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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2020 23:40 (5 Years ago)
Again - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Piano cover

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2019 01:19 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:53 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:48 (5 Years ago)
Right Round - Flo Rida

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:44 (5 Years ago)
I bake the dot in a oven.

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:43 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:40 (5 Years ago)
It looks pretty cool.

(and yasss My Hero Academia)

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2019 23:36 (5 Years ago)
No, probably not.

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Posted: Wed, 29/08/2018 19:02 (6 Years ago)
You were commenting on FlowerDragonStary not me

I didn't double post, I think you misread or something.
I last posted on the top of this page and I believe the only time before that was at least two or three posts before.

Sorry if I'm being rude or misunderstanding something, I'm just saying that I'm Fawnstar, not FlowerDragon.

Also, wow you guys have awesome art!
I love that thumb!

It looks great, but the legs do seem a bit chunky

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Posted: Thu, 23/08/2018 23:37 (6 Years ago)
Looks fabulous!

more stuffs ok

Been playing around with my laptop lately.

Anyone have tips on drawing hands and arms? I can't. At all.

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Posted: Thu, 23/08/2018 04:39 (6 Years ago)
I'm just gonna drop by with something I drew today...

One of my little superhero characters.
Kay, bye.

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Posted: Fri, 25/05/2018 04:20 (6 Years ago)
Looking back at how much I post in here I'm surprised how much I write.
Ok so this is a little thing me and a friend came up with
Mediocre Superpowers
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Blaise and Neva were twins who happened to get into a lot of trouble. Both of them got their powers in really stupid ways.
Blaise accidently burnt his hand on a waffle iron. He discovered his powers when he was trying to make popcorn for a movie night. The kernels popped while he was holding them.
Neva had an interesting way of gaining her powers. Neva, Blaise, and some friends were playing hide and seek. The girl had hidden in the freezer for an hour. Her powers were discovered when she was cold on the hottest day of the year. After that, Blaise wouldn’t leave her side during the summer unless she kicked him away.
“Ahh, movie night,” Neva grinned as she threw a bag of popcorn kernels at her brother. Blaise rolled his eyes and let it pop. He threw it back at her. Neva ate one and wrinkled her nose.
“No butter?” she asked. Blaise threw the TV remote at her.
“I popped the popcorn,” he said. “You butter it. I have heater hands, not butter fingers.”
Anyone could say that Blaise had the more useful ability. When the twins had to thaw out the freezer, Blaise just grabbed the ice and it melted.
Sometimes though, his power wasn’t so useful. “Ouch!” yelped Neva as she clutched her wrist. “Don’t touch me! It burns!”
Neva’s power was often used when it was warm. But one day it snowed.
Neva shivered as she held her practically frozen hands away from herself. “Blaise! Get over here!”
Blaise ran over and stopped in front of her hands. He immediately threw his hands in front of her as it got colder.
“What did you want?” he asked Neva.
“Well, I was gonna ask you to warm me up,” she glanced at her hands, which were thankfully no longer frozen. “You seem to have done that already.”
Her power did come in handy sometimes.
“Just put your hands there,” said Blaise, trying to put her in position without burning her. “Okay, don’t move.”
Neva looked from where her hands were in the currently-not-working refrigerator. “Call someone to fix this thing already!” she complained.
Blaise grinned. “Done already. Person says they can come by in three hours.”
“Three!” shrieked Neva. “I’ll be here forever!”
Blaise chuckled. “That’s the point of you doing this.”
Neva grunted with an irritated frown.

Heater hands and well, I dunno what to call her.. um AC hands
Also there isn't much description stuff, its just about the powers.

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Posted: Thu, 24/05/2018 01:18 (6 Years ago)
lalala random posting of chapter 3 for my warrior cat fanfic
I'm the only person actually doing anything here XD

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It had been a couple of sun-rises since Amberpaw had gotten angry at Fadedleaf. She had pretty much gotten over it, but still avoided Fadedleaf.

Onyxpaw and Topazpaw were also avoiding each other like the plague. The two had nests directly next to each other, and Topazpaw asked Amberpaw to switch nests. Amberpaw complied, forgetting that her nest was next to Kyanpaw. Every morning she would wake up to see Topazpaw staring at Kyanpaw.

The apprentices went on their first official patrols, Amberpaw on a hunting patrol, Topazpaw on a border patrol, and Onyxpaw on the other border patrol.

