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GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 07:28 (8 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Updated Characters Again!Sheeptrainer Race: Saiyan God Traits: Namekian Abilites/Weapon User/Zenkai Boost Shirt: Training Armor (Black) Pants Training Armor (Black) Headgear: Antenna Moveset: Sheep Moveset + Nova Shenron Set + Roshi Training Transformations : SSJ SSJ3 Shadow SSJ Shadow SSJ2 Shadow SSJ3 Namek Force Namek Force x20 Aspenmed Race: Saiyan Traits: Leadership/Wise/Powerful/Buu Shirt: Weighted Clothing (100) Pants: Weighted Clothing (100) Headgear: Puss In Boots Hat Moveset: Vegeta Moveset+ Sheep Moveset + Saiyan Moveset Transformations: SSJ SSJ2 SSJ3 USSJ2 Happy Power KingBlondy Race: Bio-Android Traits: Reliable/Confident/Able to Absorb Powers Shirt: Cell Pants: Cell Headgear: Spiked Ears Moveset: Lightning Destroyer Set + Absortion Set + Overconfidence Set Transformations: Undead SSJ Semi-Perfect Perfect Super Perfect Zap-Zap (Zap-Zap is when his body is electrifying making it impossible to touch him) Chaos Race: Buu Traits: God-Like/Powerful/Independent Shirt: Weighted Clothes (500) Pants: Weighted Clothes (500) Headgear: Tentacle? (The thing on Super Buu's head.) Moveset: Chaotic Set + Destroyer Set + BuuBuu Set Transformations: Fat Buu Super Buu Kid Buu Gods Power (Slightly Mad) Gods Power (Angered) Gods Power (ENRAGED) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 06:42 (8 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Ignoring DeathChaos: "GOD DAMIT KING!" King: "OH IT HURTS SO BAD I THINK I MAY DIE.....Or not." King would regenerate the hole. Everyone: "WHAT?!" King: "PodPod gave me some of his life force. I can regenerate now." Sheeptrainer: "Sweet." Zero would grow demon wings and a forked tail. Zero would dash and punch Sheeptrainer. Sheeptrainer: "OW! BTCH!" Sheeptrainer would fire energy blasts back at him but Zero would wipe them away. Zero: "C'mon GIMME A FIGHT!" Sheeptrainer would take out a Staff. Sheeptrainer would look at the staff. Zero: "The hell are you doing...?" Sheeptrainer: ".....I know how this is gonna end." Sheeptrainer would look at Aspenmed King and Kazukazi. Sheeptrainer: "Formation C!" They would surround Zero. Zero: "You cant jump me you know that right?" Sheeptrainer would charge a Masenko. Aspenmed would get a Galik Gun ready. Chaos would charge a Minus Energy Ball. King would begin Dragon Thunder and dash at Zero. King would stab Zero and zap him then throw Zero into the air. Zero would look down to see two beams coming at him. Sheeptrainer: "MASENKO HA! Aspenmed: "GALIK GUN FIRE!" They would clash on Zero. Zero would fall to the ground and be hit by Minus Energy Ball. Zero: "How did they get this strong within a few hours....." Sheeptrainer would scratch his head. Sheeptrainer: "So you dont know what the Hyper Bolic Time Chamber is?" Zero: "Hyper Bolic what?" Sheeptrainer: "Shame. One day out here is a year in there. We stayed in for 3 years. EACH." Sheeptrainer would blast Zero into ashes. Sheeptrainer: "Well that was.....easy." King: "So now what?" Aspenmed: "I dunno." ???: "I think I know what you can do next...." Sheeptrainer: "I think im possessed...." ???: "Dont worry about who this is. Just go to South City." Sheeptrainer: "Err...Ok guys lets head to South City?" Everyone: "Sounds good to me." Meanwhile the ashes are being absorbed into a staff. (TO BE CONTINUED) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Wed, 11/05/2016 06:14 (8 Years ago) |
Title: DBZ (PodPod VS Sheep)Sheeptrainer would blast PodPod into nothing. PodPod would immediately regenerate. PodPod: "Me turn now! Kamehameha!" PodPod would blast Sheeptrainer with a purple Kamehameha. Sheeptrainer: "Jeez that hurts alot.....maybe i should go straight to Super Saiyan....." KingBlondy: "WATCH OUT FOR THAT DEATH GRIP!" PodPod would extend his arm to grab Sheeptrainer then throw him into the arena. KingBlondy: "LISTEN NEXT TIME!" The dust would clear and Sheeptrainer would have one hand to his head. PodPod: "Me know this move! You cant fire! Five minute charge!" Sheeptrainer: "Oh cant i? SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!" Sheeptrainer would blast a hole into PodPod. PodPod would laugh and slowly regenerate. Suddenly Sheeptrainer would dash up and put his hand in the hole in PodPods chest. Sheeptrainer: "BURNING FIST!" Sheeptrainers fist would explode flames into PodPod. PodPod would put his hands together and blast Sheeptrainer with a Light Grenade before exploding. PodPod would regenerate and laugh. PodPod: "Cant kill what cant die!" Sheeptrainer would grab PodPod by the feet. PodPod: "Wha?" Sheeptrainer would slowly pull PodPod off stage. PodPod: ".......Me lost?" Sheeptrainer: "Yeah. By ringout." Chaos: "I think somethings coming...." Suddenly a man would land on the stage. ???: "HAVE NO FEAR FOR WE ARE HERE!" The Great Saiyaman: "THE GREAT SAIYAMAN!" Saiyawoman: "SAIYAWOMAN HERSELF!" Gotenks: "AND THE GRIM REAPER OF JUSTICE HIMSELF!" KingBlondy: "What the hell did i just look at....." Aspenmed: "The good version of the Ginyu Force i guess......" They would all glow with an evil aura. Gotenks+Saiyaman: "KAMEHAME...." Aspenmed+Chaos: "OH FK!" Sheeptrainer would dash in front of them and shoot a Nova Star. Gotenks+Saiyaman: "HAAAA!" They would both explode sending everyone back. KingBlondy: "Wait where did Saiyawoman go?" Saiyawoman would be trapped in a pod by PodPod. Saiyaman would stare in horror. Saiyaman: "Why you......" Sheeptrainer: "Well sht." Saiyaman would throw off his clothes for his Gi and go Mystic. He would blast away all of us with a Super Explosive Wave. Sheeptrainer and Aspenmed would stop mid-air and charge an attack. Sheeptrainer: "MASENKO....." Aspenmed: "GALIK GUN......" Sheeptrainer and Aspenmed would look at each other. Sheeptrainer+Aspenmed: "Cover me." Sheeptrainer: "NO YOU COVER ME!" Aspenmed: "YOU COVER ME!" They would both get blasted back. Sheeptrainer: "......HA!" Aspenmed: "FIRE!" Gohan+Gotenks: "THEY CAN STILL FIRE?!" They would both be engulfed by the blasts. Zero: "Oh for gods sake i need someone stronger....." Sheeptrainer: "LETS END THIS ZERO! KingBlondy: ".........Hes a Zero." Zero would suddenly Death Beam King. Zero: "Zero to Death real quick......" (TO BE CONTINUED!) