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Posted: Tue, 06/01/2015 18:17 (10 Years ago)
I remember last year's Kyurem event: it was the first legendary poke, that I ever obtained on PH

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Posted: Thu, 01/01/2015 10:40 (10 Years ago)
Happy New Year to everyone! (it already started good, as I got my third Unown yesterday and it hatched today plus X3 + sunny castform weather - extra good for my beloved shiny Torterra)

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 07:24 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 07:18 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 15/08/2014 07:00 (10 Years ago)
Got a kalos water type (Clauncher)

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Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 09:32 (10 Years ago)
hello. still here

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Posted: Fri, 18/07/2014 12:18 (10 Years ago)
I have seen your pokedex and you have 3 water poke

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Posted: Sat, 12/07/2014 09:10 (10 Years ago)
I got Kyogre's egg

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Posted: Sun, 29/06/2014 20:43 (10 Years ago)
I got a Phione

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Posted: Tue, 17/06/2014 06:54 (10 Years ago)
good news: I got the keldeo egg (finally)

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Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 09:42 (10 Years ago)
after getting Keldeo, my plan is to hunt shiny Remoraid

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Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 09:30 (10 Years ago)
Maybe, I don't know

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Posted: Sun, 15/06/2014 09:27 (10 Years ago)
Got a resolute stone, hunting Keldeo a water/frighting type legendary

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Posted: Thu, 12/06/2014 10:49 (10 Years ago)

Title: Can I join?

Name: turtlefan
Pokemon: Mega Blastoise, Retro Squirtle, Carracosta, Lapras, Feebas, Manaphy and many others (including my starter: Swampert)
most important sentence: gather lots of water type pokemon
how did I get there?: I just saw it and decided to join, because my favourite type is water - my fav. poke, squirtle and its line is water type

Interview:What is the name of your leader: Archie
We respect other members
we can only have 1 representative
What will be the pokemon's hideout: the submarine

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Posted: Mon, 02/06/2014 18:58 (10 Years ago)
I hope that one of the event will be a Squirtle

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Posted: Wed, 14/05/2014 12:32 (10 Years ago)
My strongest is my Torterra, named Terra (Level 125)

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Posted: Fri, 04/04/2014 05:00 (10 Years ago)
Happy Birthday Riako!

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Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 15:55 (11 Years ago)
I know but I felt that I should make a short introduction, which I didn't done when I newly registered

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Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 15:50 (11 Years ago)
I am turtlefan!
I am a Hungarian boy who loves nature, plant, animals, Pokemon, Digimon ...... and turtles

My zoodiac is taurus and I love its precius stone: agate.
My am very friendly and helpful and quite sociable, but sometimes I like to be alone.

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2014 08:14 (11 Years ago)
I agree. One of my favourite pokemon is Tirtouga, and I am hunting for its fossil.
and on level 15 I try out the royal tunnel and make an attempt to get Regirock.

But still, I make interactions, collect money and adopt new Pokemon

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