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Posted: Tue, 24/05/2016 22:23 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

Ghembo's tail flicked impatiently as he settled his head down on his front paws. The wait for the other lion to wake up was killing him. However, there was no choice, because of the painfully hot sun drying up the land. They had two options: wait for night when the edge of day would be dulled by the coolness of the dark, or wait for the lion to wake up. Either way, Ghembo was extremely impatient, and he began to hone his elemental power, making vines grow towards him and wither, creating flowers around him, staring off saplings and the like.

Sheera was dazed for a moment, her head buzzing from the collision. When the questions tumbled out of Ariana's mouth, she laughed. "Yeah, I'm fine." She nuzzled Ariana affectionately under the chin. "Are you alright? You plowed into me at about a million miles per hour." Sheera teased, feeling uncharacteristically carefree. "The roar was Ghembo freaking out over a collapsed lion." She paused, imagining shock flash across Ariana's face and hastily added, "The lion's okay. Oh, and Ghembo's one of the three leaders of our pride." She gave Ariana a once over. "When was the last time you ate? And are you sure you are okay?"

Thanks! Gummi drew it for me on a super fun thread; Draw for the user above you. If you like drawing, I highly recommend it! ^^)

Nah, don't sweat it! I don't want you to feel bad about not posting for awhile. Besides, I don't expect you to give up your life so you can come role play with us; school should come before PH {even though that is very painful to say >.<})

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Posted: Tue, 24/05/2016 01:25 (8 Years ago)
Okay, so I THOUGHT I ordered something from an art shop about a day ago, but I couldn't quite remember, so I was like, eh, whatever. THEN, on the draw for the user above you thread, I decided to look into the person drawing Ariel for me. Then I saw your art shop, and was thinking, FLAMEY! I REMEMBER YOU! Then I saw my post.

You can imagine my confusion.

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Posted: Mon, 23/05/2016 19:07 (8 Years ago)
Done! (I warned you! ._.)
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For the person below: how about Asriel - the absolute GOD of Hyperdeath? Colored version Undertale, anyone?


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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 20:26 (8 Years ago)
Wish granted, but you go broke buying new shoes, because you wear out the old ones so fast. :D

I wish that I had more treasure on FlightRising.

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Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 14:37 (8 Years ago)
Okay! :3

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 16:43 (8 Years ago)
Username: Dragonsoul (Or Dragonsoup... C:)
Shiny Wanted: Skugar?? I know it's not in your hunts or anything, just wondering... :D
Specific Gender? Female, if possible. Male is alright as well. You know what, ignore this :PPP
Payment: 49k and 121 nuggets? That's all I can offer. :3
Read the rules? Yesshhhh :D

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 16:35 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

Ghembo growled at the human, trying to convey the message. "The translator's down. I can't understand you." Its squeal before had been accented with subtle hints and gestures towards the collapsed lion, but he couldn't understand whatever Brunhilde was saying. He sat on his haunches and gave a lazy yawn. "Should probably move the prey into the shade." He grumbled to himself. And maybe the translator too.
He gently pulled the translator by his hind leg to the edge of the forest, where it was more shady. He padded back to get the prey as well.
As he plopped down beside the two motionless bodies, he grunted to the human, imitating the way they shake their heads at one another. "Come sit," he said, even though he knew it was pointless.

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 16:31 (8 Years ago)
Claim! (I'll try my best, I'm not incredible at arting X3)



Didn't turn out super awkwardly, so I'm VERY grateful :3
For the person below me, an adorable fat cat. (Cause wynaut?)

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Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 16:28 (8 Years ago)
Love it~ Thank you!!

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Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 13:43 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

The translator hacked up some more fluids, groaning. His tail whipped against the ground feverishly. Ghembo licked his lips; they were getting dry from worry. He felt horrible watching the translator die and the human pulling him from that brink.
Finally, the translator rolled over, eyelids halfway up. He blinked, before spitting up more liquid. However, moments later, he thumped back on the ground, eyes closed, gentle breaths coursing through him.

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Posted: Thu, 12/05/2016 11:28 (8 Years ago)
Hey Yanma, I want some Art!~
Username: Dragonsoul (remember meh? :| Probably not XD)
What you're ordering: Digital Art
What you want drawn: BAM! (Sorry for the low quality!)
Payment: 40k?
Anything else?: Could you do the two of them? I really am sorry about the low quality of the pic, but I don't have another one of Spirit (the dog on the right). If it helps, the one on the right is supposed to be a breed of Poochyena and the one on the left is a shiny Dratini without a white orb on its forhead.
Password: Olive...


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Posted: Thu, 12/05/2016 11:15 (8 Years ago)
Hiya! Could you do Soul for meh? Here are a bunch of examples: BAM!

Quietly stalks thread

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Posted: Tue, 10/05/2016 21:18 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

She smelled her before anything. Sheera's heart raced as she smelled Ariana's earthy scent shoot towards her. A bolt of panic shot through her. Ariana was coming to her, with Ghembo and the human right here! If she was found to know and... feel for a creature outside of the pack, she would be punished, or banished. Even worse, Ariana might be killed in punishment. Ghembo was still leaning over the human, who was now doing some type of maneuver on the gasping translator, so she shot off, unnoticed, hoping she could find Ariana before Ghembo noticed she was missing. Besides, since the human knew what she was doing, Sheera didn't need to use her Water element to make the fluid flow out of his lungs.

