Narendra-Modi OFFLINE Forum Posts: 459
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 12:43 (8 Years ago)
Title: Todays Newspaper
Quote from Today's
14/09/2016 Editor - Silver Brick || Writer -
Latest Headlines - By Riako - I am aware of the
downtimes that seem to happen frequently at around 6AM server time
- and today I am going to work on fixing that issue Have a nice day
everyone and good luck with the event! and IMPORTANT: Our
have been updated! Please make yourself familiar with all changes
as soon as possible. All rule changes apply from now.
New Event Distribution
Riako & Nexanda - During the next two weeks, every trainer of
Emera Town is invited to participate in a new Event Distribution:
Collect enough Activity Points by playing different minigames
around the site and get your own rare Event Egg!
More information can be found on the distribution page linked
Special Challenge: Gather enough APs for three Event Eggs and
receive a nice surprise!
Our Pre-Released Article Before Event
hidden content
Oh my! What on earth could this be?! It’s too early really for an
October event for Halloween but then again Summer is over, could
this possibly be a Autumn event? If so what kind of pokemon could
it be?
Perhaps with the releases of Sun and Moon around 2 Months away
being in the introduction of some old faces but with new make-up
perhaps it could be one of them? Such as a Tropius? After all that
became a rather funny meme around Pokeheroes if you managed to see
that! If not you missed out on a few laughs that’s for sure!
Would it even be a possible grass type? After all we had a Polar
bear in Summer clothes last time! Riako and the team are always so
creative and different when it comes to Pokemon. Maybe one day they
will create a whole Pokedex of other pokemon! But that is a long
time off yet! As for now I will try and stay awake to see what this
pokemon is and be sure to stay tuned for a report on the new
pokemon, how it looks and what the team here at Emera Times think
of it!.
- Nexanda
Legendary Plushie
Team Emera - A new Dream World Plushie Event is now up! The
legendary bird trio - Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres - is available
as limited Event Plushies until the end of the month. Everytime you
reach the Dream Point requirement, you get to choose one out of
these three for your own collection!
Route 53
Nexanda - Have you ever travel to Route 53? You see I did
a bit of research as I do with all my topics here on the Emera Time
News and here is what I have found.
There was a rather run down Farm which I renovated into a now fully
functional farm! I have a section for my Milktanks where I feed
them berries and in return for the love and care I give to them
they produce a healthy amount of Moo Moo milk. This milk is told to
not only have all natural healing properties for injured pokemon
but also in high demand by trainer who cook and a high in
nutritional vitamin D drink.
I also have an area for my Male Combees, You see combees are also
special pokemon. They can produce honey, but only the male ones as
they are brave and take under their female leader Vespiqueen! And
also if you are lucky enough to have a SHINY Combee they will very
rarely produce Super honey! Now that honey is much more rarer; also
takes a lot longer to produce, and can also sell a LOT!
Moo Moo Milk tends to sell for at least 250 Poke Dollars or more.
While Honey, the demand for that ingredient varies. You would have
a much easier time to sell it at the Emera Mall for 20 Pokedollars
each but you can try and sell them for more over at the Berry
Garden where you can house your very own little market area. Super
Honey on the other hand is always in high demand and trainer will
pay a lot for it from anywhere of 5000 Pokedollars or more! So I
would recommend if you find such a area to turn it into a rather
lucrative business.
I also found that different pokemon seem to be really attracted to
a special tree that is located on Route 53. Or at least they tend
to swarm when you apply Honey or even Super honey to the Bark!
Pokemon such as Larvester, Wurmple and even Munchlax then to get
attached to the tree but they don’t seem to have a regular eating
rate… that is until you use Super Honey.
Though with that I find pokemon Really adore that kind of honey and
will often check the tree for any trainer that apply that honey.
They normally appear from 30 minutes or less! No more than an hour
though so be sure to check it often if you use that honey. Not only
that but I did some further research over the last few months and
found that pokemon who are born not only Shiny but can go into the
final mega-able form also visit the tree more regularly that
pokemon breed at the daycare so using the tree is highly
What pokemon have you caught at the tree? Were they Shiny? Or were
they born with the mega-ability? Be sure to tell us!
Zanester04/Path 1 - The Honey tree This a tree many trainers
use to find bug types and many others there is a wide variety of
pokemon that you might find after putting some honey one thing that
may surprise you is Celebi this Legendary pokemon is guardian of
the forest and you can even find one in an egg beneath this tree
while honey is there its very rare ,but possible for shiny hunters
don't be sad it wont cut off your shiny chain this is something
that is very helpful and a reminder you need an empty space to
catch it. There are other pokemon that come here of course like
slowyore,larvesta and many others.To catch these you'll need
pokeballs you can get them by buying them at the Emera Mall's Item
shop or by trading at The Game Center.
