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Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 21:47 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 21:35 (8 Years ago) |
![]() OSHIPOT Hii there i am silver oshi and i have a new oshipot kindly check it and participate in it :) Premium ticket can increase your chances by 40% :) Participants List ![]() Firevulpix81 - 20 Tickets ShadeThePlushieUmbreon - 78 Tickets Choco2249 - 7 Tickets HamsterFluf - 2 Tickets Rapidagger - 11 Tickets Tree-Oh - 13 Tickets jacobpolley13 - 2 Tickets Adea - 5 Premium Tickets zanester04 - 6 Tickets Fre_Sh_A_Va_Ca_Do - 5 Tickets Aragon - 20 Premium Tickets Silverlightx - 8 Ticket & 5 Premium Tickets Sterg21 - 13 Tickets 2Blooky4U - 6 Tickets abhilash1993 - 2 tickets [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 20:09 (8 Years ago) |
1.When riako codes something new in that any error occurs 2.Cloudserver host can be errorsd or corrupted sometime maybe and commonly the problem comes in cloudserver of singapore 3.Ph host might have some error or they are updating there services . And after all coding stuff and laging might not have any connection i hope you understand 8) [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 19:53 (8 Years ago) |
@Zathis - coding is not the real problem and this code cant lag ph so much lol it just take 0.00000.0001 of total disk space and code will be something like if a pokemon entered in medal rally then again out of rally then that pokemon will be banned for feeding rare candies for that edition of the medal rally and i hope your mind is changed and i know there are other ways as well to obtain candies but it is unfair still or even a shortcut or a cheating in fair way :D [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 19:20 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 17:08 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 16:57 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 16:51 (8 Years ago) |
So guys we need 4 strong battler for 4 region more... 1 more very very strong battler for royal team and start discussing here :) [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sun, 18/09/2016 11:43 (8 Years ago) |
Title: Today Special Editon :)[
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 10:41 (8 Years ago) |
Title: Important Notice- Silver Brick - Chief Editor Apart from it yes skarmoury you are welcome back to the staff you can get work from tommorow and you can palpad me now and its okay if other newsletter company think you are useless or somebody gives no work to you ;) [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 08:19 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 00:31 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 00:18 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 00:13 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 16:16 (8 Years ago) |
And i have green orb,griseous crystal and 3 gold box how much rare candy you can pay for them and 1 star piece too :) [Read more] |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 14:33 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 13:19 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 11:01 (8 Years ago) |
Narendra-Modi OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 459 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 10:45 (8 Years ago) |
![]() Latest Headlines -By Silver Brick - The Medal rally is started again and share #Great_Cut. WARNING - THE EVENT DOES NOT BREAK CHAIN ![]() More information: Current events! ![]() - Plushie To give everyone an update on the plushie event here is all the information on what you need for all 3 plushie! The first Stage as you all know is 500 Dream Points. Seem easy enough right? But then after that it gets much harder. The for the second bird of the legendary Trio - Which you get to choose which one you want first, second and Third by the way) is 2,000 and then 3,000 Points for last one! That’s a total of 5,500 for them all! Wow! - Event Distribution If you don’t want spoilers do feel free to skip this section! But if you want to know more feel free to continue reading. Between the 14th of September and the 28th of September you can obtain Larviprop the Robot pokemon.( At least that’s my guess) Now to get the first egg you have to earn a total of 6,000 Activity point now I know that seems a lot but there are many different way to obtain activity points but I will explain what you can do to earn those a little later in the article. Now Riako have said that if you obtain 3 or more eggs you would get a welcome surprise. Now all that I have earn is the first stage of the egg but for the first two it goes from 6,000 to 15,000, and then you have to add 12,000 (according to Riako’s Chart) to a total of 27,000 for the third egg! But at least you keep the amount you have earn from the previous rank unlike the Dream Points where you have to start from scratch. So what could this surprise be? Perhaps a Mega-able? After all Larvitar is a Mega-able pokemon if so I wonder what it will look like! It seems we will just have to wait and see! I’ll be interesting for sure to see what the surprise is! So do tell us below what you think the event surprise is going to be! Now you ask, how can you earn Activity points? Well you get them for different things and in different sections. For