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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ninja_sceptileking.
Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 23:09 (10 Years ago)
oh thats good but there caught didn't you feel the vibration of the net in the wind i say glare did amazing but lets go find em plus i can be very mean when i want!!!!

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 22:35 (10 Years ago)
ok any way........... ya when help that girl with sugar

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 22:34 (10 Years ago)
oh don't worry she's light on her feet i said but what if there bad

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 20:53 (10 Years ago)
everyone lets make a trap and see if there bad i mean sceptile could totes do that

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 20:51 (10 Years ago)
uh hey what happened i thought i was the dissipating one because of the camo but that is cool

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 20:04 (10 Years ago)
where should we go next ray.. oh look a light hey think its another guardian lets go down and see them

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 19:40 (10 Years ago)
I wanna join Team Comet:
Name: Sarah
Age: 15
Gender: girl
Appearance: has a pink streak down her blon blond hair plus battle boots and very sassy but loyal but can get very frustrated
Pokemon A sceptile with mega stone
well first we should start by asking who the heck the are hmh

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 01:32 (10 Years ago)
Appearance:um a boy with short red hair and a bow and arrow which he mastered short in length and skinny he has a camoflage cape which he can hide riding rayquazaand hide in the forest.
Nature:sassy but nice and brave.
Legendary(Not arceus)Rayquaza
Backstory before being a Guardian:when he was trying to jump on flying pokemon he got on an wild staravia and rode it then it went into the atmosphere and couldn't breath then fell off and then rayquaza saw him and saved him.

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Posted: Wed, 10/12/2014 00:56 (10 Years ago)
no i don't think i think I'm going to fast i might have made a sonic boom.. Or its this thing here that i dug up.. the numbers are slowly counting from 3:00 to 2:59 and so on

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Posted: Mon, 08/12/2014 20:41 (10 Years ago)
um what just happened i saw a transformation glare asked dazed? well who cares leaf blade with double team followed op with extreme speed

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Posted: Sat, 06/12/2014 13:43 (10 Years ago)
hey you didn't notice me yaaa wait now they see me time for wait for it double team ahhhh glare says as darkri uses double team but was still weak from coming out then suddenly a yveiltale comes..............

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Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 01:50 (10 Years ago)
uh so we need to beat you but you are you as a spirit but to fight body got ok then absorb comforts body drains away till asleep

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Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 17:59 (10 Years ago)
pokemon: treecko

Kingdom: Blue

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Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 13:05 (10 Years ago)
lets all use physical moves everyone pound attack with double team 50 treeckos appear and there all using pound everyone help him glare sayd his eyes were pleading.......!!!!!

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Posted: Wed, 26/11/2014 13:03 (10 Years ago)
well then leer with double team

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 21:04 (10 Years ago)
well then pound attack with double team

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 21:03 (10 Years ago)
so when do we train i need to master my spying skills

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Posted: Thu, 20/11/2014 01:23 (10 Years ago)
can i challenge :)

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Posted: Thu, 20/11/2014 00:19 (10 Years ago)
well I'm glare a treecko what are you?????? i never saw your kind????

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Posted: Wed, 19/11/2014 19:29 (10 Years ago)
Whos icey asked Glare after getting the rid of the dragon breath taste

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