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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 00:11 (8 Years ago)
In the case of Mewton, it would look like a normal shiny meowth until the spriters made a shiny sprite for it. (Which is better than the broken image that some previous shinies had before, lol)

As for the Anniversary Gift, it would most likely be the other sprite or it'd be a broken image. (I guess the other sprite because of how it shows up in the pokedex)

But as the lotto is now over, neither of these are an issue until the next time a shiny locked pokemon has the chance to be shiny orz

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Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 00:08 (8 Years ago)
Suggestion to this suggestion:
2 is such a low number for adoptions of this nature.

So my suggestion is to have 2 as the base number
Add 3 to it if a user is under a week old (total of 5)

And +1 for every 10 trainer levels.

So someone like Ecco could get a total of 15 per day due to having 130 for the trainer levels that count. (137)

This way people who hoard certain pokemon can adopt them, and the slots don't HAVE to be used.
Plus the odds are that the higher trainer leveled users release a lot more pokemon, lol.
(Like I have a ton of events that I want to get rid of but don't want to release and seem to not sell in the AH for 1K pd >.<)

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 16:41 (8 Years ago)
I like Dark's idea.

The Pickax is like the explorer bags, you have to have one in order to gain access to the Emera Mines.

The battles would be like the legendary battles. No user input, just the pokemon and the opponent.

And I think the gemstones should be based on generic indicators. So if you get a stone, it can have one type of gem it it or three different gems in it. That way it's still randomized to a degree.

And Dragon/Fairy gems wouldn't be obtainable in this manner.

When the gemstone is brought back, it goes into the item bag, that way if the cauldron is in use it doesn't break that. But to get the gems out of it, you have to throw it into the cauldron to melt down the stone and free the gems.

As for the stones, I think the rainbow stone would be a bit too much, so it should not be included. But the other three seems pretty fair.

For upgrading the pickax, it could be like the explorer areas or the wide lens. (Either the more you use it, the more experience you earn, and after a certain amount of experience, you upgrade the ax. Or you buy them with increasing price each time.)

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 12:04 (8 Years ago)
I'll draw a kitteh and edit it into this post =3

I'd love an image of Zianobu (you can click the bottom right of my signature to get more information on him and more images.)


A random pokémon/fusion/whatever. (Can not be the new starters!)

If you decide to do the random pokemon or alteration to a pokemon and decide to color it, I've got an optional palette in mind. Just palpad me if you want it or if you want to do everything on your own, lol.

And doodled::

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Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 02:35 (8 Years ago)
I hope having three characters is fine. Mainly because I don't know who I want to play and figure that between the three of them there's something.

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Name: Iceach (Ike-each)
Age/Level: 21 / 15
Gender: Male
Kind: Sneasel
Looks: link
Past: Born and raised on Icy Mountain Road, Iceach grew up in a rather harsh life. He was different from other Sneasels on several levels. His body was a mirror image of most Sneasels, he had strange fluffs of fur on his right arm, and he was peach colored with strange markings. When the war ended, it brought his home down over time. Now it's a wasteland that is uninhabitable and his species was forced to move on.

Now he wanders, far from home, and looks to offer temporary protection to others for a price.
Species - Sneasel
Ability- Keen Eye / Inner Focus (Primarily Keen Eye)
Held Item- Shell Bell (The Peach Pendant)
Nature- Hardy
Trait- Alert to Sounds
Quick Attack
Ice Shard/ Icicle Crash
Feint Attack

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Name: Ragthar - Nicknamed Thor
Age/Level: 160+ due to primal reversion, but only 15 or so. Level 25
Gender: Male
Kind: Riolu
Looks: To the left
Past: Ragthar was born as a shiny Riolu. He was curious by nature and wandered about a lot. One day he stumbled upon a shrine dedicated to Celebi. He decided to look inside, and when he did he wound up having the time vortex mess with his DNA, reverting him to a more primal state. He was thrown back, and landed on the ground. He still looked like a Riolu, mainly, just with different colors and a few added markings. Now he was a Riolu that had traits of Mightyena, Growlithe, and Houndour, since apparently all four canines shared parts of their dna from centuries ago.
Species - Riolu
Ability- Steadfast
Held Item- None
Nature- Naughty
Trait- Scatters things often
Quick Attack
Force Palm
Blaze Kick / Low Kick

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Name: Soliete [Soul-ight] Nicknamed Sol
Age/Level: Age 16 Level 62
Gender: Female
Kind: Espeon Gijinka - Experimentally altered with Milotic. Mainly appearance changed.
Looks: Link
Past: Sol grew up as a naive little Eevee Gijinka in a small town at the base of Mt. Moon. Ironic because she became an Espeon. She worked as a feral pokemon caretaker, taking in any injured, sick, or otherwise weakened pokemon to help them heal up. With the war over, but the fear of another one rising, many Gijinkas were captured and tested on. Sol's experiments were to try and fuse her with Milotic DNA. It worked, but not as well as the scientists had hoped.