Alright, since I didn't want to seem too controlling, I didn't have my character run into yours, since that is kind of controlling yours... XP Anyways, you can say whatever you want with Sheera for now. If you call out to her, she'll slow down. She probably won't run smack dab into Ariana, but maybe she's so panicked that she does...? I don't know! XD Otherwise, we'll both be skirting along an edge of the roleplay when trying to move the story along turns into God-modding. Just thought we'd knock that off right off the bat! ^^ *ignores that I used off twice within a word of itself*)

Ghembo was transfixed by the human's movements along the lion's spinal cord. The translator hacked again, this time a little less liquid coming up with it. He actually seemed to be recovering. Ghembo felt an odd wave of relief wash over him; he was suddenly very glad that the human was with him. If it had not been for her, the translator most likely would have died, or lived his life in pain. He wished that the translator were awake so he could speak with the human.

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Posted: Mon, 09/05/2016 21:20 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

The silence was suffocating, and Sheera was glad for it. She didn't think she could have made it through the walk with talk in between steps. The translator once tried to kickstart a conversation, but the mumbling soon dwindled to grunts and then quiet. Her mind wandered to Ariana, and she felt her heart leap at the prospect of seeing her again.
After about a quarter of a mile of trudging along, Sheera heard someone's footsteps falter. It was too heavy to be the human's, and too light to be prey. She turned, and a gasp ripped from her chest at what she saw.

Ghembo whipped around at Sheera's sound of surprise. He roared at what he saw, in shock, in frustration, and many other things. He shoved past the immobile Sheera to take a look at the writhing translator. The lion made a garbled howl, and hacked some more.
Ghembo, instead of panicking, reacted calmly. A flick of his tail sent pollen in to bring the lion down under. Soon, his labored breathing wracked with coughs slowed to a steady stream of air. Ghembo felt a shot of unease with a tendril of shock. He knew about this disease, had seen it happen to many humans, where the heart failed and they were, usually, struck dead. Yet he knew it did not happen to lions. It was unheard of. Until now, at least.
The lion's breathing faded steadily, and his heart sunk low into his chest. This time, Sheera shoved past him with a growl and closed her eyes. In moments, clear liquid was being coughed up by the still sleeping lion. Ghembo breathed a sigh of relief.

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 21:09 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Afternoon!

Sheera, out of the corner of her eye, saw Ghembo's eyebrow raise suspiciously at the human. Sheera was glad that the trial was over, but was worried about Ghembo's offer on a new position. She desperately hoped for it, it would mean more food, and a better chance to find a mate.
Then she kicked herself mentally. Of course she didn't need a mate; she had Ariana. Sheera caught herself biting her lower lip, and Ghembo was staring at her. She quickly composed herself and said, "Let's move out!"

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Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 01:33 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Morning!

Sheera gave a nod to human's request, glad that she was pitching extra in. Her tail gave a single flick in the air, and the translator came bounding towards them, grinning with pride and blood-exhilaration. Ghembo would be pleased with the human's cooperativeness and her offering to carry the prey back to camp. Speak of the devil, he came bounding through the brush, claiming to have heard a clamor, when in reality, Sheera knew that he had been stalking just behind the golden grasses the whole time.
"Ah, you caught a gazelle, I see?" Ghembo's tone was deceptively casual, but I heard that lying tone my whole life, and even if I was in the dark, I was able to notice there was a secret behind it.
I gave a tight nod. "The human followed instructions perfectly, and offered to drag the prey home."
"Oh, did it?" Ghembo turned to the human. "Well?"

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Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 12:32 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Morning!

The gazelle bolted right into Sheera's paws. It reared in fear as it smacked into her, kicking her in the jaw in the process. She gave a grunt of pain before digging her claws into its hide. It screamed in agony as she finished off its life with a crushing bite to the neck. Its kicking ceased. She licked her chops, wiping off the blood in satisfaction. "Nice job," she praised the human. "We can head back to Ghembo; this should be enough to prove your worth."

(Welcome back, Space!)

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 23:30 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Morning!

Sheera watched the human intently, and saw her hand half twitch towards her gun. She wanted to scream; the stupid gazelle was right in front of her and she could do nothing as it slowly picked up on her scent in the air, along with Ghembo's, the human's, and the translator's. Her mind flickered between two states: yes and no. The obedient side of her remembered her parents' stories about metal beasts that humans wielded, and had said never to trust one. The daring and cunning part of her screamed yes, but she could do nothing, but just watch the human silently.

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 01:45 (8 Years ago)
It is currently: Morning!

Sheera cringed and felt a bolt of unexpected fury at the human. She had seen the tail flick, so she either forgot what she had to do, didn't understand, or didn't care. Sheera had no idea how to convey to the human to scare the prey into her claws. Exasperatedly, she made a silent roar, opening her jaws wide, and trying to look menacing. The young gazelle perkes his head up at the slight sound, looking ready to bolt in the human's direction. Sheera froze. If she made a single sound, the hunt would be lost, because surely the human wouldn't be able to stop a frightened gazelle with its tiny paws.

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 01:39 (8 Years ago)
Coo! I'll try that sometime.

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