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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ninja_sceptileking.
Posted: Wed, 19/11/2014 12:54 (10 Years ago)
while using absorb Glare was using dragon breath lets do this Glare shouted

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Posted: Tue, 18/11/2014 12:40 (10 Years ago)
ahhhhh i was TRYING TO SNEAK UP ON YOU :P i still have to work on my sneaking skills and whats your name. plus can you install ninja training lessons with you your a forgader as i can clearly see :P

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Posted: Tue, 18/11/2014 00:23 (10 Years ago)
Wood vile Lodge entry form

Please read through all rules then fill in attached form.

No swearing
No double posting
Don't be mean
Try to acknowledge other peoples ideas
Only 3 players can be legendary Pokemon and first come first serve

Pokemon you have been transformed into:treecko
Special features:longer tale than usual
Short description:brave and likes to joke but is series at times of danger and likes to spy and can i be a dragon type as well :)

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Posted: Mon, 17/11/2014 01:17 (10 Years ago)
ok good

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Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 13:44 (10 Years ago)
oh good you are a shiny your leader fen

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Posted: Sun, 16/11/2014 13:14 (10 Years ago)
well then where am i??????? double team go :)

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Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 23:51 (10 Years ago)
i now absorb,pound,leer,double team i found this crazy disk and i swallowed it it was yummy

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Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 23:46 (10 Years ago)
uh hello whats your name your pink and look yummy :P

lets start training :)

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Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 18:55 (10 Years ago)
wait whats that pink mudkip she looks nice :)

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Posted: Sat, 15/11/2014 13:48 (10 Years ago)
well then you wanna eat or train Glare said with a glint in his eyes *)

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 20:56 (10 Years ago)
yaaaaaa we have good leaders :D

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 20:48 (10 Years ago)
your in but why not a shiny i know you and your the first is there another :)

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 20:11 (10 Years ago)
yes you can be a shiny your the leader of fennikins and latias you are the leader of chars :)

its now in RP yay :)

oh Hi i was looking for pokemon for a clan and we can share :) :) :) my names glare the shiny eevee you see is darwin and he's pale
:D :D :D

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 12:27 (10 Years ago)
how do you move it and yes of course :)

Glare walks out and sees a young charmander that sparkles like them

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago)
MY names Glare and I'm a shiny to yaaa

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:56 (10 Years ago)
lets hope I find more friends here I could make a starter clan :) Glare murmered he was dozing off

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:54 (10 Years ago)
i don't know but it looks like paradise lets make camp here :)

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:53 (10 Years ago)
I am a shiny treecko named Glare :) i do not evolve

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:52 (10 Years ago)
gahhhh its ok you are a shiny mudkip do you want to be able to evolve or not ???

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Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:40 (10 Years ago)
You may choose a starter from any region

starters include
Chespin,turtwig,treecko,bulbasuar,snivey and chikorita

fennekin,cyndaquil,torchic,charmander,chimchar and tepig

froakie,squirtle,totodile,mudkip,piplup and oshawott
It also includes pikachu and evee as these can also be starters :P

no bad language,no gruesome facts/writing in this forum,shiny pokemon which are leaders can be achieved by knowing me or leveling up in the story since you explore or battle pokemon to gain XP you must be level 100 to be a shiny :D

first of that starter may be a shiny :)

YOU do not have to evolve so you can be your favorite starter pokemon
THERE will be bosses so we will have to fight together to beat the boss :D we all gain XP :D

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