She now has gills and her fur color is altered.
Species- Espeon
Ability- Synchronize
Held Item- Prism Scale
Nature- Timid
Trait- Good Endurance
Hyper Voice
Morning Sun
Psybeam / Psychic

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Posted: Mon, 16/05/2016 19:39 (8 Years ago)
Hey Prince! could i get some art please

Username: Navuso
What you want: All of the above
Character Reference Link: Zianobu
What you will be paying in:
100K DW Plushie [discounted price]
300K Full Shade
200K Flat Color

600K total to be paid when the art is done. (Just because I have had too many people take my payment and run >.<)

And as Kit already said, the PD to Nuggets value is not the same as the value on the site. It's not a complaint, but below is an explanation of why this is an issue:

The Dream World plushies is 150K pd or 1,500 Nuggets.
That's 150K pd => 100 Nuggets or 1,500 Nuggets => 2,250,000 PD
So anyone taking the 2.25 Mil PD option is either over paying or the person paying in PD is underpaying ;)

The site sucks for using real world currency for values, unfortunately. And it's not that your art isn't worth what you are asking, it's just the giant gap between the values is all >.<

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Posted: Mon, 16/05/2016 16:07 (8 Years ago)
May I request an image of Zianobu? He's the one in my signature where it says I'm looking for art, lol.

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Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 17:12 (8 Years ago)
# of gems: 100
Password: Let you Know

I'm currently rumbling for Normal gems and Electric gems, lol. I'll be back with more. (and I'll try to do some exchanges for them for you too <3)

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Posted: Sun, 08/05/2016 15:59 (8 Years ago)
Please don't double post. It's kind of spam and clutter.

That aside: The official app marks anything with a 1.5 difficulty/terrain or higher as needing premium in order to view it. (It also marks multi-caches and mystery caches premium only, at least on mom's phone) If you are on Android, there is a different app that only marks premium caches as premium. (I use that app)

As for a disabled listing: If you can click it, still, then you can see why it was disabled. One of the staff or Cache Owner usually posts a reason to disable or archive a listing.

I actually have caused a few listings to get disabled before because there was something going on in the area that potentially disrupted the cache, so the owner disabled the listing so that they could go check on it and do any maintenance that needed t be done. (I also got two caches archived because the owner decided they weren't going to keep up with them and the cache container itself was so far gone that it couldn't be salvaged...)

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Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 23:05 (8 Years ago)
100x100 is the minimum size. Meaning for it to be classified as Digital art, it has to be that size or larger. There is no maximum size for it, so as long as the file size isn't too large for my network to download, it'll be just fine =3 (And that'd be a huge file size to break that)

I'll add you to the list. I don't currently have a Soothe Bell, but if you're looking for it for a happiness evolution, I'd be glad to give you 4K on top of what I'll pay you for the art =D (Enough to cover the cost of Acupuncture in the Salon, which also triggers happiness evolutions)

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Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 11:53 (8 Years ago)
I don't support this because a lot of people use the @ before a nickname when referring to other users.

Like when people talk to me, they go "@Navu" but if they are linking me they go "&#91;User]Navuso[/user]"

The first would link them to a user that doesn't exist, and if it's turned into a ping, there will be people getting pinged for other people's comments.

A good example of this is when I used to go by Demonshade.
@Demon and @Shade were used when talking to me.
Demon and Shade would have gotten those pings if this was implemented, and I wouldn't have.

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Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 18:45 (8 Years ago)
Actually, I had this problem just a few months ago, before I switched phones. The easiest thing to do is just double-tap the tab to go to that page. Then navigate from the side links. (So double-tap home to go to the home page, or town to go to the town page or settings to go to settings.)

That should still be accessible even when the drop downs overlap.

The only one this doesn't work with is community.

I don't have this issue anymore solely because my phone comes with a stylus so I can actually hover and click like I do on the computer.

Both of my phones were Androids.

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Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 02:49 (8 Years ago)
I have an orange background, so it shows up just fine for me ♥
He's so lovely. Thank you so much ♥
Payment has been sent.

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Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 01:02 (8 Years ago)
I've got 209 Grass Gems.
Mind if I exchange them for boxes and keys?

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Posted: Thu, 05/05/2016 21:03 (8 Years ago)
It's already added

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 23:03 (8 Years ago)
Suggestion of events, which I assume this would be, should not be posted on the forums.

You should come up with why you think it should be released (a good reason) as well as descriptions of what it looks like and what it relates to. Then you should contact a spriter about it.

Even though it is an event in the actual games (At least two of the side games) that does not mean it should be an event on here (For example: Notch Eared Pichu does not exist on PH either)

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Posted: Wed, 04/05/2016 15:53 (8 Years ago)
I'll see if I can get out and do some cito caching before this is over, but we've been kind of busy around the house so have been unable to do so lately >.<

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 06:22 (8 Years ago)
Hey i want some art moon!
User: Navuso
Head shot [Normal or "Grinner"?] or full body? Headshot Normal
Extras: Could I get two images of this? One of his normal form and one of his Luxray form? If not, then just his normal form is fine <3
Payment: Image and HATS
Password (check above post):QUIRKY

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Posted: Tue, 03/05/2016 01:47 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon: Zianobu
Style: Full color, please?
Ref Links: Sketchy Ref and Luxray Form
Payments type: Art Trade? ((Palpad me to work out the details?))
Anything else: Your style is so adorable!

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Posted: Sat, 30/04/2016 22:14 (8 Years ago)
Zuko-Kitty: As I don't offer payment in Nuggets (due to not having enough to gift in payment most of the time) I won't use that as a reference for your prices. Sorry.
I would love to work something out with you for the chibi style, so if you have an idea for the price range in PD or other items we can talk about it through Palpad <3

~BlazingTy~: That sounds fair to me =3 I'll add you to the second post

Argentis1412: What gems are you looking for? Once I know that, I can talk about a more accurate pricing <3

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