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Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2019 00:36 (5 Years ago) |
Title: NovemberBought a shiny Surfer Machop! 09/11/19 ![]() Broke the shiny mega Slowpoke chain due to depressing results and desire to do something less monotonous and seemingly pointless, and potentially hunt Groudon, Heatran and Unown F. Bought a shiny Super Shroom, Keggleon [Pattern #8] and Kleopard for 900k & 450 Bug Gems! 11/11/19 Found a shiny Alolan Grimer in Alola! 15/11/19 Bought a pair of shiny Meowth! 18/11/19 A shiny Unown F finally hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #146)! 19/11/19 ![]() Started a Groudon hunt! 22/11/19 A shiny Groudon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #40)! 23/11/19 A shiny Groudon hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #53)! 26/11/19 A shiny Unown G hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #33)! [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2019 19:05 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Mon, 21/10/2019 21:23 (5 Years ago) |
And Santa Birb would be worth somewhere around 50-200k because its a special event [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Tue, 15/10/2019 19:21 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 16:24 (5 Years ago) |
Title: OctoberBought the whole Shiny Tapu Quartet for 4,000 ![]() 28/10/19 Traded a shiny H. Cubchoo for a shiny Woopice! [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Thu, 12/09/2019 01:44 (5 Years ago) |
Title: SeptemberObtained a pair of shiny Mankey from Seb! 23/09/19 Bought a shiny Keggleon for 600k! 25/09/19 Obtained a shiny Oranguru from Mal! (In return for a future shiny Passimian) [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sun, 08/09/2019 01:37 (5 Years ago) |
its over now and there's probably a few eggs from yesterday still to hatch but geez, doesnt sound very 'drastic' and kinda implausible still to obtain them. hopefully theyre available in some other method in the future or the chances are even higher next time because I got shaymin 15 times this year with 14 eggs, the 14th being in my party right now, and that one didnt happen until i'd made 80k interactions yesterday and was the only one of yesterday [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 07/09/2019 17:18 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Fri, 06/09/2019 15:12 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Fri, 30/08/2019 20:57 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Mon, 19/08/2019 00:52 (5 Years ago) |
Title: AugustA shiny Retro Mew hatched out of one of your eggs (Egg #5)! [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2019 03:48 (5 Years ago) |
Slowking and Pyroar are indeed Royal-Pokemon but thats only when its asking for their classification outside of those questions [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sun, 11/08/2019 01:28 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Mon, 05/08/2019 12:19 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 16:30 (5 Years ago) |
Daycare hunts are much harder to price but an Event Pass costs real money/premium currency but also takes out all the horrible waiting and time consumation from a daycare hunt by giving you free eggs indefinitely until a shiny hatches and revokes that privilege compared to the daycare being entirely PH RNG giving you potentially 0-3 eggs daily on top of the shiny rates [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 01:39 (5 Years ago) |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Wed, 24/07/2019 01:55 (5 Years ago) |
I'm absolutely 100% down for this becoming a thing because we've not had Shaymin or Kyurem in two years now and that method of releasing is nice to introduce it to the site but the fact their shiny chances are stuck to just whatever the hell random chance is is garbage and gives them inconceivable value if they do shine and makes the idea of ever getting them little more than a pipe dream which is crushing to completionists that dont have the real life money to burn to attempt to buy our way to success. [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sun, 21/07/2019 00:11 (5 Years ago) |
The Tapu need approximately 2-3 decent SC slot runs to earn the tokens to buy an egg, whereas the saddles are Mystery Box only items that are rarer than they apparently are supposed to be and are tied to 11 separate pokemon so its a completely different situation. The Tapu are considerably cheaper, personally id say they would be between 120-180k because theyre relatively easy to get and with one whole day of SCS clicking and doing well enough you'll get the whole set. Ultra Beasts should be like, 150-200k because of how often people are hunting them and adding them to the site population but with the inflated price of Ultra Saddles they dont seem to be set up for less than 225k in the AH outside of one instance with Poipole/Naganadel [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Mon, 08/07/2019 16:36 (5 Years ago) |
Legendary pokemon don't abide by the rarity rule because of this, so don't follow that price. Would you consider it at all feasible to think with all the costs of legendary items that a shiny Legendary summonable would only go for 300k? and even then 3mil is a very low price for it and kind of a poor start, shiny huntable legends would be worth a few more million im sure so its more of a name your price situation [Read more] |
Greggory_Lee OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 951 |
Posted: Sat, 06/07/2019 03:40 (5 Years ago) |
older events that might not be as wide spread can go for more but i envision that being the general proper price for event pokemon as they come, and current events arent worth a lot as theyre available to everyone willing to do a little work for them but some people have the bizarre idea that they might be able to make a large profit off of them regardless which makes the auction house slightly untrustworthy when its day 1 of a new distribution [Read more] |