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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Praecantatio.
Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 22:01 (10 Years ago)
The unsuspecting goat trotted down the slope and leaped onto the bridge. Her tongue flopped out as she looked around her colorful surroundings. In seeing nobody else, she trotted down the path, not remembering the reign of terror she had inflicted and would, possibly, sometime in the future.

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 21:53 (10 Years ago)
The normal looking gray goat lifted a hoof, somehow on the roof of Peach's castle. She didn't know what had happened, and she often ended in high places when she got mad without knowing how she had gotten there. She felt like she should know this place.

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Posted: Mon, 26/01/2015 21:48 (10 Years ago)
eyyyy I think I'll join it seems like cool kids are here

Name: A Random Goat
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
What video game are you from?: (It has to be a REAL game, not some fanmade online game.) Goat Sim.
Appearance: Just a normal goat.
Good or evil?: Good, but with destructive tendencies
Has the virus corrupted you yet?: nah man
Other: Be careful around this goat. She cannot speak, so she often digs messages in the ground with her hooves.

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Posted: Thu, 04/12/2014 02:32 (10 Years ago)

Title: A New Person

Hey! I guess you can call me Jill for now here. I don't know anybody here, but I look forward to meeting some people!
A little about me:
Actually ok with Pokemon cards and the DS games
I like Gravity Falls, Pokemon (of course), Legend of Zelda and some other things.
I'm kinda shy, so don't be surprised if I don't warm up to you immediately.

That's it, just wanted to say hi~!

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