Amberpaw was still an inexperienced hunter, having only learned how the previous sunrise. She crouched down as the rest of the patrol, Jasperlight, Pearlheart, and Condorwing, each took their places around a squirrel that they were trying to hunt. Amberpaw began lightly stalking the squirrel. Suddenly, the squirrel turned around and saw the little she-cat about to pounce. It tried to scurry away as she leaped on it and dug her claws into its bushy tail. The squirrel let out a high pitched squeal and yanked itself away from Amberpaw’s sharp claws, missing lots of fur in its tail after. The squirrel ran toward the nearest tree, when Condorwing, true to his name, pounced from a low branch and tackled the squirrel, effectively knocking it out. He neatly slit its throat as the other three cats gathered around him.

Pearlheart nodded at the two. “Good catch,” she mewed.

They started to head farther away from the camp to hunt. Condorwing buried his prey and ran to catch up. The patrol spent until sun-high hunting, and ended up with a good amount of prey.

Once they walked into camp and dropped off their prey on the fresh-kill pile, Pearlheart turned to Amberpaw and Jasperlight. “Emeraldstar told me to inform you two that you will be joining us at the gathering tonight, along with your littermates--”

Amberpaw nodded.

“And their mentors,” Pearlheart finished.

Amberpaw nodded again and headed into the apprentice den. Only Onyxpaw was there, who was neatly rearranging the moss in her nest.

“How was your border patrol?” Amberpaw asked.

Onyxpaw jumped, surprised. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!” she exclaimed.

Amberpaw rolled her eyes. “I didn’t sneak up on you-- I was actually walking quite loudly. You just weren’t paying any attention,” she paused. “So, how was your patrol?”

“Fairly good. Nothing happened,” Onyxpaw mewed. “I did get a bit wet though, I slipped into the stream. Lucky for me, it was a shallow part.”

Amberpaw laughed and then quickly composed herself. “I caught a mouse and helped catch a squirrel,” she mewed.

“Good for you then!” Onyxpaw mewed excitedly. She looked down sadly. “I still haven’t caught anything.” Amberpaw felt a pang of sadness but then pushed it to the side.

“Don’t worry,” Amberpaw attempted to comfort her awkwardly. “I’m sure you will catch something soon.”

“But what if I don’t?” Onyxpaw mewed worriedly.

Amberpaw sighed, and refusing to be nice anymore mewed, “If you don’t ever catch anything, then you’re a horrible hunter and should try doing something else.” in her irritation, she didn’t notice Onyxpaw gasp in astonishment.

Onyxpaw made eye-contact with Amberpaw and immediately looked away. “Maybe I shouldn’t ever talk to you about these things,” she mumbled.

Amberpaw nodded. “You really shouldn’t.” She calmly stepped out of the den.

. . .

It was finally dark, and the Clan was about to head to the gathering. Only a few cats were going to remain in camp, since the majority of the warriors had apprentices. Kyanpaw was only going to show her fellow apprentices around the gathering.

The cats that were going were beginning to gather around the entrance of the camp. Emeraldstar stepped out of her den, speaking rapidly to Pearlheart. Amberpaw turned to look at her, mentally willing him to hurry up. As soon as Emeraldstar saw her staring, she immediately stopped talking and sent a glare at the little tabby as she stepped to the front of her clan to lead them to the gathering. Once the cats noticed their usually silent leader leaving, they quit chattering and quickly followed her.

Amberpaw was one of the first cats to notice Emeraldstar was leaving, and after tapping her fellow apprentices lightly with a claw, began walking behind her leader. It was a short trip to get to the gathering place, even more so for GemClan since they were close to nearly all important landmarks. Amberpaw stepped lightly into the sandy area in front of the gathering clearing.

“Aren’t you excited for our first gathering?” Topazpaw whispered.

Amberpaw rolled her eyes. Apparently he didn’t know her very well. “I don’t get excited,” she told him.

Topazpaw gave an over-exaggerated gasp. “Really? I never noticed,” he mewed sarcastically. “You need to enjoy life for once,” he paused. “In your life.”

Amberpaw sighed. “Not happening,” she mewed as they stepped into the clearing.

GemClan was the second clan to arrive. First was their greatest enemies, ScorchClan. To Amberpaw and her littermates, ScorchClan wasn’t just the clan that fought constantly with GemClan over land, they were the cats that killed Opalwing’s mate and their father.

