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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 01:28 (7 Years ago)
Rika weaved through the crowd and through an alleyway, it took them only five minutes. "Oh did I say 15? I meant 5~" The gang stood in front of the Pokemon Lab, "This way!"

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 01:23 (7 Years ago)
Rika smiled happily, "Nope! It should only take like 15 minutes! Just follow me, I know all of the shortcuts in Lumiose City!"

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 01:15 (7 Years ago)
Tears blurred my vision as they drove us to the hospital, "Lucas? Whatever do... please don't die... I need you..."

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 01:13 (7 Years ago)
(@DeathTrooper2345 please make your character description more specific and put your team in a spoiler)
Rika nodded happily, "Yeah! Professor Sycamore is the best ever! He gave me Princess and Magi! He also cared for me for a solid three years! I owe a lot to him!"

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 01:11 (7 Years ago)
The paramedics came in and began to put Lucas on a stretcher, "Please let me go with him! I need to know if he's going to be ok!" The paramedics nodded and helped me onto an ambulance, I held Lucas' hand the entire way there.

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Posted: Sat, 13/01/2018 00:20 (7 Years ago)
“Who’s the professor? I’m glad you asked! He’s Professor Sycamore, the best professor ever! Also he’s the only professor of the Kalos region!” Rika was excited to go back to the lab, more excited than she had ever been.

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 22:23 (7 Years ago)
(@TheLavaCookies our legendaries protect us and I will reveal why I had you choose one at some point during this RP ;) )

Rika nodded at Kyushu's idea, "Smart but I wanted to get one more Pokemon before we charge in. Since we're going to Lumiose City next, we can stay with the professor! It'd be nice to see him and check on some of my friends!"

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 17:22 (7 Years ago)
Rika smiled, "Glad you asked!" She pulled him away from the group, "Kyushu wants to get stronger but I don't know if can help him alone. He only has his Primarina, I'm not sure if he'll want any other Pokemon so we need to train him."
The little Marshadow appears out of nowhere and Rika jumped in shock, she sighed in relief when she realized it was just Marshadow. "We were discussing on how we should train Kyushu."

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 17:07 (7 Years ago)
Rika looked over at Kyushu, "Well they're interesting characters! Anyway if you don't want 'cheap tactics' then you've just gotta train harder!" Rika turned and patted Blu on the shoulder, "I have an idea and I'm going to need your help."

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 16:21 (7 Years ago)
Rika remembered a team by the name of Team Rocket, “Oh! I remember them! A boy named Gold took them out for the Johto region!”

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 15:28 (7 Years ago)
Rika waved at the new face, “Hello! What can we do for you?” She heard Kyushu say something about a Z-Move and she turned her head in the direction of it. “Woah... That’s a Z-Move? THAT’S AWESOME!!”

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:37 (7 Years ago)
Rika stopped to think, "Well the professor did tell me about a different tactic involving something called a Z-Ring."

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:33 (7 Years ago)
I saw the kit that Rosaline had slid over to me, "Thank you!" I began to patch him up, his wounds were really bad. "Rosaline! Lucas' wounds are more serious than I thought, he needs to get professional help."

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:32 (7 Years ago)
Rika looked over at Kyushu, "Chase and I have been through a lot together. He'd never turn on me, right buddy?" Rika's Garchomp nodded happily and licked her cheek.

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:28 (7 Years ago)
I run to the tree that James was talking about, "Lucas! Oh no... oh god..." I began tearing up and looking around for a medical kit or something to help him.

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:08 (7 Years ago)
(@Kuruma yes I'd rather you do it like that please.)
"Are you going to be alright?", I asked James.

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:03 (7 Years ago)
(@Kuruma if you cuss, please do it with these guys:** I am fine with cussing but please don't spell the actual word.)
I nodded and tried to help James up, "Yeah I'll be fine!!"

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 05:01 (7 Years ago)
Rika took the mega stone and turned it into a hair clip, "Thanks Lava! Ok now to level up Chase!" Rika threw the ball and Chase came out again, "Hey buddy! You might wanna eat these, there are eight of them." She unwraps the rare candies and Chase eats them one by one, savoring the flavor. He began to glow again, this time coming out as a Garchomp. Rika smiled, "Yay!! Ok now you just need to put this on!" Rika showed Chase the anklet and he let her put it on him. "There! We're ready!"

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 04:53 (7 Years ago)
Artemis picked Rosaline up and put her on his back, carrying her out of harms way just like I had asked. I rushed over to James and took the table cloth off of the table, "This might hurt a little." I wrapped the cloth around his leg tightly and he winced in pain.

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Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 04:48 (7 Years ago)
Artemis ran into the room, "Go help the injured! I need to help James!"

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