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FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 18:41 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 18:39 (3 Years ago) |
I - nostagia. 64 questrions here Q 1: What do you like to be called? (Internet wise not real life) A: FloralLeafeon T_''_T Q 2: What names do you NOT want to be called? A: >":( Fork with a Leafeon Q 3: Is your main oc a furry? (It’s not like hair on your body, it’s an animal oc that has human traits-) A: No idk maybe. Q 4: Favorite animal? A: LEAFEOn- I mean- uhh Cat Q 5: What is your favorite color? A: Green. Magentya ish pink. yellow Q 6: Cookies or cake? A: bleh. none Q 7: Are you a morning person or a night owl? A: night pwowl Q 8: What time do you wake up in the morning? A: rn ? 6-10am Q 9: Are you colorblind in any way? A: npo Q 10: Do you like school? A: For now Q 11: Do you have a crush? A: Yes. But they are 240 years adead- orrrr.... Q 12: What's your opinion on love? A: T_''_T Q 13: Do you like glitter? A: sparkly. No Q 14: A: this only applies for scratch Q 15: Who's your favorite A: I dont favoirte Q 16: Favorite book/book series? A: hunger Games, coad, wof, wariors, harry potter Q 17: Cats or dogs? A: catrs or dogs. which one is Fleafoen? Q 18: What phobia(s) do you have? A: idk. Q 19: Favorite number? A: 17. Q 20: Greatest fear? A: This sound sstupid but- going outside. But it's not fir the reason you'd probably think. And being kipnspaped and heights. Q 21: Are you afraid of heights? A:yes Q 22: Are you a jealous person? A:no well yea Q 23: Have you lied about something on the internet? A:probably - well yeah. i guess.... Q 24: What are your preferred pronouns? A: they-/them Q 25: Do you prefer long sleeves or short sleeves? A: short Q 26: Sexuality? A: idk yet Q 27: Headphones or earbuds? A: headphones Q 28: What time do you go to bed? A: 9pm-1am Q 29: What’s your favorite season? A: SPring or Summer or Winter. Ampharos auntumb baaaddddddd- jk Q 30: What do you ship? (If you do not know what that is, it’s when you think two people are cute together) A: not lams Q 31: Are you a fan of How to Train Your Dragon? A: wut be that A: yes obviously Q 33: Have you ever drawn on yourself? And if you have, do you have anything drawn on you right now? A: pfft Ive done random ocs that represent me. Q 34: Do you remember your last dream? A: no Q 35: Do you sing? A: yes. Q 36: Have you ever listened to death metal? A:prob not Q 37: Do your best friend(s) have an account? A:n0o. Q 38: How many messages do you have in your inbox right now? A: 1 Q 39: How did you come up with your username? A: T-''-T Q 40: Woof or bork? A:bork Q 41: What's a bad flaw of yours? A: I pick up random things. I am super paralel. If I slap one arm and it hurts more than the other, then i nmeed to slap the onther. When I go outside, I pick up rnaodm items and it sUCKs. I also accidentally click random pps and make a fool of myself Q 42: Are you tired? A: -\==/- yes Q 43: any pets? A: yup. A pied cockateils namweed Boba and a pearl pied cockatiel named Toffee Q 44: What’s your dream pet? A: pearl albino cockatiel Q 45: How long could you go without your best friend? A: a whole summer Q 46: Are you a gacha user? A: nope Q 47: door? A: wut Q 48: when’s the last time you cried? A: I cry every night. Q 49: Where are you writing this? (Bed, desk, table, etc) A: table Q 50: What’s your best quality? A: I have none and if I did I cant identify it. Q 51: What’s your favorite face? ( :3, :), :D, etc...) A: T_''_T Q 52: How many scars do you have? A: a lot. Mostly on my legs Q 53: Do you play Minecraft? A: very little Q 54: Do you play roblox? A: no Q 55: Do you play among us? A:no Q 56: Do you have long nails? A: no. I rip off them off every month or so Q 57: What was your favorite grade? A: 4th by far Q 58: removed because T_''_T Q 59: Are your hands cold? A:no Q 60: Weird fact about you? A: idk Q 61: What color is your room painted? A: yellow Q 62: If you could lose a finger, which one would you lose? A: idk cbecause they woulnd tnt even function wihtout the other (just the o very hand not the other) Q 63: Are you tall, average, or short? A: tall i guess Q 64: Are you allergic to anything? A: yesa pdeanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, treenuts, ect. [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 18:36 (3 Years ago) |
