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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SilverStar.
Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 05:54 (10 Years ago)
You're banned for having shinies. :D

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 09:55 (10 Years ago)
Wolf by Exo

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Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 04:13 (10 Years ago)
Wolf - Exo (M)

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Posted: Fri, 04/07/2014 18:05 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 27/06/2014 14:21 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 02/06/2014 07:30 (10 Years ago)
Can I have a ponyta and a absol please? You can choose whatever pokemon you want from my sell box.

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Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 23:37 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/05/2014 08:01 (10 Years ago)
Set up... I will accept the trades within 24hours of you sending the money if I'm not online.

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Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 13:28 (10 Years ago)
Set up in the global trade station.

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Posted: Mon, 05/05/2014 10:04 (10 Years ago)

Art credit: Furret

SilverStar here ^^ Thought I'd reopen this now :'D I haven't put up prices for most cause I'm lazy, unless otherwise specified, I accept normal gems, dark gems, nuggets and pd - just make me an offer! ^^

Updated: 14th of June 2017

Items I'm Selling

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★ 14x
★ Quite a bit of and I can get more from the beach if needed :p
★ Dozens of etc. (just ask!)
★ 3x , 1x , 1x , and 1x
★ 4x , 1x, 2x , 1x
★ 2x of black and 2x of white
★ 3x
★ 12x
★ 1x , 1x , 1x , 1x
★ 9x , 11x , 6x , 13x , 11x , and 6x ,

Pokemon I Currently Have

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★ Check out my trade boxes for any normal/event pokemon you want cause I've only listed important trades (and the ones I only want nuggets for) below!

Event Breeding

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I'm currently in the mood to do easy tall grass hunts which leaves my daycare free. Since I have basically all the events, you can order anything breedable OTHER THAN the clawfairy and the mr. moody series cause those two hate me.
Here are the guidelines for ordering:
★ I want 15 normal/20 dark gems per event.
★ I'd also take 10 nuggets per but you'd have to trust me enough to send me 60 nuggets and get 50 back since there's the 50 nugget thing.
★ You can order as many as you want so long as you're patient - feel free to pull out so long as I'm not currently getting that event/have it in storage already.
★ Pay when I've hatched your event and I've put it in the GTS.
★ Please please be patient. I'm doing these while I hunt which means that I cannot hatch your pokemon until I'm done with my hunt. Also, event eggs are mean - they take time to show up.
★ I reserve the right to refuse to hunt something.
★ No gender/nature orders please since I can't determine that while the egg is in storage :'D

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Posted: Thu, 24/04/2014 10:47 (10 Years ago)

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