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Posted: Sun, 05/02/2017 00:01 (8 Years ago)
3 Packs Please! I will send the PD right away.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 22:06 (8 Years ago)
Dusk looks at Matthew "Let me guess, you heard the scream? I am sorry. This monster chingling managed to get one attack out before I could kill it." Dusk hands the dead Chingling to Matthew "This is what I was hunting in the woods. I wanted to kill it before it could do it's fearsome scream. I was a bit to late. Monster Chingling's screams are said to put shear terror in those who hear it. only the bravest of people are said to not to... though you can still lose your hearing from it. I lost my hearing for 2 minutes after it screamed though that is only because i cant hear much of it. I still can hear things differentally then most humans." Dusk sighs and looks Matthew in the eyes "Again I am sorry for my sister's foolish mouth and my foolishness when we first met. I hope you can forgive me. I am fully to blame.".
Skipper wakes up and goes to Scarlet's room and knocks on the door "Is everything ok?".

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 21:25 (8 Years ago)
Magma slowly stops crying "Dont blame yourself... You are the perfect little demon you always have been... you dont even act like you went threw that much pain inless someone forces it out of you..." Magma kisses Matthew "Also what was the scream? it sounded... it sounded..." Magma suddenly freezes a bit as she thinks of that scream.
Dusk goes into the building holding a monster Chingling in his arms. It seems to be split in two from the mouth. it looks like it is made of pure steel instead of hard flesh. he sighs and seems calm "I need to find Matthew. I need to explain to him what I was after in the woods." Dusk looks at the dead monster ~Poor thing... it is not it's fault it ended up a monster. Some just cant stand the pain of being a dark twin and turn...~.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 21:12 (8 Years ago)
Magma keeps crying and looks him in the eyes "I am sorry... I just hate it when you are in pain... I tried going to the club across the street with Dawn to calm my nerves but... it did not help..." Magma starts to shake a little "I am so sorry I am being a bit selfish... It just makes me feel so bad when you are in pain and I cant help you out... I have been hiding this feeling for a long time now... I am sorry..." Magma crys harder now.
A weird loud scream suddenly can be heard coming from the woods for a moment before it ends.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 20:49 (8 Years ago)
Magma sighs "Fine. We wont..." studdenly she seems frozen in regret "N-n-no. This has to be done... you are always in so much pain and I hate it... I dont care if it makes you you! i need you to be happy and pain free!" Magma bursts into tears "I am sorry Matthew but I cant take you being in so much pain for any longer! I need to help you to show you I love you as much as you love me!" Magma covers her face with her hands. Dawn blinks and looks at Magma "Just calm down. I think you crying over his pain shows how much you love him. I do the same at my brother at times when he is in pain from his beast mode trying to take over." Dawn smiles a little and looks at Matthew "I will leave you alone. Also before I go, by my pure white magic i undo our promises and anything else i have to say to make this official." Dawn leaves. Magma keeps crying and rushes over to Matthew and hugs him.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 20:27 (8 Years ago)
Both magma and Dawn looks a bit sad. Magma sighs "Can you at least let her remove the pain they cause you? We sort of made a deal so she has to keep it or else well... I promised that if she failed to keep up the deal she would have to deal with me. there is sort of no choice now." Magma sounds serious. Dawn nods "And i made her promise along with myself that if ether of us breaks our promise we would have to deal with my brother if he ever turns into what he kills. Oh and trust me if he ever does turn there wont be survival in our future.". Magma looks at her again "Ok do you say ANYTHING to the full end!?" Magma now looks mad.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 20:04 (8 Years ago)
Magma walks in the room and looks at Matthew "Hey! How was work, sweety? A friend got you a gift and a chance to remove all those wounds you have." Magma pulls Dawn in and Dawn laughs at it. Dawn looks at Matthew "Hey matthew. Magma was telling me what a great guy you are. Also after you left my brother threatened me to make up for my big fat mouth of mine. I am sorry i mistook what he said. he said he ment your pasts were similar because you both felt so much pain but they were very different because your pain was FAR greater then his ever could be. Sorry i sorted of well... embarrassed the both of you." Dawn blushes and looks embarrassed now "I came to try and heal you, and if healing wont work i want to try and transfer your wounds to me. I can take the pain, and even the loss of my powers if need be.". Magma blinks and looks at dawn "You did not tell me that part... but if you can take it go right ahead.".

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 17:44 (8 Years ago)
Dusk looks at Matthew for a moment and his eyes slowly widen slightly "I am sorry for my sister messing up on what I said but now is not the time to fight! I must find this thing before it causes great pain to the people here! I was a fool to even come to this place! I opened the gateway right open for these nasty things!" Dusk's eyes sharpen again and he looks behind Matthew "There that thing is!" he rushes off after something yellow and almost shiny.

Later that day.
Dawn and Magma return to Magma and Matthew's room and laugh like mad. Magma grabs out a small gift box "I hope Matthew likes the gift you won him at that mini game!". Dawn dances a little "Why would he not? It is a nice little charm for him to keep.".

Dusk stays in the woods looking for the mysterious creature. He clearly is going mad trying to find it now.

Skipper is already sleeping in his bed.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 17:28 (8 Years ago)
Dusk senses something in the woods and rushes with his sword ready to fight. He ends up rushing near Matthew and looks around like mad his eyes sharp like a cat's. He growls loudly "Where is that horrible thing!? It must be slain! I wont allow it to live!" Dusk can easily be heard by matthew.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 13:03 (8 Years ago)
Mystic looks at scarlet "Skipper left to go get food and Magma and some strange girl went to the roller club across the street. Dont know where Matthew went. Also now i must use the Bathroom." Mystic rushes into the bathroom and locks the door.

