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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2025 23:29 (4 Days ago)
"Why am I here again?"

Username: andrea~

Character Name: Lee So-Mi | 이소미
Gender & Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Age: 200 (looks 20 though. that skincare routine’s working wonders)
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A species that feeds off of the pain of others and is therefore on the Dangerous Unnaturals List created by INHUP. The pain of children nourishes them more. If a zannie does not eat for a longer period of time, they start to feel the pain they last consumed themselves. Over time this pain gets worse if they still don't eat until eventually something internally gives out from shock or stress. The condition is hereditary through recessive genes. There seems to be a concentration of zannies in Southeast Asia. Zannies can also consume emotional pain instead of physical pain but the effect is significantly less. It depends on how the person feeling the pain feels the severity. Therefore, the exact same wound inflicted on two different people can lead to different amounts of pain. Another ability zannies have is finding out how many people are in their immediate vicinity and where since everyone is in at least some pain at any moment.

How to recognize
Usually shivers ecstatically down the spine when they feel the pain of others and eat it.

thank @Daiko “The Illusion of Choice”

Power: Consuming pain greatly enhances Somi’s senses, making her hyper-aware of everything around her. If she consumes pain in great amounts, Somi can see into the future, from a minimum of three possible scenarios to ten.

Personality: ENTP | Type 7
Known for their chaotic energy, quick wit, and love of intellectual challenges. They are often sarcastic, overthinkers, and can display flashes of brilliance, though they may struggle with consistency. They thrive on creativity, making them energetic and unpredictable. energetic, spontaneous, and can be chaotic in their pursuit of new experiences. They might overthink when trying to avoid boredom, and their sarcasm can be a defense mechanism. Their "intermittent genius" nature stems from their ability to think outside the box.

Unique Point: To catch a killer, you must think like a killer. Somi is unabashedly creative in her thinking, and her unconventional approach is a good fit for one of two things. The psych ward, or a criminal case.

Pal Pad Group: y

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Posted: Thu, 27/02/2025 23:26 (7 Days ago)
:counting: 1- 2- 3- 4- ohemgee ME EME ME ME ME PLEASE

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Posted: Fri, 17/01/2025 12:40 (1 Month ago)

“Who will remember the dead and dying?”

Anne Marie

23 | Female | demiromantic asexual

[ Appearance ]

Anne has long, smooth, and wavy blonde hair that frames her face beautifully. She has piercing blue eyes are striking and draw immediate attention, complemented by long lashes. Her skin is flawless, with a fair and radiant complexion. Anne has delicate facial features, including a well-defined nose and soft pink lips that add a natural charm. Her overall expression exudes elegance and warmth, giving her a refined yet approachable look.

[ Personality ]

ENTJ | TeNi | 3w4 | Chaotic Neutral | C-S-D (Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric)
She is an individualist and an extreme overachiever. Anne strives to be the best, a perfectionist in almost every way. She is a logic-driven, with a slight tendency to be manipulative. Witty and sarcastic, you can expect snarky comebacks from her. Her humor tends to deviate towards the morbid side, but she means no harm. Anne is, however, bullheaded. Having achieved perfection, excelled in everything she picked up, she is determined to maintain this facade, no matter the cost. She is prideful, strongly believing that her success is her effort alone. Insulting her never ends in anything good, as you will find yourself on the receiving end of snappy remarks and cold glares. Anne has, put simply, a silver tongue. Though unable to empathise, she has studied the human nature long enough to be able to put up a front. You’d never be able to tell if she was genuine, or just acting for the sake of it. If you do, however, get close enough to become a friend, Annie is loyal and kind, and will do just about anything for you. (though she’d never admit it, if a friend were to be feeling down, they’d find gifts on their doorstep daily, Annie will deny all allegations made). She is someone who offers advice, thought sometimes it may be a little blunt or harsh. She means well, though, and genuinely wants the best for her friends.

[ About: Annie 💕 ]

[ Home Region: ]
[ Hometown: ]
Ever-Grande City
[ Chosen Legendary: ]
[ Blessing Description: ]
Shadowflame Crown (Shadow Rider Blessing)
This blessing taps into Calyrex’s spectral, speed-driven nature, offering unmatched swiftness and a connection to the ethereal world. When Anne uses the blessing, her speed and reflexes are heightened to supernatural levels, making her nearly untouchable in both movement and thought. Shadows seem to cling to Anne’s form, and she is able to phase partially into the spectral plane, avoiding attacks or reaching places otherwise impossible. Her thoughts and actions become razor-sharp, cutting through confusion and hesitation like a blade.