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:08 (8 Years ago) |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sun, 31/01/2016 00:18 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Well. Lets go old school and get those dragonballs.Sheeptrainer: I dont know where they are! Chaos: Do you have the radar? Sheeptrainer: No! Bulma might have it. Chaos: LETS GO THEN WE CANT SIT HERE AND WAIT! I WANT TO BRING KING BACK! Aspenmed: Hes got a point. King is a part of our squad. Squad members dont leave each other behind. Sheeptrainer: Alright then. Reviving King takes priority then? Chaos+Aspenmed: Correct. Sheeptrainer: LETS GO THEN! They would all fly towards Capsule Corp. As they would walk in they would see pods hung on the roof. Sheeptrainer+Chaos+Aspenmed: .....What the actual f*ck? Suddenly a Buu would walk in. ???: Me make you into pod! The Buu would be slightly pale and have two big pods on its shoulders. PodPod: What you look at? Me name PodPod! Me a half Buu half Android! Sheeptrainer+Chaos+Aspenmed: ....WHAT THE ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL F*CK?! Sheeptrainer: A BUU AND AN ANDROID! THE PODS MUST BE ABLE TO ABSORB ENERGY! WHAT AN AMAZING COMBO! TRAP PEOPLE AND STEAL THEIR LIFE WHILE YOUR ELSEWHERE ITS GENIUS! Aspenmed and Chaos would smack Sheeptrainer Aspenmed+Chaos: NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE AMAZED! Suddenly PodPod would hold out the radar. PodPod: Is this what you look for? Sheeptrainer: Yeah thats the only thi- Aspenmed would cover his mouth. Aspenmed: AND WE WANT YOU TO RELEASE OUR FRIENDS! PodPod would snap this fingers and Bulma and Trunks would fall out of the pods onto the floor unconscious. Sheeptrainer Aspenmed and Chaos would take the radar and leave. Sheeptrainer would look back and see PodPod sadly frowning. Sheeptrainer: .......Hey PodPod! PodPod would look up. Sheeptrainer: Once i get back you can come with us ok? PodPod would wipe away a tear and give a thumbs up. Sheeptrainer would return the thumbs up and fly with As and Chaos (One DragonBall montage later with DragonBall "Gotta find them all!" Music) Sheeptrainer: SHENRON! YOU KNOW THE DRILL! Shenron would revive King and vanish. Sheeptrainer: YOU FORGOT MY OTHER TWO WISHES! FKKKK! King: IM BACK! NOW LETS GO! They would all fly back and talk with PodPod. PodPod would stare at them. Sheeptrainer: Whats wrong PodPod? PodPod: Me sense evil energy in you. And you. He would point to Sheep and King. King: R@CIST! ITS CAUSE IM A BIO ANDROID ISNT IT?! ITS NOT MY FAULT I EAT PEOPLE FOR POWER! Sheeptrainer would look off as to make it so everyone would have their attention on King. (Sheeptrainers Mind): They must never know..... PodPod would tug on Sheeps robes. PodPod: Me want to fight you mano a mano! They would fly off to a fighting arena and get into their fighting poses Meanwhile..... All the Kais: HES GETTING CLOSER! Who is this person the Kais speak of? And how will the fight between PodPod and Sheep end up? Tune on next time on DRAGONBALL Z A NEW WARRIOR! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 23:26 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Updated Characters!Aspenmed Race: Saiyan Headgear: Puss In Boots Hat Shirt: Red and Black Robes Pants: Red and Black Jeans Transformations: SSJ-SSJ3 USSJ2 Happy Power (Fat Buu's attitude being happy but powerful) Moveset: Vegeta Moveset+ Sheep Moveset KingBlondy: Race: Bio Android Headgear: Spiked Ears Shirt: Cell (Perfect Form) Pants: Cell (Perfect Form) Transformations: Undead SSJ Semi Perfect Perfect Super Perfect Moveset: Lightning Destroyer+Absorption Set (Lighting Destroyer: Thunder Destruction Dragon Thunder Android Shockwave ect) (Undead SSJ is the power of all the people he has absorbed and killed) Chaos Race: Buu Headgear: Headphones Shirt: Blue Shirt Pants: Blue Jeans Transformations: Fat Buu Super Buu Kid Buu Movesets: Buu Buu Set+Chaotic Set (Buu Buu set is Fat Buu Kid Buu and Super Buu Moves) (Chaotic Set: Minus Energy Ball Big Bang KamehamehaaX100 Supernova Emperors Death Beam ect) Sheeptrainer Race: Half Saiyan Half Namek Transformations: SSJ-SSJ3 Namek Force-Namek Forcex20 Sheep Body Demonic Power Headgear: Turban Shirt: Red Coat Pants: Goku GT Pants Movesets: Sheep Set+ Namekian Set (Sheep Set: Wool Bomb Sheep Luxury Sheep Barrage Sheep Anger) Namekian Set: Specal Beam Cannon Super Explosive Wave Masenko Regeneration Explosive Demon Wave ect.) (Sheep Body: Your body turns into a ton of wool making your opponent get trapped in you and you can charge energy while in this Wool Body) (Demonic Power: You have the power of a Hellspawn. A power so big even King Yemma takes notice. You can open the Gates of Hell and allow those who are evil to come back to life and if someone doesn't agree with you....Lets hope they have life insurance.) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Fri, 11/12/2015 03:13 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) The Cocky SquadKingBlondy: So are there gonna be androids? Sheeptrainer: Yeah probably like 5 maybe. KingBlondy: I call to fight them! Aspenmed: Sheep do you mean those androids? Sheeptrainer: If we came when i think we did then its 2 Androids.... Chaos+King: Why?? Aspenmed: Theres this one named Android 13. He can absorb Androids 14 and 15.... Sheeptrainer: Also you cant sense them. KingBlondy: Oh this is gonna be fun...But first i need to do something. Chaos: What? King would stab Sheeptrainer Aspenmed and Chaos with his tail. Sheep+Aspenmed+Chaos: WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?! KingBlondy: I need to figure out some moves so i took some of your cells. Sheeptrainer: We're here. Chaos: YOU DONT STAB SOMEONE WITHOUT ASKING! We would all land. Sheeptrainer: You gotta be a fking kidding me.... Androids 13 14 15 and 17 would be there. Android 13: Why hello there! KingBlondy: Why arent you fu-MMPH! Aspenmed would muffle Chaos. Aspenmed: Dont remind him.... Suddenly the Androids would rush at Chaos and Sheeptrainer. Android 13 would hit Sheeptrainer away but Chaos would suddenly turn slick like Super Buu and dodge Android 14 and 15's attacks. Sheeptrainer: Chaos?! You can turn straight to Super Buu?!??!! Chaos: I am? Sheeptrainer would do a rush attack at Android 13. Chaos would instantly blast Android 17 into nothing and begin playing defense on 14 and 15. King and Aspenmed would jump into the fray and begin attacking 14 and 15. Chaos would jump overhead and blast them away. Sheep+Chaos+King+Aspenmed: WE DID IT!!!! Zero would be flying overhead. Suddenly Android 13 would become full of evil ki. Aspenmed: ---! Guys! Why am i sensing energy from Android 13?! Sheeptrainer: What? Androids dont have energy. BACK TO CELEBRATING! Suddenly the remains of Android 14 and 15 would fly towards 13 and be absorbed into him. Chaos: AHH CRAP! Super Android 13 would begin charging an attack Sheeptrainer: Thats not an SS Deadly Bomber... Aspenmed: THATS NAPPAS MOVE! NAPPA CANNON! Super Android 13 would blast it at Chaos Chaos: Is this it for me...? Suddenly KingBlondy would jump in the way! King: Chaos.....HE HACKS! HACKS HACK HACKS!!!! King would fall and Chaos would be seen blood splattered on his face. Chaos:......... Chaos: RAGHHHHHHH! Chaos would emit steam. Chaos: YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!!!! The steam would fall away and you could see Chaos as Kid Buu... Sheeptrainer+Aspenmed: OH SHT! Chaos: KAZUUUU! Chaos would dash at Super Android 13 and punch him into nothingness. Chaos would stare at Sheep and As. Chaos:..... Sheep+As:..... Chaos: Lets go home. Sheep+As:..... Chaos would pick up Kings Body and fly off. Sheeptrainer and Aspenmed would follow. Suddenly Super Android 13's remains would be crushed. TOO BE CONTINUED! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 04:52 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Sheeps Best Friends!???: Sheep hows it going? ???: Sheep.....GREAT. Sheeptrainer: HEY SCREW YOU KING! KingBlondy: Whatever..... Sheeptrainer: I cant believe its you guys... King....Chaos....And As.... Aspenmed: Sheep how did we get here? Is this what i think it is? Chaos: If it is then Sheep is gonna kick King's butt. KingBlondy: HEY! I can beat him i bet.... Sheeptrainer: Woah. You guys...your not saiyan! KingBlondy: Da hell is a Saiyan? Sheeptrainer: You dont watch Dragon Ball Z do you? KingBlondy: Heh. Dragon Ball. Aspenmed: King! This is Sheeps favorite anime and his favorite game! Be nice to him! Chaos: Yeah Sheep is a Dragon Ball Z Addict. Sheeptrainer: As your a Saiyan! Aspenmed: ALL RIGHT!!! Sheeptrainer: Chaos your a Buu! Chaos: Im stronger than a Super Saiyan Three then. Sheeptrainer: Hehehe...King your an Android... KingBlondy: An Android?! I must be super strong! Aspenmed: Sheep take a closer look. Sheeptrainer would look closer and see that King has a tail. Sheeptrainer: AW COME ON! HES A BIO ANDROID! KingBlondy: A Bio Android. Thats kinda dumb. Sheeptrainer: You can eat and drink people. KingBlondy: ........Thats kinda g@y Sheeptrainer: NO! Literally stab people with your tail and you can absorb their life force. KingBlondy: Ah. Chaos: Also you can absorb two androids to attain a perfect form. Aspenmed: Heck if your lucky enough you can get a Super Perfect form with only one android! KingBlondy: Where do we find androids? Im already perfect but. Aspenmed+Chaos+Sheeptrainer: Perfectly stupid. KingBlondy: GRRRR! Sheeptrainer: Anyway good timing. We-AHEM. I forgot about a little something thats very bad... Aspenmed+King+Chaos: What is it? Sheeptrainer: I forgot to close the Gates Of Hell....The villains are running free.... Aspenmed+King+Chaos: Lets go. Time to test our power! Aspenmed+King+Chaos+Sheeptrainer: Bye Bulma! Bye Trunks! They would all fly away. Suddenly Trunks and Bulma would vanish into a blob. The blob would flood towards someone. Zero: Now i know their power. But how did Sheeptrainers friends even get here.... Zero: Maybe....The Supreme Kai of Time? Elsewhere Zero was being look down upon in a place high up. ???: What should we do? ???: I dunno! What SHOULD we do? Oh i dunno! We're screwed!!!! ???: Pipe down! We can do this. _________________________________________________________________________________ Preview: ???: What should we do? ???:I dunno! What SHOULD we do? Oh i dunno! We're screwed!!!! ???: Pipe down! We can do this! (SPOILER ALERT! Im gonna reveal them) King Kai: What should we do? Supreme Kai of Time: I dunno! What SHOULD we do? Oh i dunno! We're screwed!!!! Kibito Kai: Pipe down! We can do this. TO BE CONTINUED!!!! The reason i take so long to post is 1. I need to think of a good post something that makes sense. 2. I dont have much posting time. 3. I NEED IDEAS DAMIT! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 20:11 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Updated Rules and Character Desc!)You cannot have over 2 weapons! (Note Energy weapons such as Salza's Energy Blade dont count has weapons but as energy attacks and yes Fists count as one weapon) (And you can have 2 sets of moves and 1 set of tranformation! (Fusion doesnt count as a transformation nor does Potara) (Almost all character sets are allowed unless there is a Character that isnt officially released or i dont know about) (Transformations have sets such as SSJ set will include SSJ1-SSJ4 and if you have 5 sayians with pure hearts you are allowed to have SSJG on your set but you need to tell me your buds usernames) (Transformations include: Kai Set Mystic Potara God set: God Freezer and Bills Power so on so on) (Ultimates are moves such as Goku SSJ4 Super Dragon Fist or LSSJ Broly Omega Buster) (Special is something only special people have. Its an ability that allows the person to use all of his ultimates. All ultimates without transforming to gain it. Making him very important. He can use a ultimate like True Kamehamehaa without having to go SSJ3 saving him alot of energy and power but only people who i allow may be Special Sayians) (Custom moves are allowed but you must PM me about them so i make sure their not to overpowered.) (My character is kind of not very special even though i am the creator of this forum. I plan on making myself more powerfull as we get more clicks and subs and the story goes along) (Full power transformations will only be allowed once youve mastered them. To master them simply train with the creator of the move Example: SSJ3 Goku SSJ3 form train with him for 3 years in DBZ time and ill allow you to use Full Power transformations) Ok? Those are the old rules. Here are the new rules along with my new character Desc. New Rules: You must tell me if you want to give yourself a custom form of SSJ or something important like the role of a God. And in case you cant write on my forum just pm me or pal pad me your desc. The Special Saiyan Race has been buffed. A Special Saiyan has made his own form of SSJ or Kaioken. Your BPL (Base Power Level) Cannot go over 10 mil. Your MPL (Max Power Level) Cannot go over 10 tril. If you put BPL or MPL as Max then ill ignore you. Now my Desc. Name: Sheeptrainer Gender: Male Race(s): Saiyan Special Saiyan: Yes God: No (Currently) BPL: 4 Mil MPL: 1.5 Tril Weapons: Fists Staff Energy Attacks: Sheep Set + Nova Shenron Set Clothes: Namekian Robes (Weighted) Pants: GT Goku Pants Headgear: Bandana Accesories: Scouter V2.0 (Yes i can sense energy.... I just like the scouter. Model 2 so it will only break if i read a power level thats over 1 tril) Transformations: Shadow Saiyan (SS for short) 1-3 Fusion Potara Ultimate Moves: Super Kamehamehaa (SS1) True Kamehamehaa (SS2) Ultimate Big Bang Attack (SS3) Earth Breaker (Fusion) Beam Sword Slash (Potara) Thats about it i guess. I hope you guys enjoy my RPG! See you all next time i make one! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sun, 15/11/2015 08:55 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Majinn Gohan?!Gohan: Tch...Your weak compared to Master.... Sheeptrainer: Babidi is dead. Gohan: ........ Sheeptrainer: ........ Gohan smacks Sheeptrainer on the head. Sheeptrainer: DA HELL?! Gohan: Its not Babidi you moron.... Sheeptrainer: Oh well then is it Zero? Gohan: Maybe..... Sheeptrainer: WOW you let yourself get controlled by THAT guy?! Gohan: Urr..... Sheeptrainer: I thought you were stronger! Mystic power my arse! Gohan dashes at Sheeptrainer but Sheeptrainer blocks the pnch. Gohan: Wha?! Sheeptrainer: I mean come on! Seriously! Mystic Full Power is susposed to be strogner than Super Saiyan 4! Gohan: DAM YOU!!! Gohan starts firing rapid punches but Sheeptrainer blocks them. Sheeptrainer: Limbo..... Gohan feels a slight scratch on his check Gohan: Wha?! Sheeptrainer: Dude ive been watching SO MUCH NARUTO! Madara has this little projectile called Limbo! That wasnt it though. That was just a punch. I wanted to sound cool. Gohan: DONT TOY WITH ME!!! Gohan turns Mystic Sheeptrainer: Meh. Guess ill unleash my hatred. Gohan: Hatred....? Sheeptrainer: GRRRRRRR!!!! Zero: WHA?! DARK ENERGY?! Sheeptrainer: RAHHHHHHHHHHH! Sheeptrainers hair turns from Cyan to Black. Sheeptrainer: Shadow....Saiyan... Gohan: GRRR! Sheeptrainer: A form of Saiyan.....who has too much hate and suffering.... Sheeptrainer: I didnt tell anyone but...Im a Saiyan raised on Namek....Ive seen much death and torture.... Gohan would suddenly spit up blood and see Sheeptrainers fist buried in his stomach. Sheeptrainer: Dont come back... Sheeptrainer would blast Gohan flying through the air. Zero: Incredible.... Sheeptrainer: I dont need Super Saiyan..... Sheeptrainer would fly toward capsule corp. Sheeptrainer: Oh and by the way.... Sheeptrainer would shoot Gohan Hercule and Videl with his Staff. Sheeptrainer: Cleanse. Their Evil Ki would vanish along with their M Zero would be writing down notes Zero: Shadow Saiyan....Power of Evil KI and power to Destroy it.... Zero: How does he balance it out.... (TO BE CONTINUED) (PREVIEW OF NEXT EPISODE) Bulma: I think Trunks wants you to see him. Sheeptrainer walks up to Trunks and sees a blue light Trunks: Do you know this guy? Sheeptrainer: No way...Its you guys! ???: Sheep! ???: Sheep hows it going! ???: Sheep.......GREAT. Sheeptrainer: Screw you (CENSORED FOR NEXT TIME IM HIDING HIS NAME) I havent forumed in a while because im quite busy and lazy..... Hope you guys keep on loving my DBZ RPG! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 14/09/2015 03:09 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Majinn Attack!Sheeptrainer: Trunks! Will you teach me how to use my staff? Trunks: Sure. (Trunks Mind): Your gonna need some training if you wanna be able to fight....You got take down by everyone at least once... (Meanwhile at Kame House) Goku: So how is Sheeptrainer a God? The dude trains Sheeps. Vegeta: Yeah. And you do what exactly? Be an idiot who eats alot? Goku: All you do is boast about being the Prince of Saiyans when really your the King of Saiyans! You need to accept the fact that Vegeta passed away. Vegeta: GRRRR (Vegeta punches Goku) Vegeta: SHUT UP! A LOW LIFE LIKE YOU COULD NEVER UNDERSTAND! I CANT BRING HIM BACK UNLIKE YOU! I CANT...............Wait a minute......... (Vegeta grabs the Dragon Radar and flys off) Goku: VEGETA! Beerus: Anyway.... Just because he trains Sheeps doesnt mean he cant be powerfull. Goku: Alright then so whats his God Power? Super Saiyan God? Or something new? Beerus: We dont know yet but... Whiss: He is a God Of Energy. Goku+Beerus: WHAT?!?!? Whiss: The boy posses tons of energy and speed and power. Potentail for devasting attacks. However... Goku: What? Beerus: Ah. I see now. Because he is Fast and Power along with tons of Energy he is weak in DEFENSE am i right? Whiss: Thats correct Lord Beerus: He cant defend himself well. Hes like a Glass Cannon. Goku: Oh great.... Thats gonna help ALOT Beerus: It will as long as he doesnt get killed. Whiss: Also since he is a God Of Energy he can take Energy Attacks well. His defense is weak in close combat. Beerus: Whiss. I think we messed up.... Whiss: How come? Orb: Thank you for the info! Now im going to go back to Emperor Zero! Goku: Ill go after Vegeta. You guys go after that Orb! (They all fly off) (Meanwhile at Capsule Corp) (Sheeptrainer rams into Trunks) Sheeptrainer: HAH! I THOUGHT I COULD LEARN FROM YOU!!! Trunks: Hmph. (Trunks does hand movements) Sheeptrainer: Oh crap..... Trunks: BURNING ATTACK! Sheeptrainer: UM UM UMMMM (It closes in) Sheeptrainer: AHHH! (Sheeptrainer puts his hands up and a blast knocks away the Burning Attack) Sheeptrainer: .....Alrighty then.... (Sheeptrainer flys over to Trunks) Sheeptrainer: THIS IS FOR ALL THE CHEAP SHOTS! (Sheeptrainer knocks Trunks out cold) (3 figures drop down) ???: Your Sheeptrainer right? Sheeptrainer: Yeah who are you- Sheeptrainer:........Hercule? (Hercule has a M on his forhead) Sheeptrainer: And Videl? (Videl has an M on her forehead) Sheeptrainer: GOHAN?!?!? (Gohan has an M on his forhead) Gohan: ...... Hercule: NOW WHOS GONNA BE STRONGER THAN WHO?! Videl: I cant feel myself.... Sheeptrainer: Welp if you are gonna be like that then ive got one thing for you. (Sheeptrainer puts his hands together and a eruption of flames appear) Sheeptrainer: See.....I call this..... Nova Star Eruption...... (Sheeptrainer throws it at the ground) Hercule: HAH YOU MISSED! Gohan: He wasnt aiming for you stupid..... (The place where Nova Star Eruption had hit starts bubbling and turns into Lava) Sheeptrainer: NOVA STAR ERUPTION!!!!! (It explodes way up and knocks all three of them out) (An Orb watches) Zero: Dam....I knew they were weak..... Except for.... (Gohan dusts himself off and goes Super Saiyan) Zero: The Saiyan...... (TO BE CONTINUED) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 01:00 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) A God at Kame House?(As they walk in Sheeptrainer grabs the book Roshi is reading and burns it) Sheeptrainer: Dude. Get a girlfriend.... Roshi: UNCALLED FOR! RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! (Goku and Vegeta sit at a table but Sheeptrainer slams his hands on the table) Sheeptrainer: SPILL IT. GOKU WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH BLUE HAIR?! Sheeptrainer: VEGETA. WHY IS FRIEZA YELLOW Sheeptrainer: AND WHY IS A GIANT POWER LEVEL APPROACHING?! Goku+Vegeta: Sheeptrainer........ Sheeptrainer: What? ???: I was promised some food if i let you train at my planet. Ive come to get that food. Goku: Oh hey Beerus. Beerus: Hello Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Sheeptrainer: WHAT THE..... Goku: Yep i can- Sheeptrainer: -WHY IS THERE A SHAVED CAT HERE?!?!? Beerus: Ummmm... Whis who is that? Whiss: I believe that he is known as Sheeptrainer. Sheeptrainer: WHAT IS THAT?! Nice staff. I wish i still had mine.... Whiss: Oh? You want a staff? Here take this one! (Whiss poofs a staff out of the air) Sheeptrainer: WOAH THANKS! Beerus: Now Whiss... I presume thats the Staff of the future correct? Whiss: Indeed. Beerus: WHY ARE YOU GIVING A GODLY WEAPON TO A MERE SAIYAN?! Whiss: Beerus i know you can sense it.... He is a Godly Force... Sheeptrainer: IM A GODLY FORCE?! Goku+Vegeta: HES A GODLY FORCE?! Beerus+Whiss: Yes. Sheeptrainer: Well uhhh... (Piccolo barges in and grabs Sheeptrainer) Piccolo: WHY DID YOU KILL SO MANY NAMEKS?!??! Sheeptrainer: THEY ATTACKED ME! AND THIS REALLY OLD ONE SCREWED UP MY ENERGY ATTACKS BUT HE SAYS HE INCREASED MY POWER LEVEL!!! DONT KILL ME PICCOLO! Piccolo: Wait... An Old Namek..... GURU! Sheeptrainer: Yeah well umm... SEE YA! (Sheeptrainer puts his fingers to his head and vanishes) (He comes back) Sheeptrainer: Forgot my staff. Also i need to learn stronger moves so im gonna go visit Trunks. (Sheeptrainer vanishes) Zero: God im bored. Once Sheeptrainer gets his crud together ill play with him a bit.... (TO BE CONTINUED!) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sun, 06/09/2015 02:29 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Majinn?