Zanester04/Path 2 - Honeycombs After hearing about the
wondrous things the honey tree can do your probably asking where
can I get some honey? Well there are two main ways rumbling (In my
experience of about a year only happened once or twice) Or the more
common much easier way Honey combs. Now I may be a bit of an expert
at this ,but there the male combee! They sometimes go on auctions
for around 500 pd ,but an effective way is breeding I find it easy
to breed them I can get like an egg a day ,but for the limit of
four of these guys its not that hard. For the beginning you only
have one hive but as you progress a gurdurr might build a new one
for you for a tax of honey of course haha love able gurrdurr. The
max of hives is three sadly ,but four combee make a lot of I know
from my own experiences and with all that honey the tree is always
Zanester04/Path 3 - There is still one thing on route fifty
three we did not cover. The MooMoo Ranch! After you get your
precious miltank and, put it there you need to buy the milker at
the Emera Item Mall for two thousand pokedollars. Then you have to
feed your precious miltank with berries any kind works fine.After
your pokemon has a stocked up berry supply leave and wait . After
enough time you can come back and use to milker by clicking it then
clicking on your milktank the maximum Moomoo milks you can get at a
time is five.You can use it for cooking things such as the beginner
drink Bluk Shake at the Berrygarden once you reach level five and
get the cooking pot.Make sure to keep the berries coming because
your miltank won't produce anymore MooMoo Milk. That concludes
Route 53 now suscribe or get premium to see more articles.
Rowan Lab
Zanester04 - A lot of beginner trainers come to his lab to
get their items, A starter egg,a pokedex, and other eggs.well in
his lab there are four eggs at all times that anyone can claim.If
your looking for a specific type or rarity you'll have to wait a
while, after thirty seconds the egg's type will be revealed, after
sixty seconds the rarity, will then after waiting five minutes the
species will be revealed by his scanners.Can't wait that long?,
Premium users wait ten seconds for the type, forty for the
rarity,and only a minute and forty seconds for the species so they
get a bit of a leg up,that may be the main feature ,but its not the
only one you can check your normal pokedex entries and after fifty
of them you can choose to get a free grass,fire ,or water stone.As
you go through the game he may give you tasks and such.Theres a
ditto on the front of the lab ,but sometimes it turns shiny many
people have asked why and have gotten an answer its just a small
surprise nothing special really happens. So that is my guide to his
lab you might wanna hang near it with an empty party you might find
sometimes you like.
And i silver brick bringed something like memorial for you
New Upgraded Table -
The Old Rusty Table :B
Reccomended Times
Hi everyone! Nexanda here again but back with a new fetures!
Today we are trying out a few new section that we hope you’ll enjoy
and talk about in the comments below! Let us know what you think
and if you want to see more of this in the future! And I will
assure you now all links will be safe for work and safe to click
on. If you have any troubles let us know!
Reccomended Song : If you’re looking for a feel good
Song, something to keep you motivated and upbeat try listening to
this song!
Where We Belong - By Vexento.
They do all sorts of of tunes. Everything from something upbeat and
funky like this to soft and mellow where you could just fall asleep
too~ Expect to see a lot of his songs recommended by me!
Reccomended Anime Episode: Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-Kun
(Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun)
Ok so if you are looking for something funnly, something you can
relate too and yet still mange to turn all of the normal anime
slice of life anime troupes completely round on it’s head then
you’ll certinally enjoy this! It’s just so lightheart and something
I personally can relate and laugh at. Below I will provide both a
link to the English Dub ((English traslation of it) Which in my
opinion is actually really really good! Unlike some that can be
terriable. So please if you got the time take a look!
English Dub Episode 1
Japanese Spoken but English Subtitles
Recommend Game - Kingdom Hearts I Now I have to try
and keep this short and sweet because of my love of this time and I
wholeheartedly recommend it.
It’s all about this body that lives on a island (A very small one
in that) And he wasn’t to explore the world. But what he doesn’t
realise that his world is one of many that lives among those that
are also in the disney world! You see the creatures of Final
Fantasy (Square Enix but at the time of making this game they were
known as Square Soft) And the huge company Disney joined together
to make this Fantastic game!
If you like JRPG/RPG (Japanese/Role Playing Games) Then you’ll
adore this I’ll provide a link to a walkthough which I watched
((When I couldn’t buy the game for the PS2) but if you can buy it
give it a go! In trade in Places it goes for about $15 or £10
Roughly depending where you shop and even cheaper online! So give
it a go!
Here’s one with no commentary so you can enjoy the
beautiful cutscenes
Recommended Book - His Favourite Now here’s something
a little different. He’s a Boy’s love Book / Manga that you can
access online but it’s again set in a school and rather funny! I
would suggest if you like it give it a try!
Awkward Yoshida is heated by all the girls in his school for his
perceived closeness with hot guy Sato, who uses hanging out with
Yoshida as an excuse to turn them all down. If yoshida is merely an
excuse, why does Sato taunt him in private about ‘His Favourite’?
Is it possible Sato’s feelings run deeper than friendship? And what
could he possibly see in the funny-looking Yoshida? Watch Yoshida’s
life turn upside down with Hilarious results!
Try reading it here!
Weather Forecast
Silver Brick - Good Day, Emera Town!
It is 11:53 AM and this is the latest weather information from our
Castform Weather Station.
Current Weather in Emera Town
Current Weather: Rainy
It's currently raining cats and dogs in Emera Town. That's great
for all Water Pokémon and berryfields, but you shouldn't go outside
without an umbrella!
Special Effect: All Water Pokémon gain 50% more EXP.
Tonight's Moon Phase: First Quarter
Next New Moon: In 6 days.
Next Full Moon: In 2 days.
So Thats All For Todays News And A Great Thanks To Pokeheroes Staff
To Help Me .
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