Amberpaw took a deep breath. This is a gathering, she thought. It doesn’t matter that we’re enemies. Here, we aren’t.

“Follow me,” instructed Kyanpaw to the three littermates. She began to walk toward a group of ScorchClan apprentices. “Please don’t insult them,” Kyanpaw mewed, turning to the little trio. “I’m talking to you Amberpaw.” Amberpaw rolled her eyes as they padded over.

A large, russet-furred apprentice was speaking to two younger, smaller cats. The older cat glanced over and saw Kyanpaw. “Greetings,” he mewed politely in a deep voice. “New apprentices?”

“Yes, Combustpaw,” she replied while dipping her head slightly. “This is Amberpaw, Onyxpaw, and Topazpaw.”

“Congratulations!” exclaimed Combustpaw. “We have new apprentices too, Lavapaw and Magmapaw.”

Kyanpaw looked around. “Where’s Charpaw?” she asked.

Combustpaw pointed his tail to the edge of the clearing. “She’s waiting for the other clans to arrive,” he squinted at the area she was in. “It appears that DirtClan has arrived.”

A young cat from DirtClan began mewing to Charpaw whose skin slightly reddened underneath her fur for a moment as she glanced Combustpaw, before she started shaking her head violently.

The little group of apprentices heard a voice from a warrior. “RockClan is here!” more cats wove their way in among the other three clans.

A moment after, they heard a familiar yowl. “Everybody gather around!” Emeraldstar mewed loudly. Her emerald eyes sent a slight glare at Amberpaw who pretended to ignore her while wondering why Emeraldstar was angry with her.

Amberpaw zoned out the leaders, who were talking about the great amounts of prey that they had. She could tell they were all lying, because once as a kit she had heard stories about the little prey found in leaf-bare. Her own clan was beginning to run out of prey, and while it was slowly, there was less prey to be found and caught during every hunting patrol.

Amberpaw snapped out of it when she heard gasps and growls on one side of the clearing. She pushed through the crowd to see what was going on.

A small white-gray she-cat was standing there. She was smaller than the average apprentice, but from the expression on her face Amberpaw could tell that she was definitely older.

“Nova, you mousebrain,” the cat muttered. “Great timing to have me hunt in the clearing.” She looked up, and seeing the leaders perched in the tree, the cat groaned and was about to turn around when a cat attempted to pounce on her.

“Hailpaw!” Smoothstar, the RockClan leader, shouted. “This is the gathering! Do not attack anyone!”

The little cat had easily dodged Hailpaw and had crossly swiped him, claws sheathed, in the ears.

The apprentice scurried back into the crowd while protesting that the truce was “Meant for clan cats and not rouge kits.”

“I apologize,” Smoothstar mewed. “We did not expect a young kit to show up during the gathering.”

The cat rolled her dark, reddish eyes. “I’m not a kitten,” she defended herself.

They suddenly heard a shout from the direction the cat had come from. “Rio! Where are you?” The cat—Rio turned around and walked toward the voice. A cat, quite a bit larger than Rio appeared from behind a bush.

“Nova…” Rio grumbled. “I’m over here!” she announced loudly.

“Oh, thank goodness Rio.” Nova mewed. “I was worried you had gotten lost again.”

Rio shook her head. “That was one time, and it was six moons ago!”

“It still happened,” argued Nova, the black cat’s ears twitching.

Rio shook her furry head. “Let’s go now, Nova, before we spark some kind of a fight with,” she paused, looking at the clans who were still staring at them, “the clans.”

The two rogues walked away, still quietly arguing about whether Rio wouldn’t get lost anymore.

Four slightly confused leaders turned back to their clans.

“Shall we continue?” asked Emeraldstar. She began once the other three leaders had nodded. “GemClan has three new apprentices, Topazpaw, Amberpaw, and Onyxpaw.”

The clans began cheering their names, “Topazpaw! Amberpaw! Onyxpaw!” Topazpaw was basking in the attention, while Onyxpaw was trying to hide behind a larger cat. Amberpaw merely sat where she was and stared forwards, expressionless.

Emberstar announced the new ScorchClan apprentices. Almost all cats in the clearing joined in chanting for the new apprentices, but Amberpaw stayed quiet. She prefered not to have to raise her voice.The time passed quickly, and before Amberpaw knew it, they were walking back to camp.

Jasperlight was walking next to her. “What did you think of your first gathering?” he asked.