As the blessing wanes, Anne becomes unmoored from reality. For every moment that is spent using the blessing, she experiences vivid hallucinations where the world is overrun with shadows, blurring the line between what is real and what is an illusion. The longer she uses the blessing, the more these hallucinations intensify, leaving her paranoid and unable to trust her senses until they gradually fade.


Frostbound Crown (Ice Rider Blessing)
This blessing channels Calyrex’s control over frost and unwavering resolve. When used, Anne’s body exudes a biting cold, freezing the air around her and forming a layer of shimmering frost armor that protects her from harm. Her presence alone chills the battlefield, slowing down her enemies and disrupting their focus, while her movements carry the deliberate power of a glacier, unstoppable and implacable. One kick could cause a Pokemon to faint- or severely injure a human

As warmth flees the body, Anne’s physical vitality is sapped. For every minute spent under the blessing’s effects, she suffers a growing numbness that lingers long after the blessing ends. If overused, the frost spreads into her veins, leaving one with frostbite-like symptoms and rendering her immobile until her body can recover.


Crown of Balance (Unified Blessing)
This rare blessing channels both of Calyrex’s forms, granting Anne unparalleled power at the cost of great personal strain. Her intellect is sharpened to divine levels, allowing her to foresee movements and outcomes with eerie precision. Simultaneously, her body becomes an ethereal powerhouse, blending the swiftness of Shadow Rider with the resilience of Ice Rider. Vegetation blooms and wilts at her feet in equal measure, symbolizing the delicate balance of life and decay.

Using this blessing demands absolute balance, and any misstep brings disastrous consequences. If used for too long, her body and mind will become torn between the two extremes. She feels both searing heat and bitter cold coursing through her, thoughts fracturing as if caught in an endless tug-of-war. The longer she uses the blessing, the more disoriented and fragile she becomes, to the point where even basic motor skills and coherent speech are affected.

[ Pokémon Team: ]

Held item: Banettite | Ability: Prankster
Nature: Lonely
Knock-off | Will-O-Wisp | Shadow Claw | Destiny Bond
Anne found this Banette rustling around in the alley bins. Naturally, her first response was to take it home and take care of it, in hopes of finding the original trainer and returning their Pokemon in good health. Said trainer never appeared, however, and the Banette became attached to its new owner. Anne cuddled Banette to sleep every night, when she was younger.

Held item: Focus Sash | Ability: Magic Bounce
Nature: Quiet
Confusion | Psychic | Dazzling Gleam | Trick Room
Anne found Hatenna one foggy day, spotting the little “party hat” on its head rustling about in the snow. Perhaps it was fate, but the little Hatenna ran towards Anne, rather than in the opposite direction, and the two have been each other’s companion ever since.

Held item: Razor Claw | Ability: Queenly Majesty
Nature: Sassy
Magical Leaf | Grass Knot | Draining Kiss | Energy Ball
Tsareena wasn’t actually Anne’s Pokemon. When in high school, a boy in her class found Steenee too “girly”, refusing to give it much attention or care. Anne treated it well on his behalf, and in return, Anne got a new Pokemon, and that unnamed boy got a Trop Kick to the face.

Held item: Choice Scarf | Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Lonely
Nasty Plot | Flamethrower | Dark Pulse | Snarl
Like Banette, Anne found this Houndoom foraging for scraps near food stalls, injured and scrawny looking. It didn’t trust easily, but Anne came to visit daily with warm meals and soft words, and the abandoned Houndoom eventually learnt to trust again. Houndoom is fiercely protective of Anne, yet also a secret sucker for affection.

Held item: Life Orb | Ability: Natural Cure
Nature: Adamant
Dragon Breath | Dazzling Gleam | Refresh | Roost
Swablu was Anne’s starter Pokemon. All the other children had their normal starter types. Anne’s mom, however, was like “Here. Take this future cloud.” The pair have probably been on the most adventures together, most of which involved the skies and mountains or anywhere high up.

Held item: Assault Vest | Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
Hydro Pump | Moonblast |Charm | Blizzard
The result of a wish upon a star. Anne found her upon the rocks after wishing on a falling star. Ever since, she has conquered the seas while riding Primarina across the waters, as she play-pretends to be a graceful mermaid.

[ Skillset: ]
[ Flaws: ]

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a n n i e
[size=6]Age | Female | She/Her


[ xxx words ]



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Posted: Fri, 10/01/2025 00:17 (1 Month ago)
“Relax, Ibaraki. You worry too much. Jie Jie heard that the security cameras for this hallway-“ She points to the sloppy sticker on the wall reading 34C. “Are broken. I heard Teacher Lisa tell Madam Isla that, during my after-classes. They were discussing stuff outside the classroom, and they said they would only be able to fix it next week. Which hasn’t come yet.”

