid just spoken in a voice that didn't sound like it was hers at all.


Sandpiper's eyes widened as Venus suddenly snapped to attention. A queen? Cold...someone turned to stone? What on earth was that supposed to mean? As the hybrid suddenly seemed to come out of it, he slipped his shoulder under her to keep her from hitting the floor again. Although part of the problem seemed to have been....whatever that was, he still wasn't totally convinced that the dragonet hadn't been hurt by the fall from earlier. "Venus? Can you hear me?" Sandpiper asked in a calm, gentle voice. He lifted his gaze to Spiri and Wintergreen, sending them a look of comfort.


Wintergreen met the Sand-SeaWing's gaze and felt herself calm down slightly. Were those the prophecy powers that she had mentioned? Purest queen, silken cold, hopeless seer, turned to stone...she tried not to glance at Spiri. Silken cold sounded a lot like the sweet Silk-IceWing next to her was involved. Who was the purest queen, though? Perhaps...Queen Thorn? Chosen by the amulet, free from the toxic bloodline of past SandWing queens? Or maybe it was talking about Queen Glory, who had become ruler in order to save the RainWings and NightWings. Wintergreen had no ideas for the last two parts, however, unless "turned to stone" had something to do with Stonemover, Sunny's father. She shivered. Exactly how complicated was her life about to become? And yet...she felt incredibly lucky to be the one by Venus's side. "Hey Venus, you okay? You're alright, we've got you. Don't worry," Wintergreen said softly, folding her wing over the clearly disoriented dragonet.

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 23:28 (4 Years ago)
Firebug nodded, remembering that MudWings lived with their siblings more than their parents. "How many siblings do you have? Is the one you mentioned earlier...uh, Moss, I think? Is she the bigwings?" The hybrid wondered what it would be like to have so many siblings. He didn't have any; it was just him and his parents back on Pantala. Hearing Clay call his name, he briefly turned to call out, "I'm here!" before going back to Crocodile.


Wintergreen shook her head slightly, her spikes rattling softly. "Even so, you clearly have great control and I wouldn't have ever thought to use it on my scratches." She looked back at Spiri with a smile. "It's really neat, honestly. Do you have frostbreath, too?" Shifting a little to make the hybrid's job easier, she briefly glanced up at Clay's words. There was Sandpiper, who was right next to them of course, a dragonet named Aurora who looked like a NightWing, and Firebug, a red and black dragonet that she pinned as possibly a HiveWing.


Sandpiper frowned. Venus was taking too long to answer questions that should have rolled off her tongue like her own name. Although she had gotten the answers right, there was something that told him she wasn't okay. He was about to say something when she groaned, almost beginning to growl, and he winced and rested a wing on her shoulder in comfort. After quickly responding, "here!" to Clay, Sandpiper returned his attention to the clearly hurt Night-RainWing in front of him. "Venus," he started, keeping his wing around her to steady her, "I think you might have gotten a concussion from that fall. It's nothing too serious - pretty much everyone gets back to normal after one - but it is still pretty painful and delicate. We should figure out who's in charge of medicine here. And you should probably lie down for now," Sandpiper said, gently pulling his wing away. "Just lie down and close your eyes until the meeting's over, and then we can get you some help. I'm sorry," he added, lying down himself. "It's probably gonna hurt quite a bit until we get you sorted out. It won't be too long now, I hope."

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 15:39 (4 Years ago)
Hey Ren, can I have some Pokemon?
Pokemon: Sandslash and Pansear!
Gender/Nature/Link (if I have multiple): N/A
Other: thank you so much!

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 14:45 (4 Years ago)
[See earlier post for Firebug.]


Wintergreen bent slightly to take a closer look at the silk. It was gorgeous, shimmering like an aurora, the same way Spiri's wings and spines did. "That's so smart," she replied, turning her gaze back to the dragonet, who was applying more to different parts of her scales. "How incredible. I never knew hybrid powers could fuse like that," Wintergreen mused, finally starting to feel the sting of her cuts start to fade as Spiri treated each one. "It's like flamesilk, but cold." She was absolutely mesmerized. What would other hybrid powers be if they were part IceWing? Would SeaWings be able to tolerate the icy waters of the north seas? Could SandWings last for weeks on the frozen tundra? The possibilities were endless.