Amberpaw’s tail twitched. “The rouges’ interruption was more—“ she paused, trying to think of a way to describe it, “interesting than the actual gathering.”

She looked up innocently. “Do all clan leaders lie about their prey?”

Jasperlight visibly winced. “We do it so we appear stronger to the other clans.”

Amberpaw blinked, confused. “If I could tell that every leader was lying about that, wouldn’t the other warriors know, too?”

Jasperlight shook his head firmly, letting his fur ripple in the wind. “Even if they did know, they would have no argument against us because of it since they do the same thing,” he told her.

Amberpaw nodded and slowed down her pace to match her littermates. The two cats were chattering excitedly about what had happened at the gathering.

“Amberpaw!” shouted Topazpaw, “Can you believe that we saw two rogues at a gathering!”

Amberpaw internally rolled her eyes at the statement. Why did they still have to act like kits? “It happened,” she mewed shortly. “I believe it.”

The clan arrived back at camp. It was late, and they all went to their dens. Amberpaw almost immediately dropped off to sleep, along with her littermates.

sorry bout the big spaces between paragraphs, I'm too lazy to do anything.
Random fact: Nova and Rio are my two Pokémon OC's

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Posted: Tue, 22/05/2018 23:20 (6 Years ago)
@Nagito or whatever I'm supposed to call you
It looks pretty cool! I was just wondering... what kind of crazy? I don't know if it's supposed to be specific on that, but it was just something I was wondering.

hey look something else I'm writing and never gonna finish.
It's superhero thing, the prologue
Also if anyone can help with a superhero team name that would be great
Warning: unfinished, not all characters introduced
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Ashlynn rubbed her head and groaned at the headache that comes with dimensional travel. She felt her utility belt, and once she was sure she had everything she stood up and looked at her surroundings.
Suddenly she heard some coughing from next to her. Ash jerked her head down to see her little sister, Katherine, lying next to her on the ground. Ash pulled her up.
“You okay, Kat?”
Kat coughed again and nodded. “I think I accidently threw us into another dimension,” she sighed.
“Chill Kit-Kat, we’ll find our way back,” Ash said, grabbing her phone. “I might need to find an outlet to recharge this in. So I can call the fam and tell them we’re safe and stuff.”
Kat stared at the phone. “How do you have interdimensional cell service?” she asked.
“I have weird friends,” Ashlynn replied vaguely.
She looked at her watch, which had a holo-computer much like Robin’s in it. She briefly tapped on it to make sure it was working. The screen appeared and Ash sighed in relief. It still worked.
Kat tugged on the seventeen year old’s sleeve. “Ash, I think we should change out of our uniforms before people start wondering who we are,” Kat suggested.
Ash nodded and the two girls ran into a dark alley to change.
When Ash came out, she was wearing a bright yellow shirt, which hung loosely on one shoulder. It was long enough to cover up her utility belt which was on her shorts. She had black leggings under her shorts and a black tank top under her shirt. Ash, being her stubborn self, had refused to wear any shoes other than her usual boots. Usually as a civilian she would have her hair down in a braid, but she decided to leave it up in her ponytail.
Kat came out a minute later, since she didn’t have the speed to change as quickly. She was wearing a black shirt that had stars all over it. Katherine had chosen that shirt just to relate to her powers of space. Just like Ash’s shirt, it covered up her belt. She was wearing a jean skirt and had black sneakers on her feet. Her raven colored hair was no longer in two short pigtails, it barely touched her shoulders and slightly curled around her chin. Her bangs were pushed aside slightly to show her almond shaped eyes.
“Whelp!” exclaimed Ash, “Time to find out what kind of dimension this is!”
Kari yelped as she hit the ground hard.
Someone had gotten ahold of the Realm Crystal and had sent her into a different dimension. She wasn’t prepared and therefore wasn’t in uniform. She had only one weapon, a retractable staff. Kari had her ninja suit with her, but decided it wouldn’t be wise to wear it in a unfamiliar place.
She was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. She pulled up the hood, covering her shaggy black hair.
Kari looked at her surroundings. She was in a crowded area, though no-one seemed to notice her. She glanced at her wrists, where two bracelets were. They weren’t glowing, thankfully.
The ninja silently began to walk out of the area, making sure that there was no danger around.
Cecilia surfaced from where she was currently digging. What were those odd noises? She had sensed vibrations underground and heard noises the closer she got to them. They weren’t your average ‘tripped and fell’ vibrations. Cecilia knew those. Those thumps though, they were louder, like someone had fallen from a high place. She figured she might as well check it out. She pulled her glasses over her blind eyes. Technology had always interested her, and she had worked to find a way to see. The glasses were the closest she’d gotten, allowing her to see through sound. Cecilia’s tech interests and blindness had made her the ‘oddball’ among her sisters. She stepped fully into the light, showing her platinum colored hair. She had a pixie cut, mostly so it wouldn’t get in the way underground. Cecilia also had a crest on her head as a part of her hair. It wouldn’t go down no matter what she did. Cut it off? It would grow back. Water it down? It would pop right back up. She shook her head slightly, getting used to the roar of the city again. She brushed off some of the dirt on her clothes. She was wearing brown cargo pants and a tucked in camouflage shirt, complete with a belt to hold it all together.