Hua ruffles his hair, turning it into a messy mop atop his head.

“Stay in the train, we still have a little ways to go before there are any working security cameras.”

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 08:41 (1 Month ago)
Hua stares after the stumbling Ibaraki, blinks, dumbfounded, before making a small train appear, gingerly lifting the child up and dumping him into one of the train carriages. She then wipes her hands thoroughly on her skirt. Huh. Maybe she was a bit of a germaphobe. Just a little. Either way, that train was way faster than whatever drunken daze Ibaraki was walking with, zigzagging all over the place. The poor boy probably wouldn’t make it further than down the corridor, Hua thought to herself, as she sent the train gently chugging along to the classroom, walking behind it.

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 02:14 (1 Month ago)
When the clock hits eight forty-five exactly, Madam Isla’s voice crackles through the speaker once more.

“To your lessons, my dear children~ Don’t be late”

Other children begin robotically piling their empty trays onto the ‘main table’, and file out of the cafeteria in a straight light, hands swinging rhythmically as they march down the halls to an imaginary beat they all hear.

The group is left alone in the cafeteria, and the little TV on the wall flashes a red timer “13:59…58….57”

Hua stands up, clears her own tray, and looks at the others “Come on. Let’s go. Before Teacher Lisa comes. You know what she’s like when we arrive after her. Even if we’re still on time” She glances up at the timer that’s counting down “I doubt any of you want to be punished by her. We should probably hurry up”

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2025 05:53 (2 Months ago)
Name: Seonu Gyeong | 선우경

eris- greek goddess of strife and discord
laverna- roman goddess of thieves, cheats, liars and fraudsters

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Powers: Malevolent
Illusion, Delusion
Gyeong can create a powerful illusion for any (one) person, a horrifyingly vivid scenario dragged out from their mind, their worst fear, their greatest nightmare, all manifested out to them and only them. Naturally, the longer and more realistic the illusion, the more energy she drains, and if used for longer than twenty minutes, prevent her from using her powers for a period of three to five days.

Gyeong can enhance negative emotions of other entities, making them feel more distressed than they actually are.

Strengths & Weakness:
+ brilliant actress - (occasional) tunnel vision
+ consummate liar - confrontational
+ lockpicking - destructive

unsympathetic | cunning | aloof | selfish | cruel | manipulative | sadistic | deceitful
Is it possible for someone to be evil without reason? Most people have some tragic story that makes them the monster they are, or perhaps some goal they’re hellbent on achieving- and blinded them in turn. Not Gyeong. Gyeong isn’t a demonic kid. She was born as the devil herself. It’s bad enough she is what she is, but she was adopted into a wealthy family (which died) and inherited a mass sum of wealth, more fuel to continue her little games. She plays on the weaknesses of others, slowly shaping them into puppets she commands

Description: Eulalie | Pre-Eulalie
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names and places taken from ghsmc2

Sexuality: Lesbian

Gyeong was an orphan. More specifically, one from Uisang Orphanage. From young, Gyeong was manipulative and cunning, tricking little kids into doing horrible things to their caretakers- poison in their drinks, snakes in their shoes or cockroaches in their clothes. She said they had to be punished. That they were the reason why they were orphans. Once all fun was had, Gyeong asked one of the kids to light a birthday candle for a friend. Then she asked said child to leave it alone and go help prepare the surprise. Gyeong left that night, at the age of eight. Uisang Orphanage burnt down in a fire. Only one kid who went out to play survived.

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 01:52 (2 Months ago)
Hua looks around, before taking her own packet of pills and tearing them open. She peers inside, fiddling with the tablets for a bit. Should she take them? Recently, she had noticed the pills gave her the occasional piercing headache- amongst other varying effects.

After a bit of thinking, Hua takes another icky looking boiled egg, and carefully hides her vitamins inside them. Then, she pockets them to dispose of at a later date.

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 07:11 (2 Months ago)
Hua gingerly takes a piece of toast, and the best smelling egg she can find (without that horrid near-rotting smell) and takes two large, quick bites. She grimaces, but eats it nonetheless.

Madam Isla’s sweet voice rings through the room. “Children~ Nurse Lisa will be coming around soon to make sure you’ve all taken your healthy vitamins!”

[]take the vitamin
[]don’t. isn’t it suspicious?

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 14:23 (2 Months ago)
Stepping into the orphanage cafeteria, one would immediately be struck by the starkness of the environment. The walls are painted a sterile white, reflecting harsh fluorescent lights that buzz softly overhead. The floors are polished to a high shine, creating an almost clinical atmosphere that feels both inviting and unsettling. Unlike the rotting hallways and dormitories, the cafeteria is pristine. Too pristine.

