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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Treemanking.
Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 17:24 (8 Years ago)
Is it a gigantic sized gem

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 03:03 (8 Years ago)
Maybe his other half of its body is in another dimension.

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Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 00:14 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 12:42 (8 Years ago)
Do you like ghosts

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 01:49 (8 Years ago)
Name: Bob

Nickname: N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Level: 36

Occupation: Town Guardian

Appearance: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M9f66ebf8367781c05ad60b1daac78a75o0&w=242&h=188&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1

Personality: Lazy, kind, and Passive Aggressive

Friends: N/A

Family: N/A

Other: N/A

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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2016 20:54 (8 Years ago)
Well we're doom, any thoughts on what is going to happen.

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2016 19:50 (8 Years ago)
I don't get why we have to be in cells, I'm getting bored of being in here who's will me on it!

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2016 19:11 (8 Years ago)
Username: WarShuckle

Name: Porytom Z

Nickname: N/A

Age: 14

Level: 24

Gender: Male

Personally: Nervous, Kind, and Passive Aggressive

Appearance: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mf33914c204f5f46205088490a7379a9fo0&w=146&h=171&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1

Pokemon A: Porygon Z
Pokemon B: Rotom

Other: none

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 17:55 (8 Years ago)
They're gone now, hmm strange I thought they would finish the battle.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 17:47 (8 Years ago)
( Hides in the shadows and watches the battle) Hmm interesting.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Please stop fighting, I'm trying to relax.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 16:08 (8 Years ago)
Phantom lays on his back on the water of the pond relaxing and doing nothing but look at the sky.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 14:35 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 14:11 (8 Years ago)
When are you going to post the roleplay and when does it start.

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2016 01:18 (8 Years ago)
Name: Phantom

Nickname: N/A

Age: 20

Level: 59

Gender: Male

Personally: Passive aggressive, Jokester, Nervous, and Twisted

Appearance: http://orig10.deviantart.net/fb7f/f/2010/336/0/2/my_fancy_gengar_by_demongemini6-d343t63.png

Pokemon: Gengar

Moves: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, and Dazzling Gleam

Other: None

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 18:57 (8 Years ago)
I am back from the kitchen, anything new found out about who the murderer is and why they murdered Alex?

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Posted: Wed, 03/08/2016 13:22 (8 Years ago)
I'm going to the kitchen to get something to eat and drink, I'll be back in the crime room later if nobody minds.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 18:19 (8 Years ago)
This is very interesting thank you for letting me see the note you are using.:)

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 18:01 (8 Years ago)
[ I back from the small trip]

So Winter what are you writing about there in your notebook, call I see please.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2016 14:37 (8 Years ago)
Neither did I, I was was up stairs looking down at everyone seeing what they were doing and thinking about it.

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