example. You can earn a total of 750 points for interactions now it’s not 1-1 but if you go about 1000 Interactions in an hour you can earn about the full total. In the Game Center section you can earn up to 50 Points but I believe the break down is like this. 1 Point every 3-4 Coin flips while you are certain to get activity points in the concentration game too and the higher the difficulty you do the more points you earn. In the Battling section you can earn up to 100 points and you get points even if you lose! So be sure to challenge other people so win or lose you’ll be able to earn event points! While you send pokemon Rumbling for every 1 item they find they will earn 1 point and you can earn up to 50 points. For the Social section that’s mostly easily refillable with 50 with trading pokemon in the Global Trade Station; but only when you’re pokemon is traded. If you make an offer on a pokemon you do not get the point. So be careful of that! Now with the Other section I found that if you adopt an egg from the lab, Daycare center or even from the concentration game but that’s the only way I have noticed so far so if you see another way to obtain these 200 points let me know! Lets not forget the Shiny Evolutions! ![]() ![]() ![]() And finally it’s Shiny Mega Form! Holy Hell this is beautiful! I will definitely have to Shiny hunt this in the future! ![]() ![]() Beauty Contest Bust out your most gorgeous pokemon,accessories,and backgrounds because the Emera Square Beauty Contest is here for all level seven trainers and above till the 28th. Alright time you take photos and send them directly ,but how you ask? You go into beauty contest at the Emera Square then into accessories put backgrounds and accessories on the pokemon of your choice then snap for 100 pokedollars! Here is the problem how do I get these things? Well the accessories and backgrounds are buy able after completing different tasks you get a new one every thirty minutes after skipping or completing the current task. Then send your top five photos and wait for the judging. Sorry ,but Riako is a little busy you'll just have to deal with any pokeheroes fan because we get to vote! Its all public voting so that its not biased and many people agree its the best instead of one or two people.So will your pokemon strut down the aisle fashionable or will it be booed out of the house? Subscribe please and share it matters to us here a lot so Thank you fans! - Zencester ![]() Gem Collector As you may or may not know in Emera town there’s a guy called Greg but you may not know him by that name. You might know him as the ‘Gem Collector’ and he offers many different services in exchanged for you guessed it! Gems! ![]() The first you may find is the Gem Exchange and one of the most busiest places in Emera Town I find. Players from all around the world of PokeHeroes come here to this one of few places to exchange their gems which their pokemon or themselves as a trainer have found to exchange ones they need. Some just put up offers in which people will dig through while others from near by just pop in to see what is on offer and the gem ratio before heading back out into the world of pokemon. The other major offer that Greg offers is the use of Gems to exchange into Eggs his breeds. Now at the moment he doesn’t do any event egg breedings (Trust me I’ve tried to get him to do so but he says it’ll take up to much of his time, and then he began to ramble one again as he often does… Gotta love him though!) But he does do normal eggs! But as long as you have the pokemon on you. He will not hand out eggs to pokemon that you do not own so it is always worth have at least 1 of each pokemon of every evolutionary line… ![]() He also does not handle any legendary eggs such as Ho-oh or Lugia as for one thing they are legendary but two they are non-gendered. Although there are a few legendaries that are willing to get along with Ditto apparently not all of them do and Greg just hasn’t figured out which ones like Ditto or not yet… So maybe one day in the future we may be able to get Legendary eggs from him if we have the pokemon but for now that’s not an option. Another note to make is that he does offer 3 special legendary eggs, those of Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde. But at the offer of at least 50 Dragon gems each and with each 1 Dragon Gem being worth 50k They don’t come cheaply so be sure to save them if you want to either shiny hunt or just have them as part of your collection! So yes before I move onto my next topic I must warn all shiny hunters ANY eggs from Greg the Gem collector WILL break your chain if it is not the same as the pokemon you are hunting. ![]() As for the last and final topic on the Gem collector I will be talking about the Gem Cauldron ! Now to first to be able to access the Gem Cauldron you have to pay Greg 50,000 PokeDollars to fix the item before you can officially use it. Now I would recommend that new players leave this feature be to begin with and get something more important from the ‘key items’ before getting this feature it’s not as necessary to begin with and to spend so much?! I will do a section for advice for new players soon I promise! But take this piece of advice for now. Now your next question is probably about ‘What does this Cauldron even do anyway?’ Well you see if you have a correct selections of gems you can create different evolutionary gems such as the fire Stone or Dawn stone once you get high enough. The final level though is worth picking up if you can do this rather difficult time limited game. You see the final recipe is the Mega-Stone which is Very highly valued. But with the cost of 5 gems of Every gems it can be costly even if you make 1 mistake. You see say you have 5 dragon gems only and if you by accident click a dragon gem while a poison gem is on the screen it will still use that dragon gem even if it was incorrect. So you can waste a LOT of money if you get it wrong and you may not be able to complete the recipe if you even make 1 mistake. So if you have a keep eye and good internet go for it! Every 2 days you may have a megastone - of if you’re really lucky a Black key! Did I forget to mention that the items in the recipes aren’t the only thing you can find from boiling gems? Trainers have reported getting strange items or even pokemon from the Gem Cauldron! What will you run into? Pokemon of the day! Today’s pokemon of the day is . . . ![]() Deino!! Is a dual-type Dark/Dragon Pokémon. It evolves into Zweilous starting at level 50, which evolves into Hydreigon starting at level 64. The Gender ratio 50% male, 50% female and is in the Egg Group of Dragon. Meanwhile on Poke Heroes it takes a EPH (The amount it take to hatch the Deino Egg) is 10,455 and in the video game it only knows the Ability Hustle which in battle Hustle increases the user's Attack stat by 50%, but lowers the accuracy of the user's physical moves by 20%. Special moves and status moves are unaffected by Hustle. Outside of battle from Pokémon Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with Hustle is leading the party, the chance of encountering a higher-leveled wild Pokémon increases by 50%. It shares this effect with Pressure and Vital Spirit. Also did you know that No other Pokémon has the same type combination as Deino and its evolutionary relatives?! Amazing eh? Recommended Times Recommend Song; Today we are going a bit retro with a blast from the past! Pokemon Route 1 Tune from Red/Blue! When this game was released in 1995 I was just a few months old at the time, and although I didn’t get to play it until I turned 10; it was certainly the highlight of my childhood! Now being able to play it on my 3DS at the age of 21, I don’t think I could ever sell my console purely for the nostalgia feeling. [s]Though I have to say I forgot how much I hate the grinding on the original game oh my lord how did I ever cope [s] Recommend Anime Episode: Naruto Episode 1 Now with this show it’s a case of either you love it or you hate it. There’s really no middle ground. And it’s in two separate parts. The original series is just called Naruto. While once this series has ended there’s a two [s]or more[s] time skip one this one finishes and then it moves onto Naruto Shippuden. Now I would look on the internet to see when the filler Episodes are (Filler is when the creators don’t have enough manga or original material to work from so they just create a random episode from thin air which has nothing to do with the plot) Recommend Game; Mass Effect Now what I have done is linked you to a list of walkthough that you can watch and enjoy because there is just so many choices to make. Mass effect if you haven’t hear is all about ‘Shepard’ You are the main character and you have to make choices whether it’s good or bad to continue the story. It’s all about how you ‘Shepard’ go through your career and depending on your choices it decided who dies, lives and is even born! Did I mention it’s a Bioware game? You know the company that’s the makers of Dragon Age the other heavy choice making game? So yeah there’s that. Recommended Book; For the book of the day I recommend The Saga of Darren Shan. Now things get slightly confusing here. This book is all about a vampire called Darren Shan (And yes that’s the name of the author too) but this isn’t like your Twilight Vampires. This will change your whole perception and feeling of the night creatures. You see this vampires feel real and it’s so good! With so many twists and turns you never know what to expect. Now although that series came first in the publication, there is a Prequel called ‘The Larten Crepsley Series’ Now you could either read this one first or the other but I would recommend reading them in publication order in order to get a real feel of the books and the story as well as the characters. ![]() Weather Forecast Silver Brick -Good Day, Emera Town! It is Ph and this is the latest weather information from our Castform Weather Station. Current Weather in Emera Town Current Weather: Windy It's currently windy in Emera Town, but it's a pleasent breeze due to the hot shining sun. However, it's still recommended to wear a jacket when going outside, so you don't catch a cold. Special Effect: All Flying Pokémon gain 50% more EXP. Tonight's Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous ![]() Next New Moon: In 5 days. Next Full Moon: Tommorow Night. ![]() Advertisement ![]() (We only advertise the best shop here which is cheap and good in quality) ●Try out Jingler Sprite Shop They make good sprites try it ●Rick Item Shop ●Seven Wonder Industries So Thats All For Todays News And A Great Thanks To Pokeheroes Staff To Help Me . [Read more] |