Sandpiper smiled, glad to have the hybrid's attention. "Great. Here are the first three questions: Do you feel nauseous," he listed off, making sure to pay attention to how long it took her to answer each question, "What happened to cause the crash you two had, and what color is Clay and how did you know? No looking, either," he added. The first question was a bit more obvious. He'd asked the second question to see if she was having trouble remembering the event that gave her whatever injury she might have, and the final question to test both how fast she could answer and her memory, both short-term, as she had just seen Clay, and long-term, as she knew he was a MudWing and could at the very least infer that he was brown-ish. Finished, Sandpiper gave her time to respond.

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 14:20 (4 Years ago)
[See previous post for Firebug.]


Wintergreen smiled at the Sand-SeaWing, a bit relieved that they'd allowed them to join so easily. She blinked as he went on with the second part of his question, and then nodded slightly. As Spiri came over to inspect her, Wintergreen was surprised to feel the same chill that her own scales gave off coming from what she'd thought was a SilkWing, and she realized that Spiri must also be part IceWing. Wintergreen couldn't help but gasp when the hybrid in front of her began to spin silk, although she stayed as still as she could; the silk was cool, as though she had spun it from a glacier. She saw a tiny layer of frost spread wherever it hit, and then almost sagged with relief. The cold threads were incredibly soothing on the scratch, and she gave Spiri a smile. "Oh wow, that is amazing! It's so soothing."


Sandpiper smiled fondly at Spiri, admiring the calm and gentle way she looked the IceWing over. Shaking out of his thoughts, he turned to Venus. "Alright, while she continues, it's your turn." Standing up, he did a quick check over the dragonet's full body. While there were a fair few scratches and bruises that could probably benefit from Spiri's freezesilk, what he was more worried about was the glassy look in Venus's eyes. He took a couple paces back from her. "Venus, I'm going to ask you some silly questions," Sandpiper started in a friendly, upbeat tone. The last thing he wanted was to scare her. "I just want you to answer them as correctly and quickly as possible. Alright?"

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 04:50 (4 Years ago)
(jdjdj pretend this stuff happened along with the events srry got sidetracked)

Firebug smiled at seeing Crocodile relax a little. "I don't know, I think crocodiles are pretty good at being patient, and they're great hunters. Not to mention their scales are super tough," he added, reaching out a claw to lightly tap it against the Mudwing's shoulder. "You seem pretty tough, too!"


Wintergreen smiled. The poor NightWing seemed pretty nervous in the crowded room, but he was very sweet. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too." Hearing the RainWing approach she gave her a wave. "Hello! Mango is very cute." Wintergreen swiveled her head back to Venus and frowned a bit at her friend's dazed expression. She certainly hoped the landing hadn't been too rough... Before she could answer, she heard Clay call out the names of her winglet. Of course, there were her and Venus, but now she knew that the female RainWing, sister to little Mango, was Rose. She still couldn't pinpoint Quickbeat in the crowd, but figured they'd get acquainted soon enough. "Yep, we're both here," Wintergreen called out after the nudge from Venus broke her out of her thoughts. She quickly turned a slightly worried look back to her friend and began to steer her towards the hybrids she'd pointed out. "Um, yes, maybe we'd better sit down. They look very nice," the IceWing added, and gave the pair a wave as she walked up. "Hello. Do you mind if we sit with you?"


Sandpiper nodded, turning his attention back to Spiri for a moment. "Yeah, that might be a good idea. They might-" he broke off at Clay's announcement, and realized that the two crash-landing dragons were clawmates - Wintergreen and Venus. The hybrid watched closely as the pair talked with Nightfall and the two Rainwings briefly before heading in his and Spiri's direction. "Oh good, they're coming to us." He gave them a welcoming smile as they approached, although he quickly grew worried as he saw the unfocused gaze of Venus. "Not at all," he answered, shuffling closer to Spiri to make room. "I'm Sandpiper." He hesitated briefly, then went ahead with his next question. "Um, this might be a bit odd, but Venus, do you mind if I look you over a bit? Spiri, maybe you could check and see if Wintergreen is alright after that crash."

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 03:21 (4 Years ago)
[See earlier post for Firebug.]