yes definitely @Peahcpoppy Yes, the avatar, but not the exact person no offense [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 14:51 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 14:45 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 22:36 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 21:18 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 19:10 (3 Years ago) |
Character: ![]() Style: Chibi? Idk what it is but T_''_T I kinda low on Nuggets barely skimming da reuirements. Background: just make it idk transparent Extras: Can you finish after Sepmtember 1st? Payment:170 nuggets and 3 dragon gems Subscribed?: yup I think- yes [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 17:11 (3 Years ago) |
Pokémon: hawlucha (Im not sure if yo uhave any spare) Amount: 1 works. Breed/Trade: I'm not sure- do you have any in your strade box? I only saw some in the breedng box Level Requirements: no. Gender: doesnt really matter, as long as its flying fightingl as long as its fighitng. Nature: ni Other: niiii??? unless there is apoasssword. I want to adopt some Pokémon! Can I have them please? Pokémon: hawlucha (Im not sure if yo uhave any spare) Amount: 1 works. Breed/Trade: I'm not sure- do you have any in your strade box? I only saw some in the breedng box Level Requirements: no. Gender: doesnt really matter, as long as its flying fightingl as long as its fighitng. Nature: ni Other: niiii??? unless there is apoasssword. [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 14:53 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 22:23 (3 Years ago) |
Anyways. Da Starters Now I have a few Starters in stock. Chestnaught, Oshawott, Blaziken, Turtwig, Sobble, Charizard, Mudkip, annnnd-Decidueye. I'm sorry if I don't bare the Starter you'd like, if not, you may visit here instead. PRICES: Mudkip Male: 100 pd Mudkip Female: 500 pd Oshawott Male: 200 pd Oshawott Female: 700 pd Chestnaught Child Male: 500 pd Chestnaught Child Female: 5000 pd Torchic Male: 500 pd Torchic Female: 5000 pd Turtwig Male: 500 pd Turtwig Female: 5000 pd Charmander Male: 500 pd Charmander Female: 5000 pd Rowlett Male: 500 pd Rowlett Female: 5000 pd Sobble Male: 1000 pd Sobble Female: 100k pd just kidding. 5000 pd. Breeding pairs will be 7000ppd You might be saying: Wait- FloralLeafeon- you have a Shiny Hunt Well guess what? I have, surprisingly, FRIENDS THAT WILL HELP ME! SHOUT OUT TO ThisSnivyLikesFire AND SmolSwabluna AND Brightflower. [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 22:05 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 19:16 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 14:45 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 14:34 (3 Years ago) |
Accepted [
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 01:27 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 01:26 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Sat, 28/08/2021 00:15 (3 Years ago) |
Reference: either them or more preferably, them Type: headshot plz! Shading? - yes please! Background? (Tell me if you want a specific background) - Can you make it just trans parent? Additional Notes: none Payment/Tips: idk. 11k pd plus a tip! Password: color of text Im writing in. [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 21:13 (3 Years ago) |
All you have to do is send me your Eevee and I will evolve it to whatever you'd like. You may keep a link of the Eevee as long as you'd like just in case I trade it, in that case I will have to give it back and possibly get charged a great amount of PD but anyways- I will return your Eevee after I finish evolving it. It might take a while since I only have one explorer bag at the moment but anyways- I can evolve your Eevee and only your eevee because eevees are great. Also Glaceon and Sylveon aren't avalible to me yet so....... I will bribe the Glaceons onto my side though pretty soon [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Fri, 27/08/2021 15:56 (3 Years ago) |