Rows of long, stainless steel tables are arranged neatly, each accompanied by hard plastic chairs that seem to echo with the absence of laughter. The tables are devoid of any personal touches—no colorful tablecloths or cheerful decorations. A large serving counter stretches along one side, its surface gleaming but cold, with an array of metal trays stacked neatly in preparation for meal service.

On the walls hang large, framed photographs of smiling children from years past—faces that seem to watch over the space with a haunting familiarity. They seem too happy, their smiles eerily wide. Their cheery expressions contrast sharply with the emptiness of the room, leaving behind an unsettling feeling.

The counter is full of the usual food. Toasted bread left out for too long, hard boiled eggs that seem just barely edible, porridge that clumps and smells odd, and bacon so oily and salty the taste would linger for days. And at the end of it all, neat rows of medication in little packets, the daily vitamin for the morning meal.

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Posted: Fri, 27/12/2024 02:26 (2 Months ago)
Hua yawns and gets to her feet. Gazing around at the commotion around her, she spots Ibaraki, Phoebe and Xuanji. Quite the large crowd. Madam Isla’s voice had rang out through the intercom….ten or so minutes ago? Usually, she expected them to get there within fifteen minutes, meaning they only had a little time left.

Hua shuffles over to the group “We should go for breakfast before Madam comes for all our heads. Whatever troubles can be solved later during rest time. We have five minutes, no?”

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2024 13:52 (2 Months ago)
In the heart of a forgotten city, shrouded in perpetual twilight, stands the Angel Institute—a crumbling edifice that looms like a specter over the desolate streets. Its once-grand façade, now marred by decay, whispers of a past filled with hope that has long since faded into darkness. Here, the air is thick with secrets, and the echoes of lost souls resonate through the empty halls. The fence is tall and foreboding, the gate padlocked by thick iron chains. This home has few windows- all of which barred.

Within these walls, the youth who have been cast aside by society find refuge. They are the forgotten ones—children without connections, without families to search for them when they vanish into the night. Each child is a ‘lost cause’, taken, and forgotten. The Institute is their sanctuary, a place where they are sheltered from the world. Rules must be strictly adhered to- not a toe out of line. Eyes are watching, there is nowhere you can hide.

As night falls, the atmosphere shifts. The flickering lights cast eerie shadows that dance along the walls, creating an unsettling ambiance. Whispers drift through the corridors, tales of those who came before—lost boys and girls who wandered too far. The staff, clad in somber uniforms, move like phantoms, their faces obscured by an air of mystery. They are guardians and wardens alike, tasked with caring for these fragile souls. For all children are fragile, they must be protected. Don’t wander too far, lest your breath be cut short.## The Ritual of Connection

Each evening, a ritual unfolds in the dimly lit common room. The children gather around a flickering fire, its warmth contrasting with the chill that seeps into their bones. They share stories—some filled with laughter, others heavy with sorrow—each word a thread weaving them closer together in their shared isolation. In this moment, they are not alone; they are a family forged in adversity, bound by their collective pain.

When a naughty child is detected, they are taken away. No one remembers them, for they are taught to condemn such unruly behavior. And when they return, these children are obedient. Pliant and well-mannered, an empty look in their eyes

Yet, beneath this fragile camaraderie lies an underlying tension. The Institute is not merely a refuge; it is a labyrinthine maze where shadows lurk just beyond sight. There are whispers of those who have tried to escape—only to be drawn back into the fold by unseen forces. The walls seem to breathe with life, watching and waiting as if they hold secrets that should never be uncovered.

As dawn approaches and light seeps through the grimy windows, uncertainty hangs in the air like a thick fog. You will not find solace here. At Angel Institute, hope flickers like a candle in the wind.

“All students to report to the cafeteria please!” Madam Isla’s simpering, sing-song voice rings out through the broken intercoms. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow on the- Ha. You wish. The dirty windows blocked most light from passing through, the ceiling lights occasionally flickering, as mice and all sorts of creepy-crawlers scuttled around under rotting floorboards. Time for breakfast!

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2024 13:32 (2 Months ago)

Feng Xiaojie | Resplendent Flautist | 24 | 15th February


Personality Type: [Optional.]

Description: [Short summary, link to an image, or picrew here.]
[]Skin Tone:
[]Hair Style:
[]Hair Colour:
[]Eye Colour:

Instrument(s): Bamboo Flute (Dizi), Guzheng

Type of Magic: [Summoning, Elemental, White, or Black. Put N/A if magicless. Keep in mind your character won't unlock magic until later in the plot.]