Panting heavily, Wintergreen rolled onto her belly, shaking her head with amusement. "Yeah, well, you're-" she paused to catch her breath again, "- a sulky seal then." Slowly sitting up, she smiled at Venus. "You're pretty fast, too." The IceWing surveyed the meeting room, relieved that the only dragons that seemed to notice the crash were the two dragons right in front of them and a...were those more hybrids? The one that gasped, a nearly pure white dragon, looked very much like a SilkWing, but she also sort of had an IceWing build. Her friend was a much more obvious mix; while at first glance he just looked like a SandWing, she could make out the glowy spiral SeaWing patterns on him as well. And rather than black eyes, he had bright blue eyes. Finally having regulated her breathing she nudged Venus. "I guess we should find somewhere to sit. I have no idea what's going on, though."

She blinked as she heard the NightWing's voice, and turned to him. "Oh, yes, we're alright, I think. A bit bruised, but otherwise fine." Wintergreen laughed a little, watching the hatchling mess with his spikes. "I'm just glad we didn't hit either of you." She smiled as he offered his talon, and gratefully took it. "Thanks. I'm Wintergreen by the way, and this is Venus," the IceWing said, motioning to her friend with a slight flap of her wing.


Sandpiper saw Spiri's head snap around, and he followed her gaze to see a messy tumble of white and black smash to the floor just barely into the entrance of the meeting cave. They hadn't appeared to hit anyone besides each other, but it still seemed like a pretty nasty crash. He shivered, imagining the possible damage, but they both recovered after a moment, which made it seem like they were alright. A bit reassured, he still felt his healer's instincts telling him that there might still be internal damage, but it wasn't like he could do anything about it right now. "Yikes," Sandpiper whispered. "D'you think they're alright?" he quietly asked Spiri, still keeping an eye on the pair in case they suddenly collapsed or anything.

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 02:54 (4 Years ago)
[See previous post for Firebug.]


Wintergreen gasped as she was shaken out of her trance. "Um, we MIGHT have a problem here," she called a bit frantically to Venus, trying to pump her wings backward to slow herself down. Unfortunately, her efforts were futile. She could tell that the two of them would crash-land quite hard into the meeting unless they did something, and fast. Wintergreen gasped as she saw a NightWing with an ACTUAL LITERAL BABY on his back walk right into their path. An idea forming in her head, she winced at the thought, but knew it would be better than whacking into them and possibly hurting the tiny RainWing dragonet. "Sorry Venus, this is gonna hurt," Wintergreen warned her friend before putting on a strong burst of speed. She swished past the hybrid until she was almost at the cave, then suddenly looped and turned around to face Venus. "SORRY!" the IceWing shouted. Then, she flew straight at her friend, colliding head on with her (careful to keep her head spikes from hitting Venus) and they both tumbled down, crashing just behind the entrance to the meeting cave. Finally stopped, Wintergreen sighed with relief before grimacing. There would definitely be some bruises tomorrow morning, but at least they didn't hurt anyone but themselves.


Sandpiper glanced at Nightfall again, smiling as he saw a teensy little Rainwing perched on the dragonet's back. Following alongside Spiri, he laughed sofly and gave a sort of bow. "Well, I'm honored to be the first dragon you met here. And you have great taste, because I'm obviously the best," Sandpiper joked, leading her to a fairly empty spot near the back wall of the room. "You know, I've got no idea who's in my winglet, yet."

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Posted: Sat, 12/12/2020 02:13 (4 Years ago)
Firebug held back a laugh as he watched the Mudwing start and fold up like a mimosa plant, and he sat gently next to the clearly panicky dragonet. "It's okay, you don't have to scrunch up so much. I have plenty of room." Hearing Clay's next words, he listened to the names. Nightfall appeared to be the skittish Nightwing that had hid earlier, while Ankha he recalled was the hybrid he spoke to along with Aurora. The other dragons - Jade, whom he couldn't see very well, and Spiri, a pale white-ish dragon that looked sort of like a Silkwing, looked friendly enough. Hearing "Crocodile", Firebug turned to the Mudwing. "Your name is Crocodile? That's a really cool name. I think the Jasper Winglet will be a great one."


Wintergreen crouched low as Venus started the countdown, bunching her muscles to prepare to shoot forward. She knew that there was hardly any wind here, so she was going to have to just work her wings as hard as she could to maximize her speed. As the Night-RainWing shouted "Go!", Wintergreen kicked hard with her back legs and kept her wings fanned just slighly short so that she didn't hit the cave wall. She could tell that Venus was right beside her without even looking, and the farther they flew, the more she forgot about the race part and the more she simply enjoyed flying next to her new friend. The IceWing was so lost in the moment, that she didn't notice that she was approaching the meeting cave quite quickly.