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Posted: Sat, 04/02/2017 00:00 (8 Years ago)
I would liek to buy 3 packs please.

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 22:14 (8 Years ago)
Mystic and Aura closes down the detective agency for the day. Aura waits for the others to come back while Mystic goes over to the bathroom and notices Garnet. She sighs "I can wait. I best tell scarlet where the others went...".

Dusk appears in the woods and trys to calm himself down "Nothing like beating up a few monsters to calm down the beast inside you... I hope Dawn is making up for her foolish mouth!" Dusk still seems mad and begins to attack a tree with his sword leaving clear marks each time.

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 17:40 (8 Years ago)
Dawn and Magma go to a near by club for a wild night out together. They seem excited for the fun.

Skipper walks out of the building and sighs "I need to restock the break room's fridge... I best go to the store now." Skipper walks off to a near by convenient store.

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 14:23 (8 Years ago)
Dawn and Magma rush out of the building. Magma has her black cloak on and her bag she uses to store her money "I bet Matthew wont mind if we spend my extra savings. I should have a spare bit for a nice time out with my new friend. But remember:You promised to try and heal Matthew and say sorry for what you foolishly said. I know your brother is mad because you said what you think he ment and not the truth.". Dawn blushes "Dont mention him while we try to relax... please... I just want to forget what I foolishly did... I guess I just got over protective. Anyway I hope my pure white magic and heal your friend's burns and scars... or at least permomentally remove the pain from them. I will use my strongest spell if i have to.". Magma giggles "Thank you.".

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Posted: Fri, 03/02/2017 00:03 (8 Years ago)
3 more packs please!

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2017 21:39 (8 Years ago)
I would like to buy 3 packs please! That Will cost 1,860 Poke right?

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Posted: Thu, 02/02/2017 20:56 (8 Years ago)
Dawn lets go of Dusk. Dusk returns to human form breathing heavily "You had to push it! I said we were similar! not alike! I-i-i-i...!!!" Dusk's eyes turn thin as his anger takes control and He points his sword at dawn "Dont mess with my words ever again! the next time you do will be your last!" Dusk quickly calms down and regains control "I went beast mode again... Sorry... I said me and him were similar for a reason:Our pain is different in great ways though we both felt pain threw most of our history. If I felt like we were very alike I would have said so but we are not. He felt far greater pain. Now, YOU will make up for this or else I shall give you great pain! Family or not!" Dusk leaves threw what appears to be a portal.
Dawn huffs "Dark ones are SUCH a drama queens now a days. I wish we all could calm down and relax.". Magma wakes up and looks over at her "I can agree... you may have made Matthew very mad but... honestly he is always mad when you end up dragging him into talking about his past. Umm... Do you like to sing by any chance?". Dawn nods "Do demons smell funny at times?". Magma laughs and gets up "Great! Then lets have a nice time. It can be lonely when I have to stay here while Matthew works. Hope he wont have a Milktank when he sees you here!". Dawn laughs "Same for my brother!". The two of them start to sing random songs together to pass the time.

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Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 18:42 (8 Years ago)
Dawn suddenly looks mad and starts to yell "What do you think my brother did to himself!? Did you think he simply trained himself to fight!? No! He trained himself to control himself and punished himself every time he thought he was a disappointment witch for 15 years for every day of his life! He might not have the scars, but that is only because I cared to much for him to let him feel the pain that long! But as soon as I would heal him he would go back to training! You might as well feel happy you found love! He cant feel like strong of a feeling any more! he hardened himself beyond that!" Dawn squeezes Dusk so tightly his face starts to turn blue and he gaps for air.
Skipper walks into the room and blinks "I want nothing to do with this fight... Have fun you 3. Dont destroy the building while you are fighting please." Skipper walks away not caring if Dusk and dawn had basically broken into the building.

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Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 17:32 (8 Years ago)
Dusk suddenly looks mad "I am just trying to make-up for my rude behavior when we first met! The least you can do is feel grateful I am trying so hard to make up for my actions!" Dusk glows and shrinks as he changes into his true form "Rather you like it or not we are similar! I might have been born the dark twin, but I did not turn into a Monster like most others do! When i put my hand on your heart I used a special trick to see what you went threw, and you are sort of like me in the fact that you did not turn evil just do to your past! Where we are different is I trained none-stop and I never let myself relax! You on the other hand escaped from your problems and sooner or later found love! You and me are as similar as we are different!" Dusk's anger grows.
Dawn garbs dusk and hugs him "It is clear he respects you, or else he would be yelling something far different and be pointing his sword at you. This is truly amazing!" Dawn giggles.

Skipper walks out of his room and walks down to Matthew's and Magma's room.

(His true form)

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Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 16:59 (8 Years ago)
Dawn looks disappointed and gets off the bed "Fine... Well I guess back to the woods we go! or are you gonna go slay some evil monster Pokemon gain tonight dusk?".
Dusk sighs "I heard nothing of any dangers from them so I guess the woods. Better then rocks or ice I guess." Dusk thinks and looks Matthew in the eyes "What do you do for a living? I might be able to help." Dusk looks dead serious "If it has anything to do with electricity I am the perfect person for the job.".
Dawn looks at him "Oh, are you talking about your true form? I mean you'd think you like being a human but you always go back to your true form.".

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