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FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:56 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:50 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:48 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:41 (3 Years ago) |
Which breeder?(optional): IDK Pokemon: Litten How many:Okay I need about 20 breeding paris (okay it sounds dumb when I say it like this but This is urgent) Gender: I NEED BREEDING PAIRS Tips(optional): IDK Others: CARRIBEANS ARE COOL This is going to cost more than I have sooooo.. dont worry.... uhhh how do I do 20 % off? ummmm [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:39 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:38 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:22 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Tue, 31/08/2021 00:19 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:54 (3 Years ago) |
Title: Part 3A: idk. Hamitlon Rap/Laurens Rap A: this Q 3: If you could go back in time to fix something, what would it be? A: That's private Q 4: Why am I doing this again A: cuz why not? Q 5: If you could trade accounts with anyone, who would it be? A: um.... I dont know. Probably Cottonbblu. Q 6: What can you draw better, humans or animals? A: Someone’s going to write “I can’t draw” I already know it animals are easiler to draw but my humans are better. Q 7: Would you redesign your room if you could? A:no Q 8: What is your dream house? A: This is- i live in my fdream house. I mean, I used to have a giant dream house but then I realized there is no need so... Q 9: Apple or Android? A: huh? Q 10: What’s your favorite fruit? A:prob peach. Q 11: What’s your favorite vegetable? A: celery. Q 12: Are you a vegan/vegetarian/anything of the sort? A: no Q 13: What’s your favorite sport? A: ummmm... to do, to watch, or just in general? Q 14: What’s something you want to do, but haven’t? A: Well I kinda want to... to- okay this is probably a bit- okay I wonjt say it- but I think of it every night and I probably will have to wait another 70-90 uears to do it- so.... I dont wnat to live another 70=90 years Q 15: I like drinking hot water, is that normal? A: i like hot water too Q 16: Do you wish there was more time in the day? A: i dont. i love sleep.... Q 17: How many tabs do you have open at the moment? A:15 on firefox. 29 in total Q 18: Would you rather have all the money in the world or friends in the world you wanted? A: none. I am happy with the friends I hae and I probaly wouldbe dead, no offense, if I had all the money in the world. Q 19: What’s the first word that comes to your mind when I say the letter A? A: Probably the naem fo my sister Q 20: Do you get heart burn often? A: yeah. Well I dont know what that is but I htink i have an idea Q 21: What’s a book/book series you’d read all over again? A: Outcast in COAD, forst of secrets in warriors and Mothflight's Visoin in warriors. Q 22: What’s your favorite quote? A: "If I subtract your brains and devide your family, what's the remonainder??? YOUR BUTT!!" Q 23: We all have that one person that understands you and cares for you more than the rest. Who is it? (You do not need to answer if this makes you uncomfortable!) A:ummm... Q 24: What’s your favorite meal for dinner? A:idk Q 25: Are you left handed or Right handed? Or ambidextrous? A: right handed Q 26: Who’s your favorite superhero? A: LJOHN LA- I mean- ummm.... idkj MEE!!! Q 27: Would you rather go back to the past or the future? A: prob past. I lwould like to fix what I did in the past. Q 28: Do you use light mode or dark mode? A: light mode. Dakr mode hurts my eyes aka im not used to it Q 29: What is the longest time you’ve gone without sleep? A: uhhhhhhh 42 hours Q 30: What makes you angry? A: when 1: people dont like me 2: idk when people dont agree with me in serious situations 3: when people just corner me against a wall Q 31: If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for? A: 1: to be able to have time turner 2: to be able to have acio 3: to give my birds the best life ever Q 32: Do you have a fight or flight response? (Do you run away first or do you fight first?) A: I knee them in the weird place and then run before they get up. Q 33: What is the last thing you’ve eaten? A: pog juice Q 34: Do you have online friends? A: yes. But they all hate me I bet Q 35: Do you sleep with your door open or closed? A: closed. I used to sleep with it open. Q 36: Would you rather be always cold or always warm? A: ummmm prob warm. Die less painfully. Q 37: What motivates you? A: idk I am not motivated Q 38: Have you ever rode a horse? A: probably when I was veyr young Q 39: Would you rather give someone a gift or be given a gift? A: both. Q 40: Do you like going shopping? A: NO! Q 41: Are you a quiet person? A: uhhh maybe Q 42: What’s your favorite holiday? A: CHRISTMAS! BIRTHDAY- Q 43: What’s your favorite candy? A: ummmm... well that depends Q 44: Is there foods/a food you cannot have? A: yes Q 45: If you had a warning label on you, what would it be? Ex: Warning, I am a loud person or Warning, I am weird A: Do not let outisde Q 46: Do you plan on living with someone in the future? A: yes Q 47: What is your LEAST favorite day of the week? A: def monday or saterday Q 48: Sandals or sneakers? A: sneakrers Q 49: Have you ever won any awards? (You do not need to say what they are) A: umm... well I dont think soo... not off the top of my head exspet oa few DTAs. Q 50: What are some goals you hope to achieve in the future? A: idk Q 51: Do you believe in soulmates? A: huh. No Q 52: If you had to be an animal, what would you be? A: probably a snaek. only because peopl normally stay away from them. Q 53: Do you show affection to people? A: idk Q 54: What is the last movie you’ve watched? A: GRAVITY FALLS BOO YEAH! Q 55: Do you believe in ghosts? A: idk i dont ewatn another life after this, just the boring cycle for countless years Q 56: What’s something you like that others don’t? A:hmmm,. idk Q 57: Do you have any stuffed animals you had as a baby? A: yeah. I got it from my grandmother when I was just born. Q 58: What’s a bad habit of yours? A: umm... prob already answered that. Q 59: How did you find this project? A: my friend first answered it a couple months ago (the first one) and then blehehehe Q 60: Have you ever reported a comment/forum on Pokeheroes? A:no Q 61: What’s a guilty pleasure of yours? A:idk Q 62: Are you tickleish? A: yes very. anywhere. Q 63: What is the formula for water? A:idk Q 64: Do you like legos? A: yea no really tho [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:25 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:24 (3 Years ago) |