Sandpiper burst in just behind Spiri as she announced herself, barely stopping himself from crashing into her. "Whew! Made it!" Looking around, he noticed the Nightwing that had been in Spiri's cave earlier - Nightfall - looking at Spiri for a moment. He seemed...nervous. Sandpiper saw that one of the dragons, Ankha, looked as though she might be part Sandwing. Turning back to Spiri, he gave her a small nudge. "Wanna find somewhere to sit down? And what do you think about the other dragons in your winglet? Met any of them yet?"

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Posted: Fri, 11/12/2020 04:13 (4 Years ago)
Firebug heard the gong echo through the hall, and followed the noise to the meeting room where several dragons were already gathered, and many more were filtering in. Giving a shy wave to Clay in the center, he looked around for someone to sit next to. Preferably a dragon who wasn't going to give him death threats or run and hide under a bush at the sight of him. He spotted a Mudwing sitting a little ways out from the center, and decided to try his luck. "Hello," he said, approaching the unfamiliar dragonet. "Uh, my name's Firebug. Do you mind if I sit with you?" Upon closer examination, the poor Mudwing seemed to be pretty anxious. Firebug smiled. He could definitely relate; he was feeling pretty on edge himself.


Wintergreen grinned as well, hopping up and stretching her wings. "It does sound fun," she agreed. The IceWing was taken a bit by surprise as Venus bounded past her, challenging her as she did so. Blinking, she burst into a fit of giggles as she lined up next to the hybrid at the cave's exit. "Oh yeah? I'm pretty fast you know. And um, I've also never seen a lizard before. So, if you lose, you'll just have to be a sulky seal instead!" She gave her head a shake, letting the icy spikes on her head and neck rattle menacingly, and snaked her tail across the ground to add to the effect.


[See previous post for Sandpiper.]

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Posted: Fri, 11/12/2020 03:39 (4 Years ago)
[See earlier posts for Firebug.]


Wintergreen nodded, listening intently to the Night-RainWing's explanation. Her eyes widened a bit when Venus said that she could see the future, only if partially. To have that kind of power - what was it like? Scary? Exciting? The IceWing gave a soft "awww" at the mention of a tiny little dragonet, just a hatchling. How adorable! "Oh!" She couldn't help the small exclamation she gave at the sight of the dragon's scales in front of her suddenly shifting from color to color; it was like standing inside of a rainbow, or flying through a sunset. "That's absolutely gorgeous," Wintergreen whispered, stunned. "And congratulations on your brother! I have a younger sister named Aster," she said, smiling as she thought of her two-year-old sister flapping about at home. "How old is-" Wintergreen was interrupted by a call from the hallway, though she didn't quite make out the words. "Did you catch that, Venus?"


Sandpiper laughed softly at her description of Starflight. She was absolutely right, of course, from what he knew, and he was a bit of a scrollworm himself. As much as he wanted to meet the Nightwing, he had to agree that Sunny was more likely to be in charge. "Yeah, you're probably right," the hybrid agreed, finally rising to his feet again. "Shall we go look for her?" Sandpiper was about to start moving towards the hallway when a loud crash met his ears, followed by some shouting. "What on earth?!" He squinted as his ears rang from the noise. "Ouch. Did they say something about a meeting?"

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2020 02:17 (4 Years ago)
Firebug shook his head, walking farther into the cave. "I'm not sure. I have no idea if there's something we're supposed to be doing, or if we just hang out until classes start." He picked his way over to a ledge that seemed to have a silken nest, much like the one at his home in Pantala, and he smiled. "Cool, we get our own special beds."


Wintergreen giggled, settling herself down on the floor as well. "Well, alright, if you insist." She thought for a moment, then fired off a barrage, similarly to the way Venus had previously. "Do your scales shift color? If so, how much control do you have over it? Are there spots you can't change? Can you read minds? Or see the future? Um, do you have any siblings..?" The IceWing trailed off at the last one, beginning to laugh. "I'm not as good at the lots and lots of questions. That's about all I can think of right now," Wintergreen explained a bit bashfully. "I'll try to get better at interrogating you," she joked with a smile.


