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Posted: Sat, 20/08/2022 18:36 (2 Years ago)
Damien nodded, writing notes down in his book. The idea of violence made him anxious, but if it means protecting himself and the members of the Wasteland, then so be it. Once he finished writing, he looked up at everyone else, scanning the room.

"I suppose I am, yeah. I've done it so many times that it just kind of feels like a routine at this point." The Queen shrugs, continuing to pet Benny. After a few seconds, she stands up straight, brushing off her jumpsuit. "Hey, do you want me to make that for you? You know it's always better when Mom does it." She smiles.

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Posted: Wed, 17/08/2022 18:48 (2 Years ago)
Damien nods. "I agree that going in non-lethally is the best case scenario... although there is no guarantee that things won't get ugly. I do suggest being.. prepared, if that ends up being the case." He flips through his notes for a second, finding a spell and then tapping it. "I have some cloaking spells that may come in handy. If there is anything else anyone may have an idea about, I can probably find a spell about it-- just say the word."


The Queen walks past the kitchen, peaking in. "Claude!" She exclaimed, walking in. "You're up late, aren't you? Are you feeling okay?" She leans over and pets Benny upon entering, looking back at her son.

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 15:44 (2 Years ago)
Damien paused, fiddling with his hands. "Oh, well, that's really all I was going to say.. but I can continue a bit." He thinks for a moment before recollecting himself and speaking again. "Well, I know some spells that could help us in various ways-- especially if we don't want any problems getting in. I'll be able to think of more soon, but for now, why don't you elaborate on your plan?" He smiles kindly at the leader.

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Posted: Sat, 13/08/2022 03:12 (2 Years ago)
Damien listened intently before he decided to interject himself. This all seemed terrifying to him but if it meant potentially getting answers, he's in. "Well, we may be able to use some magic during the process. I think I know a spell or two that could assist us..." He trailed off, looking at the Leaders for affirmation.

oh yeah everyone.. i drew the queen and damien.. better art dropping soonish

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2022 03:07 (2 Years ago)
After the knights leave, the Queen turns her attention to Noah and the jester. "Well, that was interesting!" She laughs to herself sighing. "I expect you both to be at the event on time!" She claps her hands and then looks around, thinking to herself. "I must be off now. Hopefully no more knights try to kill me." She turns more serious and then gives the two another glance before walking off

Damien walks up to the Wasteland Leader's house. He adjusts his coat momentarily before knocking on the recently kicked-in and then closed door.

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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2022 18:27 (2 Years ago)
Black eyes darted to Clef as she appears and speaks. Looking at her and then back at Riesbyfe, the queen finally recognizes both of them. Respectful and faithful knights of the kingdom. They have been nothing but great in the past, and mistakes can be made. About to speak, she glances at her son and then holds her tongue momentarily. She clasps her hands together and takes a deep breath. "Ah, yes! people who shouldn't be here. It would be such a shame if any unwelcome guests were able to get inside the castle." Pausing, she thinks for a moment and then smiles. "But alas! That's why the two of you are here. Thank you for loyally always being on guard. I sincerely appreciate it." As her tone shifts a little more seriously and her eyes narrow a bit, she continues on. "I do suggest you try not to make the same mistake again... there may be some consequences next time."

"Anyway!! Yes. The event tonight." She waves her hands and puts the cheerful expressing back on her face like a mask. "I assume you both may be a bit worried. I assure you everything will go accordingly. Now as for the schedule..." she thinks for a moment, "Well, I talk for a bit. Then my son--" she gestures towards Noah, "Noah, introduces the performers--" She gestures towards Ava, "and then they perform! After that, the knights and pages come onto stage and that's when the assignments happen." She smiles again, this time as comforting as she can be.

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Posted: Sun, 07/08/2022 16:14 (2 Years ago)
(sorry for taking so long.. mental health program crashed)
Before the Queen can even process Ava almost calling her 'buddy,' a knights ok i pulls up with his sword drawn-- yelling. He seems to realize his mistake fairly fast as he stops immediately, sheathing his sword. Instinctively, she steps in front of Noah without realizing. Momentarily stunned, she clears her throats and blinks at him a few times. It was but a mere knight, nothing.. more serious. Slightly tilting her head, she stares at him with an intensity that only he can notice. "Excuse me, but is there.. a problem?"

Damien smiles again at Mev. "Thank you so much! I have to go now to meet with the leaders, but I'll tell you all about it soon enough." Standing up, he walks past Mev and pats him on the shoulder before throwing his coat on and leaving the house.

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 19:56 (2 Years ago)

omg hi! its me! it's been a while.. huh. well, i'm here to catch you up on all the goodies.

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lil icon of me <3

my dnd character, matteo! hes my child. i love he so bad

fan fav..

me real

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lol my dog died and i went to a weeknd concert so i didnt do much this year

dnd stuff i did during and after art fight.. my babies.
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first ryx ref. they got a big upgrade a few sessions in....

another character.. her name is Serafina <3

i did the last one yesterday/today lol

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Posted: Fri, 05/08/2022 19:37 (2 Years ago)
The Queen walked down the halls, turning the corner to see her son, Noah. And one of the Jesters. They seem to be having a conversation... wonderful! She walks up to them, exclaiming with open arms. "Noah, my dearest! You look amazing today <3" Her eyes brightly flash as big as her seemingly genuine smile. (i am drawing her soon i promise) She looks over at H..eart? No-- Ava. "Good morning. I assume you're prepared for the show this evening? I'm SO excited to see what you guys have planned."