(Sheeptrainer punches Namek from Namek) Sheeptrainer: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING SO BACK OFF! (Sheeptrainer trys an Energy Wave but it fizzles out) Sheeptrainer: EVEN THE MOST BASIC ATTACK AND I CANT USE IT! (The Nameks all launch energy waves at Sheeptrainer as he smacks them away) Sheeptrainer: Whatever. Ill just find the ship and get out of here! (Sheeptrainer flys off and lands at the ship) Sheeptrainer: Alright lets get back to wo---! (Frieza and Goku clash again) Sheeptrainer: ERRGHH! Sheeptrainers Mind: I can image of Frieza...? But hes Yellow... And Goku's hair is blue! But both their power levels are just a bit lower than Lord Beerus....Can they turn into Gods? (Sheeptrainer heads back to Earth in the ship at Full Speed) Frieza: ERRR! WHY CANT I KILL A DAMNED MONKEY! (Vegeta steps in) Vegeta: My Turn. (Goku backs away) (Frieza and Vegeta clash) (Sheeptrainer lands at Earth) Sheeptrainer: Jeez that was fast. (Frieza grabs Vegeta and throws him as Goku jumps in and punches Frieza rapidly and Vegeta joins in kicking rapidly) (They both hit Frieza away and blast him) (Trunks Goten and Kid Trunks arrive at Kame House) Goten: Hey Trunks look! Roshi has a comic book! (Goten takes Roshis book) Kid Trunks: WHAT?! NO WAY! I LOVE COMIC BOOKS! (Trunks grabs the book away) Trunks: Thats not a comic book trust me..... Goten: I was wondering why there were no words. Kid Trunks: Whatever. We didnt even WANNA read it! Goku: Vegeta im ending this... Vegeta: Fine. (Vegeta flys away) Frieza: Running away? Goku: Not even. Frieza:?! (Goku uses Super God Fist and knocks Frieza into next month) Goku: SEE YA! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 24/08/2015 05:43 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Acrosian 6th Evolution?Frieza: I expected as much.... But i expected more from you my family! King Cold: Im sorry my son..... Ughh... (King Cold is knocked out) Cooler: Ill always be stronger than you Frieza and dont you forget that! Frieza: Thats what it was in the past my DEAR brother.... Cooler: What?! Frieza: You see Cooler ive obtained a power level of... Oh what was it again? Ah yes. 3,500,000,000 Cooler: 3 Billion 500 Million? Frieza: Indeed. And....Your power is.... 1,500,000 correct? When in your 5th form it is 3,000,000.... Cooler: Frieza...You couldnt! Its impossible!!! NOOOOOOOOOO! Goku: I think i know what this is. Right Vegeta? Vegeta: Lets not be as careless....... Cooler: What?!?! Why?! Have you hidden something from us Fr- (Frieza blasts Cooler with a Death Beam) Frieza: I shall make it as though no one of my family knows of my power. (Frieza blasts King Cold and destroys his Army) Goku: I know Frieza kills his Army alot but.....Killing his family? Vegeta: Thats a new low even for you Frieza..... Trunks: Goten Kid Me. We're leaving. Goten+KidTrunks: BUT WHY?!?!? (Trunks grabs Goten and KidTrunks and teleports away) Frieza: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Goku+Vegeta: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! (Goku and Vegeta turn Super Saiyan Super Saiyan God) Frieza: FULL POWERRRRRRRRR!!! (Frieza erupts lava from the earth as the 6th Acrosian Form is revealed!) Frieza: A 6th form....With the power to stop a GOD of MONKEYS..... Frieza: NOW YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF GOLDEN FRIEZA! (They all clash into a fight!) (Meanwhile on Namek in a bed.... lies Sheeptrainer). -----! (Sheeptrainer shoots up out of the bed!) Sheeptrainer: AHHHHHH!!!!!! Namekians: What is it? Whats wrong with him? (Sheeptrainer is holding his head screaming) Namekians: Take him to Guru! (They pick up the bed he is in and brings him to Guru) Guru: This situation is simple. The boy is not strong enough to be able to handle strong power levels. However he can sense them. Guru: I will unlock his power so that he can sense the power that of a God. (Guru puts his hand on Sheeptrainers head and a burts of power emerges) Guru: WHAT?! (Guru gets knocked back) Namekians: Lord Guru!!! (Sheeptrainer wakes up) Sheeptrainer: What happened? Where am i? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! Namekians: KILL HIM! HE HAS HURT GURU! Sheeptrainer: If you wanna fight then lets rumble! (Sheeptrainer puts his hands out for an energy atatck but the energy fizzles out) Sheeptrainer: What?! Guru: You must.....Learn stronger moves....... (Sheeptrainer flys away) -----! Sheeptrainer: AHHHH! (Goku and Vegeta clash with Frieza more.) Sheeptrainer: Whats happening to body? Zero: That old Namek has unlocked his power giving him his power back with an increase.....This will be harder now... ???: What should we do? Zero: Stand down. The Majinns are of no use for NOW. [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Thu, 20/08/2015 05:03 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Sheeptrainer and the Nameks(He tumbles and switches the gravity on and puke flys around in 300x normal earth gravity) Sheeptrainer: Ughhhh.... (He crumbles to the ground) Sheeptrainer: N-no! I cant lose this easily.... (He goes Super Saiyan) (He begins training in the space pod avoiding puke and battling 300x normal Earth gravity) (Trunks is fighting King Cold while Goku and Vegeta take on Frieza) (Goten and Trunks fuse into Gotenks and go after Cooler) Everyone: FULL POWER! (Everyone transforms into their stronger forms such as Super Saiyan Super Acrosian and Full Power 100%) -For those of you who dont know the Acrosian race is Freezers race but only few can use the 5th form or: Super Acrosian such as Cooler) (Trunks slashes at King Cold rapidly cutting his armor off while King Cold blasts Trunks rapidly) (Goku and Vegeta punch at Freiza rapidly while Frieza dodges and counters) (Gotenks hits Cooler a few times then begins getting pummeled by the Super Acrosian) Sheeptrainer: Cmon....Stand up! (Trunks slashes at King Cold) Sheeptrainer: You can do this! I know you can! (Goku and Vegeta blast Frieza) Sheeptrainer: Just dont LOSE! (Gotenks grabs Coolers Fist) Sheeptrainer: I KNOW YOU CAN WINNNN! (Trunks blasts King Cold and Goku and Vegeta punch Frieza into Dreamland while Gotenks blows up Cooler) Trunks+Goku+Vegeta+Goten+KidTrunks: WE DID IT! Vegeta: So whered that idiot go? Goku: Which one? You call everyone an idiot Vegeta.... Vegeta: Wha-?! IDIOT! I DO NOT! Goku: Sure.... Trunks: Guys i think Sheep took a Dragon Ball with him... Vegeta: Why on Earth does HE have a Dragon Ball? Kid Trunks: He probally went to Mom to get it. After all she is hoarding them for her birthday party next week. Goku: I think that Sheeptrainers heading