Voice Claim:

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Posted: Fri, 06/12/2024 12:46 (2 Months ago)

@Rinne maybe tone down your power a bit/give it more limitations. otherwise; accepted.

@Mew, accepted!

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 08:54 (3 Months ago)
Name: Xiao Hua

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Birthday: 20/2

She can cause anyone to fall asleep with a special incantation, the duration of which can be set by a curious little pocket watch in her possession.

Choo! Choo!
Summons a train that can travel slightly faster than one can run, fit for five people. It cannot pass through solid objects.

Strengths & Weakness:

Hua is calm and introspective, enjoying exploring complex ideas and concepts, often spending time in their own thoughts, puzzling over how things work or why things are the way they are. They have a natural curiosity and love to analyze, but they’re also very easygoing and tend to avoid conflict.

They’re the kind of person who seeks harmony in their surroundings, preferring peaceful interactions over heated debates. Even though they have strong thoughts and opinions, they don’t always feel the need to share them unless they trust that it won’t disrupt the balance of the situation. They’re more likely to listen and adapt rather than push their own agenda.

At their best, they are open-minded and flexible, able to see multiple sides of an issue and find solutions that work for everyone.

They value independence and often work best on their own, at their own pace. While they may appear reserved or detached, they have a quiet depth and a rich inner world that fuels their ideas and understanding of the world.

Hua brings a sense of calm to a room and offers thoughtful insights when asked, but they’re also happy to blend into the background and let others take the spotlight. Their natural desire for peace and their love of learning make them both a steady presence and a fascinating person overall.

Personality Type: INTP The Logician | Type 9 The Peacemaker


[]Height: 151cm
[]Weight: 48kg
[]Skin Tone: cream
[]Hair Style: short. with bangs.
[]Hair Colour: black
[]Eye Colour: dull purple
[]Clothes: see above
[]Accessories: a scarf, small gold earrings and two gold bangles

There was once her pocket watch was stolen. Taken from Hua, the little pocket watch grew short spindly legs and scuttled back to her, where it became inanimate again. The watch only ever works for Hua, but if she is without it when casting someone into a deep sleep, said rest will only last for half an hour

Sexuality: demiromantic asexual

also bump
@you guys finish your form

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Posted: Sat, 30/11/2024 02:54 (3 Months ago)
Misako chuckled, pouring out a rather large glass of the wine for Ldeya. She had a heavy pour, for what she assumed was a heavy drinker.

“Cheers.” She drinks a little herself, savoring the unique flavor of the wine. Otto was indeed a master of his craft- whether it be the wine being his creation, or simply his taste in picking out a good bottle.

“I hope you’ll agree with me, that this wine tastes significantly better than the refreshments the host has served? My compliments to the lad who served it.”

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2024 11:36 (3 Months ago)
With one last parting smile, Misako curtsied, and returned the cloak. With a clearer mind, she re-entered the crowd, weaving her way gracefully through the masses.

She found herself beside Ldeya, who seemed to also have drunk of the wine Otto had so graciously offered.

“Care for some more?” She offers, procuring the full bottle which she had taken prior.

“It tastes lovely, I’m sure. I personally quite enjoyed it.”

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2024 10:06 (3 Months ago)
With the fog having cleared from her mind, Misako wrapped the fur around her tighter, eyes returning to dull grey.

"Would Milady require anything else? The lethargy should soon fade, but consider this one at your disposal as you recover."

Looking up at the Iciolan, she offers a brief, but grateful smile “There is no need. I can rejuvenate myself quite easily”

Misako shuts her eyes, focusing on the knot of emotions within, drawing some out, before her face regains its lively expression once more. Being an Empath had many perks. Especially when she could draw on the mirth of the crowd, like an endless supply of energy.

“You must be the Lily of the Valley. The servant of the great Romanian vampire, yes? Thank you.”

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2024 06:27 (3 Months ago)
Hi hi! I think you’re new here, may I request a sample of your writing ability? This is semi-lit, so I want to make sure you can keep up :)

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2024 06:06 (3 Months ago)
Misako didn’t want to taste blood. She wanted to draw it. To let the ruby hues dance across her fingertips, slash against the white walls like a painter and her canvas. She wanted to dig her fingers in the pool of gore and terror.

But rational Misako also really wasn’t in the mood for murder. And so, the only option remained clear.

With whatever control she had left, she reached out for the unnatural, grotesque, yellow eyes beast. She didn’t know much, but she did understand that it would help dissipate her bloodlust.

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