Title: Part 2Q 1: A:scrtch stuff Q 2: Would you change your username if you could(I changed it from FloralLeafage to FloralLeafeon)? If so, what would it be? A: idk. I'm happy which what I have rn Q 3: Would you rather have fake or real flowers in your house? A:fake flowers only because the scent of real flowers are just- too much Q 4: Favorite class in school at the moment? A: idk Q 5: What is your favorite letter? A: definitely a cyuz its nige to me. Q 6: Do you like/watch anime? A:no well Pokemon Anime I gues Q 7: What are your favorite YouTubers/streamers? A: idk. Thats private. Q 8: What job do you want in the future? A: idk. if I know what I want, why waste time in shcool wutever Q 9: Do your parents/guardians know about your account/your A: technically - probably Q 10: How many pillows do you sleep with at night? A: 1 Q 11: Do you prefer digital art or traditional art? A: traditional art Q 12: Colour pencils or markers? A:color pensicls Q 13: What's your favorite song(s) at the moment? A: MY SHOT! I AM NOT THROWING AWAY ME- appropriate one? uhhhhhhhh-- Aaron Burr- no. Um- Yellow Flicker Beat- no I dont know- acutally- yea wutever Q 14: What's your favorite mythical creature? A:probably threstral or something. Q 15: Are you a good or bad speller? A: yea but the fact I get aemotionally attachted to my letters that i spell wrong just- it makes typing a lot eworse. Q 16: Trivia Time! How many seas are there? A: ummmmm 2? Q 17: Do you need glasses? A: no. Q 18: Have you ever climbed a tree? A: yes. A:p sctrach stuff Q 20: Do you have curly hair? (It seems like I'm the only person who has curly hair ;___;) A: No. I wish I did ntho. Would be better for my holloween costume Q 21: Are you a sleep talker? A:nah Q 22: What are some pet peeves you have? A:huh? noooo????? Q 23: Are you a messy person? A: Yes. messiest in my class Q 24: What made-up character would you like to meet? (Such as ones from a movie or book series) A: John laurens is 240 years dead so..... FATHERTAIL! FEATHERTAIL! FEATHERTAIL! A: that is illegal. A: Q 27: Are you indecisive? A:idk wut that means Q 28: Are you an introvert or extrovert? (Or ambivert?) A: ambivert mostly Q 29: What superpower do you want? A: i dont know. I probably would switch a lot so I guess to fly Q 30: Do you sleep with socks on? A: no Q 31: Do you like hoodies? A: yess!! Q 32: How many messages would you say you get in a day? A: 11+ Q 33: Do you write stories? If so, how young were you when you wrote your first story? A: yes. When I wrote my first story I remember was when I was about in 2nd-3rd grade somewhere. There was Travellers and then there was this one was a Warriors Remix thing but it worked very differently and... Q 34: Can you cross your eyes? A:idk what that means A: Q 36: Have you ever been on "What the community is loving" or "What the community is remixing"? (Or being featured!) A:No I a m very sad Q 37: If you haven't been featured already, do you want to be? A:no Q 38: Do you overthink things? A:no Q 39: Have people vented to you before? A: yyyess i hate it- Q 40: Do you create nicknames for your friends/family members? A: Yes! When I was in Kindergarden I called my sister a name I will not speak of in front of her anymore. Q 41: Do you know more than one language? A: yes. Like, fleuntly or just a word or two? if so, I know 2 fleuently, and0- Q 42: What color eyes do you like the most? A: idk. Amber for cats, green for humans. Q 43: Have you dyed your hair before? A: no. Q 44: What's your zodiac sign? A: I Am A VERY VIRGO! IN FACT MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW! WHEEEEE Q 45: How many ocs do you have? A: a lot Q 46: Which spelling do you prefer? Grey or Gray? A: gray A: i dont even remember A: on scratch it was silverpelt_ Q 49: What features do you want into A: The - well to put eggs in boxes Q 50: How did you find out about A: idk A lot? YOU CANT PUT EGGS IN BOXES WITHOUT A FEE OF 75K OR MORE! Q 51: Do you have a song stuck in your head? If so, what is it/what line is it? A: Dear Alexander, I am slow to anger ect Q 52: Do you need braces or have you had them? A: Idk yet. Q 53: What's your least favorite colour? A: this dirty yellow coloiur Q 54: Family or friends? A: family. Q 55: Do you have a friend that you're more close to than the others? A:yes. I have only one friend sooo... Q 56: Would you rather read online books or hard copy books? A:book s irl. Online books heurt my eyes too much Q 57: Can you fall asleep to the sound of rain? A: yes. Its earsier. The quiet scares me. Q 58: What colour do you have the most of in your room? A:Yellow and brown A:tehjnically 160 Q 60: Are you a patient person? A: no Q 61: What's your favorite thing to drink? A: SAM ADA- milk Q 62: Cheesecake or normal cake? A: noraml- or I mean , bdempends right? Q 63: Vanilla or Chocolate? A:Vanilla Q 64: Did you answer my first project, "64 random questions"? A:yes [Read more] |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:10 (3 Years ago) |
Banned because ur pfp is cute [
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 20:07 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:56 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:54 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:48 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:45 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:43 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:42 (3 Years ago) |
FloralLeafeon OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 169 |
Posted: Mon, 30/08/2021 19:36 (3 Years ago) |
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