towards....NAMEK?! Vegeta: NAMEK?!?!? Goten: Is that edible? KidTrunks: No Goten its not....Its a planet where Piccolo came from. Goten: Is it bad? KidTrunks: No but its a good place to train and get stronger. (Back on the space pod) Sheeptrainer: AHHHHH (Jumps over puke) Sheeptrainer: Almost there.....Grrr.... (Sheeptrainer stumbles to the ground and goes unconscious) (The pod lands at Namek and the door opens and Sheeptrainer stumbles out and the Namekians surrond him) Elder Namek: He looks hurt. Namek: Sir i dont think we should take him in he could be dangerous.... Elder Namek: Nonsense! Look at his Power Level! Namek: Sir... Its 10,000,000.....And thats his base.... Remeber those Earthlings that came? They can raise and lower their power level! Elder Namek: No matter. If he brings harm to us i assure you i will take care of it! Namek: Alright....... [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sun, 09/08/2015 07:46 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Sheep vs Buu Round 2!Sheeptrainer: YOU! Buu: Me? Sheeptrainer: Yeah you! Bubblegum guy! I owe you for earlier so lets start this! Buu: Ohhhh your strong! Buu wanna have fun! (Sheeptrainer stabs Buu with his staff right through the gut) (Buu regenerates it and eats the staff with his body) Sheeptrainer: DANG IT THAT WAS MY STAFF! Buu: Yuck. Thorns. (Sheeptrainer grabs Buu's antenna and swings him around then throws him in a building and follows by a energy blast barrage) (Buu flys out of the wreckage and headbutts Sheeptrainer) Sheeptrainer: AH FUDGE! Buu: I no feel pain but you do! Sheeptrainer: Yeah no sht Sherlock! (Sheeptrainer grabs Buu and starts blowing him to bits) Buu: YOUR........GONNA........KILL.........ME!!!! Sheeptrainer: THATS THE POINT! (Sheeptrainer puts his hands together) Sheeptrainer: IM NOT GONNA KILL YOU! IM GONNA INCINERATE YOU! NOVA........STAR! (Sheeptrainer throws it at Buu and it hits him then erupts into flame) Buu: AAHHHHHHHHHAHAGHHHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHHHHH (Buu turns into ashes) (Trunks Goten Kid Trunks and Goku fly over) Trunks+Goten+KidTrunks+Goku(Mind): He did not just beat Buu...... Sheeptrainer: I JUST BEAT BUU! TAKE THAT VEGGIE! (Vegeta comes over) Sheeptrainer:.......... Vegeta:.......... Sheeptrainer: How long do i have? Vegeta: Ten seconds. Sheeptrainer: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (Sheeptrainer flys away) Goku: Seriously? Veggie: He asked for it! .......Hey! Turn my name back to Vegeta! Vegeta: Better. Now lets go get him. Goku: Hold on do you feel that? (Zero arrives with Frieza Cooler and King Cold) Frieza: Hello Monkey garbadge! Cooler: Hello Saiyan Trash! King Cold: Hello Filthy Animals! Everyone:........... Goku: Vegeta? Vegeta: Trunks? Trunks: Goten? Kid me? Trunks+Goten+KidTrunks+Goku+Vegeta: Lets do this! (They all turn Super Saiyan and rush in) (Meanwhile at Capsule Corp) Sheeptrainer: BULMA I NEED A SPACE POD! Bulma: Why? Sheeptrainer: VEGETA CAUGHT ME TALKING TRASH ABOUT HIM! Bulma: My god o-o Sheeptrainer: Can i use this ship? Bulma: YES GO BEFORE HE COMES HERE I KNOW HOW HE CAN GET! (Sheeptrainer blasts off to.......Namek to train. Zero: Soon......(Zero holds a small ball of Sheeptrainers Energy and eats it growing wings and a tail) Sheeptrainer: Why do i feel so weak suddenly? Oh god...I think im gonna.... (Sheeptrainer gets sick) Sheeptrainer: WHY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sun, 02/08/2015 07:51 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) A dark word?Sheeptrainer: Guess no ones here... Might as well as look aorund..... (A giant dinosaur appears) Sheeptrainer: Oh cool! Food! (The dinosaur roars) Sheeptrainer: Your gonna be killed by a staff! (Sheeptrainer takes out his staff and kills the dinosaur then cooks it and eats) Sheeptrainer: Alright now to go and......Castle. (Sheeptrainer goes in the giant black castle) Zero: Ah! You made it! Sheeptrainer: Yes i made it! ......Where did i make it to? Zero: The castle! Sheeptrainer: Hey arent you that guy who killed Yamma? Zero: No im the guy who helped you kill Buu. Sheeptrainer: Oh ok. Zero: You gotta be kidding me -_- Yeah i killed Yamma. (Sheeptrainer slaps Zero across the face) Zero:.......... Sheeptrainer:................ Zero: Im going to drown you. Sheeptrainer: Theres no water here >:D (Zero makes a crater with water appear) Zero: There hows that? Sheeptrainer: And that is my cue to leave..... (Sheeptrainer flys away) Sheeptrainer: Ooooh! Portal! Im free! See all you jerks in afterlife! (Sheeptrainer returns to the city) Sheeptrainer: Huh....Why do i feel so weak? (Zero holds a ball of energy) Zero: That idiot :D (Sheeptrainer tries to rush into the battle but is stopped by Trunks) Sheeptrainer: DONT PUNCH ME IN THE GUT AGAIN! Trunks: I wasnt gonna....... Sheeptrainer: Oh ok. Let me help? Trunks: Yeah no. Sheeptrainer: ThanksTrunksIllSeeYouLaterKThxbye! (Sheeptrainer flys into the fight) Trunks: God dammit! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 06:42 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Sheep vs Buu?Sheeptrainer: HEY THATS PERFECTLY GOOD FLOOR CANDY! Buu: No! Perfectly good PEOPLE candy! Sheeptrainer: Excuse me what o-o Buu: People candy. Buu uses chocolate beam to make people into candy! Sheeptrainer:.......... Buu: What? Buu say something wrong? Sheeptrainer: Your turning innocent people into candy and eating them? Buu: Yeah....? Sheeptrainer: Alright then. Uhhh how do you do it? Buu: Antenna fires chocolate beam! (Sheeptrainer takes out staff and jabs Buu's Antenna off) Sheeptrainer: NO MORE CANDY! Buu: YOU MAKE BUU ANGRY!!!!! Sheeptrainer: ALRIGHT THEN! BURNING BODY! (Sheeptrainers body erupts in flames stunning Buu) Sheeptrainer: HOW ABOUT A PUNCH?! (Sheeptrainer punches Buu rapidly many many many times) Sheeptrainer: THIS AND THIS AND THAT AND SOME OF THIS AND TO FINISH IT! Sheeptrainer: KAMEHAMEHAA! (Blasts Buu RIGHT INJ THE FACE!!!) (Buu regenerates himself) Sheeptrainer: Are you made of bubblegum? o-o (Buu takes some of his body off) Sheeptrainer: WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HECK ARE YOU?!?!?! (Buu traps Sheeptrainer in a coil of his body) Sheeptrainer: HOLY CRUD AH AH AH GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!!! (Goku and Trunks arrive) (Sheeptrainer is getting pummeled by Buu) Sheeptrainer: OW OW OW FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE AHHHHH Goku+Trunks mind: Knew hed get destroyed..... (Goku and Trunks go Super Saiyan and begin rushing Buu as Sheeptrainer busts out) Sheeptrainer: I want some of that....that.....BUBBLE GUM! (Trunks and Goten grab him by the arms and hold him back) Sheeptrainer: HEY WHAT THE HECK CMON GUYS LAY OFF! Goten: Trunks what should we do? Trunks: Duh. Knock him out for now. Hit him Goten! He couldnt stay awake after ROSHI'S punches..... Sheeptrainer: HEY I TOOK ROSHI'S PUNCHES! (Punch in the gut and Sheeptrainer is out cold) (Trunks and Goten place him down) Goten: Think he'll be safe? Trunks: Sure lets just get into the fight! (They both go Super Saiyan and rush in!) (A dark portal opens and someone drags Sheeptrainer in) To be continued!.......Sadly. [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 04/07/2015 15:14 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) The Ressurection!Trunks: Its made of Katchin. Bulma: How do you know that? Trunks: Some of the Z-Sword is made of it as well (I dont know if this is a real fact or not) Bulma: Well then what should we do with it? And whats Katchin? Trunks: We should contain it. And Katchin is an impenetrable material. (Back at Kame House) Sheeptrainer: Do i really need to wear all these bandages? (Bandages are cloth for healing and band aids are....well ya know :I) Goku: Yes. You did get your rips crushed then repaired then stepped on...... Sheptrainer: Whatever. (Trunks appears at Kami House) Trunks: Sheeptrainer do you know how to use a weapon? Goku+Roshi: Where did you come from Trunks? Sheeptrainer: Where did you come from? ARE YOU ZERO?! YOU GOT A SWORD! RUSH HIM! Goku+Roshi: NO WAIT THATS JUST TRUNKS! Sheeptrainer: HAAAAAAAAAAAA (Rapid punches) (Trunks gets hit a few times but retaliates) Sheeptrainer: Oh so is he good or? (Nose bleeding from Trunks) Trunks: Im good. Sheeptrainer:....... Trunks:............... Trunks: Anyway how are you with a weapon? Sheeptrainer: Well i got a Staff but.... Trunks: Good enough. Goku: Uhh guys? Trunks+Sheeptrainer+Roshi: Yeah? Goku: Didnt we beat all the bad guys? Everyone: Yeah...? Goku: Then why are they roaming the earth? Sheeptrainer's Mind: Nows my chance to escape and find this Buu guy.... Sheeptrainer: Welliguesswebettergoandsavethepeopleokthanksbye! (Flys off at the speed of sound) Everyone: Hes screwed. Lets go help him... [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 00:09 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Zero Attacks!Sheeptrainer: Whats wrong? Goku: I feel a dark energy coming... Sheeptrainer: Is it Roshi? Roshi: That was just mean. Goku: Yeah kinda Sheeptrainer: Ok im sorry.... Goku: Oh and by the way its getting closer Sheeptrainer+Roshi: WAIT WHAT?!?!?! (Zero appears before them all) Zero: Hello. (He holds an orb from Otherworld) Zero: This is for you Goku... (The orb shows about Zero and then it shows King Yamma's body) Goku: You'll pay for this! (Goku rushes at Zero but is pushed away with a blast of wind) Goku: Well fine then! (Goku goes Super Saiyan and punches Zero!) Zero: That actually hurt.... (The Energy Sword appears in Zeros hand as he slices some of Goku's shirt off!) Goku: Woah thats sharp! Zero: Made entirely of Katchin...... Sheeptrainer Behind you dude! Zero:?! (Sheeptrainer smacks Zero to the ground as Goku punches Zero up into the air and blasts a volley of energy bullets!!!) Zero: Urgh!!! Dammit! I forgot about the other one! Roshi: Other ONES Zero: Oh crap -_- (Roshi smacks Zero to side) Zero: DAMMIT! THIS IS JUST GETTING STUPID! HAAAAAAAA! (Zero does an Explosive Wave knocking everyone down! Except for Goku!) Roshi: I cant move! Sheeptrainer: Neither can I! Goku why are you still up? .........Goku? (Goku is flying high above) Sheeptrainers Mind: Alright Sheeptrainer im gonna launch a big attack and if he dodges its gonna hit you. Gokus Mind: WAIT WHAT?! GOKU ARE YOU INSANE??!?!? DONT HIT ME! Sheeptrainers Mind: Just trust me Sheep! Gokus Mind: Fine..... (Zero steps on Roshi hard knocking him out) (Zero stands over Sheeptrainer) Zero: Ill be taking your energy now. Sheeptrainers Mind: Cmon Goku...... Zero: Wait do i hear a Kamehame- Goku: -HAAAA Zero: OH FOR GODS SAKE THIS IS GETTING OLDDDDD (Boom! Explosions! Giant Boom!) Zero: Im so sick of this S- Sheeptrainer: HEY SOME KIDS MIGHT BE READING THIS! Zero: Fine. Im so sick of this crud -_- Sheeptrainer: Better! (Zero steps on Sheeptrainer) Sheeptrainer: I JUST HAD MY RIBS REPAIRED! Zero: Too bad. Wait i think im forgetting about someone..... Gku: Dude you really need to up your game. (Goku smacks Zero out) (They bring Zero to Capsule Corp) Bulma: So wait your leaving the guy who killed King Yamma with me? Goku+Sheeptrainer: Yeah and? Bulma: You two are Vegeta: Woman! Where is mai Saiyan Suit? Bulma: In the wash. Vegeta: You Earthling! And why is Kakarot here? And who is this maggot? (Sheeptrainer hits Vegeta on the head) Sheeptrainer: Im no maggot! (Vegeta smacks Sheeptrainer out cold) Vegeta: Right...... Goku: Not cool Veggie not cool. Vegeta: Screw you Kakrot! (I made this one a little bit silly just cause so no im not an idiot and yes i know what im doing.) (Y) [Read more] |
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