Sandpiper nodded. "That's a good idea. Yeah, they founded the school a few years after the Wars ended. I wonder who's in charge of that, though? Maybe Sunny? Or...Starflight?" He didn't think Tsunami or Clay would be involved with that; Clay was much more likely to be in charge of hunting, and Tsunami, in charge of fighting and keeping the peace and enforcing the rules. Sunny, as friendly and warm as she was, would be a good pick for working with the students. Starflight was excellent at staying organized. "Which one do you think?"

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2020 18:28 (4 Years ago)
[See earlier posts for Firebug and Sandpiper.]


Wintergreen laughed as well, watching her friend inspect the frosted rock. "Don't worry about it, I get my words mixed up sometimes, too," she said with a smile, waving a wing as though brushing the issue aside. At the dragonet's mention of venom, the IceWing tilted her head to the side. Of course; she hadn't even thought whether Venus had inherited RainWing or NightWing powers. From what she knew, RainWing venom was highly acidic, corroding whatever it touched almost instantly. She had to wonder if Venus could read her mind or tell the future. Thinking it over, she decided that her clawmate probably couldn't read minds - she figured a dragon like that would be so much more cautious about what they said. And anyways, Wintergreen wouldn't mind either way. It could be a way of silent communicating! Well, one-sided, but still cool. She was shaken out of her thoughts by Venus's question. "I...hmm." Wintergreen mulled it over for a minute before answering. "Yes, I think so. As long as the IceWing was very careful, I think the frostbreath would cryogenically freeze the wound, which might not heal it, but it could definitely stop bleeding or stop infection from spreading. I think it could be super useful, actually," the IceWing agreed.

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2020 18:06 (4 Years ago)
[See previous post for Firebug and Wintergreen.]


Sandpiper nodded, listening to Spiri talk. "Yeah, I've heard that IceWings haven't been defeated on their own territory in hundreds of moons." He of course knew about the SandWing Wars of Succession, as well as the SeaWings part in it, but he wasn't sure which of the tribes would be stronger. He glanced back at the barbs on his tail and at the spiraled patterns along his wings, back, and legs. Hybrids could probably be the most shocking fighters that other dragons could face. "Fighting would probably be very cool as a hybrid," Sandpiper said, tilting his head in thought. "I think you'd make a great healer and hunter too! We should try to have classes together!"

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2020 17:47 (4 Years ago)
Firebug followed behind Aurora, taking in the sights of the caves. They weren't as narrow as he thought they might be, and there was always enough room for three dragons to walk wing to wing. He stopped when the Nightwing in front of him did, and looked around the cave. It looked big enough to house four or five dragons, and he was impressed. "This seems really nice."


Wintergreen giggled at her new friend's obvious enthusiasm, taking in each question as they came to make sure she answered all of them. When Venus stopped before asking her last question, the IceWing tilted her head. "What's up? Like I said, you can ask whatever you want, I don't mind. But hey, no pressure," she added, rolling a rock over to the side of the room. "You can think about how you want to say it while I answer your other questions." Wintergreen pointed to the rock. "Watch closely, but stay back." She carefully opened her jaw and exhaled, and a jet of what looked like liquid shot out, but it almost immediately started turning to gas. Where it hit the rock, ice immediately spread across it. Snapping her mouth shut to prevent any more cold from seeping out, she gave Venus a grin. "That's what it looks like! To answer your other questions: it's basically liquid nitrogen," Wintergreen explained. She had studied the IceWing powers from a young age, fascinated by how exactly everything worked. "It's not quite like fire other than the fact that it's very painful if it hits you. It's a jet of very, very cold liquid that almost immediately starts to turn to gas when it hits the air. And it can cause very severe cold burns, so it's best for non-IceWings to be extremely careful around it," Wintergreen said, rolling the rock towards Venus for her to look at. "Don't worry though, I won't let anyone get their frostbreath anywhere near you."


Sandpiper gave her a wide smile. "It is great! And that's awesome! I'm really excited to learn about the other tribes and meet dragons, too," he agreed. He continued to leave one wing brushing against hers, almost subconsciously. "I also came here to study history and healing, too, though," the dragonet added, shuffling his claws a bit shyly. "I don't know if I'll be any good at them, but I definitely want to try." Sandpiper met Spiri's gaze again. "Is there anything you're looking forward to studying?"

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2020 04:51 (4 Years ago)
4/10 I see you sometimes, but not that often :)

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