Damien ponders Mev's question momentarily before responding. "Everything's fine," He smiles. "The kingdom's having a big event tonight, and I have to go to a meeting in a little bit with the leader. I don't know what exactly is going to happen, but I think it may be big." He looks at the nearest time-telling device."I'm going to have to go in a bit, but you stay safe tonight, okay? You're in charge while I'm gone." He looks back at him.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 17:19 (2 Years ago)
Damien looks up from his studies, and to Mev. "Good day, Mev! I hope you're well." He closes his book and provides his full attention. "Is there something you may need?" He asks, fiddling with his hands a bit. He's a bit anxious about the event tonight.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 04:42 (2 Years ago)
As the Wasteland Leader walks away, Damien nods and shuts the door. The plans for tonight... yes. There is so much to talk about and prepare-- best get started now. He walks through his home and into his bedroom, changing into his 'formal' attire. There is still time to kill, so he starts gathering all his notes that the others at the meeting may need.

Her Majesty continues on her way to the ceremony area. It's been awfully quiet today... at least for her. It seems everybody is occupied like usual. It is a big day, however. Not that she cares. Knights and their pages.. what's even the difference? They all obey her anyway. No-- that's such a rude thing to think! She at least tries to remember all their names. Best to be on their good side when she'll need them the most.

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 15:45 (2 Years ago)
As he hears the special knock upon the door, Damien puts his writing utensils down and stands up. He runs a hand through his hair and adjusts his glasses as he walks down the hall. He sees the Wasteland Leader as he opens the door. "Good morning, I hope you're doing well today." He smiles genuinely and does a little bow. "How may I be of service?"

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2022 17:12 (2 Years ago)
Queen Lamonia just finished applying her elaborate makeup as she gets up and sighs. She always gets ready for big events by herself, as NOBODY else can seem to do it to her liking. Is it really that hard? Shooing the thought away, she glances at herself in the mirror one more time and puts on a perfectly fake smile. How she despises these events and interacting with people. On the bright side, she gets the attention that she craves, so why not put herself through it? She finally leaves the room and starts making her way to the event hall.

Damien sits in his makeshift study, the best that he could craft up in the Wasteland. He scribbles down spells that he's able to pull from his memory in preparation for tonight. He doesn't have much to do right now, and is passing time until he gets called on by the other members of the Wasteland.

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Posted: Fri, 15/07/2022 19:38 (2 Years ago)

Title: i have arrived

hello, pokeheroes user waffle. im not providing previous roleplay experience because i will throw up. go to discord > breakfast cord > dnd channel

Name:Tahliah Lamonia
Age: 42
Gender/Pronouns:she/her. a woman !!!
Role: queen slay girlboss of the entire kingdom
Appearance: pale skin. piercing black eyes black hair... wears red sparkly jumpsuit and gold crown (she is cool)
Personality: rude, always demands respect. Not a fan of children!!
Think of like.. Cruella vibes (is that too old of a reference for pokeheroes users)
Other: i am sorry in advance i am not a mean person i will cry every time i write an interaction. you already know you can murder her :)..

Name: Damien Scarlett
Age: 35
Gender/Pronouns: he/they
Role: Mage
Appearance: Dark skin, medium-length dreads with hints of blue at the ends. Brown eyes. Multiple scars. Wears all black with a hooded cloak that has a faded-out kingdom symbol.
Personality: He's reserved, but overall kind and caring to the rest of the wasteland members. He has a major grudge against the kingdom-- specifically the queen, but refuses to talk to anyone about it.
Magic: a variety of things, but its all from memory. Since he was sentenced to wasteland jail, his previous powers have transformed into magic with a death-like theme.
Equipment: the general magic stuff.. makeshift magic book where he writes down spells he can remember.
Backstory: He was the kingdom mage, and had become fairly.. close to the Queen. Something had happened, that he can't quite remember for some reason, and now he's in the wasteland, bitter and remorseful
Other: do whatever

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Posted: Sat, 02/04/2022 21:45 (2 Years ago)
glad to see you back!!

would you be able to draw anyone from here? I don't mind who, but if you would like a certain one lmk!

Can i get a full drawing? If you aren't able to then a flat sketch would be great too! I'll be paying 600k either way :))

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 16:19 (2 Years ago)
toy house. Com / nevxies /main


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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 12:30 (2 Years ago)
heyuh. heaving breathing. scratching neck. i uh.. need some art. yeah. art. i got uh . 1.5 million pokedime. what can you do for mre

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Posted: Mon, 28/03/2022 12:24 (2 Years ago)
omg is that kitkat from.. pokeheroes dot com circa way too many years ago... i loved your art back then and i love it even more now . its very smoochable and i love seeing how much you've improved. keep popping off !! im all here for it :)) have a great day!

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 22:32 (3 Years ago)
wow !! im so happy i checked PH when i did!! I remember you from the early pokeheroes days when i was still a small artist among the big fish,, you're art is still utterly fantastic and amazing and im so happy to see you thriving and doing well! <3333

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 19:06 (3 Years ago)

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