Critique please!
also some of the characters are OC's from different fandoms so if I make a random reference, then that's why.

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Posted: Tue, 22/05/2018 18:27 (6 Years ago)

something I don't have please

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Posted: Mon, 21/05/2018 19:57 (6 Years ago)

anything missing please!

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Posted: Mon, 14/05/2018 23:40 (6 Years ago)
Wow this thing is dead

Anyway, here's some random writing
It's based off of a dream I had, and it's unfinished and unedited so...
Also, warning: not much of a plot, just gonna be a mindless randomness filled one-shot.

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What’s Going On?
Pokemon Special
Notes: Japanese naming (or what I know). Legendaries have genders. The terrible trio is based off of Roy, Wally, and Dick from Young Justice
Mew was bored. And when a very powerful Pokemon, gets bored, you would want to stay away. Too bad that’s impossible, especially when it’s the Phantom Pokemon.
Mew looked down from her invisible perch in the ceiling at two boys.
One was messing around with his indestructible billiard cue, and the other was trying to see over the edge of the pool table.
“This should work!” she thought to herself with a silent giggle. She waved a glittering finger at them and vanished to find something else to do.
Gold sat up in bed as he decided what he would do today. Go annoy Crystal and hang out with Emerald, the other troublemaker of the dex-holders?
Sure, why not, he thought.
He began to throw on his clothes, and then he noticed something. He let out a manly scream. (At least he thought it was manly) He was a girl! Gold pulled her clothes on, grabbed her stuff, and ran out the door.
She sent out Explotaro who looked confused as to why his trainer was suddenly a girl.
“Go to the Pokemon Academy where Crys and Rald work at,” Gold ordered as she jumped on Explotaro’s back. “I’ll explain what I know on the way there.”
Emerald yawned as he got up. He blinked. “Mornin’ Sceptile,” he said.
Sceptile looked up from where he was sitting. His eyes widened and he burst out laughing.
“What is it Sceptile?” mumbled Emerald.
Sceptile pointed a arm at him with a snicker. Emerald looked down and was jerked wide awake.
“I’m a girl!?” she exclaimed loudly.
Sceptile started laughing again. Emerald glared at him, grabbed a pokeball, and promptly returned him.
She was already dressed from the previous night, so she grabbed her pokeballs and ran out of her apartment.
We’re going to find Crystal, she thought.
Crystal sighed as she attempted to round up a few kids, known as the Terrible Trio, for class.
They had originally been the Chaos Couple until they learned that couple meant two and they had three.
She grabbed their leader, Liana, and shoved her inside. The other two, Timmy and Lance, began to kick her as she grabbed their jacket hoods and tugged them in.
Right as they sat down, she heard a knock at the door. Crystal sighed, and opened the door. What she saw was so outrageous that she promptly slammed it. There was some more polite knocking, then pounding. Crystal could hear arguing on the other side of the door.

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Posted: Wed, 09/05/2018 00:22 (6 Years ago)
Edit: Yess done!
that was hard but I hope it looks good.

Um lets see...
One of these please
-(very specific) a Ralts with a purple skirt held up with a belt that has a megastone attached
-a Noivern as a My Little Pony
-Mawile/Tyranitar fusion

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Posted: Tue, 08/05/2018 00:54 (6 Years ago)
Claim! I have a half-done essay to finish by tomorrow morning. I think you're good
edit: (sorry some of it is out of the lines, I had to move the drawing to the middle of the page)

Fawnstar Please!

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Posted: Mon, 07/05/2018 21:28 (6 Years ago)

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