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Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 05:26 (8 Years ago) |
- exchange anyone? [
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 12:38 (8 Years ago) |
I thought about doing it myself for quite some time now, but never knew where to put it. Instead I dug up the #BeatingOak Hashtag and tried helping people through it. :) I absolutely agree with your point that not all people have all the time to be on here or the necessary number of active friends to beat Oak. I also think the whole "I make a raffle so people feed my Pokémon"-thing is even worse than providing people with a Clicklist to help if they want to. With raffles the focus is put on specific Pokémon who'll most certainly win, whereas everyone without raffle/friends/time gets ignored and certainly loses. A clicklist like this would make all interactions equal for all those trying to win the Quest and thus make this challenge more fair for all participants. Besides: I don't think it'd be that hard to implement as every Quest Pokemon has the Obtained tag "Borrowed from Prof Rowan" (and OT Rowan), even if that would also include the Egg-Quest Rowan gives you at some point, but that's not a bad thing. [Read more] |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 11:19 (8 Years ago) |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 07:35 (8 Years ago) |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 08:44 (8 Years ago) |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 06:37 (8 Years ago) |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 18:19 (8 Years ago) |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 31/08/2016 09:01 (8 Years ago) |
Pokémon ID: 10526090 Comment (additional): Is it possible to apply as additional Trader? I wouldn't mind helping out. [Read more] |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Thu, 25/08/2016 10:59 (8 Years ago) |
First of all, I second Khat's opinion on Rowan's way of youthful talking, in most cases it just sounds awkward ("cool to know") and there are also far too many "!" in some of his and others sentences. But I also found a few things myself - apologies if they've already been mentioned. - During the Quest where you switch between Rowan and Daycare Owner his text reads: The Daycare Owner is ignoring you. Come back later again. The last line sounds wrong and I do believe "Come back later" would suffice here. Also during the same quest - and this is not a typo - there is a story where someone says "We travelled around the world together just to find the most precious XY no man had ever found before." I think this sentence would work better with a "discovered" instead of the "found", but that's just the story teller in me wanting to avoid repetition. ;) In one of the following conversations there is this monster of a sentence "[/i]You didn't visit me in over a week now, even though our time together on every Tuesday and Friday was already some kind of a tradition for me.[/i]" I personally would phrase it like this: "The Tuesday and Fridays we spent together have become some kind of tradition for me. And you haven't visited me in over a week." - When you give a Pokémon to the Daycare Owner he thanks you for your confidence, which is weird, as confidence is something you have in yourself (Selbstvertrauen) not in others (Vertrauen), so the proper word here would be "trust" as you've used it in his other sentences (you could also use "faith" as that's something you can have in someone else as well). - On the Ranklist page there is a thing called "common wealth", I do believe you aimed for "Gesamtvermögen", but missed it by a bit and made it "Gemeinsames Vermögen" or "Gewöhnliches Vermögen". The word used for this should be "accumulated" or "total" - common is just too confusing a term here as it's either used as "gemeinsam" or "gewöhnlich" depending on the context. - Also on the Ranklist "Longest Game Time", might be the "Spielzeit" in German, but I do believe it would be "Gaming Time" (the time spend playing the game) in English, at least it feels that way, as Game Time usually refers to the actual in-game time (like 1am). - In the Quest I mentioned above there is this line: "We are here to bring you the vase back that I lent from you!". You lent something to someone, but you borrow something from someone else, so the sentence should read (with some little grammar tweaks): "We are here to bring back the vase that you lent me" (It's by the way incredible that Daycare Owner is his name, while the other guy gets called "Greg" >_<) In the same conversation there is a "Thank you for bringing it back" that works, but "returning it" sounds nicer. I hope these suggestions are understandable. As a couple of staff members are German as well I don't think this is necessary, but if you ever need a Beta-Reader with knowledge of both English and German let me know. [Read more] |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 11:26 (8 Years ago) |
Wir wollten dieses Jahr egtl. auf die Connichi mit bisschen Urlaub drum herum, aber das wird nix aus organisatorischen Gründen und für uns sind das 570 bzw. 620 km je nach Fahrtstrecke - wobei hier Autostrecke gemeint ist. ;) Stattdessen (bzw. zusätzlich dazu) gibt es die Aktion, dass wir am 16. frühs von Berlin aus nach Kassel zu der Convention fahren und dann Montag gemütlich zurück. Sowas geht als Fahrer meist nur mit Übernachtung. Mal gucken wie das wird. >_< [Read more] |
Konpaku OFFLINE Forum Posts: 306 |
Posted: Wed, 24/08/2016 11:05 (8 Years ago) |
Wir wollen uns das mal dieses Jahr (auch am 15.10.) in Berlin anschauen, ist nicht ganz so weit weg wie die anderen (An dem WE sind soweit ich weiß mindestens drei Veranstaltungen gleichzeitig: German Comic Con Berlin, Spiel Essen und Timelash in Kassel). [Read more] |