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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 23:00 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked louder as the Zapdos woke up. She tried to stop bouncing and get away, but she couldn't manage to do it.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:57 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse continued being thrown around the vehicle. She tried to fly and land, but her wing was still damaged, and she simply added to the mess she was in.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:55 (4 Years ago)
The loud growling continued coming from the forest. It seemed to get slightly quieter, yet it was still existent.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:50 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse continued being bounced around, shrieking and growling excessively.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:35 (4 Years ago)
In the truck, Eclipse was thrown about quite a bit; she bashed into walls and floors, damaging her wing once again.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:31 (4 Years ago)
A faint, but clear growling could be heard emanating from the forest. It was definitely existent, but the source was unknown.

((guess I'll just slide this background noise in here))

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:27 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked as she was thrown into the vehicle. She took a calculated risk; but she was also incredibly bad with maths.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:24 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked again, seeing the hunter shoot at Shock. She mustered enough courage to try and take the hunter down. Although, all she did was run at him, furiously tugging at his shoes. A shiny fusion like her was valuable; she knew this, and was just being a bit of an idiot.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:20 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked, as Meg's Pokémon were tranqued. She hoped he left her alone; but she couldn't bring herself to move. Maybe if she stayed still, the hunter wouldn't see her.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:13 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse shrieked, watching the hunter, still crouched over the Articuno. She trembled, her eyes(although they couldn't be seen through her fluff) were locked on the gun.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:08 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse turned back, hearing the Articuno fall, and shrieked in fear, looking at it. She skittered over, trying to see if they were okay. The Articuno had been nice to her, and didn't want them to be hurt.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:05 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse, after the Articuno healed her, carefully rose to her feet, and ate the berry Meg gave here. Her wing still hurt, and she wouldn't be able to fly again yet, but could walk semi-normally. She slowly nodded thanks to the legendary bird and Meg, then limped away.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 22:01 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse watched, remaining lay down on the ground, as the owned Pokémon were healed. She partially wished that she'd been caught, so she could be healed, but then realized that was a horrible idea, and freedom is great.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:45 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse struggled to her feet again, before instantly falling over once more. With her wing damaged, she was off-balance while she walked, making it incredibly difficult.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:44 (4 Years ago)
In the other room, there wasn't a lot of new things to see. It was just another experimention room; tables, with chains and straps to hold dragons down, cabinets full of equipment, and other necessary items. It was essentially the same as the other experimention rooms.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:42 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse stopped coughing, then slowly tried to walk away. She was limping, and kept tripping over twigs, stones, and even her own feet. She didn't get far before falling over again.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:40 (4 Years ago)
((You guys know what? Heck. I'm reviving this.))

Athena nodded. "Yep!" She blurted out chirpily, accidentally not being quiet. She instantly clapped her talons over her mouth, apologizing profusely."Sorry..." She wispered. Creek flinched slightly, as Athena was being so loud.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:29 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse coughed a bit, dirt covering her cloud-like fluff, from the many times she had been shoved through the dirt by Tornadus' attacks.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:24 (4 Years ago)
The tubes were empty, except for a few small splotches of some dark, gooey substance. The substance was warm to the touch, and smelled odd; like a combination of sweat and rust.

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Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 21:19 (4 Years ago)
Eclipse had just gotten up when the hammer arm smashed into her wing, sending her backwards again. She couldn't take many more hits before she was knocked out.

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