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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from the_true_eeveekyu.
Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 01:20 (7 Years ago)
Rika's head tilted, "You had a conversation with Phelpy? I was just saying that you looked kinda sad when you lost. That's why I said that we'd make Phelpy unstoppable!" Rika smiled at the younger boy and his Brionne, she squatted down to Phelpy's level. "You have a lot of potential Phelpy, that Bubble Beam screen was really creative." Rika pet Phelpy's head and walked off, "Going back to camp, I'll be back!"

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Posted: Wed, 10/01/2018 00:58 (7 Years ago)
Rika smiled at Kyushu, "Hey dude! Check out Matcha! She's a fully fledged Gogoat now!" Matcha walked over to Phelpy and butted him slightly. "Aw!! That's Matcha's way of saying good job Phelpy!", Rika exclaimed. "Also thank you for the compliment! I know that once we train, Phelpy will be unstoppable!", Rika said.

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 23:31 (7 Years ago)
Rika stretched and gave Matcha a rare candy, “You’ve wanted to evolve for a while now and I feel like you’ve earned this.” Matcha bleated happily as Rika unwrapped the candy, “Here you go girl! You’ll be the best Gogoat, I know you will!!” Matcha are the candy and began to glow, she glowed for a few seconds before emerging as a Gogoat. Rika pat Matcha’s head, “Good job girl! Now we can start our battle with Flare!”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 20:49 (7 Years ago)
Marina tossed and turned a bit, wanting to wake up from the nightmare she was having. "N-no! Stop it please! Ow! NO DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE!", Marina screamed. Her eyes shot open and she breathed heavily, "I'm ok... This isn't the lab.. This is our little house... I'm safe..."

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 20:43 (7 Years ago)
Rika patted Kyushu's head, "Don't worry! You'll get better, I lost a lot when I was training my team. They're stronger now and I can put all of my trust into them!" Rika brought out all of her Pokemon, "Magi was a gift from Professor Sycamore, she was just an egg when I got her. Princess was also a gift from the professor, I hatched her as well! Matcha was my brother's Pokemon, I take care of her because... well... he disappeared." Rika noticed her lack of energy and quickly brought it back, "Anyway! Chase was abandoned by his original trainer, I found him in Santalune Forest. He was waiting for his trainer to comeback, I earned his trust by visiting him everyday." Rika pet all of her beloved Pokemon, they all smiled and tackled her into a hug. "Aw! Guys cut it out!", Rika said between giggles. Rika looked back at Kyushu, "If you put time and love into every bit of training you do, you're Pokemon can do absolutely anything!"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 19:58 (7 Years ago)
Rika thought for a moment, “After I battle Flare and train Kyushu.”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 17:27 (7 Years ago)
"Come on Matcha! We trained for this!", Rika said encouragingly. Matcha nodded and took a deep breath, Rika did as well. When they opened their eyes, determination flared inside of them. "All right Matcha! Use Razor Leaf!", Rika yelled. Matcha's leaves went around and popped most of the bubbles, revealing Phelpy's hiding spot. "Razor Leaf once more!", Rika shouted. Matcha's leaves came once again, hitting Phelpy. It's super effective! The foe Phelpy has fainted. "Good job Matcha!", Rika said. The Skiddo galloped over to her and butted her lightly on the leg. Rika petted her companion, "Good battle Kyushu, you have potential!" Rika patted Kyushu on the back, "Tomorrow morning, 6 o'clock sharp. Training time. Don't forget!"

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:35 (7 Years ago)
“Matcha counter it with Energy Ball! Then use Double Kick!”, Rika shouted. Matcha’s Energy Ball cut through Phelpy’s Icy Wind creating a thick layer of mist. Matcha jumped from the mist and kicked Phelpy, “Aw yeah!”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:32 (7 Years ago)
(No it’s like 3PM, Marina’s just tired)

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:24 (7 Years ago)
Marina nodded and lay on her bed, “I’m just going to take a little nap.”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:18 (7 Years ago)
Marina trotted into the little house they’d made, inside there were two small beds made of leaves and a basket full of berries. “This house could use some work but it’s looking good so far.” Marina walked over to one bed and sat down. “Hmm.. Not as cozy as I’d like it but it’ll do.”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:14 (7 Years ago)
Yuna finished her manga and decided to go see Elijah, “I’ll be back.”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:12 (7 Years ago)
“I kinda like ‘Marina Shall Rename This House’. Sounds like something that I’d name a house.”, Marina said.

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 16:08 (7 Years ago)
(I decided to give my Pokémon nicknames so look at my team to see who’s who)
Rika laughed, “Good move! Now it’s our turn! Matcha use Energy Ball!” The small Skiddo charged up and let it loose, hitting Phelpy. It was super effective! Kyushu’s Brionne skidded back a bit, the move was a critical hit!

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 05:29 (7 Years ago)
“Good job Spiko!” Rika had heard Lava and Spiko training and decided to give a little compliment to the hardworking pair. She smiled at them but immediately got back to the battle at hand. “So what will your first move be?”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 04:59 (7 Years ago)
Rika thought for a second and pulled out a Pokéball, “Come on out Skiddo!” The little goat Pokémon bleated loudly and ran over to Rika. “Aw! I missed you too buddy! But we have to help train Phelpy right now, so give it your best shot!” Skiddo bleated again to show Rika that it knew what she was talking about, “We’ll give you the first move!”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 04:15 (7 Years ago)
Rika glanced over at the boy and his Brionne, “Hey Kyushu! Do you wanna battle? I’ll use the Pokémon of your choice!”

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 04:07 (7 Years ago)
Hi I was wondering if you were till accepting ^^

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 03:51 (7 Years ago)
Marina laughed, "Ha touche."

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2018 03:30 (7 Years ago)
"Maybe you should name it. A reward for all of your hard work.", Marina said looking up at the house.

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